American Language (153 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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Roggenfelder, 483

Rogowsky, 498

rogue, 402

rohlík, 215

roil, 346

roil, to, 434

role, 409

rôle, 409

roll, 401

roller-coaster, 142, 237

rolling-country, 115

Rolyat, 538

romaine, 260

Roman, 551

Roman Catholic, 249

romance, 325

Rome, 530

Romiette, 521

Rondinone, 493

Rondy, 493

röntgenogram, 347

rood, 344

roof, 344

roof-garden, 583

rook, 344

rookie, 573

room, 344

room, to, 118, 196

room-clerk, 239

roomer, 235

rooming-house, 292

room-mate, 263

roorback, 148

Roos, 485, 491

Roosevelt, 480, 537

rooster, 85, 235, 302, 304, 308, 344; -swain, 301

root, 328, 344

root, to, 191

rooter, 191

rooves, 344

rope in, to, 142

Ros, 491

Rose, 485, 498, 499, 507

rose, 434, 436

Rosecrans, 480

Rosella, 521

Rosenbau, 480, 500

Rosenblum, 480

Rosenfeldt, 480

Rosenkrantz, 480

Rosenthal, 480

Rosenvelt, 480

rosinback, 584

Ross, 498

Rossacampo, 480

rot-gut, 566

Roth, 484

rôtisserie, 215

rotten, 309

Rotten Row, 105

rotter, 269

rough, 202, 383, 399

Rough-and-Ready, 536

rough cider, 244

rough-house, 92, 227

rough-neck, 144, 187

round-trip, 147

round-up, 145, 227

’rous mit ’im, 157

roustabout, 144, 263

route, 328

route de roi, 105

row, 126, 183, 247, 547

rowdy, 145, 231, 565

royal supreme knight commander, 289

Royalty, 505

Royce, 482

R.U., 209

rubarb, 402

rubberneck, 37, 62, 186, 220, 227, 557

rubberneck-wagon, 237

rubbers, 235

rubbish, 235

rube, 37, 170, 252

Rubinstein, 499

Ruby, 518

ruby, 250; -nonpariel, 250

ruddy, 316

Rudolph, 505, 506

Rue, 495

ruf, 383, 399, 402 403

Ruiz, 494, 514

rule, to, 199

rum, 244; -dealer, 244;

-dumb, 158, 244; -evil, 244; -hound, 244; -trade, 244

rumble-seat, 237

rum-dealer, 244

rumour, 395

rump, 236

run, 115, 147, 235, 350, 422

run, to, 148, 198, 232, 423, 434

runabout, 236

run for office, to, 245

rung, 434, 437, 441

run in, to, 198

run into the ground, to, 142

runner-bean, 260

run slow, 202

rupture, 307

rurale, 221

rush, 242

Russ, 183

russet, 247

Russian, 296

rutabaga, 246

ruther, 359

Ruven, 506

ruz, 436

rv, 401

s, 335, 353, 375, 383, 386, 389, 394, 447, 448, 449, 484, 503

S.A., 208, 560

saace, 22

Saarikoski, 492

Sabany, 524

Sabbaday, 169

sabe, 152

Sabinoso, 534

Sacco, 494

sachem, 105, 106

sack, 101

sack-suit, 235

Sacramentan, 549

Sacramento, 535, 543

sacred-ox, 583

Sadie, 507

Sadye, 520

safe, 466

safen, to, 193

sagamore, 98, 106

Sage, 494

Sagebrush Center, 554

Saguache, 543

said, 404, 434, 614

Saint George, 496

Saint-Maure, 479

Saint Peter, 496

saints, 318

sala, 153

salad-basket, 260

salat, 360

salery, 360

sales-engineer, 291

saleslady, 294

salesman, 288

sales-promotion-engineer, 291

saleswoman, 294

Sali, 510

Salida, 543

Salinan, 549

sallat, 359

Sällström, 490

Sally, 507

Sally Ann, 582

Sallyrose, 521

Salmon, 498

salmon, 337

Salomon, 498

saloon, 85, 149, 219, 237, 243; -bar, 243; -car, 237; -corner men, 256; -keeper, 150, 243

