The Law of Motion (Law Series)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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Prologue- Wedding



"Adrian—we gotta get ready to toast," Kristen informed from the balcony doorway.

She looked amazing, despite the fact she just had an eleven pound baby three months ago. It had been a daunting fucking task getting her through her labor and delivery especially for Macon and Alyssa.

I snickered to myself as I walked back into the reception for my best friend's wedding. It had been a beautiful, but very fucking large even
A lot different from what the rest of them have done so far. Macon and Kristen had gotten married in Vegas, right before our huge events in Cuba, Ross and Tawny had thrown a party on Tawny’s birthday, inviting a few dozen friends, and hired a Justice of the Peace to say their vows. Both were simple, and for the most part private.

Jackson and Tink went completely in another direction. I knew most of it was for Tink’s benefit, because she had been dreaming of the fairy tale wedding her entire life. Not to mention Jackson wanted to show, his family, friends and the world his new bride, because she was an amazing woman.

I looked down; just as a confused four year old collided with my legs. “Sorry Unca Adwien.” He apologized looking up to me frustrated.

"It’s ok buddy. What’s going on?” I chuckled at Ross and Tawny’s adopted son.

He looked like a miniature GQ model in his custom fitted tux, earlier in the day that is. His charcoal grey cummerbund had long been discarded, his bowtie crooked, as he launched himself though the crowd.

"Mommy sent me to find
Tia Awyssa
," he grumped, folding his arms across his chest in a gesture so much like Ross that it took all I had not to laugh, when obviously having a national emergency. “But I can’t find her nowheres.”

He took a deep breath and corrected himself. “
. So I found you.”

If anyone had taken their duties seriously as a god parent it was Alyssa. She spent so much time with him that it had gotten to the point people just assumed he was her son when they were together. Hell, the fact that they were both Hispanic didn’t help things. He would have weekend slumber parties at our house, she would take him to school when Doc and Ross were away on cases, hel
she was even his emergency contact at his preschool.

"Ah, so if you found me you would find her," I snorted.

“Wogicwy.” He nodded sounding like Tink.

I laughed, amazed at how smart he was, “Well we’re in luck buddy.” I pointed when her sexy silhouette caught my eyes. “She’s coming to us.”

He launched himself into her legs this time; the kid didn’t seem to have brakes tonight. She steadied him and squatted to his level. The fact that she could in the bridesmaid’s dress that Tink picked out amazed me. It looked like it was almost painted on, until it got to the calf at least. Then it did this flaring thing that reminded me of those flamenco dancers. She looked sexy as hell, but my heart went out to my girl, because I knew that she was dying to be in a pair of cargo pants.


Qué es esto
?” She gushed in Spanish looking expectantly at her godson. He mumbled a few words in Spanish as she fixed his bowtie and buttoned his tux jacket. She straightened herself and grabbed his hand. “
Vamos Juanito.

As sexy as I found her normally, it doubled whenever I heard her speak Spanish. “It looks like they’re ready for us.” She groaned linking her fingers with mine. "Are you ready?"

"No," I sighed. “You nervous?”

"I’m never nervous," she lied, shaking her head.

We were the Maid of Honor and Best Man, and our toasts were going to be in front of about four hundred peopl
and it was a good thing we both loved our friends, because this speech preparing shit was for the birds.

I looked down at her, cupping her chin and bringing her lips to mine. She looked amazing toda
though all of the girls did, really. Tink had gone with a charcoal and ivory theme, all the same colors, but a different style dress to accent each girl’s personality. My Alyssa was in dress, Ivory with charcoal ruffles at the bottom, Kristen, in a skirt and jacket charcoal with ivory pinstripes, and Ross a simple grey dress with a ribbon around it. Doc’s looked like a shorter version of a wedding dress. The guys and I had all teased the shit out of them when we first heard about it, telling them that they wouldn’t look unified. But once the dresses were revealed, some flowing, some form-fitting, but all sexy, we shut the fuck up. Quickly.

"You're beautiful, baby," I whispered against her lips, pressing my forehead to hers.

"You're lookin' pretty good yourself there, Adrian," she giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I am mad about this dress, but I’m glad as hell I didn’t miss out on this tux situation..." she teased, biting her bottom lip.

"You," I growled in her ear, biting at her earlobe, "are

"So you tell me...repeatedly," she chuckled, pulling back and looking behind me when our names were called. "It's time," she sighed, rolling her eyes up to mine.

I grinned, holding my arm out for her, and guided her back to the wedding party table. "You'll be perfect, love. I'm sure." I kissed her temple as we stepped behind the table. "I'll be right next to you. can pretend everyone's naked."

"Adrian” she hissed, rolling her eyes. "That’s disgusting, have you
some of the people on the guest list?”

"But not for me," I chuckled, giving her whole being an appraising glance as I dragged my tongue along my bottom lip.

"That's because you are a pervert," she declared shaking her head.

"Only with you, Miss Marshall," I said with a shit eating grin.

