As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2) (40 page)

BOOK: As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2)
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Wow, he really went to great lengths to do this, huh? He must have really loved her.”

Yes, he certainly did,” Rain said with a magnitude of conviction in his tone.

Gosh...” I whispered then paused, my eyes drifted into the swirling water of the bathing tub.

What is it?” he asked, “Is something wrong?”

I was just thinking...I hope someone loves me one day as much as he loved her. What a beautiful legacy he created in her honor.”

Yes, he did,” Rain said then lifted my chin with his finger to face him. “And, Brielle, I’m sure someone does.”

I knew what he meant. He was being sweet.

“Thanks.” I smiled, blushing at him and contemplated. “Why did your uncle’s family agree to this, considering the curse that was attached to it and all? What was in it for them—and you? I mean, not that we should expect something in return for helping someone out, but who wants to risk getting cursed—”

That’s another good question...there are two sides to the
per se, like the ying and the yang. The legacy promises with each item that is given away that the giver and the one who receives the gift will be granted good fortune, long life, and one wish.” a magic, did your uncle get his wish?”

I think so.”

You don’t know?”

He never told me what he had wished for because...”

...It wouldn’t come true,” I said, feeling as if I had finished his sentence.

That’s right,” he confirmed, smiling.

What exactly happened to the groom?”

Brielle...legend has it he died from a broken heart.”

But, what about his wish and long life and all that?” Rain’s gaze drifted into the darkness. “Rain...did his wish come true, or does he have to wait until the legacy is completed? Rain,” I said, nudging him slightly.

I don’t know Brielle...maybe—” He smiled softly.

Tsk, that hardly seems fair—unless his wish was to be reunited with his bride in the after-life. I would bet on that.” I shuddered. “This is the saddest, but sweetest story I’ve ever heard. I hope his wish came true or does next year, or all that your family did was for nothing,” I pouted, stretching my lips into a thin line. “Unfortunately, we will never know if any of this is true, or what happened. For all we know it’s just a silly legend,” I bit out, noting Rain’s smile had turned downward.

I shouldn’t have been so negative. Maybe, Rain was banking on a big wish for himself; then I come along, doubting the power of the legend. Perhaps this was what he spoke of when he had said earlier he hopes for the impossible.

Rain continued to gaze into the dark, passively.

The candlelight that danced on his face cast shadows, making him appear older than his actual age. Nonetheless, he was extremely handsome. I had to recapture his attention, I felt as if I was losing him to a sad memory. I placed my palm over Rain’s hand, which brought him back to me.

“Yes...I hope so too,” he whispered humbly. Rain gently wrapped his large hand around mine, raised it to his face and kissed my fingers, tenderly.

Oh God, his lips heated the blood in my veins. He entwined our fingers together and slipped them into the hot, steamy water, waving them through the rose petals. The petals dispersed like ballerinas spinning across a stage.

I felt his dark misty gray eyes absorbing all of me. The sound of the swishing water mingled with the hum of the motor, and the warmth of his touch, arousing me like an aphrodisiac. A familiar sensation dwelled at the entrance of my femininity.

Please, excuse me for just a moment.” He released my hand and stepped away. I sat on the edge of the spa, waving my palms back and forth through the silken water. I watched him disappear into the dark and hoped he was okay. I felt like a heel for doubting the legend.

Then, in the reflection of the water there was an immediate blinding flash of light:


I saw Rain and me in a darkened room—we were bathing together, there was a pink light illuminating behind us. I saw books, lots of books, and loose pages of a novel, my novels floating around us. He hovered over me, his lips pressed hard against mine as his tongue parted my mouth. He tasted like a decadent priceless truffle. I wanted to swallow the very being of him.


Rain’s voice captured my attention. “Beautiful Brielle, you look deep in thought,” he said inquisitively. “What stirs your mind?”




I Would Be Honored


I sprang to my feet, spilling out my words without hesitation, and when doing so his jacket fell off my shoulders.

“I’m not sure why you brought me back into this lovely place. Other than sharing it with me...and I’m glad you did. But something happened when you stepped away and well, this might sound strange, but I believe the bath has shown me something. Is that possible? Oh dear, you must think I’m crazy now.” I bit my lower lip, feeling heat in my cheeks.

Not at all…I believe love never dies and their love is the energy that radiates something magically,” Rain narrowed his eyes, “I am honored that you stayed.” He endearingly brushed his fingers across the contour of my cheek.

God, I loved how he was so reassuring and romantic, and how he spoke so properly, and formally at times. He had a quiet, reserved nature that I found profoundly attractive, spellbinding, as much as his physical attributes, but I sensed he hid another side that was much more assertive and dark.

“Me too, I mean, honored that you asked me to,” I reiterated, definitely doing my best to impress him, but I felt as if I was failing miserably. My eyes fell to the spa then lifted back to his; it all happened in a flash. “Rain, this is such a gorgeous bathing tub...thank you for taking the time and sharing its history...but, well, I still need a spa,” I buzzed, followed by a high-pitched breath of air. Lord, I was stumbling over my words.

I continued on when I should have shut my mouth, instead allowing my tongue to mangle whatever thoughts came to mind. “I mean...I can’t afford this spa, and even if I could you’re not supposed to sell it—” I gushed. “So, is there a replica of it stashed away around here somewhere, you know, one I can afford?” I asked, trying to pass it off as a joke by my tone. “I want one that looks just like it.” I grasped onto my purse and pulled out my credit card, passing it toward his direction. “Here, I have just over a thousand dollars left on it; unfortunately shoe shopping ate up most of my budget, so it’s all I can afford. Can you find me a spa similar to this one in my price range?” I asked boldly and waited his answer with bated breath.

