Allende’s Chile and the Inter-American Cold War (58 page)

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In September and October, ITT representatives contacted U.S. officials to urge Nixon to abandon what it perceived was a “soft-line” against the UP. After a meeting between Rogers and business leaders with investments in Chile, ITT submitted a White Paper on 1 October 1971 detailing eighteen points of economic warfare, among them efforts to disrupt UNCTAD III and sabotage trade, to ensure Allende did not survive a further six months. Davis,
Last Two Years
, 69. On Treasury joining SRG discussions, see Memorandum, Keith Guthrie to General Haig, 1 June 1971, box H056/NSCIF/NPMP.

Memorandum, Connally to Nixon, 11 June 1971, doc. 154/FRUS/1969–1976/IV.

Ibid. See also Memorandum, Connally to Nixon, 9 June 1971, box H056/NSCIF/NPMP.

Handwritten notes, Nixon to Kissinger on Memorandum, Kissinger to Nixon, 9 June 1971, and Kissinger to Nachmanoff on Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 14 June, box H056/NSCIF/NPMP. On the review itself, see Memorandum, Kissinger to the Secretary et al., 23 June 1971, doc. 155/FRUS/1969–1976/IV; and Memorandum, Keith Guthrie to General Haig, 1 June 1971.

Memorandum, Crimmins to Irwin, 4 August 1971, doc. 159/FRUS/1969–1976/IV.

“HAK Talking Points for SRG Meeting on Chile,” 3 June 1971, and Memorandum, Kissinger to Nixon, 9 June 1971, box H056/NSCIF/NPMP.

Telegram, Korry to SecState, 1 June 1971, Special NIE, 4 August 1971, CDP-CIA; and Intelligence Note, INR, “Chile: Copper and Domestic Politics,” 14 October 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Paper, Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group, “Chile: Strategy Review,” enclosure, Memorandum for the Under Secretary of State et al., 8 September 1971, box H220/NSCIF/NPMP.

National Security Decision Memorandum 136, 8 October 1971, doc. 169/FRUS/1969–1976/IV, and Speeches, Connally, World Bank, 30 September 1971, Undersecretary of State Walker, U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on International Finance, 6 July 1971 and 26 October 1971, as cited in Oficio, Letelier to Señor Ministro, 26 January 1973, Oficios Conf., E./R./EEUU/1973/AMRE.

See retrospective account of this offer in Aide Memoire, Letelier, “Situación Relaciones Chile con Estados Unidos,” 11 August 1972, 2/16/5/FOL.

Memorandum of Conversation, Kissinger, Almeyda, and Letelier, c. 7 October 1971, 2/13/49/FOL.

Record of Conversation, Letelier and Kissinger, Joseph Alsop’s House, 5 December 1971, Telex, Letelier to MRE, 7 December 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Aide Memoire, Letelier, “Situación Relaciones Chile con Estados Unidos,” 11 August 1972, 2/16/5/FOL; and Memorandum, Letelier, “Medidas que podríamos adoptar para establecer algún ‘modus vivendi’ con Estados Unidos,” 5 September 1972, enclosure, Letter, Orlando [Letelier] to Clodomiro [Almeyda], 6 September 1972, 2/17/12/FOL.

Telegram, Davis to SecState, 7 December 1971, CDP-NARA.

Paper, Ad Hoc Interagency Working Group, “Chile: Strategy Review,” enclosure, Memorandum, Jeanne W. Davis to the Under Secretary of State et al., 8 September 1971, box H220/NSCIF/NPMP.

Telegram, DOS to Amembassy, Lima, “Soviet-Chilean Economic Relations,” c. June 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA. See Telegrams, Korry to SecState, 28 May 1971, and Korry to SecState, 1 June 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA; and Telegram, Shlaudeman to SecState, 24 June 1971, box 478/RG59/NARA.

Special NIE, 4 August 1971.

Telegram, Korry to SecState, 7 June 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Transcript of Conversation, Nixon and Daniel P. Moynihan, 7 October 1971, in Doyle, “The Nixon Tapes.”

Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 9 June 1971, box H056/NSCIF/NPMP. Javier Urrutia, a financial adviser to the Chilean Embassy in Washington, was involved in the Boeing negotiations and recalled Santiago was interested in more profitable U.S. and European routes for the Boeings. Javier Urrutia, e-mail correspondence with author, 3 December 2005.

Telexes, Letelier to Almeyda, 5 August and 11 August 1971.

Telegram, DOS to Lima, “Soviet-Chilean Economic Relations.” In the end, although the vice president of LAN-Chile visited Moscow after Eximbank’s deferral on the Boeing loans, the UP ended up paying $5.5 million in cash the following year to purchase a Boeing airplane from the United States. Miller,
Soviet Relations with Latin America
, 140–41.

