Read Always and Forever Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

Always and Forever (84 page)

BOOK: Always and Forever
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We were in the bedroom within seconds, tearing at each
other’s clothes and tasting one another’s skin. I wanted him. I needed him and
the desperation I felt to have him deep inside me was indescribable.

“Jake, I need to feel you. Now.” I begged him, stroking his
large arousal through his jeans.

I was breathless and greedy for him, a lethal combination
when it came to Jake and the intoxicating amount of passion between us. My
fingers were shaking so badly, I could barely free him from the restriction of
his clothing.

“Let me help you with that.” Jake winked at me, yanking his
T-shirt over his head before unzipping his jeans and sliding them down his
toned, herculean thighs

I gaped up at him in astonishment, absorbing every single
detail of his magnificent body. His dark skin, chocolate coloured eyes and the
muscular contours of his body will forever leave me speechless. My fingers
trailed a path down his body, sinking my nails into his skin as I reach the top
of his boxers.

“Let me taste you.” I murmured, reaching inside his boxer

“Baby, wait.” He grasped my wrist, preventing me from
touching him. “I don’t have much restraint right now, especially if you’re
going to lock those gorgeous lips around me. Besides, there’s something I want
you to do for me first.”

“Ok…” I said uncertainly.

“If you’re not comfortable with it then you don’t have to
do it, ok?” He reassured me, placing a gentle kiss against my lips.

“What is it you want me to do?”

I have to admit that a part of me was really curious. I
really wanted to please Jake but I didn’t know what he had in mind for me and I
suppose I was a little scared to find out.

“I want to watch you.”

“Watch me?”

“I want to watch you touch yourself.” His voice was husky
and his eyes were smouldering with desire, they were ablaze with a potent need
for me and I could feel how hard he was just by the thought of it.

“Oh.” I was completely speechless, I didn’t know whether to
be turned on or terrified by the idea.

“If it will make you uncomfortable then you don’t have to
do it.” He said hastily, stroking my hair back from my face.

“It’s ok. I’ll do it.” I smiled up at him, wanting to
convince him that I was confident and composed.

“Good, now go and sit on the bed.” He instructed me,
turning me around.

I did as he asked and sat on the very edge. I was still
fully clothed and wasn’t sure if I should start undressing or if Jake wanted to
do it.

“I won’t be long.” Jake said curtly, leaving me alone in
our bedroom. “I want you to be naked by the time I come back.” He called out
from the living room.

Not wanting to disappoint him, I eagerly started to rid
myself of my clothes. I was tempted to follow him into the sitting room to see
what he was doing but decided to do as he asked and be patient. Jake came back
a couple of minutes later. He was carrying a chair and a bottle of beer in the
other hand. He was still only wearing his boxers and I couldn’t help myself
ogling his magnificent body from across the room.

“What were you doing?” I asked.

“I want to be comfortable. If I’m going to watch you pleasure
yourself then I want a front row seat and a beer.” He sat down on the chair and
took a swig from the bottle. He was so unfazed and casual, behaving as though
this was something we did all the time.

I gaped at him in astonishment and I didn’t know whether he
meant to sound insulting or if he was still just pissed off about that guy he
caught me with.

“Is this some sort of punishment?” I trembled, crossing my
legs and folding my arms across my naked breasts.

“How is it a punishment? You get to make yourself come and
I get to watch you.” He replied calmly, allowing his hungry eyes to wander over
my naked body.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to relax and put on a good show for me. Do
exactly as I say and if you put on a good performance I might just forgive you
for breaking my fucking heart earlier.”

His tone was glacial and the expression on his face was
hard and unforgiving. I knew I had pushed him too far earlier and now I had to
face the consequences.

“Jake, I’m sorry.”

“No more apologies, just do as I say. Now I want you to lie
back on the bed and open your legs nice and wide for me. That’s it, let me see
you.” He ordered, taking another sip from his bottle.

“Like that?” My voice sounded unsteady and unstable,
revealing the true extent of my innocent inexperience when it came to all
things sexual.

“Wider.” He commanded.

“Better?” I asked, opening my legs as wide as they would

“Fuck… that’s it, baby. Now I want you to use your hand to touch
your breasts, I want you to play with your nipples but make sure you keep your
eyes on me.”

I never thought fondling my own breasts would turn me on
but that’s exactly what it did. To know that Jake was watching me was
absolutely thrilling and my breathing became heavy and erratic as I watched him
observe me across the room.

“Now trail one of your hands down your stomach, feel how
soft your skin in as you move towards that beautiful little pussy of yours, the
one I’m dying to fuck with my mouth.”

I moaned loudly and followed his direction, closing my eyes
as I lost myself to the incredible sensations that were flowing through my

 “Open your eyes.” He snapped.

I opened them and looked at him. His eyes were burning for
me; I could almost see the flames of his lust flickering in his brown orbs.

“What do you want from me?”

“Complete surrender. I want you to acknowledge who it is
you belong to and I want you to understand that your exquisite body is mine. I
want you to start touching yourself, Bethany. I want you to keep your eyes on
me whilst you’re rubbing that tight little pussy, circle your clit with your
fingers and pretend it’s the tip of my tongue. I know what it does to you when
I make love to you with my mouth.”

I groaned, increasing the pace of my fingers between my
legs. I swear I could feel Jake’s mouth on me, licking, suckling and tasting my
sweet arousal. The description of what he wanted to do to me was blowing my
mind and I could feel how wet I was becoming, my pussy dripping with my excitement
and desire.

