Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1
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Chapter 2




I’m cold, scared and alone. The room where he’d left me outside the door he’d gone in was a wide-open area. It was obviously an old barn that had been renovated.

There was a bar that took up the whole of one wall, tables and chairs in another sectioned off area and then what looked like a lounge area with couches and more chairs.

Through a little archway I could see what looked like a game room, with just the corner of a pool table visible from this angle.

I rubbed my arms the best I could, fighting the pain as I tried to beat back the cold.

It feels like I’ve been cold for a long time now, ever since my daddy had said those words to me. I bit my lip, to keep the cry inside.

I knew my daddy was a hard man, but until today I never knew what a monster he really was. I felt stupid tears gathering at the corners of my eyes again and brushed them away gingerly. What am I gonna do?

The outer door opened and two men walked in and I tensed in preparation to take flight.

Though I didn’t know anyone here personally, I had heard enough about Lawton Daniels to know that I could trust him somewhat, but I wasn’t sure about anyone else.

The whispers I’d heard since returning home to the little town of Starling was that he was about the most trust worthy man in these parts.

I’d been gone long enough for things to have changed considerably in my absence.

Things had been turned around here and there, now we had a biker gang of all things in Starling.

Usually you would expect fear when hearing those words, but all the whispers seemed to hint at the fact that Lawton and his guys were more avenging angels than hell-raisers.

Now I find myself in need of both.

Had I known that my dad was sending me away to that fancy boarding school, only to serve me up on a silver platter to the highest bidder, I would’ve run away long before now.

Back less than a week and my life was once again turned upside down.

I watched the two newcomers warily as they approached. Why didn’t Lawton Daniels leave me with mama instead of bringing me here to sit out here like a spectacle?

“Whoa who worked you over sweetheart?” I looked at the man who came closer with a greasy smile, and sat back more firmly on the chair.

“What’s the matter sweets, cat got your tongue?” He trailed his finger down my cheek and I started to shake.

“Bill, I don’t think you should mess with her. She’s sitting outside the inner room and obviously they’re having a meeting in there most likely about her.”

“She’s not wearing any colors inside the club that means she’s a sheep.” He ran his hand down the side of my face again and my bile rose.

“Yeah but Bill it looks like someone’s worked her over pretty good already I don’t think…”

“Silas you worry too much, besides I only want her mouth. Can’t you see how pretty she is under all those bruises? Now get down here and suck my dick girl.”

I was frozen to my seat in total fear. He pulled roughly on my arm and I fell out of the chair.

“Didn’t you hear me bitch? I guess no one taught you the ropes yet huh, that’s okay old Bill will teach you all you need to know.

He pushed me back onto the floor and knelt between my legs as he fought to open his belt.

I opened my mouth to scream but before the sound could escape there was a rush of wind going past my face and the vile man’s face disappeared from above mine.

There was a lot of scuffling and the sounds of flesh meeting flesh before a rushing of feet and voices raised in alarm.

“For fuck sake Law let him go before you kill him.” Just then someone else came over and helped me back into my seat.

“There you go little darling, sorry about that but my brother’s gonna take care of it now.”

He stood next to me with his arms folded and we both watched as two behemoths tried to hold Law back as he continued to stomp what now looked like a pile of bloody rags into the ground.

“LAW.” They finally were able to wrestle him away from the unconscious man and when he turned and looked at me I actually felt like fleeing.

I’d never seen such a vicious look in another human being before. Not even my dad when he was at his worst had ever had that look in his eyes.

As I felt the shock go through my system I accepted that I was looking into the eyes of a stone cold killer.

I guess it’s true what they say. Beauty is dangerous; because Lawton Daniels is just about the most gorgeous specimen I’d ever laid eyes on.

Chapter 3




“Get this piece a shit out of my sight, make sure he doesn’t leave here until I’ve had a chance to question him.”

“Uh Law, he needs the hospital, I’m thinking we need to be heading to Starling General he looks real bad.”

“I give a fuck.” I walked over and picked her up out of the chair and headed for the door.

“We’ll continue this later I gotta go see to her. Kyle, go check on the mother and make sure she’s settled in okay. Have someone go get her some groceries from the storage I don’t think there’s anything in the cottage.”

She was shaking like a fucking leaf again and I wanted to go back in there and finish the fucker off. It was good to see that my distrust of human scum was well justified.

“It’s okay Dana you’re fine now.” She folded herself around me with her arms around my neck and cried silent tears.

Aww fuck, those are the worse kind. I’m not equipped to deal with this shit. I have no compassion left for anyone but my little brother, haven’t felt anything remotely resembling an honest to goodness emotion since I put my parents in the ground.

I took her back to the house and into the guestroom. Why the fuck didn’t I just leave her here in the first place?

“Did he hurt you let me see?” I checked her arm where the asshole had grabbed her but there were no new bruises.

She was shook up yes, but no more banged up than before. I couldn’t stay here and babysit her, because I wasn’t sure when or if her dad was going to do anything to get her back.