Transcripts of Conversations, Nixon and Rockefeller, 29 October 1971, and Nixon and Kissinger, 20 September 1971, in Doyle, “The Nixon Tapes.”

Joseph Jova interview (1991), FD. See also, Transcript of conversation, Nixon and Connally, Oval Office, 2 June 1971, in Doyle, “The Nixon Tapes.”

Briefing Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 17 June 1971, enclosure, Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 11 August 1971, box H059/NSCIF/NPMP.

Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 11 August 1971.

Custom Country Report for Latin America and the Caribbean, The Green Book of U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants.

Memorandum, Kissinger to the Under Secretary of State et al., 18 August 1971, box H178/NSCIF/NPMP.

Telephone Conversation, Nixon and Rogers, 7 December 1971, Conversation 16:36/WHT/NPMP; and Memorandum of Conversation for the President’s File from Henry Kissinger, 20 December 1971, in Osorio, “Nixon: ‘Brazil Helped Rig the Uruguayan Elections’ 1971.”

Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 17 June 1971, box H055/NSCIF/NPMP.

Limited Partnership
, 161.

Siekmeier, “A Sacrificial Llama?”

Briefing Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 17 June 1971.

Handwritten note, Kissinger on Briefing Memorandum, Nachmanoff to Kissinger, 17 June 1971.

“U.S. Denies Bolivia Rule,”
New York Times
, 30 August 1971.

Handwritten note, Kissinger on Memorandum, Hewitt to Kissinger, 4 March 1972, box 232/NSCIF/NPMP. Banzer was a graduate of the School of the Americas and a former military attaché in Washington. On CIA involvement in coup plotting, see McSherry,
Predatory States
, 55.

On this “multinational coup,” see McSherry,
Predatory States
, 55. On Brazil’s involvement, see Gaspari,
Ditadura Derrotada
, 346–47.

Raúl Roa as quoted in FBIS, “Trends in Communist Propaganda,” 25 August 1971, CDP-CIA.

Record of Conversations, Raúl Roa and Polish minister of foreign affairs Stefan Jedrychowski, 24–26 June 1971, Urgent Note, “Notes on the Conversations with Roa,” 30 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Memorandum, Ambassador Marian Renke, Polish Embassy, Havana, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Certain Aspects of Cuba’s Situation and Politics on the American Continent,” 15 October 1971, wiazka 5/40/75/AMSZ.

Airgram, Ortiz (U.S. Embassy, Montevideo) to DOS, 25 August 1971, in Osorio, “Nixon: ‘Brazil Helped Rig the Uruguayan Elections’ 1971.”

Predatory States
, 56.

Telcon, Nixon and Rogers, 7 December 1971, and Memorandum of Conversation for the President’s File from Henry Kissinger, 20 December 1971, in Osorio, “Nixon: ‘Brazil Helped Rig the Uruguayan Elections’ 1971.”

Memorandum of Conversation, Médici, Nixon, and Walters, 10:00 a.m., the President’s Office, 9 December 1971, doc. 143/FRUS/1969–1976/E-10.

Memorandum of Conversation, Médici, Nixon, and Walters, 11:30 a.m., the President’s Office, 7 December 1971, doc. 141/FRUS/1969–1976/E-10.

Memorandum of Conversations, Médici, Nixon and Walters, 7 and 9 December 1971.

Memorandum, Acting Director of Central Intelligence (Cushman) to Kissinger, 29 December 1971, doc. 145/FRUS/1969–1976/E-10.

Memorandum of Conversation, Médici, Nixon, and Walters, 9 December 1971.

Memorandum of Meeting, Médici, Gibson Barbosa, Ambassador Araujo Castro, Kissinger, Walters, and Nachmanoff, Blair House, 5:15 p.m., 8 December 1971, doc. 142/FRUS/1969–1976/E-10.

Memorandum of Conversation, Médici, Nixon, and Walters, 9 December 1971.

White House Tapes, Nixon, Kissinger, and Haldeman, 11 June 1971, doc. 139/FRUS/1969–1976/E-10.

Memorandum of Conversation, Médici, Nixon, and Walters, 9 December 1971.

Memorandum of Meeting, Médici, Gibson Barbosa, Ambassador Araujo Castro, Kissinger, Walters, and Nachmanoff, Blair House, 5:15 p.m., 8 December 1971.

Telcon, Kissinger and Nixon, 8 December 1971, box 12/HAK Telcons/NSCF/NPMP.

Crimmins interview.

Telephone Conversation, Nixon and William Rogers, 7 December 1971, and Telephone Conversation, Nixon and John Connally, 8 December 1971, Conversation 16:44/WHT/NPMP.

