Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1

BOOK: Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1
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Jordan Silver

Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved



“I give a fuck about you and your fucking laws, now get the fuck off my property, before I put a hole in your gut asshole.”

The middle-aged sheriff’s deputy looked at the young man with the assault rifle pointed at his gut.

In his younger days he maybe would’ve tested the younger man’s mettle, but he wasn’t so sure about this one.

Word on the street was that he was mean as a rattlesnake, and wasn’t too fond of anything or anyone, having to do with the law. Funny though that the man’s name was Law.

Lawton Daniels watched the car with the sheriff insignia pull out of his yard and waited until it was out of sight before returning inside.

The young girl was still cowering in the corner looking scared to death, her face bruised and bloody, clothes torn.

He didn’t say anything as he went by her to the little downstairs bathroom to get what he needed to clean her up with.

Her eyes followed him around the room like a trapped rat until he sat in front of her to assess the damage.

She flinched when he reached out to touch her face where her lip was split and bleeding. “Look here, you came to me remember? Now if you want my help you’re gonna have to stop the flinching shit or I’ll leave you as you are.”

He wasn’t known for his tact and though he was mad as fuck at what he was looking at, he wasn’t about to let anyone treat him like a criminal. He knew his reputation; fuck he’d earned it. But he was a fair man, and like he’d said, she came to him.

“Now you wanna tell me who worked you over?” He’d finished cleaning up the worst of her bruises and put the stuff away.

Now it was time to do what he did best. He hated to see anything weak being mistreated; it just burnt a hole in his gut. That’s why he’d joined the army, but that’s another story.

“You mute or some shit?” he stared at her after she wouldn’t answer his question.

“No sir.” She looked down at the floor.

“Kill the sir shit, now tell me what I wanna know.”

All he got out of her was a name, but that was enough, he’d handle the rest.

“You stay inside when I’m gone okay! You’ll be safe enough here until I get back.” He reassured the girl when he saw the fear in her eyes at his announcement that he was leaving.

“Just one thing, don’t try going out the door, you’re sure to get a bullet in the head that way.

I’ve got the place rigged for assholes, so unless I’m with you, don’t go moving around.” He took one last look at the bedraggled beat to shit woman before heading out the door.

Hopping on his hog, he turned to his men who were already mounted up. “Ride out.” They knew what was coming; hell they’d all seen the girl crawl into the yard on her hands and knees about an hour ago.

Of course he knew who she was now, or knew of her at least; but how had she known to come to him? Most people, especially the ones of the female persuasion, steered clear of him, except maybe the ones who wanted his dick.

They’d all watched the poor thing drag herself across the yard, their guns drawn, until they’d noticed what it was that was crawling, and one of the guys had picked her up and brought her up to the porch.


They pulled into the yard twenty minutes later. The heavyset man had been sitting out on his porch looking mean and surly, until he saw them coming.

He jumped up from his seat and headed for the door, but Law jumped off his bike while it was still in motion and bounded up the short steps, pulling his gun in one smooth motion.

He slammed the magazine into the gun loud enough for the man to know what the fuck he was hearing. It stopped him dead in his tracks.

“Anyone else in there?” The fool turned his head, looking like he was about to shit himself. “Ju…just my wife.”

“Boys go check it out.” A few of his men walked past them into the house. Brandon was soon back with a half a woman who didn’t look much better than the one he’d left back at his place. This one hadn’t been worked over half as bad, but still.

“Where’s your daughter?” he turned back to the man who seemed to have lost the ability to speak all of a sudden. Next he turned to the woman. “Where’s your kid?” she looked at the big man in fear.

“Don’t look at him, I’m asking you a question, you have a daughter, where the fuck is she?”

“I don’t know.” She barely whispered the words as she hung her head in shame and her shoulders shook with silent tears.

Law didn’t push her any farther; he understood that fear someone had for a bully who’d probably been terrorizing them all their life.

He understood it but he’d be fucked if he’d excuse any mother who stood by and watched what had happened to the young girl happen to her own kid. He was pretty sure it wasn’t the first time either.

“Brand take her inside and let her get her shit together, we’re taking her outta here.” The woman’s head came up and the look of hope on her face made Law’s guts burn. How long had she been waiting to hear those fucking words?

The man turned glaring eyes her way but Law was ready for him. “Don’t look at her asshole; you go on in Miss, and grab your daughter’s shit too while you’re at it, she wasn’t carrying much when she crawled onto my place this morning.”

“Now you!” he grabbed the bigger man by the throat and pulled him off the porch. The rest of his men stood around with arms folded like they were watching paint dry.

“You like beating up on women and little girls huh?” he threw the man down in the dirt and stood over him. As soon as he caught his breath the man scampered back on his hands and heels, his eyes peeled to Law to see what he would do next.

When he got to his knees Law used his foot in his chest to kick him back down Spartan style. Law loved that fucking movie; that was one motherfucker that didn’t give a shit about the odds.

The man kept his eyes on the gun in Law’s hand as he laid in the dirt. “I’ll tell you what, how about I put this away and we go at it mano y mano huh? Boys, I’m gonna fight this piece a shit bare-fisted, if he gets the drop on me, no one is to touch him understood?”

The man started to look hopeful and a little brave as he got to his feet; after all he had about fifty pounds on the younger man. Law’s announcement was greeted with a few ‘yeahs and yeps’, but there was one voice he hadn’t heard and that was the one that counted most.

His little brother Kyle wasn’t too bright. By that he meant, the boy was book smart and knew right from wrong and all that happy shit, but when it came to his big brother there was a glitch in his head.

