Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) (16 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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“Spence, I need you to get to my house. We have a fucking problem,” he growls, trying to remain calm. Damon pinches the bridge of his nose and shuts his eyes as he listens to Spencer speak, and after a moment Damon speaks again. “Just get to the house and I will explain every fucking thing.  Bring dad, we may need him,” he snaps. He doesn't let Spencer finish before disconnecting the call and starting the engine.



November 12



What the hell am I supposed to do about this? My beauty has been through enough. Why does this shit keep happening? I’m fucking furious. Who the fuck would even dare to threaten my beauty?

I glance over at her.  Her eyes are downcast, and she’s twisting her fingers together in her lap. I fucking hate that she is worried and there is fuck all I can do to reassure her. I have no clue who could be doing this but I can guess that Ella has an idea.

I reach over and take her hand in mine, interlocking our fingers. She looks up briefly before diverting her eyes back to the floor, trying her hardest not to fall apart. 

Pulling up to my drive, I see Spencer's car already parked. I park the car in the space next to his, and turn off the engine, climbing out. Moving round to Ella's side, I open the car door to help her out. 

Her eyes meet mine and it slices deeply, seeing the tears building in her emerald eyes. I lean forward and place a kiss on her soft lips, lingering for a moment, savouring the contact before I reluctantly pull away.

The door opening behind me draws our attention and I turn, seeing my mother standing there, watching us. Ella sees her and pulls out of my embrace, rushing forward into my mother’s open arms. My chest tightens when I hear Ella sob into my mother’s embrace. It almost drop me to my knees seeing her so emotional. Hearing my mother’s soothing words to Ella, I'm instantly grateful for her being there. I stand and watch for a moment until my mother takes Ella's arm and leads her inside. 

I follow them inside, and slam the door behind me a little harder than is necessary. I don't follow them into the kitchen; instead I walk into the lounge and straight to the bar. Grabbing a bottle of scotch, I pour myself a glass, drinking it down in one go. I slam the glass back down on the bar and pour myself another one. Movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention, and I turn around to find my dad. 

“Is that really a good idea son? I can see you’re stressed. Is drinking really going to help?” he asks.  I turn to fully face him, but I don’t reply, instead I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the letters, handing them to him.

“Read for your fucking self, then you tell me if you think it’s a good idea,” I snarl. I know how incredibly rude I sound and I wait for the reprimand from my father.

“Damon,” he says with a sigh, “I know you’re upset son, so I will let that comment slide. Don't forget who you are talking to,” he scolds. He turns and walks out of the living room, heading to the kitchen, and my head drops in shame.

I shouldn’t take my worries out on him.

I'm ready to pull my fucking hair out. Ella upset kills me. I throw my drink back, downing it before turning and heading into the kitchen to my family. 

My mum, dad and Spencer are all crowded around Ella but she’s paying them no attention. Her focus is on the pickled onions and chocolate spread in front of her. I laugh that she’s finding more comfort in food than my family.

Hearing me laughing, Ella’s attention snaps to me, and she’s out of her seat and in my arms before I can take a step towards her.

“I’m so sorry Damon,” she cries. I frown and pull her head back to look into her green eyes. What the fuck does she have to be sorry about?

“You have nothing to be sorry for baby,” I tell her.

“B-but you... you’re drinking. I’m causing you s-stress,” she hiccups. “I’m sorry.”

I feel like a fucking arsehole. Of course she’d worry about me drinking. Every time something bad has happened I’ve turned to drink and now my wife thinks she’s sending me over the edge.

“Fuck!” I roar. Ella flinches in my hold and my family stand as one, ready to protect my wife. If I wasn’t so fucking pissed I’d be thankful. I’d never hurt my beauty. Never, and for my own family to be worried for my state of mind I know I need to tone it down. “Listen to me beauty. Nothing you ever do will send me spiraling to drink. I won’t do it again. I love you, and you’re all I need. You’re my balm. I didn’t think. I needed to clear my head and a drink gave me time to get myself under control. We need to find out who is sending these fucking letters,” I say, nodding towards the letters now spread out on the kitchen table, and then looking at Spencer. I know my brother with be at my side for anything, and now is no different. He looks as angry as I’m feeling, but that’s not possible. He may love my wife like a sister but he doesn’t know a love like I have for Ella. It’s all consuming and that fucking petrifies me. If anything was to happen to her I know I wouldn’t be able to go on. I couldn’t go back to the blackness, the darkness. 

