Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution (65 page)

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62. Madame Rouvray to Madame de Lostanges, 30 July 1791 and 12 July 1791,

Une correspondence familiale au temps des troubles de Saint-Domingue,

M. E. McIntosh and B. C. Weber (Paris, 1959), 15, 22–24; David Geggus,
War, and Revolution: The British Occupation of Saint-Domingue, 1793–1798
(Oxford, 1982), 270, 274.

4 . f i r e i n t h e c a n e

1. James E. McClellan II,
Colonialism and Science: Saint Domingue in the Old
(Baltimore, 1992), 168–171; M.L.E. Moreau de St. Méry,
topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de
l’isle de Saint-Domingue,
3 vols. (1796; reprint, Paris, 1958), 1:278, 286–290; Si-mon Schama,
Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution
(New York, 1989), 123.

2. Millot to Gallifet, August 1791, 107 AP 128, folder 1, Archives Nationales (hereafter AN); Mossut to Gallifet, September 19, 1791, 107 AP 128, folder 3, AN.

3. David Geggus, “Les Esclaves de la plaine du Nord à la veille de la Révolution française,”
Revue de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire et de Géographie
142 (1984): 15–44, 25; Moreau,

4. Geggus, “Esclaves de la plaine,” 24–36; Moreau,

5. Carolyn Fick,
The Making of Haiti: The Saint-Domingue Revolution from Below
(Knoxville, 1990), 98–99; Antoine Dalmas,
Histoire de la Révolution de Saint-Domingue
(Paris, 1814), 1:120.

6. Dalmas,
1:121; Bryan Edwards,
The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies
(London, 1801), 3:72; Fick,
of Haiti,

7. Pamphile de Lacroix,
La Révolution de Haiti
(1819; reprint, Paris, 1995), 87–


8. Mossut to Gallifet, September 19, 1791, 107 AP 128, folder 3, AN.

9. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
100; Dalmas,

10. “Le Début de la révolte de Saint Domingue dans la Plaine du Cap, vécu par Louis de Calbiac,”
Généalogie et Histoire de la Caraïbe
48 (April 1993): 774–783, 784; Edwards,
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10, 1791; Thomas Ott,
The Haitian Revolution, 1789–1804
(Knoxville, 1974), 49; Dalmas,
1:132; Althéa de Puech Parham, ed.,
My Odyssey: Experiences of a Young
Refugee from Two Revolutions, by a Creole of Saint Domingue
(Baton Rouge, 1959), 29.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10, 1791.

n o t e s t o p a g e s 8 8 – 9 7


12. Mossut to Gallifet, September 19, 1791, 107 AP 128, folder 3, AN; Fick,

Making of Haiti,

13. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
92; David Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies
(Bloomington, 2002), 84–85.

14. Gabriel Debien,
Les Esclaves aux Antilles françaises (XVIIème–XVIIIème
(Gourbeyre, 1974), 124.

15. Fick,
Making of Haiti,

16. Ibid., 91–92; Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies,

A Particular Account of the Commencement and Progress of the Insurrection of the Negroes of St. Domingo
(London, 1792), 4–5; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

99, 103.

18. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
93–94 and app. B; Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary
86–87. See Robin Law, “La Cérémonie du Bois-Caïman et le ‘pacte de sang’ dahoméen,” in
L’Insurrection des esclaves de Saint-Domingue (22–23 août
, ed. Laennec Hurbon (Paris, 2000), 131–147.

19. Dalmas,
1:117–118; Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies,

20. Hérard Dumesle,
Voyage dans le nord d’Hayti, ou, Révélation des lieux
et des monuments historiques
(Les Cayes, 1824), 85–90. There has been great controversy surrounding the sources relating to the Bois-Caïman ceremony; the most detailed discussions are Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies,
81–92; Fick,
Making of Haiti,
app. B; and Léon-François Hoffman’s controversial intervention,

“Un Mythe national: La cérémonie du Bois-Caïman,” in
La République haïtienne:
Etat des lieux et perspectives,
ed. Gérard Barthélemy and Christian Girault (Paris, 1993), 434–448.

