An Exceptional Twist (18 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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The overpowering need to get one final kiss
consumed him as he leaned over and placed his lips on his sleeping
beauty. Leah stirred, then opened her eyes.

Damn. I should’ve left without my kiss.

“Hey,” she said groggily, rubbing her eyes.
“What time is it?”

He stood up straight, putting his hands in
his front pockets. “Just after three in the morning.”

Sitting up, she leaned against the
headboard, pulling the sheets up to cover her bare chest. “How long
did I sleep?”

“About a half hour.”

Baffled, she held on tighter to the sheet.
“Why are you dressed already?”

This was it—the moment he dreaded. “I have
to get going.” He narrowed his eyes, pursing his lips.

She jutted her jaw out as
she shook her head. “So that’s it?” Her hand flew up and smacked
the bed. “You’re done, and now you’re leaving?

“Leah, I don’t ever stay after it’s over.
You know this is who I am.” He kept his hands in his pocket as he
looked down at her.

Her eyes went wide and wild, her chest
rising up and down angrily. “Did you seriously just say that? After
everything we just did? I don’t expect you to propose, but I also
didn’t think you were a coward.” Squeezing her eyelids shut, she
balled her hands into fists. “Shit! I knew it. Why the hell did I
let myself get sucked into your bullshit?”  

Taking a chance, he sat
down beside her, but her instant glare had him popping back up.
“Don’t be upset. I wish it was different for us. I meant it when I
told you I’ve never felt this way before, but it’s not who I am.”
He placed his hand on his pounding chest.
Fuck, am I having a heart attack?

He tried to reason with her. “Leah, I leave
in a few days. A long distance thing would never work.”

His heart beat so hard, he
thought it was going to explode.
Time to
switch this around. This shit hurts.
even said it yourself, I’m just looking for my next piece of

He knew that was harsh, but he decided he
would rather her hate him when he left. If she didn’t despise him,
he would probably do stupid shit like crawl back into bed with her
and that was not what he was about.

She held the sheet with
one hand and pointed to her living room with the other. “Get the
hell out of my house,

Stefen couldn’t recall much from college
Spanish, but he was pretty sure this was not a term of

Tears flowed down her
cheeks, and her bottom lip quivered. He hated hurting her, and he
hated himself more for it. “Please, let’s not leave like this.
Maybe we can work something out. I can come back periodically, or
pay for you to come visit me.”
What am I
He needed to end this now, but her
pain was making his chest tighten even more.

She gave him the dirtiest
look he’d ever seen. “I
will not
be your fuck buddy. That’s not who
am. I deserve better.”
Wrapping herself with the thin sheet, she struggled a bit, but
managed to make it off of the bed. Storming to the front door, she
flung it opened and yelled out to him, “I’m not asking you
Get. Out

This was not how he pictured the night
ending at all. Surprised, he gathered his things and staggered
toward her. Guilt overflowed his veins when she wouldn’t even look
at him. Wanting to comfort her, he reached out, but she slapped his
hand away before he got too close.

The door slammed shut when he was only half
through, smacking him in the ass. Outside, the chilled air filled
him with a deep emptiness. He momentarily leaned his head against
the door when he heard a loud slamming sound and Leah shouting
something in Spanish. Again, he couldn’t translate.

He’d screwed up. Big time.
But she had to have known how it would end...

Suddenly, a not so distant
memory came crashing into him—Caleb’s warning.

Caleb was right. Leah
deserved a man that could make all of her dreams come true. Stefen
would never be that man. Now, not only did he have to live each
day, knowing he'd hurt a girl he could possibly…
Possibly what?

The question stumped him.

But there was something there. Something
stronger than he’d ever felt before. Now he’d have to deal with his
cousin’s wrath as well.


Leah woke up, barely able to open her eyes.
They were practically swollen shut from crying all night. There was
no way she was going to make it into work today, so she called her
assistant, Melissa, to fill in. She wouldn't have to worry about
tomorrow since it was the fourth of July, and the shop would be
closed anyway.

Wandering into the bathroom, she winced at
her horrid reflection. The broken woman that stared back almost
sent her into another fit of tears. It didn’t matter what she
looked like, though. Her best friend was coming home in a few
hours, and Leah didn’t want her to have to prepare dinner for

Placing a cold washcloth on her eyes, she
laid down on the bed. Abby had sent a text right before they
boarded the plane, saying she couldn’t wait to see her. That would
have to wait. In the wake of Stefen’s abandonment, Leah decided she
wouldn’t tell Abby. There was no good reason to drag her best
friend into this shitty situation. Abby just got married, and Leah
wasn’t about to add tension to her brand new life.