“What the fuck?” Spence spits. “What the hell is this Damon?”

“Ella’s apartment has sold so she went to sort through her things. They have all been posted since she’s moved into here,” I reply.

“Who would do this?” my mum asks. I look to Ella but she’s not paying attention.

“Beauty?” I question. “Do you have any idea who this could be?” Ella slowly nods her head, biting her lip. Tears brim in her eyes and she looks lost. “Who baby? You need to tell me.”

“Simon,” she whispers.

“Who is Simon, Ella?” my dad asks.

“Oh he’s just an ex,” Ella replies, avoiding eye contact with me and swallowing hard. I narrow my eyes at her.

“An ex?” I question.

“Yes,” my wife snaps. “An ex, Damon. You have exes, I have exes. Jesus, don’t make something big out of this. He’s harmless, just leave it.” Ella tries to walk away but I’m quick to stop her. She’s going nowhere. She knows, as much as my family and I do, that was an overreaction. She’s trying to cover something up.

“Ella,” I growl. “The fucking letters are not harmless. Have you read them? They’re threatening. Don’t tell me not to fucking worry.” 

“Damon,” my mum reprimands. I clench my jaw, holding back the words I want to spew.

“What makes you think it’s Simon?” Spence asks. He’s got his head in the game. I’m so angry that question didn’t even enter my head. Ella’s reaction to the question makes me look at her, really look at her.

She’s desperate to get something off her chest, but she’s scared. I can see it. This is what she looked like when she told me about her past on our wedding night. This something big.

“He... I’ve seen him... once or twice,” Ella says, timidly. “Simon is harmless. He’s... it’s just... I think he still loves me. Erm... I... we.” She takes a gulp of air and pauses, letting out a sigh. “He told me he loves me and I told him it’s too late. He just... he’s lonely.”

“You’ve seen him? Where?” I ask.

“I don’t remember. I’m tired, and I need to lay down for a little while,” Ella replies, her voice emotionless. She shrugs out of my arms and walks into the lounge, to the couch. Plopping down, she curls into a ball and shuts her eyes. My eyes follow her every step, worried she’s shutting down. She acted zombiefied at the hospital after Lydia commit suicide. I’ve seen her like this, but this time it’s worse. This time she is my whole universe.


Ella stayed silent the rest of the evening, not speaking to anyone. I could see my mum’s worry but she held it back, silently watching over my wife. My beauty is reverting into her mind, pulling into herself, shutting me out.

I can’t let her do that.

I won’t

“Ella!” I shout when I’ve shut the door behind Spencer. My wife didn’t acknowledge my parents and Spencer’s goodbyes. She’s locked away with memories, trapped in the past. I need to get her back in the present with me. I need her to spill her pain.

Bleed her weakness.  

It won’t be easy. I know that. I know she will fight me but her anger is what I need. Her raw strength comes from being hurt. I need to hurt her to release her. I promised I would never hurt her. Now I’m going to do it on purpose, but to save her from herself.

I find my wife still curled up on the sofa. I drop to my knees at her side, looking at her beautifully pained face. I need to feel her. Cupping her face, I pull her attention to me and she opens her emerald eyes.

“Baby,” I whisper gruffly. I fucking hate the lost look in her forest gaze. “Talk to me,” I demand.

Ella doesn’t respond, and my temper missiles, a raft of emotions streaming through me. She’s shut down. This isn’t about her ex, not all of it anyway.

Something more is distressing her.

“You need to tell me about your ex Ella.” My wife flinches at my tone of voice.

“He’s harmless Damon,” she complains with exasperation. “It’s okay. I no longer live there so I’ll be okay. Stop worrying.” Her dismissal of her safety enrages me. I press my fingers to her lips, needing her to stop speaking. Anger like I’ve never felt before builds, and I need a minute to calm.

