American Language (151 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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paint-maintenance-engineer, 290

paint the town red, to, 142

pair, 462

pajama-engineer, 290

pajamas, 391

pajamboree, 175

pal 573

palace, 414

palace-car, 147

pale, 99

pale-face, 106, 231

palm, 334, 338

Palmer, 520

Palmetto, 552

palmolive, 173

Palo Altan, 549

palooka, 259, 560

Pamo, 524

pan, to, 196

panaderia, 177

Panagiotopoulos, 485

Panagoitis, 512

pandering, 311

panel-house, 102

pan-fish, 115

panhandle, 86

panhandler, 263, 582

Pannebacker, 480

pan out, to, 142

pansy, 305

pantaloons, 302

pantáta, 216

pantatorium, 179

panther-sweat, 568

pantorium, 179

pantry, 336

pants, 234, 239

papa, 325, 335, 579

papaios, 105

Pape, 493

paper, 584

paper bleu, 214

paper-hanger, 577, 579

paper tut, 159

papoose, 105, 106


Pappachristides, 485

Pappadakis, 485

Pappadimitracoupoulos, 485, 486

Pappageorgiou, 486

Pappapolychronopoulos, 486

Pappas, 485, 486

Pappatheodorokomoun-doronicolucopoulos, 486

pappekak, 145

par, 562

paraffin, 234

paralize, 402

parcel, 235, 350

pard, 170

parfait, 411

parfay, 411

park, 334, 414

park, to, 195, 227

Parker, 516

Parker Notch, 535

Park ’N Dine, 210

Park Rowgue, 561

parley, 182

parlor, 266, 583

parlor-car, 147

parlour, 243, 395

Parry, 489

parson, 249, 280

part, 349

partiolist, 75

partridge, 7, 122, 123

party, 184

pas, 401

paseo, 153, 376

pash, 169, 561, 581, 586

pass, 335, 336

pass, to, 198, 227

passage, 547

passageway, 102

Passaicite, 549

pass-degree, 242

passel, 350

passenger-coach, 147

pass out, to, 198

past, 337

pastor, to, 140, 150

pastorium, 150, 179

pasture-lot, 121

Pat, 110, 519

Patapsco, 527

Patapsco Neck, 535

patent, 338

patent-engineer, 290

path, 247, 267, 334, 335, 336, 366

pathetiker, 463

patio, 152, 153

Patlow, 492

Pătrascu, 494

patriarch, 614

Patricius, 511

Patrick, 505, 511, 513

patrioteer, 180

patriotism, 339

patrolman, 86, 102

patroon, 108

patter, 169

Patterson, 494

Patuxent, 528

pau, 377

paugh, 482

Paul, 507, 515

pauperdom, 178

pavement, 33, 42, 235, 247

paw, 349

pawn-shop, 292

paw-paw, 104, 105, 536

pay, to, 433

Pay a, 524

pay dirt, 100, 102, 145

paying-in-slip, 244

pay-off, 576

pay-roll, 239

peacharino, 176

P.D.Q., 92, 205, 208

Peabody, 482

peach-pit, 108

Peadar, 513

pea-nut, 114

pearl, 250, 367

pearline, 173

peart, 143

Peazzoni, 514

pebeco, 173

pecan, 104, 105

peck, 462

peculiar members, 303

ped, 436

pedagog, 400

pediatric-engineer, 290

Pedlar, 520

Pedro, 508, 509

peedoodles, 568

peek, 382

peek, to, 252

peek-a-boo, 252

Peekskill, 532

peep, to, 439

pee-pee, 265

peeve, to, 192

Pee Wee, 523

peg, 340

Peggy, 519

Peijariniemi, 492

Pekin, 525

pell-mell, 126

Pelto, 493

pemmican, 105

pen, 169

penalize, 340

penepne, 113

penitent-form, 250

penitentiary, 293

penitent-seat, 250

Pen-Mar, 537

pennant-winner, 191

penny, 101, 116, 267; -ante, 191, 267; -arcade, 267; -bank, 267; bill, 116; -in-the-slot, 267

