An Exceptional Twist (14 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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She heard him snicker behind her, and knew
that he’d caught on as she left him standing outside of the woman’s

Leah was proud of herself for not giving any
importance to the flirting going on between Stefen and the two
tramps during the last couple of vineyards. Well, as far as they
knew, she wasn’t paying attention. But she sure as hell saw every
touch and heard most innuendos. By the time they made it to the
last winery, she was beyond done.

After calling a cab to pick her up, she
began to drink even heavier. If she was going out, it would be with
a bang, and he’d sure as hell never forget it.

The final straw came when she watched their
slutty tour guide put her hand in Stefen’s back pocket and squeeze
his ass. Which even he seemed put off by.

The hussy was at her job, but the only thing
she was working was Stefen.

“Aren’t you going to punch that bitch out?”
Leah heard the other blonde tramp say next to her. “She’s got her
hands all over your man.”

Leah downed the rest of her glass. “He’s
not mine,” she said pointedly. “You would know. You were all over
him, too. If you’re jealous, then you go punch that bitch out.” She
threw a look of disgust in Stefen’s direction as he caught her
glare. “I will, however, tell you exactly why I am not, and will
never, be with him.”  

This chick thinks he’s god’s gift to woman.
Well, she’s about to find out the truth.

Raising her hands in his direction, Leah
blurted loud enough for the room to hear, “Look at him.  The
only thing going for him is his body and his face.  That can
only take you so far before people realize what a self-centered son
of a bitch you are.”

Swaying, Leah narrowed her eyes at Stefen,
who now sat up in full attention. “He lives off of his family’s
money and wouldn’t even have a career if it wasn’t for his rich
daddy. He’s a total womanizer, only interested in his next piece of
ass, then he’ll throw you away like trash. Who knows what kind of
diseases he has after stabbing his dipstick in every skank from
here to Chicago.  You want a piece of him, honey?”  Leah
looked back. The dazed woman stood behind her. “I bet if you took
him out to the other side of that building over there, he’d
willingly nail you both at the same time.” 

“That’s enough, Leah,” Stefen roared.
Charging across the room, he took her by the arm.

He doesn’t want me making a scene? I’ll show
him a scene.

She ripped away from him. “Get your damn
hands off me, you asshole. You wanna hang out with these whores? Be
my fucking guest. I’m out of here.” The alcohol had taken over, and
she was not holding back.

Subconsciously, she was well aware that
she’d taken it too far but couldn’t bring herself to care. Feeling
dizzy, she grabbed onto a nearby tree to steady herself. Leah heard
the cab honking and turned to leave. Apparently, Stefen had other

Grabbing ahold of her wrists, he pulled her
back. “No way. You’re drunk.” He was fuming. The veins on his neck
were actually popping out.

She poked a hazy finger at
At least, I think they are. Who
knows since everything is beginning to spin.

She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he
lifted her feet off the ground.

He flipped her over his shoulder, and she
pounded on his back, trying to fight him off. He had the nerve to
slap her ass. “Stop it, Leah. You’re behaving like a fucking

His words sucked all the fight out. She had
no power left in her. Defeated, she hung her head over his shoulder
and thought how funny it would be if she managed to puke all over

Before she could put that plan into action,
she blacked out.



How dare she treat me like that.

Stefen was furious as they
rode in the back of the taxi toward Santa Barbara.
Why the hell would she make that scene in front
of all of those damn people?

Glancing down at Leah, who was passed out
drunk on his lap, he became madder than hell. But not at her. He
was mad at himself. After everything she’d just done, he still
thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Any other
girl would’ve been tossed in the back of the taxi and sent on her

Just before the taxi was about to pull into
the tour company’s parking lot, Stefen got a text from his sister
as Leah began to snore.


Made a few extra stops. Be there in about an hour.


He found himself absentmindedly moving her
hair out of her face as he text back using his free hand.


BOTH of you meet us at Caleb’s.

Everything ok?

Nope. Everything is shit and Leah is drunk off
her ass.


She would kill him if she knew he’d texted
that, not that he cared at this point.


See you in a bit. Hope you’re not taking advantage of the
situation, bro :P

Not a chance in hell.


He paid the cab driver,
then maneuvered them out of the taxi and into Caleb’s car. Turning
on the ignition, he rolled the windows down in case she needed to
throw up. Stefen chuckled, thinking,
wonder how precious Caleb would think she was if she puked in his

The cool evening air felt
good whipping him in the face. He still couldn’t believe Leah’s
behavior. Although he was turned off by the other women’s flirting,
Leah’s tirade was humiliating. Cutting and spiteful.
Does she really think those shitty things about
me? I thought we had something there.

