Authors: H.L. Mencken
walnut, 124
Walter, 507, 510, 511, 515
waltz, 155
waltz, to, 194
wam, 184
wampum, 100, 106
wampum-keeper, 106
wan, 436, 440
wander, 343
wanderlust, 219; -club, 219; -er, 219; -ing, 219 wangle, to, 265
want, 343
wan’t, 446
want-ad, 170
war, 344
warant, 406
warden, 242, 243
warder, 243
War Eagle, 537
Warfield, 498
warm, 252
warm(p)th, 439
warm-slaw, 108
Warner, 482
Wärner, 482
war-paint, 106
war-path, 106
Warrah, 524
warrant, 406
Warren, 516, 537
Warsaw, 530
was, 427
Wascott, 538
Wash, 519
wash, 343, 344
wash-basin, 231, 236
wash-bowl, 236
wash-hand-basin, 231
wash-hand-stand, 231, 236
Washington, 515, 517, 519, 529, 537
Washingtonian, 552
washing-up bowl, 234
wash-rag, 236
wash-room, 304
wash-stand, 85, 231, 236
Wasil, 511
wassermann, to, 192, 197
waste-basket, to, 195, 236
waste-paper basket, 236
watch, 343, 344
watch-crystal, 239
watch-glass, 239
water, 343, 344, 349;
-closet, 304, 310; -gap, 115; -heater, 236;
-pitcher, 85; -shed, 115; wagon, 92
water, to, 228
Watkins Gully, 535
Watt, 553
Wauskakamick, 514
Wave, 522
way, 256, 547
way-bill, 146
way-car, 583
Wayman, 483
Wayne, 510, 512
Wayne Junction, 529
way-station, 238
W.C., 210, 304
we, 447, 455
weakly, 467
we-two, 449
we-uns, 450
Weymann, 483
wh, 351
Wham, 504, 536
whang-doodle, 176
whap, 98, 184
whar, 339
what, 335, 343, 452, 454
what-all, 450
whatdyecallem, 564
what’ell, 316
what price, 265
what the hell, 316
wheatena, 173
wheatlet, 173
wheat-pit, 144
wheel, 351
Wheeler, 496
wheel-horse, 148
Wheelingite, 549
Whelp, 552
when, 351
whence, 468
where, 24, 351, 467
Where am I at?, 258
where’bouts, 468
Where did you get that hat?, 566
Where do you get that stuff?, 566
whether, 351
Whetstone, 523
which, 452, 454
whichn, 454
which one, 454
while, 119, 351
While-U-Wait, 209
whiskers, 579
whiskey, 393, 394; -and-
soda, 149, 236; -daisy, 149; -sour, 85
White, 485, 489, 493, 495, 499
white-collar, 239
white-face, 584
Whitehand, 493
Whitehill, 502
white-lion, 85
White Mountains, 532
Whiteneck, 479
white-plush, 149
White Sox, 407
White Thunder, 514
Whitetree, 514
white wagon, 556
weal, 351
weald, 115
wear, to, 436
Weasel, 552
weasle-word, 174
weather, 351, 603; -bureau, 239
Weaver, 485
Weber, 485
Web-feet, 552
wedding-engineer, 289
Weeda, 521
week-end, to, 195
Weems, 503
weep, to, 436, 437
Weigand(t), 499
weight, 237
Weil, 499
Weinberg, 499
weinstube, 219
weir, 248
Weisberg, 502
Weiss, 479, 485
wel, 383, 403
welded, 561
well, 103, 383
wellest, 463
well-heeled, 143
Wellington, 233, 513
well-posted, 143
Wemyss, 503
wen, 351
wench, 305
went, 424, 432, 442
weop, 437
wep, 436, 437
wepte, 437
wer, 401
were, 401, 428
Werkman, 485
Werner, 484
Wes, 511
Weshinawatok, 514
Wesley, 511, 513, 516, 51, 535
Wesley chapel, 210
Wesleyville, 535
West, 529
west, 377
westbound, 247
West End, 247
Westphal, 483
Westphal, 483
wet, 86, 191, 565
wet, to, 436
wether, 403
whitewash, 101
whitewash, to, 118
white-wings, 186
whither, 351, 468
whittle, to, 128
whizz-bang, 573, 579
