American Language (154 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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Shogren, 490

sholder, 402


shook, 434

shooting, 236, 252

shootingest, 463

shoot the chutes, to, 198

shoot up in the burg, 40

shop, 122, 123, 265, 292; -walker, 234; -worn, 293

shoppe, 266

shopper, 266

shopping, 266

shore, 360; -dinner, 247

Short, 485

shortcake, 261

short-haul, 239

Shortie, 520

shot, 237

shot-gun, 144

Shoto, 495

should, 25, 445

should not ought, 445

shouldn’t, 444

should of, 471

should ought, 424, 445

should’ve, 471

Shoultz, 483

shout, to, 150

show, to, 198, 248, 391, 434

show a yellow streak, to, 198

show business, 585

showdown, 30, 62, 191

Show Me, 552

shown, 434

show up, to, 198

shriek, 602

Shrinedom, 178

shrub, 149

shruffle, 119

Shuard, 503

shuck, 434, 440

shuffle, 126

shunt, 147

shur-on, 407

shut, 346, 359

shut, to, 434

shut-out, 562

shut out, to be, 191

shutted, 434

shuyster, 158, 229

Shy Beaver, 536

shyly, 393

shyster, 74, 86, 158, 178, 231

si, 451

siad, 451

siblings, 460

sich, 360

Sicilian, 299

sick, 12, 62, 70, 127, 251; -bed, 251; -kidneys, 251; -leave, 251; -nerves, 251; -room, 251; -teeth, 251, side-hill, 99

