Always and Forever (30 page)

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Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: Always and Forever
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“Last night I was insanely jealous and that’s
the only excuse I have for my behaviour. I care about you so much that the
thought of you being with anyone else infuriates me. I have no right to feel
that way but I guess the idea of it made me go a little crazy. I’m really sorry
for the way I treated you but believe me when I tell you how sorry I am for all
of the things I said.”
“You really love me?” He asks, his handsome
face is a picture of wonderment and I can’t help but be delighted that my
revelation has elicited such a response from him.
“Yes, I really love you. I’m sorry I didn’t
answer any of your calls last night but I was too scared to turn on my phone, I
was certain that I’d receive a voicemail or a message from you breaking up with
me and I just couldn’t face it.”
“I just wish you had let me explain, I tried
being honest with you and it just went horribly wrong. I really thought I’d
lost you.” He closes his eyes and embraces me again. He pushes me against the
desk and rests his forehead against mine. We’re so close to one another I can
actually hear his heart beating rapidly.
“I don’t deserve you.” I tell him, squeezing
him so tight.
He angrily pulls away from me and glares at me
in disapproval. I break away from his piercing gaze, wanting to check the time
on the clock that’s behind him. My father said he’d be gone for an hour but
there’s every possibility that he might come back early.
“Bethany, look at me.” Jake says firmly, taking
hold of my chin and tilting my face up towards his. “I don’t want to hear you
talking that way. I’m the one who’s unworthy. Last night you were completely
justified in your reaction. You were right, I’m not an honourable person and
I’m utterly ashamed about my past and the fact that it’s hurting you now. I
really thought that I’d lost you because of it and I didn’t know what to do.
I’m nothing without you, baby. I’m nothing.”
His breathing becomes laboured and erratic as
his hold on me intensifies. His fingers accidentally press against the bruises
on my arms but I somehow manage to stop myself from crying out. He can’t know
the truth about what my father did. I can’t put him through any more upset. If
Jake wants to cling to me then I’m not going to be the one to stop him. I want
him to hold onto me forever.
“Jake, don’t say that. You’re everything that’s
important to me. Last night I lost sight of what was important but today I know
what matters. All that matters to me is
and who you are today. I
suppose my insecurities got the best of me, I couldn’t help but imagine you with
all these women and I guess I’m just worried that I won’t be able to measure
 He remains quiet for some time and I can
feel myself blushing with embarrassment. He shakes his head, as though he’s
trying to force himself out of the daze that he became lost in. Running his
hand through his hair, he gazes at me with a pleading look on his face.
“My God, Bethany. The very idea that you won’t
be able to measure up is
. You are the most beautiful woman
that I’ve ever seen and you’re the only girl I’ve ever wanted to be in a
relationship with. I promise you I’ll never let you down; I’ll always take care
of you and protect you. I’ll say or do
to convince you that I’m
the right guy for you but eventually I need you to start believing it.”
His honesty and the heartfelt beauty behind his
words leaves me feeling breathless and for the first time in my entire life I
decide to act on my impulses. Before I can question what I’m doing, I grab a
hold of his T-shirt and pull him through to the back room, slamming the door
closed behind us. I ignore the confusion on Jake’s face and push him up against
the closed door. The need I have to feel my body against his is too great.
“Let me do this, Jake. Don’t say anything.”
The concern on his face is comical. My mood
swings have been somewhat erratic this morning and I’m sure he’s wondering what
the hell has gotten into me.
I’m just so tired of thinking and talking. I
want to lose myself in him and only follow my instincts and desires.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” He asks me, his voice
full of doubt and concern.
I roll my eyes; trust Jake to turn into a
gentleman right now.
I smash my lips up against his and delight in
the growl it elicits from him. I don’t hold anything back and it only takes a
few seconds before Jake responds to me with the same urgency and erotic hunger.
I eventually have to break away from his lips,
needing to catch my breath. We’re only apart for a few moments before he fists his
hand in my hair, dragging me back towards him. Jake has always been the one
who’s taken the lead when it comes to our kisses but this time
one in control. I have no inhibitions as I confidently slide my tongue against
his bottom lip, causing him to groan deeply with desire. His left hand joins
his right in my hair and his persistent tongue glides along the seal of my
lips, begging me for an entrance. In submission, I open my mouth for him and am
left panting and waiting impatiently for the feel of his tongue inside me. He
doesn’t disappoint me, I’m soon moaning with pleasure as he expertly and
skilfully joins his tongue with mine. They swirl against one another and I
quickly realise that the control I had a minute ago was a momentary occurrence.
This is how it will always be, Jake is the dominant one out of the two of us
and I will always be the one who surrenders to him. This doesn’t demean me in
any way; I find that I prefer him to take control over me. There is still so
much that I have to learn and so much that he can teach me. I suddenly realise
that all of the past experiences Jake has had might actually come in useful.
