An Exceptional Twist (7 page)

Read An Exceptional Twist Online

Authors: Kimi Flores

Tags: #santa barbara florist lawyer romance special needs new love spanish mexican salvadoran beach farmers marker swimmer dancer dancing food family alhambra chicago hockey, #over 100k words

BOOK: An Exceptional Twist
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Typically, when he went
out with other women, the only looks they got were from other
jealous females. Tonight, he felt completely invisible.
That’s a first.

Irked, he yelled over the loud music, “Why
don't we sit down and finish our drinks? I know you have to get
back early.”

Still on a high from dancing, she missed his
irritation. “Okay, that sounds good.” She was breathless and
glistening from the sweat she’d worked up.

Stefen scanned the room as
they pushed through the crowd, narrowing his eyes as his gaze
caught on the guy who'd asked Leah to dance.
turned his head to avoid eye

How the hell did he have the balls to ask
her to dance and none to fight me for her? What a pansy ass.

Observing the way people were noticing that
sexy ass dress she was wearing, Stefen took the opportunity to
check her out from behind again. He had to get them to the table
quicker. He yanked the seat out a bit rougher than he intended.

She eyed him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm just a little tired,” he

Pointing to her glass, she said, “I don't
have to finish this. We can go.”

He was going to be
guy—the one that forced them
leave because he was throwing a jealous tantrum, but he couldn’t
stay here any longer. “If you don't mind.”

She stood, and he squeezed her hip as they
headed out. The only noise as they walked back to the lobby was the
clicking of her heels on the clay tiled floor.

Outside, he raked his hands through his hair
in frustration. No carts in sight. Well, at least she knew how to
get back. As they started back, he noticed the chill. Although it
was summertime, the cool ocean air had a slight bite to it.

Leah rubbed her hands up and down her arms
for warmth as they made their way up the windy cement path toward
the lobby.

Maybe I can salvage the
night, after all.
“Are you

“A little. I forgot my shawl at home.”

“Come over her.” He pulled his lapel open,
inviting her to join him.

She smiled and came closer as he wrapped his
jacket around her bare shoulders. Initially, he thought about just
giving her the coat, but now he had permission to hold her

Once they reached the entrance, Stefen
handed his ticket to a different valet than the jackass earlier.
Leah stretched her arms around him, inside his jacket, melting into
his body.

This felt good.
Too damn good.
He was
noticing his emotions were starting to get wrapped around

Remember the goal here. If you can’t, then
you better walk away right now.

Smiling, Leah peered up, and her face fell.
“Something’s wrong. Didn't you have fun tonight?”

He waved his hand in the air, gesturing
around them while pulling away. “Sure. It was great. It was more
the crowd that I didn't care for.”

Leah’s eyes widened. “Really? I thought it
was fine.”

“It was. Just not my scene.” He glanced
around, anxious to find out where the damn car was. These guys were
too slow and didn't deserve the tip he was going to give them just
to impress her.

“I’m sorry.” Leah’s glanced down. “I thought
you would have a good time here tonight. It’s one of my favorite
places.” Her voice was small, regret washing across her

He placed his thumb gently
under her chin and lifted it, trying to convince her. “I did have a
good time.
With you

She tried to turn away, but he held her in
his grasp. “Leah, it wasn’t you. Trust me, okay?” Once she nodded,
he dropped his hand, watching their car approaching.

The valet got out, tossed him the keys, and he
handed the kid a tip.

Most of the ride back was spent in silence.
Everything was warring inside him. He wanted her, but without
strings. Could he have that? His need was becoming overpowering,
though, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to let her go tonight
without touching her, kissing her…

A few blocks before they reached her place,
Leah opened her mouth to say something and then closed it.

What was she going to say? He wanted her to
open up to him. Now he cursed his shitty attitude.

Unable to help himself, he asked, “What’s on
your mind?”

She twisted her hands nervously in her lap.
“How do you feel about doing something a
little touristy but fun that includes brunch and

A chance to spend more time with her? That
got his attention. “I'm all ears.”

She breathed a sigh of relief, and he could
feel the awkward tension dissipating.

She smiled. “There's a company out here that
guides wine tasting tours to a few local vineyards in Santa Ynez.
The first winery provides an early brunch.” Studying his reaction,
she continued, “I’m free next Saturday, and I thought you might be
interested in going…unless you have other plans,” she tacked on at
the end.

He smiled reassuringly at her. “Nope. No
plans. That sounds great.”

“Great.” Her smile widened and her hands
settled in her lap. “I’ll take care of the details.  I found
it online today.” She caught herself, “Um, I mean, I'll make the
reservations tomorrow when I get into the shop.”

So she wanted to spend
more time with him.
She wants me.
“Now I have something to look forward to.”
Cocking an eyebrow at her, he added, “Do me a favor

“What?” Seemingly innocent eyes looked up at
him, but again, he knew better.

