All Roads Lead Home (46 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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TODAY MARKED TENLEY’S twentieth week in her pregnancy. We were halfway there and so ready to find out what God had blessed us with. We debated back and forth on not finding out, but I knew a baby shower was in the works, and from her mother, to Wendy, they begged me to find out.

Wendy would leave messages on my voicemail and simply say… “Will your colors be blush and bashful or rugged and suede?”

I didn’t have the faintest idea what she was referencing to until I came home early to walk into a room full of crying women. They were all watching a movie called “Steel Magnolias,” one of Wendy’s favorites. My girl had crumpled up Kleenex surrounding her as she sniffed and hiccupped through her tears.

I knew it was just a movie, but it still hurt my heart to see my girl cry. Then I laughed when Wendy handed her a bowl of ice cream and said, “Here, honey, Chocolate Peanut Butter cures all.”

I can agree with as my eyes went back to our night spent in her daddy’s cabin. I blew my girl a kiss and let them finish up with their movie.

As we drove into town for our appointment, my girl never stopped smiling. She was rubbing her belly, and then bounced a bit when she felt a kick. She quickly grabbed my hand to feel our baby inside of her. I was just now beginning to experience what she had been feeling the past couple of weeks. It was a feeling like no other, I was truly lost to the miracle growing inside of her.

“Are you sure you want to know?” I asked her one last time before walking through her doctor’s office.

“I am one hundred percent sure of it. Mama is chewing her manicured fingers to the cuticles and Wendy calls me every day to make sure I didn’t change my mind. They really are very sweet.”

“They are love, but this is our baby and I think we should leave the decision up to us, don’t you agree?” I asked her with hope that she would have a change of heart and side with me, but I could read her like a book and I knew she wanted to know. I finally conceded, and she kissed me.

My girl was ready to burst with all the water she had taken in while preparing for the ultrasound. We were going to be seeing our baby through a 4-D image. Not only would we be seeing the baby’s body, but actually see what he or she was going to look like. Tenley’s doctor said we would have a better idea further along in her pregnancy, but it didn’t matter as long as the baby was healthy, and my girl could safely deliver him or her when she was ready to.

The tech got Tenley prepared as I sat beside her and held her hand. Dr. Tillman walked in a few minutes later and greeted us.

“Well, kids, are you ready to see your baby?” he said as he began placing the cold gel on her belly.

“I know I am, but Jagger is being a bit stubborn. He doesn’t want to know.”

“No, baby, I do want to know,” I said as my eyes stared at the screen and I took in my child staring back at me. Dr. Tillman snapped picture after picture while doing his necessary measurements.

I held onto Tenley’s hand with my tears falling down. I had never been happier in all of my life. She looked over to me and winked. “Are you ready?”

“So ready,” I whispered.

She gave Dr. Tillman the go ahead and he said, “You’re having a boy. Congratulations Jagger.”

“A son? I have a son.” I whispered as my tears fell and my legs turned to jelly.

Dr. Tillman printed out our photos and handed Tenley our baby’s first pictures. I was so happy I almost stopped breathing when I heard the doctor’s words. We were having a son.

We drove back to the ranch, and I knew what I wanted to do next. I wanted to build my son’s nursery furniture and set up what would be his room. Dreams of me teaching our son to ride took over my thoughts.
How could one man be blessed with so much good fortune in one’s lifetime?
I thought silently as I held my beautiful wife in my arms throughout the night.

My eyes found the stars that shined through our sky light every night. I wished on them. I prayed on them, and was so thankful for my brother who was our guardian angel. This moment, and all the moments I have with Tenley, were made possible through Jamie’s love for us. How I would ever thank him, I wondered, and then I knew.

On July 4
, we welcomed our son into the world with the sounds of fireworks outside of our hospital window. For some reason my girl had a feeling, and I knew better to never question her.

We spent the holiday in town with our families and Wendy. This way if my girl was right, then it would be an easy drive to the hospital. I was still smiling at the memory of Tenley’s water breaking in the middle of the town square. My girl was amazing throughout it all and nearly broke my hand with the last hard push. It was then our son screamed his way out and we welcomed him into our hearts forever.

After the last visitor left, my lovely wife was finally able to get some much needed rest. I didn’t let our son out of our sight, and kept him with us in her room. As Tenley soundly slept, I held our son protectively in my arms. He was absolutely beautiful and all mine. He had a crown of thick dark brown hair that matched mine. He was a bundle of joy at eight pounds and six ounces. His eyes were blue, but I’m told they would probably change.