“Fuck, Bethany.” He nuzzles against my neck,
inhaling deeply. The feel of his mouth against my skin causes me to shiver. I sense
him grinning against me, probably a cocky smirk full of satisfaction. “Your
body wants me. You want me so badly. Let me give you what you want.”
“And how do you know what I want?” I tease him,
taking a step back.
“I know because I’ve watched your body and I’ve
seen the way it reacts to my touch. It’s such a turn on for me to watch you.”
He smirks at me with so much confidence. His voice sounds so masculine and
suggestive, he knows of the power that he has over me and he delights in it.
“Care to prove it?” I challenge, raising an
eyebrow at him.
He takes a possessive step closer towards me
and I close my eyes, waiting for him to make his move. I can feel his eyes on
me. I sense them travelling up and down my body as he takes in my appearance. I
lick my lips and even bite down on them, hoping to tempt him into reaching out
for me but he remains still. Eventually, I open my eyes and scowl when I see
him with a victorious grin on his face.  
“You see? I don’t even have to touch you and
you respond to me. I can’t only imagine how magnificent you would look if I
were inside you.”
 The explosive heat building up inside of
me ignites. I inhale sharply and make a noise of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
My moan forces him to grab hold of me; his muscular arms encircle my waist as
he lifts me up with little effort. I automatically wrap my legs around his
waist and his hands are underneath my thighs, securing our position without a
moment’s hesitation.
 Our bodies are locked so tightly
together, there isn’t a part of us not touching. He carries me with so much
confidence and ease, as though I’m as light as a feather. I rake my fingers
through his hair and tug on it, demanding more from him. He doesn’t disappoint
and the next thing I know my back is being slammed against the door to the back
I’m well aware of the risk that looms over us,
the danger that my father poses by arriving back any minute. We’re in his store
and he must have been gone half an hour already, we could be caught at any
moment. Maybe it’s the fact that Jake is here and I know that he would never
let my father hut me or maybe it’s because I’m so ridiculously aroused that I
just don’t care. Either way, I’m not about to stop this for anything or anyone.
“Why did you moan?” Jake asks me.
The sound of his voice pulls me out of my
absorbing thoughts and back to the present, back to the here and now and the
ferocious intensity of our situation. He’s panting just as heavily as I am and
I can feel how badly he wants me as he presses his arousal against my body.
Experiencing the evidence of his desire leaves me feeling exhilarated and
excited. To know that I can do this to him is intoxicating. I shamelessly grind
myself against him and smile when I hear the expletive words he mutters to
 It’s not long before his lips find their
way back to mine. His tongue teases me as it glides along the length of my
bottom lip and I open my mouth, waiting for him to enter me again. I groan in
frustration when he yet again evades my attempt at coercing him into a kiss as
passionate as the one before. He laughs at my feeble efforts and pulls away
from me.
“Why won’t you kiss me?” I groan, scowling at
“I will as soon as you tell me why you moaned.
Is it because you were imagining what it would feel like to have me inside
you?” His seductive words are my undoing and the fire that he ignited in me
earlier flares up again.
“Yes.” I say breathlessly.
“Well, you know what they say, baby. All good
things come to those who wait.” He drags his teeth over his bottom lip, making
it obvious that his toying with me is turning him on.
“What if I can’t wait?”
He glances at me in uncertainty and I nod my
head, confirming his unspoken question. His teasing attitude quickly disappears
and his smouldering eyes fixate on my own. The intensity between us and his
hunger is almost frightening and it probably would scare me if I weren’t
feeling the exact same way for him.
“You mean… here?” His mouth falls open as he
gapes at me in astonishment.
Of course I didn’t mean here. As desperate as I
am to have him inside of me, I could never bring myself to do it in this place.
I know that for our first time together we both deserve better. I just wanted
to tempt him and push him a little further, the same way he teases me so
“No, not here. The least I want is a bed.”
“God, Bethany. I actually thought you were
being serious.”
“And what if I were?” I circle my hips once
more and we both gasp at the magnificent sensation it gives us both. He’s still
incredibly aroused and to feel him rub against me so intimately is torturous
when I know we can’t do anything about it.
“You are seriously trying to kill me.” He
whispers, lowering his head so that his nose affectionately grazes against
“Nah, if you died I would really miss you.”
“Don’t worry baby. I have
of leaving you.”
All of our humour disappears as he continues to
gaze at me intently. I still can’t comprehend how I came so close to losing
this amazing boy and now that I have a second chance, I vow to myself that I’ll
never let him go. He’s far too special for me to be without. I came alive the
night I met Jake and even though I frequently keep my most private thoughts to
myself, I decide to share this latest one with Jake. He deserves to know how I
really feel about him.