who, 201, 422, 452, 453, 454, 461, 600
who-all, 450
whole, 600
whole kit and boodle, 109
whole note, 250
whole-souled, 143, 231
whom, 201, 202, 453, 454, 459
whoopee, 560
whooptician, 179
whore, 303, 305, 309, 310, 349
whoredom, 303
whortleberry, 114
whose, 452, 453
whosen, 452, 453
Wichita, 541
wick, 532
wid, 465
wide, 465
Wide Mouth, 537
wie geht’s, 157
wiener, 155
wienerwurst, 112, 155
wienie, 155, 186
wierd, 402
wife, 302, 578
wig, 169
wigwam, 100, 105
wijk, 532
wikiwiki, 373
wil, 401, 403
Wilbur, 524
Wilburn, 516
wilcut, 407
Wild, 523
Wildeman, 561
wile, 351
Wilfred, 518
Wilhelm, 505
Wilkes-Barré, 537
will, 25, 199, 200, 201, 420, 445 519
Will-A., 517
William, 505, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 5l6, 519, 520
Williams, 477
Williamsburg, 529
Willis, 507
Wilson, 477, 498, 520
wilt, to, 98, 128
wimmen, 383, 384
win, 248, 416, 436, 447
win, to, 436, 440
Winar, 488
wind, to, 198
windfall, 101
window-cleaning-engineer, 290
window-shade, 236
windscreen, 237
windshield, 237
wind up, to, 198
Windy City, 553
wing, 236
wing-ding, 579
wing her, to, 583
Winiarecki, 488
winned, 440
Winnipegger, 549
Winnipiseogee, 540
win out, to, 227
Winston-Salem, 537
Winter, 492
winterize, to, 193
wipe out, to, 578
wireless, 226, 559
wire-puller, 30, 167, 228
Wirt, 480
Wise, 479, 499
wise-crack, 263
wise-cracker, 585
wise-guy, 576
wiseheimer, 219
wisenheimer, 263
wise up, to, 263
wish, 352
wish, to, 436
wished, 436
wisht, 399, 403, 436
wisit, 377
Wistaria, 522
wit, 367
with, 367
wither, 351
without hardly, 470
witness-box, 246
witness-stand, 229, 246
Witt, 502
Wittenacht, 479
Wittkofsky, 502
wize, 402
W J, 517
w.k., 209
wo, 383, 401
wobble, to, 126
wobbly, 188, 190, 191, 581
woe, 383
woik, 367
woke, 435, 442
woken, 435
wold, 115
Wolf, 486, 490
wolf, 582
Wolfgang, 505
Wolfsohn, 498
woman, 303
womanishest, 463
woman of a certain class, 311
womb, 303
women, 383, 384
women’s ice hockey, 293
women’s singles, 293
women’s wear, 293
won, 436, 437, 440
wonderful, 464, 465
won’t, 377
woodchuck, 105
wooden-house, 234
Woodhouse, 493
Woodrow, 512
Woods, 495
woods, 462
woodscolt, 308
woof, 344
woop-woop, 378
woozy, 568
wop, 45, 295
Worcester, 540
wore, 436
work, 367
workhouse, 243
Workman, 485
World War, 248
worm-fence, 145, 166
Worm moon, 106
worse, 463
worser, 420, 463
worshiper, 388
Wörth, 480
worth-while, 229
woud, 404
would, 25
woulda, 443, 471
would not, 469
wouldn’t, 425, 471
would of, 471
would’ve, 471
Would you for fifty cents?, 566
wow, 184, 185, 564, 586
Wowk, 490
wowser, 265, 378
wrang, 436
wrangler, 221, 243
wrapping-engineer, 290
wrassle, 346
wrecketeria, 177
wrecking-crew, 146
wren, 209
wrestle, 346
wring, to, 436
write, to, 436, 613
writing-table, 254
written, 436, 442, 613
wrongd, 402
wrote, 424, 436, 442, 613
wroten, 442
wrung, 436
wust, 109
Wyoming, 526, 532
wytopitlock, 531
x, 404
XLent, 209
x-ray, to, 197, 559
Y, 170
y, 341, 345, 360, 364, 389, 394, 401, 402, 404, 446, 469; -y, 467, 548
yabo, 373
