An Exceptional Twist (9 page)

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Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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Madison skipped along as she held onto
Stefen's fingers with one hand and Leah's with the other. People
smiled at them as they past, probably believing they were a happy
little family. Her heart warmed, imagining she would have this
someday. Even though today’s picture was a facade, she couldn't
help but relish in it.

They’d reached the pier
and walked to the aquarium. Stefen whipped his card out
Does he really think he can buy
Leah didn't like that he paid for
everything. Her mom raised her to be independent. A woman who could
take care of herself. If she was on a date, that was

But they were
on a

Stefen noticed her defiant stare. “Please
don't make that face. Money isn't an issue for me. I like paying.”
He shoved his wallet into the back pocket of his grey khaki

She shook her head, directing Madison into
the door. “Let’s just go inside.”

Stefen followed close
behind. His hand accidentally brushed her arm, and she felt the
heat of his body.
If he doesn’t back the
hell up, I’m gonna turn around and do something I’ll be sorry
. She wasn’t sure if she would push
him away or pull him in closer, but either way, she would regret

Taking longer steps to create some distance,
Leah walked with Madison into the aquarium when the foul fishy
stench hit her instantly.

Madison didn’t miss it either, pinching her
nose with her tiny fingers. “Ewww. Why does it smell all stinky in

Leah snickered at the muffled sound of her
voice. “That’s the way ocean animals smell, honey.”

“Well, it’s gross.” Her face scrunched
together in disgust.

Leah bent forward and wrinkled her nose. “I
agree, but they’re worth the stink. You’ll see.” She rubbed
Madison’s soft brown hair. “Let’s check it out.”

Madison pulled on the hem of Leah’s dress,
dragging her over to a sign with information on how to donate to
the aquarium.

Pointing to the banner, Madison questioned,
“What’s that say?”

Leah touched each letter as she sounded out
the word, “A-qua-dopt.”

Scrunching her face again, Madison said, “I
never heard-ed that word ba-fore. What’s it mean?” Stefen let out a
quick breath behind her, stifling a laugh.

Leah glanced over her shoulder at him,
giggling silently at Madison’s cute pronunciations. “It’s a made-up
word, but means that you can help pay to take care of the animals

“Can we help?” An innocent smile covered the
little girl’s face.

Seriously, how does Caleb ever tell this
little girl no?

She picked up a colorful
brochure, feeling Stefen directly behind her as they read through
Why does he keep doing that?
Gulping, she stepped aside and held the pamphlet
up so they could both see it. With a foot of distance.

Thirty-five dollars was
the smallest donation option.
I can do

“Sure we can, sweetie.” She fished a pen
from her purse and squatted down to show her the pictures on the
glossy paper. With her elbow on her thigh and her chin resting on
her palm, Leah gave Madison a choice. “Which one do you want to

“Oh, can it be a starfish? I love starfish.”
Beaming, the little girl swung from side to side.

Nodding, Leah agreed, “Starfish it is.”

Scribbling the information down, Leah stood
and led Madison to the information desk, while Stefen followed. She
handed the brochure to an employee seated at the computer. He
couldn’t be more than seventeen.

“We’d like to help a fish,” Leah told him,
propping her arms on the counter.

“Yes, a starfish,” Madison squealed.

Leah laughed, repeating, “A starfish,
please.” She looked down at Madison, ruffling her cute brunette
head, again thinking how great it would be one day to have a little
Madison of her own.

“Are these together?” The assistant

Leah looked up. “Hmm?”

The cashier held up two brochures. Both
filled in. One in her handwriting…and one in Stefen’s?

Son of a…
Why couldn’t he let her have this one

“No,” she said crisply. “They’re separate.”
She glowered at Stefen from her periphery.

Handing their credit cards over at the same
time, the guy behind the counter held one up in each hand. “Okay,
which card is for the thirty-five dollars and which is for the
thousand dollars?”

Leah choked. “A what?”

The young guy stalled, his face contorting
awkwardly. “Well…”

Leah turned wide eyes on Stefen. “Don’t you
think that’s a bit ridiculous?”

Shrugging his shoulders a little too
innocently, he answered, “Hey, starfish have to eat, too.”

Feeling a tugging on her dress, Leah looked
down and saw the sad look on Madison’s face. “Why are you mad,
Auntie Leah?”

She leaned down to get closer to the little
girl’s face. Smoothing Madison’s hair away from her eyes, Leah
spoke softly, “I’m not mad. I just think that Uncle Stefen is too
giving sometimes.”

Madison tilted her head to the side, seeming
confused, “But Daddy says we should give.”

Taking a deep breath and
exhaling, Leah gave in. “You’re right. Uncle Stefen can donate
whatever he wants.” Raising her chin, she thought,
I won’t let his generosity make me feel

Standing up, with her back to Stefen, Leah
quietly replied, “The blue one is for the thirty-five.” She tried
to sound as confident as she could, but she was suddenly fighting
back tears, feeling insignificant.

The assistant perked up. “With the larger
donation, you get to have your picture taken. Would you like to do
it as a family?”

Leah’s nostrils flared. It
couldn’t have been a pretty picture, but she was beyond caring. “We
family,” she barked, all eyes suddenly on her.
Reel it in, girlfriend.
“I mean,”
she forced a calmer tone, “I think since Madison is the supporter
here, she should have her picture taken.”

