Allende’s Chile and the Inter-American Cold War (57 page)

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Bautista Yofre,
Misión Argentina
, 63–64, 78–79. Memorandum, Huidobro, 18 December 1970, MINREL: Memorandos Políticos/AMRE; and Almeyda, Speech to OAS, San José, Costa Rica, 15 April 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 431. On Argentina’s concerns regarding Chile, see also Telegram, Lodge to SecState, 27 April 1971, box 1697/RG59/NARA.

Letter, Letelier to Rodriguez, 12 October 1970.

Cable, Ambassador Noworyt, Polish Embassy, Santiago, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 22 May 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Almeyda, “Política Exterior de la Unidad Popular,” in Almeyda,
Obras Escogidas
, 122–23, and Huidobro interview, 18 October 2004.

Almeyda as quoted in Urgent Note, “Summary of Visit of the Chilean Delegation,” 2 June 1971.


Memorandum of Conversation, H. E. Argentina’s Ambassador Pedro Real et al., Washington, 22 December 1970.

Pablo Pardo as quoted in Telegram, Lodge to SecState, 2 July 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA. See also Bautista Yofre,
Misión Argentina
, 63–64, 78–79.

“Declaración de Salta,” 24 Argentina 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 465–68.

Washington Post
, 25 July 1971, as quoted in Telegram, Brazilian Embassy, Washington to Secretario de Estado das Relçoes Exteriores, 26 July 1971, Rolo 424/Telegramas recebidos da Embaixada em Washington/AMRE-Brasilia.

Oficio, Letelier and Valdés to Señor Ministro, 4 June 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Fidel Castro, 26 July 1971, as quoted in Oficio, Vega to Señor Ministro, 13 August 1971, Oficios Conf./Cuba/1971/AMRE.

Record of Conversation, Salum (Chilean Ambassador), Embachile Argel, and President Boumedienne, 23 July 1971, Oficio, Salum to Señor Ministro, 27 July 1971, Argelia/1971/AMRE.

Oficio, Jerez Ramirez to Señor Ministro, “Asamblea Gobernadores BID: Discurso Presidente Velasco Alvarado,” 11 May 1971, Oficios Res., E./R./Perú/1971/AMRE.

Directorate of Intelligence: Central Intelligence Bulletin, 28 August 1971, CREST/NARA.

Letter, Castro to Allende, 21 May 1971, in Castro, “Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On.”

Record of Conversations, Raúl Roa and Polish minister of foreign affairs Stefan Jedrychowski, 24–26 June 1971, Urgent Note, “Notes on the Conversations with Roa,” 30 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Memorandum Secreto, MRE al Señor Ambajador, no. 14, 24 June 1971.

Telegram, DOS to Amembassy Brasilia, 15 July 1971, box 2134/RG59/NARA.

Chapter 4

Castro, Speech at Regional Stadium, Concepción, 17 November 1971, published as “Estadio Regional de Concepción,”
, 242.

Cable, Ambassador Noworyt, Polish Embassy, Santiago, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ, and Telegram, Korry to SecState, 9 June 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Logevall and Preston,
Nixon in the World
, 4.

Castro, interview for Chilean Television, 12 November 1971, in
Fidel in Chile: “A Symbolic Meeting Between Two Historical Processes,”
67. See also documentary, Alvarez,
De América Soy Hijo

Letter, Allende to Nixon, 4 September 1971 [English translation], 2/15/23/FOL. See also draft letter, Almeyda to Rogers, in Telex, Letelier to Almeyda (in Lima), 1 September 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE; and Jaramillo Edwards interview, 21 September 2005.

Allende, 15 July 1971, published as “Palabras del Presidente de la Republica, Compañero Salvador Allende, en la ceremonia de firma del decreto que promulga la reforma constitucional que permite la nacionalizacion del Cobre,” in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 408–9.

Memorandum of Conversation, Almeyda and Rogers, no date, c. 7 October 1971, 2/13/32/FOL.

Estrada interview.