21. John Thornton, “African Soldiers in the Haitian Revolution,”
Journal of Caribbean History
25, 1 and 2 (1991): 58–80; Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,
88; Fick,
Making of Haiti,
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 11, 1791; Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue: Précis historique
(Paris, 1793), 14.

22. Maya Deren,
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti
(New York, 1953), 62; Joan Dayan,
Haiti, History, and the Gods
(Berkeley, 1995), chap. 1; Laurent Dubois, “The Citizen’s Trance: The Haitian Revolution and the Motor of History,”

Magic and Modernity,
ed. Birgit Meyers and Peter Pels (Stanford, forthcoming).

23. Parham,
My Odyssey,
33–34; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 11, 1791; Mossut to Gallifet, 19

September 1791, 107 AP 128, folder 3, AN; Madame de Rouvray to de Lostanges,

September 4, 1791, in
Une Correspondance familiale au temps des troubles de
ed. M. E. McIntosh and B. C. Weber (Paris, 1959), 27;
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10 and 11, 1791.

Moniteur Général de la Partie Française de Saint-Domingue
Moniteur Générale
), November 15, 1791, 1; Dalmas,

26. Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue,
13; Marquis de Rouvray to de Lostanges, 322

n o t e s t o p a g e s 9 7 – 1 0 4

December 6–7, 1791, in McIntosh and Weber,
Correspondence familiale,
40; Proclamation of Etienne Polverel and Légér Félicité Sonthonax, May 5, 1793, in Gabriel Debien, “Documents—aux origines de l’abolitions de l’esclavage,”
d’Histoire des Colonies
36 (1er trimestre, 1949): 24–55, 35;
Moniteur Générale,
February 27, 1793, 410.

27. J. Ph. Garran de Coulon,
Rapport sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, fait
au nom de la Commission des Colonies, des Comités du Salut Public, de Législation
et de Marine, réunis,
4 vols. (Paris, 1798), 2:194; 4:58.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 11, 1791.

29. Ibid., October 10 and 11, 1791; “Début de la révolte,” 776.

30. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
92, 113, 127–128; Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue,

14, 26;
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 11, 1791; Garran de Coulon,
Rapport sur les troubles,

31. Jean-François and Biassou to Commissioners, December 12, 1791, DXXV

1, folder 4, no. 8, AN; Garran de Coulon,
Rapport sur les troubles,

Moniteur Général,
December 19, 1791, 143; Biassou to Commissioners, December 23, 1791, DXXV 1, folder 4, no. 20, AN;
Moniteur Général,
February 28, 1793, 419; Robert Louis Stein,
Légér Félicité Sonthonax: The Lost Sentinel of
the Republic
(London, 1985), 98.

33. Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue,
13; Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies,
173–174; Jane Landers, “Rebellion and Royalism in Spanish Florida,” in
A Turbulent Time: The French Revolution and the Greater Caribbean,
ed. David Barry Gaspar and David Geggus (Bloomington, 1997), 156–171, 162.

34. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
128, 151;
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10 and November 12, 1791.

35. Garran de Coulon,
Rapport sur les troubles,
2:209; Stein,
Légér Félicité
98; John Thornton, “I Am the Subject of the King of Kongo: African Political Ideology and the Haitian Revolution”
Journal of World History
4 (fall 1993): 181–214, 186.

36. John Thornton, “African Soldiers in the Haitian Revolution,”
Journal of Caribbean History
25, 1 and 2 (1991): 58–80; Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10, 1791;
Moniteur Général,
March 18, 1793, 487; Jean-François and Biassou to Commissioners, December 12, 1791, DXXV 1,

folder 4, no. 8, AN.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 12, 1791; Fick,
Making of Haiti,
111–112; Michel Etienne Descourtilz,
Voyages d’un naturaliste, et ses observations,
3 vols. (Paris, 1809), 3:206.

38. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
110; Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,
88; Thomas Madiou,
Histoire d’Haiti
(1847–48; reprint, Port-au-Prince, 1989), 1:97;
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 11, 1791.

Particular Account,
7; Camille Desmoulins,
J. P
Brissot démasqué
(Paris, n o t e s t o p a g e s 1 0 5 – 1 1 1


1792), 40; quoted in Eléni Varkis, “Préface,” in Olympe de Gouges,
des noirs, ou l’heureux naufrage
(1792; reprint, Paris, 1989), 25.

