As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2) (41 page)

BOOK: As I Breathe (One Breath at a Time: Book 2)
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I can’t wait to give it to you, Brielle,” Rain de’ Bluche said in the most monotone, penetrating voice. A sexy darkness washed over him. His eyes smiled with a smoky glint of passion, swallowing me whole. “But remember the time isn’t right yet.”

I almost fell over when he clearly made a sexual play off of what I had said. There was no mistaking it as I had previously and naively considered; he was no stranger to the power of seduction.

I had seconds to decide if I should fall at his feet and pay homage to his amazing body or say something quickly, more ladylike. I mixed it up just a bit, dropping a fairly subtle hint to let him know I was interested, but he’d have to make the first move.

I blushed, mustering up the courage to challenge his covert pass.

“And, I can hardly wait until the time is right.” I paused for a millisecond, smiling and inadvertently flashed him my signature wink then boldly said, “What I love the most is the legend you told me, it makes everything that much more special. You have made me feel special, too.”
Did I just say that?
I silently questioned myself. I sounded like a dork.

Why did I blurt out my words without thinking first? I hated myself for behaving like an open book. Again, I feared I had appeared like a harlot in heat to him. I was sure of that. I’d just met this man, for God’s sake, but it felt as if I had known him all my life. I was flirting with him every chance that I could. I may as well have put myself on a silver tray and offered myself to him. My breath lodged in my throat, waiting for his delayed reply. I was highly aware of every second that ticked by between us.

“You are a very special woman.” His words melted on his tongue like candy-sugared hearts, leaving sweetness, and any self-doubt I’d felt, behind.

An elated beat filled the silence between us; hope tiptoed into my heart, shocked by the intense of his voice. Feeling blinded by a haze of lust, I wanted to jump into his arms that very second. As I stood there in a mental fog, aching to slide into his arms…I punted and said the most unlikely respond to his compliment.

“I have never won anything in my entire life,” I admitted, slumping slightly inward. To make up for my lame reply I smiled, intermittently batting my eyelashes, flirting. “Thank you. I don’t know what to say other than thank you.” And, without hesitation, I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around him tightly, and he gently embraced me back.

I felt so small in his arms. “Oh,” I inadvertently mewled out. My breathing pick up its pace. A hot throb beat between my legs with needy warmth steeping my desire for this man.

He whispered in my ear, “I am glad to see you so happy.”

The warm wisps of his breath tickled my neck, causing a tantalizing sensation to crawl over my skin. My entire body began to shiver, definitely not because I was cold. I was so turned on I couldn’t think straight.

He leaned his face a bit forward and kissed my cheek, barely noticeable, but I noticed. My stomach muscles, fingers, teeth and legs, and even my elbows vibrated uncontrollably. He noticed and pulled me into him, closer.

I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. God, he smelled so good, like magic, mysterious and something undetectable. I didn’t want to let him go. With all my might, I forced myself to pull back, catching my breath, shocked by the intensity of my arousal.

“You’re so cold. Would you like to go for a dip to warm yourself?”

Now?” I asked. Feeling nervous, releasing our embrace, still shivering like a leaf.

Well, I just thought a hot bath would warm you and besides I think it would be a good idea if you tried the spa first to be sure that you really want it. It’s such an investment.” His eyes shifted down to my shoes. “I’m sure you tried on those before you bought them, right?”

Yes, but I thought—”

Rain answered my question before I had asked. “Semantics—the bath is yours. It’s my gift, free and clear if you want it.”

“Oh, yes, of course I want you—” My pitch heightened, choking on my words, forgetting for a moment we were talking about the bathing spa. I wanted him, more than anything in my life. My wayward thoughts were out of control. When I found my voice, I managed to breath out, “to give it to me—the spa that is.”

But remember I can’t give it to you until the date of her birthday.”

Yes, I understand.” It hit me like a club on the head that was what he had meant when he’d said, ‘he couldn’t wait to give it to me.’ I had mistaken his words as a straight on sexual pass—a sexual innuendo isn’t what he meant at all. Damn, all I could do was think about engaging in naughty acts with Rain, while all along he was being a perfect gentleman.

Brielle, there’s one thing I didn’t tell you, and that I must share before you make your final decision.”

Here we go,
I thought. A catch. I hoped the bridge we had built wasn’t going to collapse now. As much as my body wanted this man my heart wanted his heart.
Listen to him, Brielle,
I scolded myself don’t over think anything again,
my God woman!

When you become a part of a legacy, such as too becomes a part of you.”

What do you mean?”

I must warn you if for any reason you decide you don’t want the bath, you must remember the curse of the legend and pay it forward. Do not sell it.”

Actually, I would never give it away. Except, maybe if and when one day to my children.” I shrugged, flashing him a soft smile.

Very well, as long as you understand—remember when you receive it, there’s one wish you will be granted within three days of asking, and you’ll have up to one year to make your use it wisely.” His eyes were genuinely serious.

Yes, how could I ever forget?” I grinned at him with both my mouth and eyes, but still doubted it had the power to grant a wish. “Even, without the wish come true, I would still be honored to own it.” I batted my lashes. “I still can’t believe you’re going to give it to me.” I was referring to the spa, no more sexual innuendos inadvertently flying out of my mouth. Besides, he was too much of a gentleman to notice all of them. He was more concerned with the fact that I understood everything about the covenant.

I noticed several times that day that Rain had a particularly serious side. I liked this quality about him. He was everything I had ever dreamed of rolled into one amazingly gorgeous man.