Record of Conversation, Valdés and Nachmanoff, 13 May 1971; Telex, Valdés to MRE, 13 May 1971; and Record of Conversation, Letelier and Meyer, 28 June 1971, Telex, Letelier to MRE, 29 June 1971, Telex R: 1–400/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 9 July 1971, Telex R: 1–400/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Record of Conversation, Letelier and Kearns, 11 August 1971; Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 11 August 1971; and Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 5 August 1971.

Record of Conversation, Letelier and Kissinger, 5 August 1971; Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 5 August 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Oficio, Letelier to Señor Ministro, 10 August 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE; and Telexes, Letelier to Almeyda, 11 August 1971, and Letelier to MRE, 12 October 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Record of Conversation, Ambassador Noworyt and Allende, 29 July 1971, Urgent Cable, Polish Embassy, Santiago, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 31 July 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 5 August 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 8 September 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Telexes, Letelier to Almeyda, 11 August 1971, 13 and 21 August 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE; and Telex, Letelier to Almeyda, 8 September 1971, 2/13/33/FOL. See also Record of Luncheon offered by the Chilean embassy, attended by Marilyn Berger (
Washington Post
), Benjamin Welles (
New York Times
), George Gedda (AP), Ricardo Utrilla (France Press), Juan Walte (UPI), and Jones Rozenthal (Latin), Oficio, Letelier to Señor Ministro, 24 August 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE. Another key embassy contact included Senator Edward Kennedy. See Record of Conversation, Letelier and Kennedy, 5 December 1971, Telexes (2), Letelier to MRE, 7 December 1971, and Record of Conversation, Letelier, Almeyda, and Kennedy, 6 October 1971, Telex, Letelier to MRE, 6 October 1971, Telex R: 401–839/EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Vázquez and Cubillas interview, 11 September 2005. Vázquez and Cubillas recall that the Cubans advised Chile throughout the nationalization process and encouraged Allende to negotiate with the companies. On PS pressure, see Special National Intelligence Estimate, “The Outlook for Chile under Allende,” 4 August 1971, CDP-CIA; and Cable, Polish Embassy, Santiago, to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 7 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

“Decreto No. 92, firmado por el Presidente de la Republic de Chile, Salvador Allende Gossens, Relativo a las Rentabilidades excesivas de las empresas de la gran mineria del cobre afectadas por la nacionalizacion,” 28 September 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 409–10.

Allende, “Address to the United Nations,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 203–4. Allende stated that Anaconda and Kennecott mines reaped $774 million in “excess profits.” This was then deducted from the compensation figure of $333 million determined by Chile’s controller general.

“Contraloría General de la República: Fijación de la Indemnización a las Empresas Cupreras Nacionalizadas, Resolution No. 529,” 11 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 414–17.

Allende, Speeches in Quito, 25 August 1971, and Guayaquil, 27 August 1971, in Allende,
Voz de Un Pueblo Continente
, 53, 86. See also Telegram, Amembassy Quito, to SecState, 26 August 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Reencuentro con mi Vida
, 194–95.

“Declaración Conjunta suscrita entre los Presidentes de la República del Ecuador, José María Velasco y de la Republica de Chile, Salvador Allende Gossens” Quito, 26 August 1971; “Declaración Conjunta suscrita entre los Presidentes de la Republica de Colombia, Misael Pastrana Borrero y de la República de Chile, Salvador Allende Gossens,” Bogotá, 31 August 1971; “Declaración Conjunta suscrita entre los Presidentes de la Repúblic del Perú, Juan Velasco Alvadardo y de la República de Chile, Salvador Allende Gossens,” Lima, 3 September 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 469–80; and Almeyda, Speech to UN General Assembly, 1 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 371.

Letter, Castro to Allende, 11 September 1971, in Castro, “Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On.”

Allende, Press Conference in Quito, 26 August 1971, in Allende,
Voz de Un Pueblo Continente
, 66.

Allende, Speech to Presidential Banquet, Bogotá, 29 August 1971, in Allende,
Voz de Un Pueblo Continente
, 109–10.

Telegram, Allen (U.S. Ambassador), Embachile Bogotá to SecState, 1 September 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Allende, interview with Augusto Olivares, November 1971, published as “Interview with Salvador Allende and Fidel Castro,” in Cockcroft,
Allende Reader
, 134. See also Allende, San Augustin, Ecuador, 24 August 1971, in Allende,
Voz de Un Pueblo Continente
, 45.