“Why don’t you go on and take a shower, get cleaned up. I’ll be here.” She walked slowly out of the room and into the attached bath.

I prowled around the room like a caged animal; I hate inaction when I know there’s something that needs doing.

The fuck that had accosted her was new, but that was no excuse, any man that would force himself on a woman, especially one that had already been wounded, wasn’t someone I wanted within breathing distance.

I only had to work him over a little more to learn if Royce had sent him, before kicking his ass off my place.

The other one was gone too, he didn’t try to stop the shit, just stood there yapping like a dead fuck while a young defenseless girl was about to be raped. Nope, not my kind of person at all.

I turned when I heard the door open behind me. I need this shit. If I had a little less control, my mouth would’ve been hanging down to my chest.

But since I’ve had lots of practice keeping my feelings well hidden, I didn’t give anything away. She’s fucking gorgeous.

“You ready to tell me now why your dad worked you over?” I went with the safest topic I could think of in the circumstances.

She was in no shape to deal with my anger at her for throwing this new shit in my lap. Not her situation with her asshole dad, but the fact that she had to be the prettiest fucking thing Starling had ever seen, other than ma and Shelly of course.

She looked away and wiped the tears from her eyes as she sat on the edge of the bed.

For the first time I noticed the shape of her body under her clothes. She’d changed into a yellow summer dress with daisies painted on it or some shit, with thin straps that left her shoulders bare.

She had a nice rack, a small waist and slender hips. And legs that were a mile long. This is not good.

Her hair, now that the blood had been washed out of it, was a nice strawberry blonde with big fat curls that fell halfway down her back.

I had a bad feeling that she was going to be even more fucking gorgeous when she healed up, around here that can be a dangerous thing.

The dress wasn’t one you’d usually see in these parts. The women here were more into jeans and cowboy boots.

I’d noticed earlier that she was dressed, or had been dressed as if she was going to a tea social. That was before she’d dragged her half broken body three miles to my place.

Now she’d changed into another little eyes catcher and could just see the trouble this shit was gonna cause, not least of all to me.

Some of the women that hung around here weren’t exactly fit company for a young impressionable girl and some of them weren’t gonna take too kindly to having one as beautiful as she in their midst.

Of course none of them would dare fuck with me, but women don’t always do the expected.

They’re a volatile bunch who aren’t as easily corralled as their male counterparts.

“I’m still waiting for you to tell me what I want to know.” She hadn’t said a word, just sat there looking dejected as she pulled a the hem of her dress.

The sun was high in the sky by now, and the rays that fell through the windows highlighted the gold of her hair. Yeah, I need this shit.

“I have people here that depend on me to make sure they’re safe. If your fuck of a dad is going to retaliate I’d like to know so I can prepare myself.”

That was all bullshit, I had the place covered already, but I needed to know what the fuck was going on with her and her dad.

“I don’t think he’d…”

“I didn’t ask you what you think, I asked you what the fuck went on between you and your old man.”

She jumped out of her fucking skin. What the fuck was up with this girl anyway? She went away to some fancy boarding school and forgot how the fuck to be a country girl?

I hadn’t known her before now she’s a bit young for me. We wouldn’t have moved in the same circles, wouldn’t have been in the same grade or any of that shit, since I was a good eight years older than her.

What little I knew I had gathered from the guys after she’d crawled onto my place. I knew about the old man, but since I didn’t have too many dealings with my neighbors, he was still a nonentity to me.

Most of the idiots around here were in Royce’s pockets and I didn’t trust shit, until I knew what was going on I was walking blind.

“He wanted me to marry someone and I said no.”

“Who’d he want you to marry?” What the fuck am I a marriage counselor now?

“Royce Davis.” Now why in the fuck would she wanna go and say that shit? The mere mention of the name made my trigger finger twitch.

“Why would your dad try to marry you off to a man that’s got to be older than him?”

“I don’t know, I think, I think he sold me to him.” She said the last like a whisper, low and full of shame.

That sounded like some shit that Royce would do, the fuck. Now a lot of things were starting to make sense. Like how a girl whose family was living on a broken down ranch could afford to go to some fancy boarding school somewhere up north.

If I was gonna stick my nose in might as well get the whole story once and for all.

“How did your dad pay for that boarding school of yours?”

“I thought it was an aunt, at least that’s what he told me when he was sending me away six years ago.” She started rocking back and forth and crying again.


“This morning I found out the truth. Royce Davis wanted a cultured wife I guess.

Someone who could host his fancy dinners and hold a conversation with the governor’s wife. At least that’s what daddy said.”

“Let me get this straight, Royce Davis chose you at the age of twelve to be his future wife. Paid to have you shipped off to a boarding school to what, groom you?” what kinda sick shit did I fall into here?

Every time I think this guy can’t sink any fucking lower. Fucking pedophile piece a shit.

“Daddy said he paid him a lot, helped pay off his debts and kept the place from going under.”

Now she was shaking again and no wonder, Royce Davis was an ugly old fuck.

“And when is this wedding supposed to take place?”



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