“That’s good because I couldn’t bear it if you
walked away from me. My life started the night that I met you. You make me feel
alive.” I can feel my cheeks turning a bright shade of crimson and I duck my
chin to hide my embarrassment.
 He’s still holding me against the door
and my legs remain wrapped around his waist. He shifts his weight as though
he’s going to put me down but he somehow manages to support me using one arm.
He brings his free hand to my chin, tilting it and raising my face up towards
“Sweetheart, I love you so much. My life was
saved the night I met you, someday I’ll explain everything to you but right now
I feel like I should be down on my knees thanking God for leading me to you.”
“You believe in God?” I don’t know why it comes
as a surprise, I suppose it’s because religion has never even been mentioned
between us before. There’s so much I still have to find out about Jake, so much
I don’t know.
“How can I not? He brought me to you.”
 He slowly runs his thumb over my bottom
lip. His touch is reverent; it consumes me with adoration and love. Everything
about Jake is so passionate and extreme; it would be so easy for me to get lost
in the fictitious world we have created between us, the world where we are the
only two people to exist. I almost forget to breathe when I’m around him and
when I hear such sincerity in his voice and witness so much truth and beauty in
his eyes… it leaves me speechless.
 I gently take hold of the hand that is
still cradling my chin and softly start to place delicate kisses along his
fingertips. I keep my eyes locked on his the entire time, watching him and his
reactions closely. He inhales sharply when I start to caress his index finger
with my tongue. I finish by kissing the centre of his palm and that’s when he
decides to lower me back down to the ground.
“Jake, you really have to go. He could be back
at any moment and I’ve already taken too many risks this morning.”
 “Bethany, I’m not leaving you alone with
that man again. Your gran filled me in on a few things last night and it made
me realise how dangerous it is for you to be around him. Baby, please come home
with me now. I’ll protect you, I promise I will.”
“What did she tell you?” I ask, hating the idea
that the two of them were discussing me behind my back. I remember the awkward
atmosphere I walked into when I came in from the kitchen, now I realise the
reason for their silence.  
“That’s not important, what matters is the fact
that it’s not safe for you to be living at home anymore.”
He looks so determined, it’s as though I have
no say in the matter. The idea of living with Jake is wonderful but it’s just
not possible. It’s too soon and I’m not ready for such a commitment.
“Jake, we’ve only known each other for a few
weeks and I haven’t even met your family. How can you expect me to stay with
them? It’s just not possible. I’ll see you on Friday, the same time as usual,
“No! That’s not ok! You’re coming home with me
right now, even if I have to carry you out of here myself.”
The resolute expression on his face is enough
to convince me that he means what he says. I start to pace back and forth,
wondering how on earth I can persuade him to leave. He’s somehow managed to
place himself right in front of the door and my exit out of here.
“Jake, I don’t know what my gran told you but
whatever she said… please don’t worry about it. It’s all in the past, he adores
me now and I can promise you that he won’t hurt me.”
I really hate lying to Jake but if he knew what
happened to me last week he will never let me return home.
“What about what he did to you when you were
fourteen? You think I’ve forgotten what you told me? What he did when he found
out about that guy you were planning to meet at the cinema. I don’t want to
discuss this, Bethany. I’m
leaving without you. I planned on telling
you yesterday but you took off on me before I had a chance. You’re coming home
with me and that’s final.”
“You can’t tell me what to do, Jake. I’m not a
I glance at the clock behind me which shows
that we have ten minutes until he’s due back here.
“Bethany, I told you I would pick you up and
carry you out of here if I have to. You really want to test me on that?”
There’s so much confidence in his promise. I
grit my teeth, trying to prevent myself from saying something I’ll later
regret. He looks so arrogant and self-assured. I study his broad frame which is
still blocking my way back into the store.
“Look, he won’t hurt me Jake. I have my phone
and you know that I’ll call you if anything happens. Gran gave you my address,
right? So you now know where I live. That makes me a hell of a lot safer than I
was last night when you didn’t have a clue where I was.”
He continues to glare at me and I avert my
gaze, feeling uncomfortable. I can’t believe he’s doing this to me.
“My mind is made up.” He argues.
“Jake, I’m stronger now and I’m no longer a
child. He can’t hurt me anymore.”
Thank God I never told him about my father’s
loathsome treatment of me lately. One day I hope Jake will forgive me for lying
to him.
“I’m not happy about this at all. I don’t
understand how you feel safe enough to go back there.”
“Please, let’s just go back into the store.
Jake, I’m
 He finally decides to take notice and
responds to the anxiety in my voice. He steps aside from the doorway and I
hurry past him. I’ve almost made it when he grabs my elbow, spinning me around
to face him.

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