“Your safety is my priority. You’re holding something back from the past Ella, and we said no more secrets. What are you hiding?” I taunt. I need her angry to let her emotions flow freely.

“I don’t know what you want me to say Damon. He’s an ex. End of story,” she snaps.

“I want details,” I growl.

“Details of what exactly?” she grits out.

  “Your past. You never told me what you did to prepare to take me down Ella. Is he an ex from after Lydia died, or before?” I sneer. Her temper is at breaking point, and tears spill down her cheeks.

“You want all the details Damon? I’ll give them to you raw. You want to know all my sins? You want to know that I destroyed more than a few lives to take you down? Simon was practise for you,” Ella spits. “I guess it fucking worked. I could have had you, you know. I could have taken you down if you didn’t love me. Your love broke me. I’m only human Damon. I wanted revenge. I hurt them,” she cries. Her emotions are all over the place and they’re where I need them to be. She’s cracking.

“I need to know what I’m working against!” I shout. “Was there only Simon or could it be someone else?”

“Why are you asking? Why do you need to know? Does it really matter to you that much? Trust me Damon. It’s Simon. You don’t need more details than that.”

“It’s not because I want to fucking know. It’s because I
to keep you safe.” Ella’s fear and doubt flash in her eyes. She covers it in a second but I caught it. “Stop being such a child and tell me what you did,” I demand.

“Yeah you’re right. I need to stop being a child,” she huffs. “Sorry, you do need specifics. I mean it could be anyone stalking me. Threatening me. You can’t just trust your wife when I say it’s Simon? I’ve seen him Damon. He’s approached me. I know it’s him, and I know you’re worried but he’s harmless. I freaked and you’re concerned. I get it. I was shocked and I over reacted. It’s nothing. Really,” she says, trying to be confident but again I saw a flicker of doubt and fear. Her lack of self-preservation pisses me off to new heights. I’ll fucking spank her if she doesn’t take her safety seriously again. 

“Ella,” I growl. “I don’t care if he’s harmless. He could be Mother Teresa for all I care. I just want you safe, and if that means you have to tell me things you’d prefer not to, then tough shit. Pull up your big girl knickers and deal with it. Now talk,” I goad. She’s going to blow. Ella growls, pushing me away from her, sitting up.

“Deal with it?” she screams. “Fuck you! Fuck you and your bossiness.” She stands and shoves me out of her way, crossing the room to leave. I’m quickly on her trail, grabbing her from behind. She struggles and fights my hold but she weakens quickly. She needs just one more push and my next words hit their mark.

“It’s not just you anymore Ella,” I snap. “I’m your husband. My decision counts too. It’s not just your safety. You should be concerned about our daughter’s safety too. How would you feel if something was to happen and that resulting in our Jellybean getting hurt? You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself Ella and I wouldn’t be able to live without you. Are you really going to keep secrets when it risks all three of our lives? I’ve told you, nothing you say will change the way I feel for you so just fucking tell me about your past,” I roar.

I step away, needing space. My anger is ready to explode. Not at Ella, at myself for needing to push her. I take my self hatred out on my wife, raising my voice to her like I never have before.

“It’s not just you anymore,” I roar. “Doesn’t our baby’s life mean anything? What about her safety?”

Ella spins in my arms and slaps me, hard. My head swings to the side but the sting feels wonderful. She’s about to spill.

“Don’t you dare speak like I don’t care for our daughter.  Don’t you fucking go there.”

“Then tell me what I need to know,” I growl.

“Okay Damon. I’ll fucking tell you. Simon was practise ex number one. You may have seen him. He escorted Lydia to an event you went to. She went in the hope of gaining your attention. He wanted a fuck. When he realised he wasn’t getting that fuck from my sister, he took a waitress into the cloakroom and fucked her instead. Then he had the nerve to humiliate Lydia. He disrespected her, and wanted to use her when she was vulnerable.”

Ella’s words take me by surprise. The hate in her voice is strong, knocking me back a step. She’s going to give it to me raw, just like she said. Simon was number one? How many were there? Fuck. I’m not sure I can deal with all this. My jealousy where my wife is concerned is atrocious. There is no green monster, just a black demon. I want to hurt people when I think of my wife letting her body be used to be ready to end me.  

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