An Exceptional Twist (12 page)

Read An Exceptional Twist Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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Leah pulled into the parking lot and found
Stefen leaning against his cousin's Range Rover. Still in the car,
she allowed her eyes to linger over his low dark jeans, red
t-shirt, and black combat boots. She’d never been so drawn to a guy
before. Sure she had a high school crush that she occasionally
wondered about, and the guy in college that broke her heart, but
this was different.

If their circumstances were different, she
could see herself spending whatever time was needed to actually
find out what Stefen hid under that mask.

She needed to be mindful, though. Remind
herself every second what kind of guy he was, or she’d do something
stupid. There was no way she could trust him with her heart.

Stefen opened the door as
she was reaching for the handle

How did he get over here so fast?

Grinning, she fluttered her eyelashes and
thanked him. “What a gentleman,” Leah flirted, swinging her sock
covered feet out the driver’s side door. Before getting out, she
leaned back and stretched behind the passenger seat.

“Where are your shoes?” Stefen scoffed at
her fuzzy comfy socks.

Shrugging, she wiggled her toes and wrinkled
her nose. “I don't like to drive with them, especially heels or
boots. I feel like I have more control of the car this way.”

What smartass comment is he going to say
about that?

He only grinned warmly. “Bri does that, too.
I've never understood it, but now I can tell her she isn't the only
one.” He squatted down and held onto her feet.

Taken aback, she jumped before picking up
her brown riding boots from the backseat floor. She pulled one of
her feet away as Stefen picked up one of the boots.

“Let me help you.” There was that sexy smirk

He placed her foot on his thigh to
momentarily grip the boot with both hands. Holding onto her calf,
he slowly led her foot inside of the boot, not breaking eye

She felt her chest rise up and down
erratically, mortified that he’d noticed. If she had any doubts,
they disappeared when he laughed quietly and led her other foot
into the second boot.

Lifting her hand, he pulled her out of the
car into an embrace. Now he could feel her crazy heartbeat.


Just as he had done a few nights before,
Stefen kissed her on the forehead. His lips were so soft. Too soft.
No man’s lips were this soft. Leah had already fantasized countless
times what it would be like to kiss them.

“So?” Stefen gave her an inquiring look.

“Huh? So what?”
Did he ask me something?

She’d been so busy dreaming about his lips
that she missed his question.

He snickered with a wicked look in his eyes,
rubbing his palms together. “I asked if you’re ready to do

“Oh.” Letting out a nervous laugh. “Yeah,
let me just put my things in the back.”

Leaning in for her purse, Leah felt the heat
of his gaze right on her butt. She snapped her head over her
shoulder, self-conscious. Sure enough, Stefen's eyes were planted
right on her ass.

“Seriously, Stefen?” She glared, secretly
loving his attention. It made her feel desirable, but she wasn’t
about to let him know that. The last thing she wanted to do was to
encourage his behavior. There was no way she could fight it if he
came on even stronger.

He shrugged unapologetically. “Sorry, I'm a
guy. It's an automatic response when a stunning girl bends over in
front of me.”

He has no

Shaking her head, she strolled to the back
of her van, popping open the back hatch with her remote control. He
caught on and helped her open a compartment to put her purse in.
Fishing through the bag, she pulled out a small wallet and her cell
phone, tucking them into her too tight front jean pocket.

What was I thinking
squeezing into these?
She looked down
Hopefully my muffin top
isn’t showing.

Stefen nodded toward her pocket. “Today is
my treat. You don't need your wallet.” He puffed his chest

Narrowing her eyes at him, she told him like
it was. “Actually, no it's not. I already paid for it, and I need
my ID, so I'll be bringing my wallet.” Sassing him back felt
fantastic as she swiveled around him and closed her hatchback.

“Leah, I already told you that I don't let
women pay,” he practically growled.

Neanderthal man is

She rolled her eyes, ignoring him. “Well,
get over it. It’s already done.” Unable to help herself, she stuck
her tongue out at him.

Stefen remained beside her with his jaw
tight. He was mad, but she didn't care.

“Come on.” She waved him
over. “Let's take that sour attitude of yours and see if we can
change it with a little wine.” She sashayed away, thinking,
he’ll catch up once he gets over

Yeah, like that will ever happen.



Stefen twisted his back to
crack it, then moved his head side to side. His necked snapped in
all the right places, releasing some of the pressure he was
carrying in his shoulders. Entering the small reception area, he
had an idea. It went against his character to ever allow a woman to
Especially one with such a feisty

Leah was chatting with the receptionist when
he walked through the glass door. She gave him a smirk over her
shoulder, and he could feel himself boiling over again. This woman
loved pissing him off.

Why am I letting her get
to me?
This was definitely a

After checking in, Leah excused herself to
go to the bathroom, and Stefen took the opportunity to approach the
receptionist. Behind the desk, the brunette’s eyes sparked with

. “Hey, sweetheart, I need you to do me a favor.” She looked
at him with rounded eyes as he lifted an eyebrow and smirked down
at her. “Can you change the credit card information on our
reservation? It's under Leah Valdez.” He reached in his back pocket
for his wallet and handed her his Amex card.