It was understandable though, since the two were all the family each had left.

Law looked over at his brother. “Kyle if this son of a bitch gets the drop on me you let him lone ya hear?” all he got was those eyes turned on him and a grunt.

He guessed that was gonna have to do for now. He’d expect the others to keep Kyle in line. Not that he expected the other man to overpower him, that little speech was all for the man’s benefit.

He turned his attention back to the asshole, who charged him like a bull out the pen at the starting bell. What an ass. Law stood still until the fool got close enough and hit him in the face with a short left hand jab.

This enraged the bull and he charged again. Each time he charged, Law countered with a jab, a kick or a punch. Truth was the big bastard couldn’t fight worth shit.

“I see your skills only extend to beating up on the weak, where the fuck did you learn to fight anyway?” the next time the idiot charged him, Law used a thumb to the throat, right on his pulse, and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.

“You’re no daisy at all.” Doc Holliday, another motherfucker that didn’t give a fuck, these men were Law’s go to encyclopedias.

The door opened and the woman came out with Brandon behind her. She had bags and suitcases full of shit. One of the suitcases was too stuffed to even close properly, so there were clothes hanging out.

She took one look at her husband lying in the dirt and walked over to him. Pulling her foot back, she kicked him in the nuts before spitting on him.

“Alright you blood thirsty wench, you got a truck or something around here to drive? You can’t fit that shit on the back of a bike.” Law pulled her away before she could hurt herself.

“I have my daddy’s old truck he gave me if I ever wanted to leave this jerk. I don’t know if it’ll work though, it hasn’t been moved in a while.’

He inclined his head to one of the boys to go check it out. Not long after he heard the sound of a rusty old engine turning over. It ought to get them to where they were going.

“Okay men, half in front and half behind.” He turned back to the man who surprisingly hadn’t said more than three words since they’d pulled up. “If I see you on the road anytime in the next half hour, I’ll light your ass up with lead.”

He was the last one to pull out though his men hated when he did that shit. But whenever he knew the threat was coming from behind, he made it a point to stay between them and it. He didn’t care too much for grand standing so he didn’t always need to ride the front.

His baby brother pulled back to ride with him and he left him alone because talking to the kid was like pulling teeth.

“Law you taking her?” he heard the words through his headphones on their private channel.

“What do you mean taking her?”

“I mean we can’t send her back there, the girl I mean, if you’re not gonna take her I will.”

“Oh yeah, and what’s Melissa gonna say about that?”

Kyle rubbed his side where his wife had either, kicked, bit or punched him. “I wasn’t meaning it like that, but she needs seeing after.”

Law thought of the girl that had dragged her beaten ass onto his property just hours ago. She couldn’t be more than fifteen, sixteen; his brother was nuts.

He left the conversation there as his mind took in the fact that the girl had travelled the distance between their homes in her condition on foot. It had to have been an excruciating ordeal.

Then he thought of his brother’s question, he knew where it was coming from. Kyle had become a hard, introverted brute in the last few years, but he hadn’t always been that way though, no.

Once he was a carefree, happy go lucky boy, who played varsity football and beat the girls and women off with a stick. Until his girl Melissa got her hooks in him that is, then he’d settled down.

He’d still been his wild self though, until the day both their worlds had been turned to shit.

He’d got the news while deployed in Iraq. Someone had slaughtered his parents and little sister.

The only reason Kyle had been spared was because he hadn’t been home at the time, and Law was pretty sure that had been a mistake on the attackers’ part.

He still wasn’t sure what the fuck they’d planned to do about him, unless they were expecting him to buy it in combat.

He’d been on the next flight home, with his emotions on lockdown. He went through the viewing, the wake and the funeral with his heart on ice.

The law had claimed they had no idea who’d done it, but Law knew who was responsible. He’d had no doubts since the minute heard the news.

It had to be that son of a bitch Royce Davis. He’d been after Law’s daddy to sell him his land for the longest time, but the old man hadn’t been interested in selling his family legacy.

The land had been in the Daniels family since the early settlers headed out West. It was some of the best land in the whole damn state and everybody pretty much knew that.

The natural gas alone was worth millions, not to mention the prime location would be ideal for some asshole that might want to turn the old town into a metropolis.

Shamus Daniels had had no interest in any of those things. He was an old throwback, who still wore buckskins and his old cowboy hat worn low over his eyes, and taught his sons about the land and how to respect it.

He’d taken Law aside more than once and made him swear an oath that he won’t ever sell his legacy. That’s how Law knew of Royce’s interest in the land. How he’d known where to point the finger right off.

It was the only thing that made sense; his parents didn’t have any enemies. And it was more than a coincidence that in his last correspondence with his dad, the old man had mentioned problems with Royce.

There was some developer looking to buy up the land and since Royce’s was no use without the Daniels’ plot, they needed both men to sell.

The land they were after was part of the Daniels’ grazing land, a pretty spot that Law had ridden plenty.

The kicker was, in order to sell that piece of land, they’d have to give up the natural gas and minerals rights as well since the two plots were connected somewhat.

Law and his old man were pretty sure that that’s what they were after.

He’d come home and buried his family, and looked after his traumatized little brother.

When no one was willing to help him, something inside him had changed. He wasn’t too pleased that his family had been destroyed while he’d been off protecting others.

He told the army he had a kid brother to take care of and walked. At that point he wasn’t much interested in anything they could’ve done to him, he’d said fuck you to the world by then.

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