“As stunning as you look right now, please
have mercy on a guy and cover up next time. You know, so I don’t
have to beat the assholes down.” He winked to let her know he was
joking. Sort of.

A small giggle escaped her. “Oh, I see.”

“See what?” He frowned.

“You’re jealous.” She gazed out the
windshield with a smirk.

The hell?
He was not jealous. He didn’t do jealous. Not his

Narrowing his eyes, he clenched his teeth,
white-knuckling the steering wheel. This girl was messing with his
head. Not only was she tying him up in knots, now she was calling
him on his feelings, too.


Leah is going to be the death of me. But
what a fantastic way to go.



When they pulled up in her driveway, Stefen
left the car running while going to open her door.

What a gentleman.
At least there’d be
no awkward expectations about how their night would end.

She caught him eyeing her legs as he helped
her out. The cool night air blew across her heated skin as she
flushed under his appraisal. She shivered lightly, wrapping her
arms around her body. Not from the temperature, but protection
against the way he made her feel. His mood swings drove her crazy.
She didn’t need more anguish in her life.

We can be friends
, she reminded
herself for the millionth time.

“Thank you for a lovely evening, Stefen.” At
the sound of her words, he looked up, a mischievous grin on his
face like he knew she spotted him staring.

She smiled at him. “I’ll call you later
about Saturday.”

“I can’t wait. Tonight was great.

He bent forward, and she wasn’t sure what to
do until his soft lips grazed her forehead, teasing her heart and
causing her head to spin. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself a
moment to enjoy his mouth on her delicate skin.

As difficult as it was, she pulled away,
thanked him once again, then she carefully walked up the back
stairs that lead up to her apartment. At the door, she turned to
wave, melting at his sexy smirk. He was so damn gorgeous, it was
almost excruciating to look at him. But more than that, she loved
the look behind his passionate gaze.

Stefen was more than what he outwardly
showed, and she would do anything to get a hold of the vulnerable
man behind his façade.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she reminded
He’s not staying. You have to stop thinking like

She shut the door behind her, removing her
shoes as she thought about how every eye was on him tonight. No
wonder he was so damn cocky. Everyone practically bowed down to

She imagined it would always be that way,
too. No matter where he went, people were bound to fall all over
themselves just to be near him.

Please, heart
, she begged,
pick him.

When she opened her eyes Wednesday morning,
Leah was thankful she'd decided to take the day off. She still
hadn't caught up on her sleep from the previous weekend. All week,
she hadn’t been able to get Stefen out of her mind. Her head was
spinning, remembering how warm his chest was in the cool, crisp air
and how his soft lips felt against her forehead.

She assumed they still had plans for
Saturday, but hadn’t talked to him to confirm. When she called him
two days ago about the details, all she got was his voice mail.
Leah wasn’t one of those clingy girls that needed a guy calling her
non-stop, but it had been five days since they’d spoken.

Not that I’m counting.

Her fingertips rubbed at her temples as she
paced back and forth, worried she’d made a mistake by inviting him.
Attracted to him or not, she needed to keep in mind that it was
just idiotic to think that anything could happen.

Her cell phone vibrated, forcing her from
her anxious thoughts. Abby’s beautiful face appeared on the screen
with her gorgeous husband's lips plastered to her cheek, and the
ocean in the background.

A wide grin broke out on her face as she
texted back.


Having a good time?

The best!

I get to spend some girly time with your daughter

Please give her a big hug and kiss from us

Will do. Enjoy your honeyman. Oops—honeymoon ;)

Oh I am ;)


Leah laughed giddily, thrilled that her best
friend had found the man of her dreams. Placing the phone down on
the counter, she spun it back and forth wondering when she would be
as lucky.

Enough feeling sorry for
yourself, you’ve got a great day ahead of you with a sweet little
. The pep-talk was enough to get her
to walk away from the phone.

She turned on her iPod for her usual morning
‘get ready’ dance, and she sashayed into the bathroom.

Gliding the mascara wand up her eyelashes,
she heard the phone ringing. Nervous butterflies flopped around her
belly when she read the caller ID.


Taking a breath, she casually answered,
“Hey, Stefen. What's up?”

“I just talked to Madison’s grandmother, and
she said you were going to hang out with Madison today.” His voice
was flat and he sounded disappointed.

“Yep, we’re having a girls’ day out.” She began to scan
through her closet for an outfit.

“Oh. I was hoping to hang out with her for
the day.” He really sounded bothered.

Pausing her search, she
well, this was awkward.
He’s not calling about me, he’s calling about the
little girl I’m spending the day with.

Deflated, she toyed with
the idea of him tagging along.
It couldn’t
be too bad…
“You’re welcome to join us. I
doubt you’d want a mani or a pedi, but you may enjoy the aquarium.”
She didn’t need to mention the dance studio portion of their
planned outing.

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