If it was his plan all along to make a grand sale by using the good old bait and switch tactic, he succeeded with me. I scanned the dimly lit room, feeling my cheek blushing with utter embarrassment.

The corners of his mouth curled upward into a demure smile that settled into his eyes. He fixated on me without breathing a word. My fingers knotted together as he took a step closer to me.

Should I have moved in toward him? I felt a strong pull. Like a magnetic field drawing us together. Did he feel it, too? Was it all just a notion, wishing that he were the man of my dreams? Maybe this was the right time, to just let myself go before he left town. Even if I had never seen him again, what I felt was so powerful; I wanted a part of him to live in my soul forever.

Say something,” I whispered in a raspy nervous tone. My eyes begged for a replied. His quiet demeanor felt unsettling.

I stared intently back at him, trying to hold my composure, again, as my wet hands fumbled between the folds of my skirt in an effort to dry them. I was a hot and cold mess, literally. My fingers were freezing, but other parts of me burned with desire—I wondered if he noticed.

He had an inexplicable patience about him; it was unnerving, causing me to swallow my confidence. I would like to see him lose his composure, just a little, or to see him a little mad, but not at me though, but then again, maybe! Not sure why, but the thought of him losing it, angry like a bull, would turn me on. Surely the making-up session would be phenomenal.

He kept up his steady eye contact, his eyes glued onto me as I scrambled for the right words to say. He made me uncomfortable with who I was, and he particularly seemed to be enjoying my awkwardness.

“You are making me nervous. What are you thinking?” I asked without thinking myself. Hopefully whatever he was thinking was the same thing I was.

You’re shivering. Let me warm you.” His deep voice penetrated my senses.

There, in that moment I felt like melting.

Then he reached down to my sides and ran his palms down the length of my arms. This time his touch delivered warmth to my chilled skin. Almost magically a small white towel appeared in his hands, and he enveloped it around my wet cold hands, drying me. I wondered why I didn’t notice he had been holding the towel. How did I miss it? Because I was too busy processing my internal thoughts. His touch was tender and pampering. I stood there, allowing him to dry me as if he were my chambermaid, or in this case, chamber-man. I was feeling a bit foolish with too many thoughts stimulating my brain. Most of which, I wanted to hide from him.

Here, I can do this myself.” I cumbersomely pulled my arms back, along with the towel, causing it to fall. He swiftly retrieved it and handed it back to me. “Thank you,” I quickly added, trying to remember my manners since having lost them earlier. I patted my arms dry then draped the towel over the edge of the spa. I noticed his jacket had fallen to the floor, and so I placed it neatly on the pedestal’s stair. His ardent eyes followed my every move. Heat from the spa warmed me.

Where would you like me to deliver the spa to?” he asked, tilting his head toward the spa. He winked at me with his sexy bedroom eyes for the umpteenth time today.

But, I thought you said it’s not for sale...”

I would like to make you a part of the legend. I want to give you the bathing tub.”

What, seriously? Rain, that’s so generous, but I’m not’s just so,” I said, my voice cracking, hardly able to contain my excitement.

So, you don’t want it?” he said teasingly.

No, yes, I do,” I replied. “I’d be honored to accept your gift, but it seems inappropriate. The spa is so extravagant. Why would you want to give it to me?”

When I saw your eyes light up like a bonfire, the second you saw it, I knew you were the perfect one to give it to. Besides you know why.”

Why?” I paused, and then quickly answered my own question, half-jokingly. “Probably because I can’t afford anything else in your store.” I chuckled bashfully.

No,” he said apologetically, flashing me a sexy stern grin. “It’s more than that.”

I peered at him suspiciously. “Did you make up the legend because I told you I cannot afford your prices? I guess you feel sorry for me.”

“Never would I lie to you, the legend is one-hundred percent true.”

So, you really have to give it to some poor, unfortunate girl?”

That’s right. Why not you?” he asked.

Yeah, why not, I can’t think of any other reason.” I lowered my eyes, wanting to be the chosen one for reasons beyond the legend. “I guess I fit the criteria,” I quipped factiously. “A girl on a tight budget.”

I don’t see you as unfortunate, Brielle,” he clearly affirmed, recovering quickly to make sure he hadn’t touched a sensitive nerve in me. Which he hadn’t in this case; although anytime he’d touched me, it caused my body to tingle all over in a delicious way. As for the spa, I felt grateful to receive it.

Thanks,” I said, feeling overwhelmed by such a beautiful gift. “I would love it. I’m just a little embarrassed because I didn’t realize that spas were so expensive when I stumbled into your store, literally.” I let out a wispy laugh. Of course, Rain didn’t understand why I had laughed. One day I hoped I’d get the chance to tell him how the wind had essentially led me down the narrow road and into his store. “I should have done some research on the prices of spas first.”

Shhh, you don’t have to explain. The pleasure is mine.” He nodded in sync with his words. When lowering his head, his eyes dipped, seductively landing on my mouth. I stared at his mouth, wondering what his lips would feel like kissing mine.

Aww, thank you. This is so unexpected.” My voice swooned into a high pitch that I didn’t recognize. I was so glad I hadn’t stormed out earlier. “Sorry, it’s just I’m so overwhelmed, not only because
want to give it to me, but the story is, well...” I sighed, not realizing until seconds later that what I’d said had come across as a sexual innuendo. My libido was acting out on its own, shifting into overdrive. “Are you sure about this?”

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