Penn Yan, 537

Pennypacker, 480

pennyroyal, 346

pennyr’yal, 346

Penobscot, 527

pen-point, 239

Pentapang, 527

Péntek, 496

peon, 152

peonage, 152

people, 603

Peoria, 582

pep, 169, 170, 227, 263, 565

Pepper, 482

pepsin, 155

peptomint, 173

perambulator, 233, 256

perc, to, 192

Percival, 516, 519

Percy, 502, 516, 518

per-diem, 148

Peregrine, 516

Pereira, 494

Perey, 489

Pérez, 494

perfect, 367

perfectest, 463

perfectly, 372

perform an abortion, to, 311

permanent-way, 147

Pernella, 524

Perry, 494

Pershin, 480

Pershing, 480

persimmon, 100, 104, 105, 231, 246

person, 184

personal, 256

persuasion-engineer, 290

Perth Amboy, 537

pesach, 217

pesky, 129, 231

Pet, 522

pet, to, 309

Pete, 508, 510, 512

Pete-in-the-Field, 492

Pete-in-the-Street, 492

Peter, 509, 513

peter out, to, 142

Peters, 490, 494

Peterson, 477, 489, 497

Petersson, 492

Petit, 481

Petoskey, 514

Petr, 511

petrol, 236, 256

Petrusiw, 490

Petrussylf, 459

Petryshak, 489

Petryshyn, 489

Pfannenstiel, 484

Pfau, 479

Pfeffer, 482

Pfeil, 484

Pfoersching, 480

Pfüger, 484

pfui, 220

Pfund, 485

ph, 383, 402

phalanx, 338

phantom, 383, 406

phenix, 394

phenomena, 412

phenomenons, 413

Ph.D., 272

phrfft, 561

phial, 389, 390

Phi-Beta-Kappa-itis, 179

Phil, 519

Philadelphia, 522, 528; -n, 548

philanthropy, 292

Philip, 488, 506, 507

Phillips, 488

phizz, 260

Phlegar, 484

phlegm, 383; -cutter, 149

phlizz, 260

Phoenician, 551

phœnix, 394

phone, 169, 170, 228

phone, to, 191

phoney, 187

phonograph, 235, 604

phooey, 220

photo, 169, 170, 183, 558

photo, to, 199

photographic-engineer, 290

photoplay, 187

Phronie, 519

phthisic, 605

physician, 272

physick, 383, 386

piano, 338, 347

pianola, 172

pianologues, 171

Pibaudière, 481

pica, 250

picayune, 151

Piccolo, 493

pick a crow with, to, 568

pickaninny, 112, 372

Picketwire, 533

pick on, to, 227

Pictorial Review, 525

picture, 328, 352

picture-gallery, 584

picture-house, 237

picturize, to, 193

pie, 122, 235

piece, 308

piece-of-eight, 116

pie-counter, 148

pie-eyed, 568

Pierce, 507

pietje-kamaakal, 109

Pietroluongo, 494

Pietrus, 488

Pietruszka, 488

pifficated, 568

Pig, 505

Pig Eye, 536

pigmy, 390, 392

pike, 169, 170

Pikler, 498

Pilipino, 375

pillar-box, 235

piller, 353

pimp, 309

pinch-hitter, 191

pinder, 113

pineapple, 580

pine-knot, 115

pin for home, to, 583

pin-head, 186

pinkster, 109

pint, 237, 243

pinto, 152, 153

Piotr, 510

pipe-of-peace, 106

pippin, 263

pique, 382

pisen, 346

Pism, 525

pismire, 302

piss, 308

pissoir, 304

pistarine, 116

pit, 108

pitcher, 235

pitchfork, to, 373

pitch-pine, 114

pitilacker, 175

Pitkäjärvi, 492

Pittsburgh, 529, 539

Pittsburgher, 549

Pittsburgh Landing, 529

pivotal, 231

placate, to, 118, 230

place, 123, 248

Placenta, 525

placer, 152

plaguy, 99

plain, 536

plaintiff, 386

planing-machine, 101

plank, 148

plank down, to, 142

planning-expert, 291

plant food, 292

Plant moon, 106

plastered, 568

plastic, 334

plate, 235

platform, 148, 228

platinum, 604

play ball, to, 191

playdom, 178

played-out, 143, 231

play golf some, to, 254

play hell, to, 314

play possum, to, 143, 198, 323

play-room, 235

plaza, 152, 547

plea, 183, 375

plead, to, 433, 437

pleadings, 246

pleasd, 403