side-lot, 121

side-step, to, 227, 562

side-stepper, 37

side-swipe, 147

side-track, to, 147, 167, 227

side-walk, 33, 42, 116, 235, 247

sideways, 204, 468

Sidney, 479, 506, 507

sience, 402

sierra, 152

Sierraville, 534

siesta, 152

siffer, 159

Sighle, 513

sight-seeing-car, 237

signature, to, 195

signd, 403

sign-engineer, 290

Sigrid, 510

sig-sog, 375

silencer, 237

Silla, 524

Sillinger, 503

Silva, 494

silvan, 402

Silver, 494

Silverberg, 501

silver-fizz, 85

Silvernail, 485

Silvers, 490

silverside, 236

silverware, 235

Silvestr, 511

Silvig, 493

Silvy, 493

Silwerovitch, 490

Siminowicz, 489

Simmons, 489

simonize, to, 193

simp, 169

Simpson, 514

simultaneous, 341

sinagog, 402, 403

sing, to, 434, 469

singan, 469

Singer, 482

singfest, 218

single, 585

singlet, 236, 239

single-track mind, 147

Sing-Sing, 532

sing-sing, 106

Sinjin, 503

sink, to, 434

sinker, 564

siphon, 389

Sir, 272, 273, 281

siren, 390

sirloin, 236

sissors, 402

sissy, 309

sit, 447

sit, to, 245, 422, 439

Sit ’N Eat, 210

sitting member, 245

sitting-room, 235

sit up and take notice, to, 227

Six, 537

Sixkiller, 514

six-shooter, 231

sixteenth note, 250

sixth form, 241

sixty-fourth note, 250

size up, to, 232

Sjörgren, 490

Sjöstrand, 491

Skála, 488

skan, 434

Skaneateles, 553

skate, 246, 375

skedaddle, 561

skedaddle, to, 145

skedannumi, 146

skeerce, 339

skeert, 360

skeet, 170

skeeter, 170

skeptic, 389, 394

-ski, 222

skibby, 295

skiddoo, 561

Skidoo, 534

skilful, 406

skilley, 580

skillful, 388, 406

skimp, to, 252

skin, 149

skin, to, 434

Skintown, 554

skipper, 583

skirt, 563, 576

skittle-alley, 236, 248

skittles, 248

skookum, 150

Skull Run, 537

skun, 434, 437

skunk, 104, 296

Skunk Center, 554

Skunktown, 536

-sky, 222

sky-scraper, 186, 228

Slabtown, 554


slæpan, 437

slæpte, 437

Slagel, 484

slam, 184

slam the pill, to, 562

slander, 335

slang, 434,
; -whanger, 99, 568

slash, 184

slate, 167, 183

Slättengren, 490

Slaughter, 525

Slazenger, 500

sled, 235

sledge, 235

sleek, 341

sleep, 375

sleep, to, 93, 196, 434, 437

sleep-engineer, 289

sleeper, 170

sleep good, to, 254

Sleepy Eye, 536

sleigh, 108

slenderize, to, 193

slep, 352, 434, 437

slept, 434, 438

Slessinger, 500

Slettengren, 490

sleuth, 86

slew, to, 252

slew-foot, 252

slick, 24, 231, 341

slick up, to, 129

slid, 434

slide, 373

slide, to, 434

slightly-second, 293

slily, 392

Slim, 520

slim, 143; -attendance, 143; -chance, 143; -support, 143

sliness, 380

sling, 149; -shot, 239

sling, to, 434

slip, 120

slipova, 407

slipper, 122

sliver, 341

slo, 407

slops, 582

slough, to, 585

slow, 466

slowly, 466

sluck, 109

slug-fest, 218, 562

slum, 573, 580, 582, 584

slumber-robe, 288; -room, 287; -shirt, 288

slumgullion, 145

slum-joint, 579

slung, 434

slush, 602

slut, 305

Sluter, 484

sly, 373

sly, to, 373

slyly, 380

Smackover, 533

smale, 379

small, 143, 379; -pearl, 250; -pica, 250; -potatoes, 100, 145, 373

smart, 99

smartski, 222

smash, 149, 184, 602

smearcase, 108, 112

smearkase, 411

Smed, 477

smell, 303

smell, to, 435

smell like a wet dog, to, 136

smelt, 435

smidgen, 361

smilefest, 218

smited, 436

Smith, 477, 478, 482, 486, 488, 489, 493, 494, 496, 498, 513, 514, 520;

