As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2) (35 page)

BOOK: As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2)
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“My Lady...” He bowed.

Monsieur...” I responded with a slight curtsey.

May I have the honor of this dance?” he asked.

Oui, tout le plaisir sera pour moi,” I said in a ridiculous French accent, smiling and batting my lashes.

Rain took me in his arms and we waltzed across the floor. My hands felt so small in his. As my feet managed to follow remarkably in his steps, I beamed in the nearness of him. We danced together with such ease.

Slowly the music changed to something peppy. For a moment the song that played startled me. It was a hit from the 1940’s, Frenesi, by Arti Shaw, and the irony was that I had performed to it at my final dance recital in high school. This couldn’t have been anymore perfect.

I know this song,” I admitted.

It’s one of my favorites,” Rain said, catching my stare.

Mine too.” I allowed my gaze to fall into his alluring eyes.

Rain shifted his stance, coming up from behind me, and took my hand and spun me around and around! For a moment time fell away. Our eyes met on every turn. I tried to balance my racing heart, my thoughts, and my legs. It was a lot to do at once.

Rain broke away from me and showed off by tap-dancing across the floor. His feet moved rapidly and didn’t miss a beat. I watched in sheer delight of him as the lights from above followed in his flawless movements. He floated in my direction and we held hands again, shaking our hips and tapping our feet against the floor in skillful rhythm.

When his hands embraced my waist, his energy vibrated throughout my body. His gentle grip clouded my senses, and I gingerly lost my balance, but not because of anything he had done. Without warning my heels shifted, and I fell backwards into his strong arms. When he captured me, time stood still or seemed as if it had. There I was, practically horizontal, in the perfect position for him to make a move.

He whispered, “You’re like a comet crashing into me, aren’t you?” he questioned, followed by a low husky laugh.

Slightly embarrassed, a blast of heat rushed to my cheeks, I released a long gasp of air. “Oh, I’m so clumsy sometimes.” My performance under the spotlights had ended. He embraced me for an awkwardly long moment although in reality it was only time enough for him to brush the hair from my eyes.

It all happened so fast. My feet left the ground when he lifted me with such ease, and then he put me back on my feet again. He held on to me until I regained my equilibrium. I could have played this one out a moment longer; I should have.

A perfect comet, I’d say,” he reassured me in a whisper so close to my ear it caused warm delicious heat to trace down my neck and spine, sending goose bumps all over me.

A comet...I have never heard that before,” I said as I wrangled my fingers through my hair, trying to tame the random strands that stuck to my flushed cheeks.

It’s a compliment.” He helped to remove the hair from my face. Then he ran his hands down my bare arms, taking my hands in his, squeezed me gently, and then released his hold.

Well then, thank you. As long as I don’t catch you on fire though, right?” The question nonchalantly rolled off my tongue without thinking.
But then again,
I thought,
that might not be so awful.
As soon as the words spilled from my mouth I held my breath waiting for his response.

Brielle, I would burn if it meant being closer to you.” His words were precise and serious.

Be still my beating heart
. There was no mistaking what he had said and meant. Suddenly, I questioned if I heard him correctly.

My mind felt as if it was playing tricks on me. Was he just great with comebacks, or did I set him up good? The most important question was, did he mean it, or was he just being cheeky?

His tone was unreadable, likewise, so was his expression. He could have meant it as a total joke. I recalled my dad saying 50% of jokes are laced with the truth. In a fraction of a second, I could have had many responses without thinking.
You need to think Brielle!
I scolded myself. I wanted to say “
You look burning hot to me, already.”

I softly said, “Don’t worry, I would never burn you.”

God, that was so unoriginal and lame. Besides, I didn’t possess the power to burn him. He was the one in control with nerves of steel. Then again, maybe he wanted to burn for me. That was what he said.

Oh, forget it Brielle! Don’t over think this, or you’ll burn your own brain cells up.

“Brielle, I want to burn for you in all the ways you would want me to.” He placed both hands on my arms and just held them there. I inched in closer to him.

Did he just read my thoughts? Did he know I was brain fucking myself over every detail since I had met him? In shock, I had no response in the moment, abandoning all pretenses of bravado, and feeling unbelievably intimidated.

Rain stared intently into my eyes as his hands released my arms and settled around the small of my back. He leaned forward and lowered his head as if he were going to kiss me. His scent was intoxicating. My knees felt weak. I didn’t know where to put my hands. Heat raced from his hands, penetrating through my body to my most private places. The goddess of love, Aphrodite was working her magic. I’d felt it the second I’d laid my eyes on him. Hopefully, the feelings were mutual. He stirred something so deep inside of me that begged for his touches.

Flustered and over stimulated by our closeness, I leaned slightly backward.
Why did I stop him?

Would you like to dance some more?” He asked as the music continued to play songs from the 30’s and 40’s.

Oh dear, maybe another time.” I eased further from his reach. “I think I’m burning up right now.” I waved a hand at my over-heated face.

You make me smile, Brielle. Your cheeks do seem a little pink. Maybe we should slow down a bit,” he said then inched back from me, maintaining his distance. Me, I wanted to kick myself in the ass. Rain stepping away was my fault. I’d set the stage, and he’d followed my lead. “So, tell me Brielle, what brought you to Paris?” The playful mood shifted to the practical side of life.

I wanted to write my masterpiece here,” I said breathlessly, still recovering from our dance. It had been awhile since I’d exercised my lungs.

How wonderful. What are you writing about?”

Well, I’m currently writing something nonfiction.”

I would love to hear about it.”