40. Edwards,
3:67, 79.

41. Ibid., 80–81;
Particular Account,
10; Fick,
Making of Haiti,
95–96, 108–

109, 113.

Particular Account,

43. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
97, 106–107.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 9, 1791.

45. Marie Rose Masson to Gallifet, 8 Thermidor An 10 (July 27, 1802), 107 AP

127, folder 1, AN.

5 . n e w w o r l d

1. Madame de Rouvray to Madame de Lostanges, September 4, 1791, in

Correspondence familiale au temps des troubles de Saint-Domingue,
ed. M. E.

McIntosh and B. C. Weber (Paris, 1959), 27.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 11, 1791; Carolyn Fick,
The Making
of Haiti: The Saint-Domingue Revolution from Below
(Knoxville, 1990), 105.

Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 9, 12, and 14, 1791.

4. Pamphile de Lacroix,
La Révolution de Haiti
(1819; reprint, Paris, 1995), 95;
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 14, 1791; Althéa de Puech Parham, ed.,
My Odyssey: Experiences of a Young Refugee from Two Revolutions, by a
Creole of Saint Domingue
(Baton Rouge, 1959), 30.

5. Bryan Edwards,
The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies
in the West Indies
(London, 1801), 3:82; Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
October 10 and November 14, 1791; Thomas Ott,
Haitian Revolution, 1789–1804
(Knoxville, 1974), 49; de Rouvray to de Lostanges, September 4, 1791, in McIntosh and Weber,
Correspondence familiale,

Moniteur Général
, November 19, 1791, 17; ibid., December 7, 1791, 92.

7. Edwards,
3:v–vii, ix–x; David Geggus,
Slavery, War and Revolution:
The British Occupation of Saint-Domingue, 1793–1798
(Oxford, 1982), 53 and n.

51, and chap. 3 generally.

8. Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,

9. Ibid., 105–106.

10. Edwards,
Philadelphia General Advertiser,
November 14, 1791; Lacroix,
Révolution de Haiti,

11. Fick,
Making of Haiti,

12. David Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies
(Bloomington, 2002), 99–102; Fick,
Making of Haiti,
120; H. Pauléus Sannon,
Histoire de Toussaint Louverture
(Port-au-Prince, 1938), 1:88–89.


n o t e s t o p a g e s 1 1 1 – 1 1 9

13. Concordat, September 11, 1791, printed in Edwards,
3:228–235; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

14. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
122–125; Concordat, September 11, 1791;
Concordat, ou Traité de paix entre les Citoyens Blancs et les Citoyens de Couleur des qua-torze paroisses de la Province de l’Ouest de la partie Française de Saint-Domingue
(Paris, October 19, 1791).

15. Geggus,
Haitian Revolutionary Studies,
103–115; Jean-Philippe Garran-Coulon,
Rapport sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue
(Paris, 1798–99), 3:65–68; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

16. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
125–126; Sannon,
Histoire de Toussaint Louverture
, 106–107; Commissioners of Saint-Marc to Governor-General, December 2, 1791,

DXXV 1, folder 3, no. 10, AN.

17. Commissioners of Saint-Marc to Governor-General, December 2, 1791;

Histoire de Toussaint Louverture,
107–108; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

18. Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue: Précis historique
(Paris, 1793), 6.

19. Ibid., 6–7.

20. Ibid., 8–9; “Adresse à l’assemblée générale . . . par MM. les citoyens de couleur, de la Grand Rivière,” DXXV 1, folder 4, no. 4, AN.

21. Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue,
9, 12.

22. Ibid., 11, 13, 17, 21; Biassou to Commissioners, December 23, 1791, DXXV

1, folder 4, no. 20, AN; Fick,
Making of Haiti,

23. Fick,
Making of Haiti,
103; Antoine Dalmas,
Histoire de la Révolution de
(Paris, 1814), 1:219; Thomas Madiou,
Histoire d’Haiti
(1847–48; reprint, Port-au-Prince, 1989), 1:97;
Moniteur Général,
December 22, 1791, 154; Gros,
Isle de Saint-Domingue,

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