Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1
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He’d bided his time, waiting to see if the sheriff would get his head out of his ass long enough to do something about the whispers, seems everyone but him knew who was behind the deed.

Each day as he waited he grew more and more impatient, and the anger grew dark and ugly. He knew there was no way he could live so close to the murderer of his family without retaliation.

He’d been taught all his life to uphold the law; to have respect for those in authority, which hadn’t always panned out, but still, he’d toed the line.

When nothing was done, Law had taken matters into his own hands. By then he’d found himself the head of an army of men.

Men who had grown tired of the tyranny of the town’s big shot and the half ass sheriff, who was obviously in his pocket, had searched him out.

Their allegiance was borne from long years of injustice under the two men’s hold. It had taken the slaughter of one of the town’s most highly regarded families to shake them up and make them say enough is enough.

The night he paid Royce a visit, the fucker wasn’t there, but that didn’t stop Law from burning his place to the ground, barns, bunkhouses and all.

He’d let the animals loose and driven them off to parts unknown, after letting some of the men that were with him take what they needed for retribution for what was owed them.

Apparently Royce was into taking shit that didn’t belong to him, including wives, daughters, mothers; anything he saw that he fancied he trampled someone else to get.

It’s been three years and Law was still biding his time; still trying to find that one loophole that would let him get close enough to burn the fucker; but since he knew he was a marked man Royce was playing it safe.

Now as he made the turn off for his place he brought his thoughts back to the present and the new shit he’d found himself embroiled in.

It hadn’t been intentional, but ever since word had spread a couple years ago about his don’t give a fuck attitude where the law was concerned, the residents of the little town where he’d grown up had been coming to him for help with all kinds of shit.

In the beginning he wasn’t interested, his only interest had been in his own vengeance, getting justice for the blood of his slain family.

But since that hadn’t been forthcoming and wasn’t about to without his doing, he started taking on more and more of their shit.

The girl had crawled onto his property very early in the morning; he had no idea who she was at first, but when one of the others had recognized her he’d said who her people were.

Law wasn’t too familiar with the girl and her family, though he’d heard a lot of talk about her just lately.

But apparently the dad was a bit of a bully. It was hard for him to look at her and not think of the little sister he’d lost.

It hurt like fuck to think about Shelly, what had been done to her; the terror she must’ve felt in those last few minutes of her life.

He’d loved that little girl with her sparkling wit and her hero worship of the big brother that had always looked out for her.

Now it seemed he had another young girl under his care. He sighed long and hard as he thought about what was to be done next.

He didn’t know if the asshole was going to come after his family at some point, but he was a hundred percent sure that they weren’t going back.

The mother, if she was one of those cowed women who believed in forgiving the abusive asshole and chose to go back, he maybe wouldn’t stop her, but the young girl, no fucking way.

She could make that choice when she became an adult. But since she’d come to him, they’ll do things his way.

Chapter 1





I need this shit. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this kid? I can’t have her hanging around the clubhouse, she’s too fucking young and sooner or later someone will be sniffing after her.

My guys are pussy hounds. Some of them I can trust, others I’m still feeling out. I’m pretty sure none of my crew would fuck with her, but there were always newbies coming onto the place looking for a spot.

Not to mention my place is still a working ranch and there were a lot of out-of-towners on the place at any given time.

I hopped off my ride, and watched the others, as they headed back to the clubhouse. That’s another thing I hadn’t fucking asked for. I wasn’t cutout to be the leader of shit.

I’m a loner down to my core, but these fucks got it in their heads that I was the man for the job and hitched their fucked up wagons to my trail.

Even the army knew to separate my ass from the rest of humanity. Snipers didn’t normally work with a crew these days, at least I didn’t.

I headed inside to see what the fuck was waiting for me now. When that fucker killed my family I had one thing on my mind, to fuck his shit up. Now I’m fucking Robin Hood with a band of fucked up, pissed off outlaws.

“Ma’am I’m going to take you to see your daughter now.” She was standing in the yard with her shit at her feet looking lost. Looked to be in some type of shock if you ask me.

She followed me inside where the kid was still sitting in the chair where I’d left her. Her face looked worse than when I left; her eye was almost swollen shut now and the color was spreading.

“Oh Dana.” The older woman ran towards her daughter whose eyes were staring at the door in fear.

It took me a second to figure out that she was expecting her dad to come through there next. Damn, no kid should ever be that afraid of her own parent.

I let them get reacquainted for ten minutes. I had to go have a sit-down with my crew to discuss what the fuck we were gonna do, but I didn’t want to leave her alone again so soon.

I have no idea what condition the clubhouse is in, if there were any naked pussies lying around over there.

We live in the middle of nowhere pretty much, or at least my family’s ranch is, and there isn’t much to do around here except fight or fuck, once the work is done.

I still run cattle the same way dad had and for all intents and purposes it’s still a working ranch.

I’d worked hard in the last few years to build the place back up after Royce’s little attempted coup.

Thank heavens dad’s old contacts trusted me enough to still do business with me. Royce hadn’t destroyed the place, only a little damage and a few lost heads of cattle, nothing that couldn’t be replaced.

Actually the reason the place hadn’t been destroyed was because of some of the men who were here now.

Men who’d seen the fire and set about putting it out before they’d found the family in the partially burnt out main house with their throats cut.