yacht, 397
yah, 353
y’all, 363, 449, 450
yam, 113, 246
Yank, 111
yank, to, 99, 111
Yankee, 110, 295
Yankel, 506
Yankelevitch, 498
yarb, 129, 351
yard,547, 585
yawp, 75
ye, 454
yeah, 353
year, 379
yeare, 379
yearn, 406
yeggman, 263
yellow, 247
yellow-belly, 295, 562
Yellow Dog, 536
Yellow Robe, 514
yen, to, 162, 263
Yengees, 110
yentzer, 578
yep, 229, 353
yerba, 152
Yerma, 516
yern, 406
yes, 353
yes, to, 195
yes-indeedy, 161
yes-man, 563
Yes, we have no bananas, 561
yet, 340
Yetive, 522
yhar, 360
yid, 295, 305
yip, 577
yo, 360
yodel, 157
yok-a-mi, 162
yom kippur, 216
Yonaha, 524
Yonkers, 533; -ite, 549
York, 527; -er, 549
Yorktown, 529
Yosel, 506
yot, 397
you, 447, 450, 451, 454
you-all, 363,449
you betcha, 258
y’ought, 450
you is, 363, 427
Young, 483, 491
Youngdahl, 491
young-horse, 580
young person, 184
Youngreen, 491
young-un, 309
your, 447, 449
youre, 449
youren, 449
youres, 449
you’re telling me, 572
Your Honor, 279
yourn, 447
yours, 449
yous, 447, 451
You said a mouthful, 566
you said it, 561
you-three, 449
you-two, 449
you-uns, 450
you was, 428
you were, 428
Yrgö, 510
Ysobel, 520
yu, 403
Yuhudi, 298
Yukkanatche, 514
yurp, 184
z, 375, 389, 394, 401, 510
Zaba, 488
Zach, 519
Zachariah, 519
Záchod, 487
Zajíc, 487
Zampariello, 493
Zannis, 521
zarape, 152, 153
Zděný, 486
zeal, 384
ZBarney, 518
zeber, 385
zebra, 385
Zebulon, 515
Zechariah, 515
zee, 352
zeel, 381, 384
Zelény, 486
Zhinchak, 489
zig-zag, 375
Zilpah, 522
Zilvernagel, 485
Zimmermann, 485
Zion, 524
Zirst, 503
zombie, 587
zone, 239
Zooa, 524
zook, 577
Zotas, 522
zounds, 312, 317
zowie, 184, 564
Zulu, 296
Zurhorst, 503
Zwartefoote, 485
zwei, 157
zwei bier, 157
zwieback, 112, 155
zwok, 109
Zymole, 512
was born in Baltimore in 1880 and died there in 1956. Educated privately and at Baltimore Polytechnic, he began his long career as journalist, critic, and philologist on the Baltimore
Morning Herald
in 1899. In 1906 he joined the staff of the Baltimore
thus initiating an association with the
papers which lasted until a few years before his death. He was co-editor of the
Smart Set
with George jean Nathan from 1908 to 1923, and with Nathan he founded in 1924 the
American Mercury,
of which he was editor until 1933. His numerous books include
A Book of Burlesques (
); A Book of Prefaces (
); In Defense of Women (
); The American Language (
1918 — 4th revision, 1936
); Supplement One (
); Supplement Two (
1948); six volumes of
Prejudices (
1919, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1926,1927
); Noteson Democracy (1926); Treatise on the Gods (
); Treatise on Right and Wrong (
); Happy Days (
); Newspaper Days (
); Heathen Days (
); A Mencken Chrestomathy (
1949); and
Minority Report (
1956). Mencken also edited several books; he selected and edited
A New Dictionary of Quotations (
1942). He was co-author of a number of books, including
Europe after 8:15(
); The AmericanCredo (1920); Heliogabalus (
a play, 1920); and
The Sun-papers of Baltimore (