-Barry, 502; -dale, 546; of F, 504; -vale, 529

smithereens, 160

Smithson, 502

Smitty, 520

smog, 266

smoke, 296, 583; -eater, 563; -fest, 218

smoker, 169, 170

smoketeria, 177

smote, 436

smoulder, to, 126

Smudge, 520

Snabely, 482

snack-bar, 239

snag, 183, 231

Snailwell, 537

snake, 583; -fence, 145

snake’s hips, 561

snap, 170

snappy, 464, 565

Snavely, 482

sneak, to, 435

sneez, 401

sneezd, 402

snew, 437

snicker, 129

snipe, 583

snitz, 157

snively, 482

snoop, to, 108

snooser, 296

snoot, 346, 570

snoozer, 583

snot, to, 309

snout, 346

snow, to, 437

snowball, 296

Snow moon, 106

snow-plow, 115

snow under, to, 227

snozzled, 568

snuck, 435

snug, 243

Snyder, 484, 493, 514

soap-box, 227

soar, 349

Soares, 495

s.o.b., 305, 316, 317

sobfest, 218

sob-sister, 186

sob-stuff, 232

soc, to, 216

Social Circle, 536

social disease, 304, 306

social-engineer, 290, 291

socialize, to, 588

Sociamelia, 524

society-engineer, 290

socio-religious-engineer, 200

sockdolager, 145, 176, 568

socko, 184

sock-suspenders, 234

socony, 172

soda-biscuit, 235

soda-cracker, 235

soda-fountain, 228

sodalicious, 175

sodateria, 177

soda-water, 149

Soderstrom, 490

Sodom, 535

soe, 383, 384

soft, 465

soft-drinks, 149, 237

soft-pedal, to, 227

soi, 460

soirée, 409

sokol, 216

Sol, 519

sol, 402

soldier, 283

Soldiers Delight, 537

soli, 412

Solicitor, 524

solicitor, 245, 255

solid, 120

Solis Cohen, 501, 502

Solmson, 498

Solomon, 498, 506

solon, 183

so-long, 219

solos, 412

somber, 388

sombrero, 152

some, 254; -girl, 254; -place, 204,407; -pumpkins, 100

someone else’s, 461

someone’s else, 461

some (p) thing, 439

something else again, 217

someway, 407

somewheres, 468

somewheres else, 204

son, 460; -son, 491, 493

Sonia, 508

son-in-laws, 461

Sonntag, 485

son-of-a- --, 305

son-of-a-bitch, 305, 313,

son-of-a-gun, 316, 317

Sons, 505

sons-in-law, 461

Soo, 542

soogan, 582

soon, 344

soot, 344, 383, 384

Sophia, 507

sophimore, 116

sophomore, 116, 242

Sophronia, 519

soprani, 412

sopranos, 412

sore, 349

sorry, 267

sorta, 443, 471

S.O.S., to, 196

So’s your old man, 566

sot, 416, 434

sothers, 175

soul, 402

Soulé, 481

sound, 246

Soup Line, 582

sour, 149

source, 328, 349

soured, 561

South, 529

south-paw, 562

soveran, 384

sovereign, 384

sow, 302; -belly, 304; -bosom, 304

sowegian, 296

sox, 406, 407

spa, 338

space, 375

space-saving-engineer, 290

spade, 296

spade, to, 16

spaghetteria, 177

spaghetti, 222

span, 108, 435

Spånberg, 490

spanner, 86

sparking-plug, 237

spark-plug, 237

Sparta, 530

Spartan, 551

spats, 169

speak, to, 435, 613

speakeasy, 160,

speakie, 187

speak loud, to, 465

spearmint, 173

spec, 170

special, to, 197

special delivery, 238

speciality, 415

specialty, 415; -shop, 266

specie, 111, 461

species, 461

specific blood-poison, 304; stomach, 307; ulcer, 307

speck, 109

spectroscope, 155

sped, 440

speech-day, 243

Speed, 496, 523

speed, to, 199, 435, 439

speedathon, 180

speed-cop, 92, 226

speeded, 435, 440

speeder, 439

speeding, 439

speed-limit, 439

speed-mania, 439

speed-maniac, 439

speedster, 178

speed-way, 227, 546

speek, 381

spell, to, 435

spellbind, to, 186

spellbinder, 167, 186

spelling-bee, 116

spelt, 435

Spencer, 516

spera, 376

spick, 296

spider, 27, 579

spiel, 577, 578

spiggoty, 296

spigot, 235

spike, 184

spile, 346

spile for a fight, to, 136

spill, to, 435

spill the beans, to, 198

spilt, 435

spin, to, 435

spindliest, 463

spirit lamp, 233

spirits, 244

spit, 309

spit, to, 435, 440

spitzbub, 157

splash, 602

splendiferous, 176

splendour, 395

split a ticket, to, 148

splurge, 142, 231

splurge, to, 141, 232

spoil, 346

spoil, to, 435

spoils-system, 148

spoilt, 435

Spokane, 542

spoke, 435

spondulix, 145

spong, 119

Spongberg, 490

spooffest, 218

spook, 35, 108, 231, 344

spool, 235

spoon, 344

sport, 155

sportdom, 178

sporting-goods, 237

sporting house, 304

sportive, 564

sports-requisites, 237

spot, to, 585

sprang, 435

spread, to, 439

spread-eagle, 144

spreaded, 439

spread oneself, to, 142, 232

spring, to, 435, 581

Springfield, 537

sprung, 435

spruts, 215

spry, 99

Spud, 520

spuke, 98

spun, 435

spunk, 567

spur, to, 199

spurious, 558

Spuyten, 533

squabery, 176

squalid, 343

squander, 343

squantersquash, 105

squarehead, 295, 296

square-meal, 145

square the beef, to, 556

squash, 104, 105, 169

squat, to, 118, 121, 581

squatter, 98, 121, 231

squaw, 105

squawk, 171

squaw-man, 150

squeak, 602

squealer, 562

Squedunk, 553

Squire, 278

Squirrel, 524

squirrel-whiskey, 149, 568

squunck, 104

ss, 401

stable-horse, 308

Stacros, 512

stadhuis, 109

staf, 406

staff, 242, 268, 335, 406

stage, 99

stage-manager, 289

stagger-soup, 568

stag-party, 144

Stäheli, 482

staircase, 235

stairs, 235, 462

stairway, 235

Staley, 482, 483

stalk, 349

stall, to, 263

stallion, 301, 302, 308

stall off, to, 562

stalls, 237

stalwart, 167

stamp, 334, 338

stampede, 152, 231

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