Okay...well, it’s a love story. Do you still want to hear about it?” I asked, wrinkling my nose. What man wants to hear about romantic mush? Then, I immediately wished I hadn’t brought up the subject for a bigger reason. My storyline was incomplete. I’d been opening my mouth and inserting my foot on a few subjects I shouldn’t have brought up that day.

Rain nodded, “Of course. Those are some of the best stories.”

“Yes. True.” I was glad he thought so. “But this one is a complicated story.” I winced, feeling flustered again. I had nothing to tell. Shoot!

How so?” he asked, raising a curious brow. “Who are the real-life characters that you’re writing about?”

I floundered, hemming and hawing, at a loss for words. I couldn’t tell him I was writing a novel about two real-life characters, and I didn’t even know their names.

“Hmm. Would you be terribly offended if I didn’t expose who they are right now? It’s kind of in the works, and well, you know, it’s confidential. All the legal mumbo jumbo is currently being sorted out,” I lied, losing my confidence. I felt a tinge of guilt for lying to him. Inexplicably, it’s one thing I never wanted to do with this man.

I’m not offended at all. I’m sure you want to wait until the last brick is laid before you unveil your masterpiece.”

I half-laughed. “Yes...something like that.” I nodded; feeling exonerated for telling a white lie.

“So, would you like to see what I have chosen for you?” he politely asked.

Back to business. Damn it.

His eyes traveled to my blouse, then back to my face. I flashed down at my breasts. The thin fabric of my top had absorbed the mist, revealing the outline of my bra.

My nips strained against the chill in the air. I bit my lower lip, bashfully, trying to hold my composure. Fidgeting, I crisscrossed my arms over my chest. I was a damp mess, inside and out. His eyes drew me in, all of me. His gaze could have been mistaken for as lewd, but I knew better. He was more than a perfect gentleman. After all, he was from a noble heritage; I assumed this without validation, but I figured with a last name like de’ Bluche he had to have been. Besides everything about him screamed he was from a blue blood lineage: successful, well-spoken, and imbued with a quiet elegance.

“Are you cold?”

I guess I’m a little wet,” I said, pulling at my blouse. Immediately, I caught my sexual faux pas. I could feel my face turning shades of red. I tightened my arms in front of myself.

Rain, being the perfect gentleman that he was, didn’t flinch nor did he come back with an offhanded comment like most men would have.

He slipped off his jacket and tenderly draped it around my shoulders. “This should take the chill off.”

I accepted his chivalry and slid my arms into the sleeves. Instantly, his jacket swallowed me whole, but did the trick in warming my flesh. Inside I shivered vigorously. To be wrapped up in his attire was second best to being in his arms.

“Thank you.” My teeth chattered.

It’s my pleasure, Brielle.” Rain rubbed my forearms, trying to warm me. His eyes fell into mine for a quiet moment then he kissed my forehead.




Touched by Rain


Without further delay, he led me even deeper into the chamber. The space was much larger than what I had originally thought. What an illusion, it seemed as if the floor manifested before us with each step we took.

We approached a set of closed dark velvet curtains. As he drew back the curtain, I first noticed a dim halo shining down on us. Below the light, displayed on a black pedestal, was the most gorgeous ivory antique bath, embossed with gold details and silver clawed feet.

The water gently circulated a layer of perfectly-shaped white rose petals that appeared to have silver linings.

Rain spoke just above a whisper, “This is one of my most cherished antiques. It’s one of a kind.” He paused, smiling at me the most dazzling, unguarded, all teeth showing, full lips and confident smile that made the earth shake beneath my feet. “Like you, Brielle.”

His intense bedroom eyes caused my knees to go weak. Did I hear him right? The bath was one of a kind like me! Really?
Wow, you’re good!
I inwardly praised him. For a second, I thought I’d said it out loud.

My mind was suddenly paralyzed with apprehension; it had turned to soup. Knotting my fingers, nervously, I couldn’t wrap my brain around why he was going to such great lengths just to sell me a spa. It wasn’t as if he needed the money.

What was he up to? Was this some new sales technique he was testing out,
“seduce the girl and make a sale?”
Of course, I was an eager window-shopper.

He knew I couldn’t afford something of this magnitude, unless he had a layaway plan. I was certain there weren’t any merchants in Paris who offered that. It’s an old American payment-plan, unlike credit cards, and you don’t get to take it home until it’s paid in full.

His kindness toward me was over the top. Of course, my body responded to him in ways that I would have called foreign. A single touch of his fingers against my flesh caused me to overheat from the core of my belly, further down. It was something beyond a sexual attraction. One I definitely felt between us!

Really, so you think I’m special, huh?” I quipped, facetiously. I needed to regain my usual sassy confidence back before his mysterious demeanor melted me into a puddle of water. Yet unexpectedly, I wanted to break all my dating rules with him.

I believe so, more than you know,” he replied with a sureness of a god and continued. “You are the falling star that I have wished upon many nights long ago!”

Wow, he was more than good!

“I’ve never heard that one before. Are you for real?” I challenged him, asking with an edgy tone, “Do you say that to all the girls?” The snarl in my voice rang out, even to me.

My confidence is coming back.
At the time, I thought so. Boy was I wrong. Actually, I behaved as if I was jealous, or more likely. a teenager. In my defense, do we ever really grow-up when it comes to meeting someone that makes our heart do cartwheels?

No, I don’t.” Rain narrowed his eyes sensuously and tenderly took my hands and held them between his palms. “And I am,” he whispered, answering the first part of my question. His voice enveloped me and settled my insecurities that caused me to come across brash instead of truly confident.

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