Almeyda, Speech to UN General Assembly, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 368–71.

“Declaracion del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile,” Santiago Chile, 13 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 418–19; and Almeyda, Speech to G77, Lima, Peru, 29 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 401–3.

Almeyda, Speech to G77, Lima, Peru, 29 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 400.

“Resolucion 1803 (XVII). Soberania Permanente Sobre los Recursos Naturales (11941. Sesion Plenaria, 14 December 1962),” in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 419–22.

Almeyda, Speeches to UN General Assembly, 1 October 1971, and G77, Lima, Peru, 29 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 370, 399. On the Third Word’s lack of progress, see Mortimer,
Third World Coalition
, 35.

Almeyda, Speech to G77 Meeting, Lima, Peru, 29 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 400.

Memorandum, Hernán Santa Cruz, “Consideraciones políticas adicionales sobre la Reunión de las 77 y respecto a las perspectives para la Tercera Conferencia de Comercio y Dessarrollo,” no date, c. October 1971, vol. 2/FHSC/AMRE.

Almeyda, Speech to G77 Meeting, Lima, Peru, 29 October 1971, in Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 406.

Diplomatic Report, no. 532/71, 18 November 1971, and Telegram, Morgan to FCO, 10 October 1971, FCO61/836/TNA.

Memorandum, Baker-Bates, UN (E & S) to MacInnes, 22 November 1971, FCO61/836/TNA.

Vera Castillo,
Política Exterior Chilena
, 547.

Urgent Note, “Summary of Visit of the Chilean Delegation,” 2 June 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Report by Ambassador Noworyt, “Basic Elements of Chile’s Internal Political Situation After the Municipal Elections, 4 April 1971,” no date, c. May 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Cables, Ambassador Noworyt to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 October and 11, 12, and 16 November 1971, wiazka 3/40/75/AMSZ.

Special NIE, 4 August 1971, and Fermandois,
Mundo y Fin de Mundo
, 384.

East German Ministry of Foreign Trade Report, “Information on the Development of Economic Relations between the GDR and Chile,” 20 April 1971, DY/30/IV A2/20/728/SAPMO.

Soviet Relations with Latin America
, 138.

, 214–19. Details of the Allende government’s interest in purchasing arms from the Soviet bloc are hazy. However, the available evidence suggests that the UP remained interested in acquiring arms from the USSR after this trip and that Allende raised the issue directly with Brezhnev. In a later testimony given to the Centro de Estudios Publicos in Chile, Leonov, then head of the Analytical Department in the KGB, recalled that the USSR provided Chile with a $100 million credit to buy Soviet arms (primarily tanks) in 1973 and that these were on their way to Chile in August of that year when Moscow called the ships that were carrying them back on account of the fear that a military coup was on the horizon. See Ulianova, “La Unidad Popular y el Golpe Militar,” 108–10.

Memorandum, Javier Urrutia to Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores et al., “Algunos Aspectos de Las relaciones Financieras de Chile con la Banca de EE.UU,” 22 October 1971, 2/13/44/FOL. The reasons Urrutia offered for the European banking sector’s inability to counteract U.S. obstacles were that Chile’s relations with them had been modest in the past, that European financial credits were mostly linked to purchases, and that the European banking sector was “less agile and more complex” than its U.S. counterpart.

Oficio, Letelier to Señor Ministro, 10 August 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Ibid., and Oficio, Valdés to Señor Ministro, 12 November 1971, Oficios Conf., R./EEUU/1971/AMRE.

Memorandum, Orlando Letelier, “Algunos Aspectos del Estado Actual de las Relaciones de Chile con Estados Unidos,” 3 November 1971, 2/16/6/FOL.

Record of Conversation, Allende and Hollis Moore, President of Bowling Green State University, Letter, Hollis to Nixon, 12 November 1971, box 2193/RG59/NARA.

Letter, Almeyda to His Excellency William P. Rogers, 4 September 1971 (delivered by hand by Letelier on 7 September 1971), 2/15/18/FOL.

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