Arriving at the two-story home, he carried
her into the downstairs guest bedroom, nearly tripping on Madison’s
cat, Olivia, which catapulted him forward. He was forced to toss
Leah on the bed with him in tow as he landed on top of her.

Leah jolted awake. Sort of. She appeared to
be in a dream as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him

She spoke softly, “Why can’t you be the guy
I need, Stefen? That kiss was amazing.” Her eyes were still closed
as a light snore came from her open mouth.

He muttered back, “Why’d you have to be so
damn uptight? We could’ve had a fantastic night together. You’ve
completely screwed with my head and made me look like an asshole in
front of a bunch of strangers.” It felt good to say that to her,
knowing she would never remember.

Standing up, he took a
moment to look at her
Even in his anger, he was overcome by her beauty. Her soft
hair fanned out underneath her head, and she looked like an angel
with a peaceful look on her sleeping face.

Grumbling, he slid her boots off, smiling at
her silly socks. It reminded him of how the day started. Irritated
that he still found her endearing, he reminded himself—this was why
he didn’t do relationships. The anger, jealousy, misunderstandings,
and the simple misery of being with that one person.

Not worth the fucking hassle.


Stefen was sitting in front of the TV when
Bri and Leah’s sister came barreling through the front door. He
couldn’t remember the sister’s name to save his life. Didn’t
matter. He was done with all of this. The town, the stubborn girl,
all the emotions wracking him, confusing him, and turning his whole
damn life upside down.

“Who pissed in your cheerios?” Bri asked
when she entered the room. Stefen frowned but didn’t bother
answering. Bri’s nose wrinkled. “That bad, huh?”

He heard the pizza delivery guy at the door
and stalked past the two women to pay for it. Tossing the boxes on
to the kitchen’s island counter, he called out, “Come get some
pizza if you’re hungry.”

Both girls joined him at the breakfast bar,
grabbing a slice each.

“We’re starving. Thanks for thinking of us.”
Bri kissed him on the cheek.

He grunted, realizing he needed to snap the
hell out of this. His sister was here to visit him until tomorrow,
when she would be going home to Chicago before leaving for Europe.
She would be gone again before he returned home later this week.
With all of the traveling she did, Stefen didn’t know when he would
see her next. He hated that she never stayed in one place for very

“No problem.” He forced a smile. “I figured
you’d be hungry.” Taking a slice, he bit a huge piece off, hoping
neither would question him.

The drunk from hell’s sister stood, hands on
her large hips, giving him the stare down. “Where’s Leah?”

Rolling his eyes, he motioned with his head
toward the guest room.

She stalked off, and Bri asked, “What the
hell happened? I haven’t seen you this pissed off about a girl

“Don’t, Bri. Don’t say it.” He wiped his
mouth with a napkin from the pizza place.

Sitting back on the bar stool. Something
dawned on Bri. “Oh my gosh. Leah’s gotten to you. Like really
gotten under your skin. I freaking love her. You know that, right?”
She beamed with excitement.

“Bri, not now,” he growled. He’d had enough
for one night. “I don’t need to hear what a terrific person she is,
or how great she might be for me. She treated me like a piece of
shit in front of a bunch of people today, and I’m done with her.
Her sister can take her drunk ass home right now, for all I

Jumping up, Bri got in his face. “Stefen!
That’s enough. I’m sorry she upset you, but that’s no reason for
you to act like an ass. The girl’s passed out. She isn’t going
anywhere tonight. I’ll watch over her.” Exhaling, Bri sat back in
her chair.

Just then, Leah came flying out of the
bedroom with her sister in tow. Her face looked a little green as
he realized she was rushing for the bathroom. She barely made it to
the toilet before he heard her heaving.

Stefen grabbed one of the pizza boxes and
started for the stairs. “Good luck with that.” He smirked at Bri.
“See you in the morning.”


Leah’s head throbbed.  The room she’d
just woken up in was noisy, and the early morning light coming
through the window was intense.

Where am I?

Opening her mascara-caked eyes, she tried to
focus.  If it wasn’t for the antique framed keys on the walls,
she’d have no idea she was in Abby’s guest room.  Turning to
the source of that horrendous sound, she found her sister, Dani,
asleep and snoring loudly.  

Groaning, she rubbed her temples as she
realized she was sporting a horrific hangover. The noise coming out
of her sister was unbearable.

Lifting her head was the last thing she
wanted to do, but it was vital that she get away from that head
splitting sound.  “Ouch,” she cried out as she sat up, feeling
something pinch her waist.  Digging in her pockets, she found
her keys and cell phone. She placed her feet on the floor and
rocked. It took two tries before she could stand.  The room
was spinning.  Dragging her feet across the wooden floor, she
looked for a bathroom.  

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