Alyssa took her place at my side, but stayed standing as Kristen passed her the microphone. She held up her glass of champagne, looking over at my best friend and brother, in my eyes, Jackson and Tink, who were sitting beside her. The music quieted, and people took their seats back at their assigned tables, giving my girl their attention.







"Unca Dario! You’re doing it wrong!" my godson huffed, looking up at Dario like he was crazy. "You're not supwosed to spin the noodles like suck them in!"

I grinned down the table in awe as he tried to teach an Italian how to eat spaghetti.

"Ah, Bambino," he crooned to him, pulling him into his lap. "Let me show you how to really eat pasta." He tucked a napkin into the front of his shirt and proceeded to teach him how to twirl spaghetti around a fork, making sure that each noodle had the perfect amount of sauce on it, before making him take a bite.

His sweet, sharp brown eyes lit up as he chewed, licking his lips, and I couldn't help but giggle at him. There wasn't anything he wasn't willing to learn, but that face was just plain adorable goodness. His face practically glowed. "Oh're so right!"

Kristen chuckled from the seat next to me cradling baby Makenna and feeding her a bottle, and I turned to look at her. "Sometimes, I'm not sure who he’s like more.”

I snickered and shrugged. "It's true...”

“We all leave our impression.” Doc answered wiping his mouth.

I reached out and rubbed the top of Makenna’s head brushing her sandy brown locks from her cashew colored face, "I'm sure we can play the same game when Makenna is older."

We both looked up when Macon and Ross joined us.

"Damn. Now I know why we didn't have a big wedding," Macon groaned, looking around the reception area, which was the garden behind the Strong Mansion in Dickerson, Maryland. "This is...ridiculous!"

"I said the same thing," Ross told her, pointing to Tink and Jackson on the dance floor. "But she's happy."

"That's all that matters," I added. "I personally don't want this shit...but to each their own."

"Yeah and when's
date?" Kristen teased, because Adrian and I were the only ones left.

"Shut it," I growled, smirking when they all laughed at me. "There's no hurry. What the hell?" I grinned at her, shaking my head. Looking to Doc, “How long is your case load?”

"How long do you need? Or should I ask...what do you need?" she countered, a wry smirk on her face.

"I might have...something I could use you on. Are you free for breakfast tomorrow?” I asked, knowing that she'd be perfect for what I needed. There wasn't a lock or safe Tawny couldn't get in to.

"Yeah, definitely," she said with a nod and a laugh.

"You mean you're not giving anyone a day off after this shit?" Dario asked looking around at the wedding.

"Ummm, no! She's a freakin' slave driver," Macon growled, but broke into a laugh when I flipped him off. "Is this that Morgan case, Lyssa?"

"Yup," I sighed, playing with the flowers in the center of the table. "I'm not sure, but I really think there's something in the safe at his office.  Perhaps... I need help getting inside," I said cryptically.

Tawny's smile widened, and she nodded slowly looking over at her son eating pasta. His ears were sharp; though he seemed to not be paying attention at the time; we knew that was when he tended to listen the most.  "Perhaps... Well, let me know tomorrow, then."

"No work at my wedding," Jackson ordered low in my ear, making me jump, but he offered me his hand. "I suppose the only way to stop that is to make you dance with me."

I looked around the dance floor, smiling at some of the strange pairings. Joanne was dwarfed in Victor's presence, because she was barely taller than Tawny and he was a massive sized man, and I could see that his scars were making some of the people that weren't used to him very nervous. I made a note to dance with him again when they were done. Tink was dancing with Cam, but they were deep in conversation, and I was pretty sure she was finding out the update on something involving encryptions. Juan had dragged her Aunt Kristen out to the dance floor, and she was dipping him dramatically, just to hear his uncontrollable laugh.

Adrian, Macon, Jeff, and Danny were all leaning against the bar, deep in conversation. I smiled when I could see Danny jerk his head to a girl in that direction. Jackson placed an arm around my waist and took my hand in his as the orchestra changed to another song, but he caught my line of sight.

“Those guys are up to no good.” He sighed shaking his head.

I shrugged, “Boys will be boys.”

“Mommy!” I heard behind me, recognizing the call of Juan, but I could tell it wasn't his usual call for Ross; it was his cry that something was wrong.

Jackson turned us so that he could watch Ross scoop up Juan Carlos and dust him off. He apparently had slipped down, barely messing up his tux, but his hands took the brunt of the fall, because he held out both hands to he
palms u
so that she could kiss them all better.

"I'm going to miss that little thing," Jackson muttered, looking back at me.

"A whole month long honeymoon, Romeo?” I teased him. "Your own doing, I believe. Did you actually buy the house in Peru, or are you just renting it?"

"I'm just renting it, silly," he huffed, but he fought his smile, still staring at Juan and Ross. "Though, I'm waiting to make my decision until I actually see the damn thing, Tink really loves it." he mumbled, rolling his eyes at my laughter. There wasn’t a thing that he wouldn’t do for that imp.

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