For just hours old, he was bright eyed and looking up at me. He squeezed my finger and my heart nearly stopped. He was our miracle that our love made, and we were a family. I knew what I had to do next. I lifted the blinds and looked out to the night sky. Man! The stars were bright tonight. I looked for his star and when I found it, I told our son about his amazing Uncle Jamie who lives in the stars. Our son had fallen asleep, but I kept on talking.

My heart was so filled with love for my wife for giving me the best gift I could ever receive. “Hey Jamie, I have someone here I would like you to meet. He’s so beautiful. Our little cowboy with the perfect combination of Parrish/Fairchild in him.”

“Please shine brightly and watch over him. I would like to introduce you to our son, and your nephew: James Lucas Parrish.”


The End…

THANK YOU, READERS, for taking the time to read
All Roads Lead Home
. Please consider leaving an honest review.

When I began writing this book, I had only one person in mind while doing so: my sister Jeanie. I lost my sister to something that was bigger and beyond our control, and sadly, her voice was silenced nearly six years ago. Losing her unexpectedly left a profound pain in my heart and unequivocally changed my life. She is now a spirit in the sky, and I hope she’s laughing, dancing, and smiling with the angels.

To remember her is easy; I do it every day. The difficult times come when I’m doing something and wishing she was here to share it with me. Losing a loved one is hard. Sometimes it can be so painful that you never believe you will be able to move forward on the darker days, but then the clouds part, the sun shines, and you just do.

Writing had always been a dream of mine, and I feel so incredibly blessed that I had finally found the courage I needed to take the leap of faith to pursue it. Jeanie would have loved everything about it, this I know without a doubt. Although she is not here to share it with me, I know she’s watching from the heavens above. Thank you, Jeanie, for inspiring me to keep chasing my dream…one book at a time. I love you always.


A true Thank You would not be complete until I thank the angels that live in my life every day…

Henry: thank you for loving me. It’s been an amazing 25 years sharing my life with you. You are a forever romantic, and not a day goes by that you don’t make me smile or laugh. I love you, husband.

Mindy: thank you for taking the time to read my words. Your feedback is instrumental. I’m never worried when I receive your critiques. I trust you completely, and I am so lucky to have your support when it comes to my writing, and even more in friendship. I love you more.

Alice: thank you for your words of encouragement and the virtual slap to my head when I was scared and had doubt. I appreciate your valuable advice and thank you for breaking down my words that became my awesome blurb. You rock!

Wendy: you make an amazing character. Thank you for inspiring me.

Joe: the other guy in my life. You are not only my editor, but my very dear friend. Thank you for inspiring me and listening to all my crazy book ideas. You. Get. Me. And I love you for it.

JT Formatting: thank you, Julie, for all you do. You are my forever rock star.

RE Creatives: thank you, Renee, for designing a breathtaking cover.

For the bloggers: thank you to Kylie McDermott of Give Me Books. You did an amazing job spreading the word for
All Roads Lead Home
to the blogging community. Everyone who participated has been so supportive, sharing my cover and spreading the word.

Lastly, to you, my readers: I hope you enjoyed reading Tenley and Jagger’s story. Whether the story comes from real life to a fictional one, I want to give you a piece of my heart on every page. That’s one of the amazing things I get to experience every day as a writer.

All Roads Lead Home
was very personal for me. Authoring this book gave me closure to many chapters of
own story. In some small way, I finally felt free from the pains of my own past. It’s scary when you close one door and walk through another to begin the next chapter of your life. You learn to accept the things you’ve faced and know sometimes can never be changed, but then look toward the future for brighter days to come.


Thank you for traveling on this road with me.


Sparkle on loves,


BEST SELLING AUTHOR Mary A. Wasowski brings you an exciting new book that will take you back to characters you fell in love with in
A Changed Life

You will meet Agent Jacob Paulson again, as well as Uncle Jack, in
An Unfinished Life…
the story after Nicolette and Simon’s happily ever after. Two very different men will struggle to find the balances of their pasts, come to terms with what connects them with their present, and ultimately change their future.

Stay tuned…


XOXO … Mary

A Changed Life (


Forever Series:

Forever: Book One

Second Chance at Forever: Book Two

Our Forever Promise: Book Three

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