There had been some damage to the bunkhouse and the barns as well, but at he time I really could give a fuck, the only thing I wanted in those days was Royce Davis’ blood in my teeth.

It was only because of my brother that I had tempered some of my rage. He needed something to distract him, and I used the rebuilding and patching up of the place to do that.

It hadn’t taken as long as it would have if we’d been doing it alone, but in just a few weeks we’d had the place up and running like new.

I have my crew to thank for that. Men had just started showing up in the days following to help the hands that were still here.

Most of them had stories of my dad or mom’s kindness to them in the past. That was the kind of people my folks had been, what they’d raised us to be.

If ma were here now she’d shit a brick; her baby boys hadn’t exactly turned out the way she’d expected.

Then again if some asshole hadn’t raped and slaughtered her maybe we would’ve turned out to be the perfect little gentlemen she’d strived so hard for.

I clenched my fists as the raw wound opened just a little around the edges. I never let myself dwell on that night. I’ve told myself that until I finish off that asshole I won’t grieve in my soul.

So I carry it with me, it fuels my anger and hate. I didn’t want the same for Kyle but the little fucker’s head was even harder than mine.

“Some of that stuff you got out there hers?” I addressed the woman who was hovering over her daughter.

She nodded as she sat and held her daughter’s hands. “Fine we’ll bring hers in and then I’ll show you where you’re gonna stay.”

“What do you mean, I’m not staying with my daughter?”

“No.” she started to protest but I cut her off.

“How old is your daughter?”

“Eighteen.” She answered before giving it any thought and I saw the realization of her mistake written all over her face as soon as the word left her mouth.

“Then she doesn’t need you to stay with her, I’m not too jazzed about having strange people in my home.” There was that, and the fact that I didn’t know her well enough to know if I could trust her.

I’d taken her out of there because she’d been hurt, but I have no idea where her mind is at, and until I’m sure she’s not gonna try to encourage the kid to head back into danger, she’s out.

“But she might need me she’s…”

“She came to me, she’s got me. Besides, you didn’t do that good of a fucking job protecting her before now did you. Now that she doesn’t need it, I don’t think that’s a good time to start.”

She looked like I’d kicked her but hey, the truth is the truth anyway you slice it.

“Come Dana.” I helped her up from the chair and led the way out the door with her mother following behind.

I guess you can call my place a compound now as much as it’s a ranch. The men had turned a few of the old bunkhouses into supply sheds.

The old barn, the one that hadn’t been in use in years, had been turned into the clubhouse after an extensive build-on.

There were about thirty of us here. Five stayed at the clubhouse at any given time on some sort of rotation schedule that they’d made up.

They all had homes but I knew they stayed close for Kyle’s and my protection, even though I’d told them time and time again that it wasn’t needed.

I showed the mother to the little guest cottage that was a little ways away from the main house.

I remember the day ma and dad had had one of their loud discussions about the building of that particular structure. That’s what she called their arguments.

She never said they were arguing or fighting; it was always a loud discussion or an intense debate. And always ended with dad dragging her off to their room for hours.

I miss the fuck out of those two people.





The place hadn’t been used in a while and needed airing out. I left the mother there and took the girl with me to the clubhouse a couple hundred yards away.

I didn’t see eighteen. Even beat to shit I could tell she was a beauty, but she looked green as fuck.

She was shaking like a fucking leaf by the time we made it to the door. The guys had started cleaning up their shit but they weren’t quick enough.

She’d crawled into the yard early in the morning while most of my guys, who’d been partying the night before after another raid on one of Royce’s places, were still sleeping it off.

“Sit over here and don’t move until I come back out that door. Do you want something to drink?” She shook her head no and I looked around the room to make sure there weren’t any undesirables around.

There were always new men showing up here looking for work or a way into the club.

I wasn’t the most trusting motherfucker around, so most of them never made it, but the few I decided to try were still under suspicion until they proved themselves.

Between Royce and the sheriff, I can’t catch a fucking break since they’re always sending some fuck over here to try to infiltrate my space.

What they don’t know, in fact what no one except Kyle, Brand and Clay knows, is that my place is wired from top to fucking bottom. Why? Because I don’t trust a fucking thing that breathes except for those three.

Because of this I’ve learned a lot about the other man’s dealings, and that’s how I’ve been able to fuck with his businesses for the past three years.

How the fuck he’s still standing after my shit is a mystery, but then again he’s got deep pockets. What no one knew including me at the time; was that at the time of dad’s murder he was fucking loaded. I could outlast Royce if all that was needed was finances.

Brandon Hale and Clay Platt were my best friends growing up. Both men had joined the sheriff’s office right out of college while I’d gone off to the army.

Both my dad and granddad had served and I wanted to follow in their footsteps. Now I don’t really give a fuck.

A halfway decent shrink might say I have anger issues and harbor resentment against a government that I believe had failed me after I’d put my fucking life on the line. That fuck would be halfway right.

Brand and Clay had grown disillusioned with the law in these parts when they realized that the office they served wasn’t fighting crime, but more like facilitating it in the form of protecting and turning a blind eye where one Royce Davis and his shady dealings were concerned.

They both claim to have been on the brink of walking but the murder of my parents was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now they were lieutenants in my army.

The men filed into the inner room and waited for me to join them. After one last look over my shoulder to make sure that she was okay I closed the door.

“Okay who the fuck is this Carl Saks fuck?”

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