“And, you must also understand that energy never dies, and neither does the power of love. The groom’s love was incredibly strong, and you will feel a strong energy surrounding the spa—and if you accept the spa, you too will absorb this energy and the love that lives on in this legacy—as I have. But, you must make this choice to receive it for what it is, as the others have in the past who had accepted one of his gifts.”

He reiterated in several different ways that I needed to think about it first before I decided to receive the gift. I didn’t see what the fuss was. There really wasn’t anything for me to think about, I needed a bath and this was too beautiful to pass on. Why was he was so damn serious?

“Rain, I love the bath and I have no doubt at all about accepting it. Okay?” I nodded. Perhaps, at the time, I should have asked one pertinent question...what was the penalty of the curse if I broke the chain of the legend?

Then that settles it. It’s yours. But, I thought you may want to try it out first, see if it feels right for you...”

After hearing his words of caution...he had a point. I shrugged my shoulders, “Sure,” I said, looking down at my clothes. “Ah, I don’t have a swimsuit in my purse.” I grinned nervously. “If it’s your intent for me to try it first—I need something to wear.” I turned my head slightly, glancing around the room.

“Oh yes, of course...”

He took me by the shoulders with the palms of his hands and turned me in the opposite direction. His touch radiated a powerful energy—he was like a magnet, and I was being drawn into him. I tried to put the brakes on my escalating heartbeat.

He stood extremely close behind me. It was a good thing that his hands still lingered on my shoulders; otherwise, I would have lost my balance and gladly have fallen into his arms.

I had always been particularly sensitive to raw energy and my surroundings; maybe the spa did, in fact, have a notable effect on me. It was one effect I welcomed!

In addition to the steeping heat from the spa, which caused me to think heady thoughts, there was no doubt at all that I could also feel his manhood against my ass, stealing my attention.

Even though I haven’t had a lot of sexual experiences, I could tell Rain was one well-endowed man. He asked me something, but his voice seemed far away and muffled.

He asked again, “Will that work?”

My body shivered against his, and my knees felt like rubber bands. Looking into the misty direction he faced me in, I tried to focus on answering him. But, I couldn’t speak, for…out of the darkness, a thin slice of light beamed down exposing a white chair in front of a small vanity dresser with an attached mirror.

I didn’t see the vanity when we walked in, and not once did I question him on how things appeared like magic before my eyes. As a matter of fact, I hadn’t questioned anything that Rain presented to me. I was in a state of euphoria and under his spell.

I traced my steps toward the vanity set. As I neared, I could see a large silver barrette on the top surface. A silk, ivory robe was draped over the high arm of the chair. Hesitantly, I reached out and ran my fingertips across the robe to see if it was actually real.

I felt Rain’s presence enveloping me from behind.

It will fit you perfectly,” Rain whispered into my ear. His breath was warm against my cool skin. “I’m going to give you some privacy to slip off your clothes and get into the spa. You simply must try it before you decide. I will return once you are comfortable beneath the water.”

He inched in closer to me, caressing his cool fingertips down the length of my arms, sending chill bumps to every part of my being. His body temperature seemed to fluctuate to meet my needs. When I was cold he provided me heat, and the other way around, when I was hot he...well, you can get the picture. He slipped a small gold key into the palm of my hand. I closed my fingers over the token.

“I’m not sure why, but I am feeling a little nervous about all of this,” I said, confessing to him my trepidation.

As his arms encased my petite frame, I closed my eyes in order to contain the desire in me that wanted to turn around to claim him, right on the spot.

“My sweet comet, I know you well—you must feel with your heart—if you accept my invitation to bathe in the spa this is for the door; no one else can enter after you have chosen to use it—it’s yours from this day forth, and you must keep this key with you at all times,” he precisely instructed.

What the hell!!! What the hell was he talking about? No! Don’t do this to me, not again. No more riddles.

Here, he was instructing me to make wise choices and almost warning me about the science of energy. Why? Most men would have tried to take advantage of me by now.

All I wanted to do that afternoon was buy a spa—never realizing I couldn’t exactly afford one, but nonetheless. Then when he brought me into the chamber...time ceased, and my thoughts became clouded. I had never felt so bemused and loved the feeling of it at the same time.

I had a drowsy urge to wrap myself in his embrace. Slowly, I rotated my body to melt into his chest, but before I could agree, or disagree, or even thank him again, he had vanished into thin air. Talk about a disappearing act. A feeling of uneasiness rose in me. My eyes fell upon the small key that I held in the center of my palm.

Slowly, I walked to the arched door. For a second, I thought I saw the same opaque stream of air that I had seen earlier before entering the store. It was streaming into the keyhole. As I moved closer, I figured the steam inside the chamber had mixed with the air conditioning from the hallway on the other side of the door, causing this effect.

I heard Rain’s voice; it was an audible whisper and close to my ear...

It’s yours from this day forth; and you must keep this key with you at all times.

For a moment I thought about leaving. I held the thought at bay…fighting against the urge to walk out. I wished Rain hadn’t left me alone. Perhaps I’d find him in the hallway, waiting until I changed my clothes.

The doorknob was cold beneath my fingers and creaked slightly as it turned. I peeked into the long dark hallway. Rain was nowhere in sight. I hoped he would return soon. There was no way I could leave without seeing him again. Surely he’d return. He probably had a duplicate key to let himself in.

There was a warm stillness that pressed me back into the glow of the chamber. I reasoned to myself, stumbling into his store was a gift of fate and one I intended to experience to the fullest.

Without further thought, I softly closed the door and inserted the key into the lock. The key turned one full circle and clicked three times before it completely locked. For safekeeping I slipped it into the side pocket of my skirt.

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