Yes. That’s a great
plastered a fake smile on her face, giving Stefen a full dose of
her anger.

Stefen cleared his throat, pulling at the
neckline of his t-shirt a little. “I like that idea,” he said
nervously, ushering Madison toward the green screen. “Come over
here, squirt. I saw a diver’s outfit you can put on.”

Madison clapped her hands excitedly. “A
diver? I get to be a diver?”

Leah softened, feeling deflated. “You’re
gonna be a cute little diver.” Shaking it off, she helped Madison
dress up in the flippers, mask, and vest.

Stefen and Leah each took a picture with
their cell phones as the employee snapped one with a professional

Being on their honeymoon, Leah wasn't sure
if Abby would check her phone, but she sent the picture anyway.
Madison was in the middle of stripping the gear off when Leah felt
Stefen’s fingertips lightly caress the back of her arm.

“Hey, you ready to leave?” he whispered.
“I’m getting hungry.”

His simple touch set her skin on fire,
causing her to forget how upset she’d been with him. Keeping her
focus on Madison, she answered, “Sure.”

His cell phone beeped and he stepped

Probably another woman.

Fiddling with her own phone, she wondered
why it bothered her. Sneaking a peek, she saw him furiously tapping
away on his screen, then he took a deep breath and returned.

He narrowed his eyes, running his hand
behind his neck. “I take it that you sent a picture to Abby,

She frowned. “Was I not supposed to?”

“Caleb is riding my ass now. Warn me before
we do that again, please.” He slipped his cell phone into his other
back pocket.

Did she miss something? “Why is Caleb mad
that we sent him pictures?”

“He knows that I have to get some work done.
Can we just leave now?” He snapped.

That doesn’t sound like Caleb at all.

Madison jumped up and down. “Are we going to
swim and eat lunch?”

Stefen grinned like his
anger was an afterthought. Oh, this little one had him wrapped
around her finger.
Me too.

“Sure.” He hugged Madison to his thigh. “Why
don't we go home, order a pizza, then go swimming? Does that work
for you?” He glanced at Leah, smiling as if he hadn’t just had a

“Sure.” She shrugged, as they made their way
back to his car, still confused about what just happened

“I also got some of those premade salads
yesterday,” Stefen said lightly. Was he trying to make her forget
how he just acted?

“Great.” She wasn't a big pizza fan, but she
was too hungry to complain. A salad sounded good, though.

“Yuck, salads are kina as-gusting, Uncle

Leah broke out in a fit of laughter. She
would never get tired of Madison’s words, but wondered how this
little girl was going to survive with her new vegetarian mom. “You
don't like vegetables, honey?”

“I do, but not with all that goop on it.”
She shivered in ‘as-gust’.

“How about one without goop?” Leah

“Maybe.” Madison held onto their hands again
as they headed back to the car.

Leah’s phone beeped on the way.


Still with Stefen?

Leah almost growled out
What’s the big deal and why do they

We both wanted to see her today.

OK. Be safe. Xoxo. See you soon

Be safe?

Watch your heart, please.

Leah bit her lip.
Trying…but after today, it’s becoming a lot
She was even finding herself
forgiving his tantrum a little too quickly.


Will do. Can’t wait to hear all about your honeymoon




Stefen felt like his stomach was going to
explode. The salad Leah served him was fantastic, but he probably
should’ve stopped at one plate after eating so much pizza. Madison
swam while he lay on the lounge chair, rubbing his belly.

He looked up as Leah walked out of the
house, lifting her sundress, to reveal the swimsuit she wore
underneath. His pulse picked up as desire coursed through him.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” She glimpsed
down at the lounge chair next to Stefen’s.

It suddenly seemed too far away for his
liking. “Actually, I do.”

“You do?” she asked, confused.

Stefen smirked, standing up to drag the
reclining chair alongside his own. “Much better.” He raised his
eyes, and she flushed, absently running her fingers through the
length of her ponytail.

Leah was nothing like the
make-up covered, fake
swimsuit models he was used to. Her fresh face
and natural body were even more enticing. He still didn’t
understand his feelings, but without a doubt, he wanted something
more from her.


She timidly walked over and sat in the soft
cushioned lounge chair just inches away, and he silently cursed
himself. Now it would be even more difficult to keep his hands to

Bashfully, she bit the inside of her check.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” She swiped the back of her
palm against her chin.

“I can’t help myself. You’re just…” Lost for
words, he couldn’t stop staring. He loved the way her chest rose up
and down in response to his scrutiny.

I want

“Just, what?” she prompted.


If it hadn’t been for Madison swimming up to
them, he might have forgotten she was there all together. “Come
swim with me.”

With one final glance at Leah, he turned to
Madison and rubbed his stomach. “In a minute. I’m full.”

She glared at them. “How come old people
always say that kina stuffs?”

Leah burst out laughing, and Stefen looked
at her, faking hurt. “Hey! Who are you calling old?” Jumping up, he
ripped off his shirt, ran to the side of the pool, did a perfect
dive, and dolphin swam up to her. Madison giggled loudly, trying to
escape him, but he caught her.

“Uncle Stefen,” she squealed, “you scared me
and almost made me go potty.”

He let out a deep belly laugh. “Why do you
think I call you squirt? You’ve peed on me since you were a

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