salt-lick, 116

saltwater-taffy, 37

salve, 335, 582

Sam, 519

Sambo, 524

sambuke, 151

samp, 106

sample-room, 86, 149, 292

Samuel, 506, 507, 515

San Anselmo, 534

San Antonio, 541

sanatoria, 412

San Bernardino, 543

Sanchez, 494

sand, 167, 580

sand-bag, to, 227

Sanders, 506

San Diegan, 549

Sandusky, 525

Sandy, no, 295

Sandy Hook, 532, 535

sanemagogna, 317

San Franciscan, 549

San Francisco, 543

sang, 434, 442

Sanger, 482

Sänger, 482

sängerfest, 112, 157, 218

sanguinary, 316

sanitary-engineer, 289

sanitize, to, 193

San Jacinto, 543

San José, 542; -an, 549

sank, 434

San Luis, 543

San Matean, 549

San Patricio, 534

San Pedro, 543

Santa Clara, 542

Santa Claus, 108

Santa Cruzan, 549

Santa Fe, 542

Santa Margarita, 534

Santa Monica, 543

Santiago, 508

Sant Klaas, 108

sap, 169, 566; -head, 263

sapolio, 173

Sara, 507

Sarah, 507

sarge, 170

sarsaparilla, 112

sartain, 360

sartin, 339

sarve, 339

Sasha, 508

sass, 161, 339

sass, to, 434

sassafras, 112

sassed, 434

sassy, 360, 379

sat, 434, 439

satisfaction, 336

Saturday, 336

Satyra, 522

sauce, 328, 335, 339, 349

sauce, to, 434

saucy, 339

sauer-braten, 155, 411

sauer-kraut, 98, 112, 155, 219,411

Saugonian, 550

Sault Ste. Marie, 542

Saumagen, 501

Sauny, 524

savagerous, 137, 141

Savannah, 525

savant, 75

saviour, 394, 395

savory, 395

savour, 395

saw, 349, 378, 420, 423, 434 442

Sawney, 524

saw wood, to, 119, 198

Say!, 252

say, to, 434

say a mouthful, to, 257

says, 447

’s blood, 312

’s bloud, 312

sc, 402

scab, 37, 239

sca’cely, 350

scalawag, 145, 175, 231

Scaler, 488

scallywag, 231

scally-wampus, 145, 176

scalp, to, 117

scandihoovian, 296

scandinoovian, 296

scant, 128

scarce, 339, 466

scarcely, 466, 467

scarfeteria, 177

scarf-pin, 235

scary, 93, 143

scatter, 349

Scellato, 493

scenarioize, to, 193

scent-spray, 233

sch, 484

Schaefer, 485

Schaf, 487

schedule, 352; -time, 227

Schenectadian, 550

schepel, 100

scherzo, 347

schicker, 217

schiksa, 217

schlacht, 602

Schlachtfeld, 498

Schlegel, 484

Schleigh, 499

schlepper, 217

Schlesinger, 500

Schluter, 484

Schmetterling, 501

Schmidt, 477, 482

schmierkäse, 411

schmiessed, 218

schmus, 217

Schnäbele, 482

Schneider, 484, 487, 493, 501

schnitzel, 155

schnookel, 218

schochet, 217

Schoen, 484

scholard, 22

scholom aleichim, 217

Scholtz, 483

Schön, 484, 500

school, 293

schoolmarm, 231, 350

schooner, 116, 149, 243, 372

schout, 109

Schrader, 483

Schroeder, 483

Schugren, 490

schul, 217

Schultz, 483

Schumacher, 485, 487

schützenfest, 157

Schuyler, 481, 498, 516

Schuylkill, 532

Schwab, 483

Schwaben, 296

Schwartz, 477, 485, 495

Schweiszhund, 501

schweizer, 155, 347

scientist, 559

scimetar, 390

scimitar, 390

scissor-bill, 582

scoffings, 582

scofflaw, 174

scolar, 401

Scomp, 495

scone, 233

scool, 401

scoon, to, 116

scooner, 116, 117

scoop, 583

scoot, to, 142, 232

scoovy, 296

score, to, 199

scout, 109

scow, 16, 108

scowegian, 296

scowoogian, 296

scrag-end, 236

scram, to, 560, 581

scrap, 231

scrape, 145

scratcher, 579

scratch-pad, 239

screw, 580, 581

screw-spanner, 235

scribbling-block, 239

scrimp, to, 129, 252

scrubwoman, 266

scrumdirferous, 145

scrumptious, 145

Scrymsoure-Steuart-Fothringham, 503

scule, 100

sculp, to, 192

se, 451

sea-board, 99