“Brazil Leader to Meet Nixon,”
Washington Post
, 6 December 1971, as cited in Telegram, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, to Secretario de Estado das Relações Exteriores, 6 December 1971, Rolo 42/Telegramas recebidos da Embaixada em Washington/AMRE-Brasilia.

“Médici Visit: Important but Why?”
Washington Post
, 13 December 1971; Telegram, Brazilian Embassy, Washington, to Secretario de Estado das Relações Exteriores, 6 December 1971, Rolo 424/Telegramas recebidos da Embaixada em Washington/AMRE-Brasilia.

Castro, Press Conference, Santiago, 3 December 1971, published as “Conferencia de Prensa,”
, 493–94.

Intelligence Telegram, CIA Station, Santiago to DCI, 19 August 1971, CDP-CIA.

Record of Conversation, Korry and Frei, 9 October 1971, Telegram, Korry to SecState, 11 October 1971, box 2197/RG59/NARA.

Memorandum of Conversation, Frei and Meyer, Waldorf Towers, New York, 23 October 1971, 26 October 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Memorandum, Irwin to Kissinger, 22 December 1971, box 289/NSIF/NPMP.

Covert Action in Chile
, 37.

Dispatch, COS, Santiago, to Chief, WHD, 3 November 1971, CDP-CIA; and Intelligence Information Special Report, 9 November 1971, CDP-CIA. On monitoring and speculation about key players, see Intelligence Telegram, CIA Station, Santiago, to Director, 31 August 1971, CDP-CIA. Of those mentioned, General Pinochet is noted as favoring a coup but happier to “close eyes to events.” Dispatch, COS, Santiago, to Chief, WHD, 12 November 1971, CDP-CIA.

Dispatch, Chief, WHD, to COS, Santiago, 1 December 1971, CDP-CIA.

Memorandum, Irwin to Kissinger, 22 December 1971.

Lopez interview, 28 October 2004.

Fidel Castro, Press Conference, Havana, 10 November 1971, published as “Entrevista,”
, 14.

Allende, Speech at National Stadium, Santiago, 2 December 1971, published as “Farewell Address to Fidel Castro,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 137 (the
Allende Reader
mistakenly cites this as 4 December 1971); and “Interview with Allende and Castro,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 135–36.

Allende, Speech at National Stadium, 4 November 1971, published as “First Anniversary of the Popular Government,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 122.

Fidel Castro, Universidad de Punta Arenas, 22 November 1971,
, 326.

Oficio, Manuel Sánchez Navarro to Señor Ministro, 23 April 1971, Oficios Ordinarios, Cuba/1971/AMRE.

Castro as quoted in FBIS, “Trends in Communist Propaganda,” 14 April 1971, CDP-CIA.

Memorandum, “Cooperación tecnica y cientifica entre la Republica de Chile y la republica de Cuba,” November 1972, CMSA. Agreements signed included collaborative programs in publishing (Quimantú and Instituto Cubano del Libro, 2 December 1971), health (10 December 1971), and education, culture, and sport (2 December 1971). On the Cuban-Chilean cinema agreement between Chile Films and ICAIC, see Ortega,
La Habana-Arica-Magallanes

Informe del Intercambio Comercial Chileno-Cubano, no date, c. December 1972, CMSA.

Record of Conversation, Miret and Juan Enrique Vega, Chilean Ambassador in Havana, Oficio, Vega, to Señor Ministro, 21 June 1971; and Oficio, Vega to Señor Ministro, 9 July 1971, Oficios/Cuba/1971/AMRE.

Informe del Intercambio Comercial Chileno-Cubano, c. December 1972.

Almeyda, Speech to UN General Assembly, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 376.

Vázquez and Cubillas interview, 11 September 2005, and Suárez interview, 12 September 2005. On the improving links with Latin American revolutionary movements, see Oña interview, 3 September 2005.

, 71–74.

Figures of arms transfers are difficult to verify, although some members of the GAP later testified that they had received one .30 machine gun, eight Uzis, forty MP-40 submachine guns, twelve P-38 automatic pistols, and twelve Colt pistols from the island at the beginning of 1971. Ibid., 251.

Pascal Allende interview.

Estrada interview; Oña interviews, 2004–6; and Jaramillo Edwards interview, 21 September 2005.

Soto interview, 7 September 2005.

Dispatch, COS, Santiago, to Chief, WHD, 3 November 1971, CDP-CIA. Specifically, the CIA Station listed the GAP’s new arsenal as containing “Cuban-provided .45 caliber Colt automatic pistols, 9mm Browning automatic pistols and Czech P-38 automatic pistols.” The Chilean historian Cristian Pérez claims that the biggest Cuban donation of arms to Chile occurred during Castro’s visit. Pérez, “Salvador Allende, Apuntes Sobre su Dispositivo de Seguridad,” 52.

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