She chewed her lip nervously. “I’m sorry, I
can't do that. It's already been charged.” A blush rushed to her

Son of a bitch.
“Can you refund the card and put it on this one
instead? Charge me double. I don’t care.” Leaning on the counter
above her, he gave his best smoldering expression while rubbing the
side of his index finger over his lips. Girls seemed to like when
he did that.

“We don't give refunds.” She pointed to a
sign on the wall directly behind her. “I'm sorry. There isn't even
a way for me to process a refund.” She swallowed hard, avoiding his

“How is that possible? If you can charge a
card, you can credit it.” He gripped the counter until his knuckles
were white, his attitude slowly dissolving into a temper

Damn, my head hurts.

Leah stepped up with her hands laced behind
her back, attempting to look innocent. “Whatcha doin'?”

His eyes tightened on her. “Did you do
this?” He nodded back to the shy receptionist.

Poking her slender finger into his chest,
Leah spit out, “Yes. I knew you’d try to pull some shit. You’re so
predictable. Get over yourself, Stefen. Enjoy the day.”

“What’s your problem?” he fumed. “I'm just
trying to be a gentleman. Why do you insist on proving you can pay
your way? I'm the man. I'm supposed to pay.” Huffing, he tried to
keep his voice down, hating that they were having this heated
conversation in front of the nosey couples that sat in the
reception area.

Placing her hands on her hips and jutting
out her foot, Leah shot right back, “I enjoy paying sometimes.
Accept it. Stop making such a big deal, and let's have fun. I don't
want to fight with you anymore.”

Her slightly sad tone made his heart

Sighing inwardly, he grabbed her by the
shoulder and moved them to a more private space outside of the
office. He pushed her gently up against the building and tried a
softer approach. “Fine. But if there are any other expenses today,
please let me pay. I'm considering this a date.” He reached out and
took her hand in his.

A pleasant warm feeling flowed between them
when she looked down to where they touched. “A date?” She
swallowed, uncertain.

Stefen’s laugh vibrated in his chest. “Yeah,
you know, fun, food, a little wine and…” He paused, looking down at
her wickedly.

“And?” She gulped again.

“And this.” He moved his hands up to the
sides of her face, pulling her in for a slow, tender kiss.

She tensed at first, but as his lips worked
against hers, she curled her arms around his neck and melted into
him. It felt so natural to kiss her, and she tasted exquisite.
Savoring her, he loved the way she responded to him. He could kiss
her all day, on every part of her body if she’d let him.

What the hell am I thinking?

Leah pulled away first, but he wasn’t ready
to let her go yet.

The wonder on her face was quickly replaced
with disappointment. “Stefen, I’ll agree with the paying part, but
we’re just hanging out while you're in town. We can't date or kiss,
ever again. You’re leaving.” Pain was evident in her expression
when she moved away and started walking back toward the front

Grabbing her hand, he spun her around to
face him once more. “I didn't say we’re dating. I said this is a
date, which is basically the same as hanging out, except I may
steal a kiss here and there, and hold your hand.” He’d never been
turned down by a girl before and Leah was the last woman he’d ever
want to be rejected by.

Gulping hard, she pulled away, whispering,
“Can we please just forget that happened and go back inside?”

Looking down at the floor, he let her go.
This was a new feeling for him, and he couldn’t help the honest
words that came out of his mouth. “Impossible to forget. That was
by far the best kiss I’ve ever had, but we can go in if you

Stefen watched as Leah walked away, putting
as much distance as she could between them.



As they rode in the Hummer’s backseat to the
first winery, Leah felt Stefen’s eyes on her. Glancing around the
inside of the vehicle, then out the passenger window, she tried to
ignore his scrutiny.

It didn’t help when the lady across from her
smiled warmly, asking, “How long have you two been together? You
make a very handsome couple.”

Leah shifted uncomfortable in her seat. “Oh,
um, we’re not dating.”

Stefen scoffed, and she turned to find him
scowling before he looked out his own window.

The woman frowned. “I’m sorry, I saw you
guys in the parking lot and just assumed.”

“It’s okay,” Leah waved her off, “just a
misunderstanding.” Since their kiss—and her rejection—the tension
couldn’t get any thicker. This certainly didn’t help.

They turned onto a pathway. Off to the side,
a large faded sign read, ‘Evanwood Vineyard’. Driving down a
dirt-covered road, they passed row upon row of grape vines
intertwined along wires that stretched across the fields.

Leah was in awe of the beautifully, lush
grounds. The moment they came to a stop, she jumped out, eager to
leave the awkward atmosphere behind. At the entrance, she stretched
her arms, feeling her shirt ride up.

Stefen strolled passed, catching her off
guard as he ran his warm fingertips along her bare belly. She
gasped, then blushed. He turned and smirked at her, and she found
herself fisting her palms, squashing the urge to reach for him.

He’s going to do me in for
, she thought, tugging down the hem of
her blouse.

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