plebe, 170

pled, 433, 437

plesure, 403

plop, 184

plough, 96, 146, 383, 390, 393

plow, 381, 383, 386

plug along, to, 609

plumb, 143, 232

plumb, to, 192

plumb crazy, 143

plump, 143

plunder, 99, 101, 159

plunderbund, 219

plunge, 184

Plunkett-Ernle-Erle- Drax, 502

pluralist, 248

plus, 210, 211

plute, 169, 263

Plymouth Brethren, 249

Plymouth Rock, 527

pneumony, 360

poche, 158

pochen, 157

pochspiel, 157

pocketbook, 247

pocket-diary, 247

počkij, 216

poco, 152

podiatrist, 288

Podlesnik, 489

Podunk, 553, 554

Poe, 479

Po-ell, 503

poem, 341

Poh, 479

pohickery, 105

poifect, 367

poil, 367

Poincaré, 410

point, 242, 250

pointer, 227

Point Loma, 534

points, 147

poison, 346

poison-ivy, 246

Poke, 523

poke, 577

poker, 157, 591

Poker City, 536; Flat, 535

poke-weed, 114

polack, 296

pole, 368

police, 360, 604

policy, 222

politeness, 374

politician, 30, 245

Polk, 493

Polly, 519

poly, 577

pomp, 343

Pompey, 523

poncho, 152

pond, 115, 121

pone, 100, 105

pontiff, 386

Pontius Pilate, 578

pony up, to, 191, 562

pooldoo, 214

pool-room, 237

poorhouse, 243

poorlaw institution, 243

poorly, 467

poozly, 110

pop, 149, 170

pop-corn, 85, 115, 122, 229

Pope, 493

poppycock, 47, 144, 565

poque, 158

porch-climber, 243

pore, 349

pork-barrel, 148

porpoise, 383, 384

porque, 376

porridge, 116, 235

Portage, 535, 542

portage, 108, 151

porte-cochère, 409

porter, 235, 247

porterhouse, 231, 236

portière, 347, 409

Port Tobacco, 527, 537

Portugee, 111, 461

positiv, 403

Positive Wassermann, 525

Pospíšil, 512

possum, 104, 169, 170; -belly, 583

Possum Hollow, 554

post, 238, 256, 283

post-bag, 238

posterior, 380

postes, 360

post-free, 238

postilion, 393

postillion, 392, 393

postman, 85, 235, 238, 266

Post No Bills, 239

postpaid, 238

postum, 172, 173

pot, 191

potato, 603; -bug, 114

potecary, 22

Poteet, 481

potlach, 150

potman, 236, 243

Potomac, 527

Potowanmeac, 527

Potunk, 553

Poughkeepsian, 549, 550

Poulos, 485, 486

Pound, 485

pound, 250, 462

pounding, 150

povidla, 216

Powell, 503

powerful, 99

powerize, to, 193

powerphobe, 570

Powhatan, 531

powwow, 105, 231

pox upon it, a, 317

practical, 336

practice, 393

practis, 401, 403

practise, 394

practise, to, 393

prairie, 57, 108, 151, 536;

-dog, 151; -hen, 151; -schooner, 145

Prairie du Chien, 536

praline, 214

pram, 233

pre-, 181

prebendary, 248

precinct, 148

precisely, 253

predicate, to, 141

prefect, 268

preferd, 403

pregnant, 301, 310, 311

prelim, 170, 562

prélude, 347

première, 347

premiss, 392

Prentiss, 516

prepaid, 238

preparation-room, 287

preparatory, 325

prepare a body, to, 287

prepare a patient, to, 287

prep school, 240

pres, 401

prescriptive, 118

presentation, 248

Preserved, 516

president, 11, 242, 244, 289

presidentiad, 75

presidential, 98, 119, 120, 165, 231

presidio, 152

prespiration, 353

press-agent, to, 195

press engineer, 291

pressmen, 228

press-representative, 289

Preston, 498

pretty, 340

pretty boy, 584

pretzel, 112, 295

Preussen, 296

preventable disease, 306

preventorium, 179

previous, 231

pre-Volstead, 181

pre-war, 181, 183

priceless, 269

prickly-heat, 116

Priest, 496

prig, 126

primarily, 324

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