Forcing herself out of bed, she went
into the bathroom again to clean up. After
tossing the washcloth into the sink, she threw on some yoga pants,
a t-shirt, and her flip flops. The quicker she got ready, the
sooner she would be in and out of Abby’s house, then safely back
home. She struggled a bit, carrying the Pyrex dishes down the
stairs and into her van, but she managed.

Maybe I don’t need a man after all,
she thought as she slammed the door shut a
little harder than necessary.

Driving down the road closer toward
, her stomach began to tighten.

did I
fall for him? I knew what kind of guy he was.

her vision again as she looked down at the lasagnas. If only she
knew which piece would be Stefen’s. Then a small evil grin broke
out when she thought about spitting on the piece that jerk-face was
going to eat. Unless she served him herself, it would never

Apprehensively, she pulled up to the house.
Caleb's Range Rover was parked next to the one he’d given Abby
after their engagement party. It was fairly early, and Leah hoped
to be able to sneak in and out without seeing Stefen.

She kept her sunglasses on to hide her puffy
eyes as she cautiously opened the front door. Naturally, it had to
creek. She left her shoes at the door to avoid any

Tiptoeing into the kitchen, she opened the
refrigerator. Thankfully, it no longer smelled like a rotting
carcass. She set the lasagnas on the middle shelf with a note on
top, then closed the door. As she rounded the kitchen entrance,
something caught her eye. Hesitantly, she looked to her side and
there he was, at the bottom of the stairs, with wet hair. Wearing
only a towel around his waist.

“Shit!” she mumbled, pressing a hand to her
wildly beating heart. Then with her head held high, she strode
toward the front door, acting as if she didn’t care that he was
standing right there.

“Aren't you going to say ‘hi’?” Stefen
slurred before taking a drink of the amber liquid from the glass he

A bit early to be
But she couldn’t care less. He
didn’t give a damn about her, and she didn’t give a damn about

“Nope.” She got to the door, hastily putting
her shoes back on, but the left one wouldn't cooperate. It turned
to the side then flipped over, while her foot scooted on the wood
floor to slip it on.


He watched her botched escape attempt,
unamused. “What the hell did you do to me?” He took another swig of
liquor, mumbling something about his parents and being a ‘no
relationships’ guy. He looked broken, tormented.

Her nostrils
To hell with him.
She couldn’t fix him. He’d made his

Muttering curses, she
finally picked up the damn flip flop and scurried out the door as
he yelled after her, “You ruined everything!

I’m definitely better off without that prick
in my life.

Jumping into her car, she slammed the door
and burst into tears—again.

As she peeled out, she noticed him leaning
haphazardly against the doorframe…shirtless.

Can’t that jackass ever wear a damn



Leah’s eyes popped open at the sound of her
ring tone blaring through the dark bedroom.

“Hello?” Her voice was hoarse and sore from
the additional crying after she’d climbed back into bed.

Abby spoke over a
squealing Madison in the background. “Hey, sweetie. We just got
home and found the food. Thank you so much. I’m exhausted. I

“You’re welcome.” It took everything she had
not to fall apart while her closest friend in the world listened on
the other end.

“Are you all right? You don’t sound so

As wonderful as it was to
hear Abby's voice, it was also challenging. This was her best
friend, and she couldn't share her own heartache. She simply
couldn’t put Abby in the middle.
Two more
days, and Stefen will be gone. Out of my life forever.
Hopefully, at least.

“I’m just sick.” She forced a bogus cough
and sniffed. “I’m so glad you’re home, though. I want to catch up
with you, but I need to go back to sleep.” The lump in her throat
nearly choked her. It was time to cut this conversation short
before she totally lost it.

“Oh, let me come over and check on you. Do
you want some soup or something?” Abby’s concerned, soothing voice
made Leah feel so damn guilty.

!” she cried out, then took a
breath. “I'm sorry, I mean, you just got back from your honeymoon,
and I’m probably contagious. Give me a day or so, and I'll come see
you.” She hoped Abby wouldn't come over. There was no way she could
hide this face to face.

Exaggerating her sigh,
Abby spoke matter-of-factly, “I’m a teacher, Leah. I’m used to
germs, but I’ll let you be.
. Please let me know if you
need anything? Drink plenty of fluids.”

“I will. I just need to
sleep for now.”
Lots and lots of

Once they said their good byes, Leah held
her stomach, filled with remorse. All she wanted was for sleep to
claim her, so she didn’t have to think anymore. After a while of
tossing and turning, she got her wish.

Until the next morning when Abby called to
check up on her.


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