Seac, 524

sea-food, 247

Seagren, 490

sealed, 561

Seaman, 496

seamstress, 340

Sean, 513

Sears, 482

Seashore, 491

sea-shore, 99

seaside, 236

season-ticket-holder, 238

seat, 302

seater, 119

Seattleite, 549

Sebes, 496

secesh, 170

sech, 346

secondary-school, 241

second floor, 235, 238

second-hand, 293

second-year-man, 242

secretary, 267

secret disease, 304

section, 247

sedan, 237

seduced, 302, 310

see, 375, 442

see, to, 191, 434

seed, 434

see’d, 416

seed-ox, 302

seen, 420, 423, 434, 436, 441, 442

see the elephant, to, 142

see the light, to, 227

segankw, 104

segongw, 104

Segren, 490

seidel, 157, 243, 347

Selby, 501

selectman, 98, 116

self, 459

Sellstrom, 490

semester, 220, 242

semi-, 180, 181; -annual, 181; -breve, 250; -brevis, 250; -centennial, 181; -national, 181; -occasional, 96, 143, 181; -open-air, 181; -panic, 181; -quaver, 250; -wild, 181

semidemisemiquaver, 250

semiminima, 250

seminar, 220

Senate, 57

senator, 395

sende, 438

senery, 402

senile, 341

senior, 242

senior-prom, 242

señor, 152, 409

señorita, 152, 376

sensual, 352

sent, 438

sent down, to be, 243

sente, 438

sented, 402

Seosmh, 513

septer, 402

Seraphim, 516

Serb, 183

sergeant, 243

Seril, 522

serious, 466

serious charge, 304

serv, 403

servant, 228, 292

serve, 339

service, 210, 211

service, to, 192, 194

servile, 341

Servisk, 486

set, to, 199, 434, 439, 613

set-back, 167

settled, to be, 581

Seumas, 513

Sevčík, 512

Seventh Day Adventist, 250

sew, 383, 384

Sewell, 481, 496

Sewer, 504

sewerage, 235

sex glands, 307

sexual, 305

Seymour, 479, 506, 507, 516

sez, 434, 447

sez you, 222, 226

sh, 375, 382, 384

shabby, 126

shack, 37, 231, 582

shackle, to, 194

shackles, 582

shadchan, 216

shade, 375

shadow-boxing, 562

Shadrach, 515

shafts, 561

Shain, 500

shake, to, 434, 440

shake down, to, 578

shaken, 428, 434, 440

Shakespeare, 537

shal, 401, 403

shall, 24, 199, 200, 201, 420, 425, 445

sham, 126; -battle, 239; -fight, 239

shammy, to, 194

Shampoo, 495

Sham’un, 496

Shane, 484, 500

Shannon, 496

sha’n’t, 445

shanty, 151, 231, 583;

-man, 151; -town, 151

shanty, to, 151

Shanty Irish, 151

Shapiro, 500

share, 244; -holder, 244

shark, 582

Sharlot, 520

Sharon, 535

shavatorium, 179

shaveteria, 176

Shawangunk, 540

Shawnee-cake, 115

shaze, 382

she, 375, 448, 451, 458

Shean, 500

she-cow, 361

shed, 375, 579

Shedlicker, 488

sheenie, 295

sheep-dip-expert, 291

sheeps, 419

sheer-crapper, 359

Sheila, 513

shell, 243

Shellat, 493

shellbone, 236

shell-road, 116

Shepherd, 485

Sheppard, 485

Sher, 498

Sherman, 498, 508

sherry-cobbler, 149

Sherwood, 503

shet, 346, 434

shevaleer, 382, 384

Shevchynsky, 489

shew, to, 391

shillelah, 160

Shiltz, 483

shily, 392, 393

shim, 460

shin, to, 118

shine, 206

shine, to, 434

shined, 247, 434

shingle, 116; -engineer, 290

shingles, 238

shinola, 173

Shin Pond, 536

shin up, to, 232

ship’s-boat, 252

shipt, 402, 403

shirker, 372

Shirley, 506, 520

shirt, 302

shis, 460

shoat, 100, 128

shock-absorber, 237

shoe, 7, 12, 122, 158, 235, 247, 266, 391; -fixery, 176; -lace, 235; -re-builder, 288; -string, 235; -studio, 292

shoe, to, 434, 439

shoed, 434

Shoemaker, 485

shoes, 85

shoeteria, 176

shofle, 218

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