“I want you to remember this moment the next time you
decide to let another man put his hands on you. I want you to think of how
you’re feeling right now. I want you to remember how wet you are, how turned on
you’re feeling and how desperate you are to feel me inside you. No one else
could do this to you, Bethany. Look at you… you’re soaking wet, willing and so,
so ready for me. You’re fucking beautiful and you belong to me. I own your
mind, body and soul.”

His breathing was ragged and his voice sounded strained. I
glanced over at him, startled to see that he was playing with himself. His huge
length was in his hand, hard and swollen. I wanted to take it in my mouth and
inadvertently licked my lips, imagining the feel of it sliding into my mouth.

“Fuck. You want my dick in your mouth, don’t you?” He
rasped, gripping himself firmly as he increased his movements.

“Jake, please let me come. Put your mouth on me. Please.” I
begged him.

I was writhing about on the bed and lifted up my knees,
wanting him to see all of me. I wanted to tempt him and tease him to the point
that he would give in and come over to me.

“Imagine my mouth on you, baby. Imagine my tongue sliding
up and down your slick folds. I want you to use my tongue, Bethany. Use it like
you would use my dick and come all over me. Tug on my hair and pull me closer,
ride me like the naughty little bitch you are right now.” He commanded me,
pumping his own hand up and down his length.

“Yes, yes, yes! More, Jake.” I pleaded, raising my hips as
I rotated them in a circular motion.

“Fuck, oh fuck. Look at that… faster, baby. Slip those
sweet little fingers inside your pussy. You’re so wet; they will slide in so
easily. I can’t even believe how turned on you are. Do it for me baby… that’s
right. Add a second finger, pretend they’re mine.”

I could feel my orgasm approaching, I knew it was going to
be tremendous and I could hardly wait for my explosive climax.

“Fuck it. I can’t stay over here.” Jake growled, stalking
towards me as he forced my legs right back near my ears.

His lips latched onto my clit, suckling and rubbing it with
his thumb. I had been so close to the edge; I came instantly, doing exactly
what he had said by grabbing a handful of his hair as I thrust my wet core
against his face and all over his mouth and tongue.

“Wow.” I murmured breathlessly.

“That was un-fucking-believable.” Jake chuckled softly. “I
could eat that pussy twenty-four hours a day and never get bored. I could taste
you for a whole month and I’d still crave more.”

He thrust his tongue inside my mouth and I could taste the
extraordinary flavour of myself on his lips.

“Fuck me now, Jake. Please.”

He grabbed hold of my hips and switched our positions. He
was lying on the bed and I was straddling his hips, nursing his impressive
arousal between my legs.

“Sit on me. You want my dick? Come take it. It’s yours.” He
encouraged me, a challenging and confident smirk on his face.

I hesitated for a moment, nervous to take control and be on

“Um, I’m not sure.”

“You’ve taken my dick before so you can sit on it.” He
rationalised, raising an eyebrow up at me.

He was daring me to do it. He thought I’d be a coward and
say no and that’s why I knew I had to prove him wrong. I lowered myself onto him
and gasped when I felt him stretch me as he started to penetrate my tight
entrance. I was already so wet and turned on; it wasn’t too hard for me to
slide onto him.

“Yes.” He hissed, sinking his fingers into my ass. “Take
every single inch of me, baby. Prove to me that you own what’s inside you. Make
it yours and do whatever you have to do to erase who came before. Claim it as
your own.”

I did exactly as he asked as I rode him, throwing my head
back and screaming his name as I clenched myself tightly around him.

“More! I need more of you!” I cried, watching Jake’s eyes
fixate on my breasts as they started to sway with my rapid movements.

“Bounce on it, bounce up and down. Ride me; I want to see
those tits bounce.”

I could smell our arousal in the bedroom, we were both
slick with sweat and moisture and I knew we were both close to reaching our

“This is mine; your dick belongs to me. Every single inch
of you inside of me is mine.” I moaned, scraping my nails against his chest.

What was going on between us was almost brutal. It was
wild, violent, unrestrained and we were out of control. I don’t know what we
were thinking, or if we were thinking at all. I was out of my mind, on the edge
of insanity and teetering on the precipice of crazy. We were nonsensical but it
felt fantastic. I wouldn’t change it for anything and I was thirsty for more,
relentless in my pursuit of fulfilment. I wanted to be consumed by him, I
wanted everything with him. I needed more; I would always need more of

“That’s right. God, I fucking love it when you’re like
this, when you’re so wet, so hot and so open for me. I want you to squeeze me
tight; I want that tight little pussy of yours to squeeze my dick. Make me
come, baby. I want to release myself inside of you. I need you to take every
single drop of me like a good girl.”

His words were my undoing and I came apart on top of him. I
shattered into a thousand pieces and climbed the gargantuan wave of pleasure
before reaching its stupendous peak. I slowly and blissfully floated back down
to earth, relishing in the phenomenal and transcendent post-coital aftermath.

 Jake’s release came
seconds after my own as he thrust himself deep inside of me, over and over
again. He sat up and locked his mouth around one of my nipples, latching onto
it with such urgency and compulsion, I was certain he would leave a bruise. I
could feel him coming; the extraordinary warmth of his release inside of me
made me tremble and shake with euphoric exhilaration. I squeezed every last
drop out of him as I clenched my inner muscles around him. I devoured his neck,
biting the skin and hoping I would leave a mark of my own on there.

BOOK: Always and Forever
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