All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II (64 page)

BOOK: All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love - Volume II
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If you were my woman I'd probably have a GPS on that rump.”  Derrick joked as he lingered behind Queen to enjoy the view. 

abruptly stops and turns to look at him after realizing what he was doing. “So, what makes you think he hasn't already thought of that?”

Yeah, you're right.  I'm sure he knows that you're in a Hotel Lounge having a drink with an exotic dancer whose dick hasn't stopped getting hard since the moment he laid eyes on you.” 

presses the elevator button.  Derrick draws close behind her, places his hands on her shoulders and whispers in her ear. “Queen I understand that you are a little fragile right now.  So I don't want to unwrap you too soon.  I want to be able to take my time with you and show you that I can get a little deeper than twelve inches.  Believe it or not a brutha's got layers.  So, I'm willing to be patient and wait for your call. I think that we'd be good together.”

remained silent, trying to assess the gravity of the situation.  She knew she wanted to step out and get a little sticky – icky and some revenge in the process, but she wasn't sure she could go through with it.  Well, at least without entering into another dead end relationship and hurting Christian in the process.  She realized it wasn't going to be as easy as she thought to even the score.

I'd really love an opportunity to get to spend some time with you.  I don't mean tonight, but when you've had a chance to sort some things out.  I can tell that shit is upside down and crazy for you right now, so if you ever need to talk, just call me. We can at least be friends. Okay?”  Derrick continues.

getting absolutely no response Derrick spins Queen around to see if she was listening. “Did you hear a word I said?” He asked confused.

burst into laughter. “You lost me at twelve inches.  I didn't hear a damn thing you said after that.” 

Women never do.” Derrick laughed with her. “So, I guess I can expect a call.”

Maybe, if I get sick of putting up with the bullshit.” 

smiled and held her close. “I like you Mye Queen.  I like you a lot.  So, are you going to give me a chance to show you how much or what?”

I don't know.  I'd better get back to the party.  The guys will be coming over from the Bachelor Party soon.”

So, is the Angel in town?”

Would I be down here with you if he was?”

I like how you like to answer a question with a question.  Which in fact is merely a semi-clever way of evading the question all together.  But to answer your question…  Yeah, I think you would still be here with me.  Because tonight, you're looking for something that he is incapable of giving you.  And admit it or not you want me.  And I think you don't know what to do with that.  But that's all cool.”  Derrick said as they stepped on the empty elevator.

To be honest, I know exactly what I want to do with that and you.  The problem is I don't know you like that.  You could be walking around with the Eboli virus for all I know. So, it's just a lot safer and easier to do nothing rather than to do something incredibly stupid.  So, yeah I was avoiding the question by asking another question, but the answer is who knows.”

You should know.  He's suppose to be your man.  If you can't control him then maybe you don't need him.”

Hey, what can I say?  Millionaire boyfriends don't just fall from the sky.  So maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to regulate him.”

You'd be surprised.  So, which would you prefer if you had to choose, good, faithful dick or millions and millions of dollars?”

Wow, that's a hard one.”  Queen joked.

Yeah, literally.”

I think I'd choose the good faithful dick, every time.  I can make my own damn money.”

Good.  So go out with me tonight. I haven't quite made my first million, but I'm faithful and as you can see the dick stays hard when it's around you.”

Hells no.  I might not be a gold digger.  But I still ain't rolling with no broke nigga.” Queen jokes.

You will soon find out that ain't a damn thing broke about me.  That's okay because I can see that you're high. It's cool.”

I'm not high.”

Oh yeah you are.  You are high end, high class, high minded and high maintenance, but I can handle it.  If I couldn't I wouldn't call you out like this.”

One thing I can say is that you are a cocky prick.”  Queen laughed.

Oh in so many more ways than you can sarcastically imply.” Derrick smiled. “Isn't that what caught your attention.”

No, not really.  It actually was your contagious smile.  The dicks a big bonus, and I do mean a big one.  But it's just not a deal sealer.  I need a lot more than that.”

Damn girl, twelve inches ain't enough?”  Derrick joked.

Now, you know that, that's not what I'm talking about.  Besides the twelve inches you keep talking about hasn't even been confirmed.”

By who?  Oh it's been confirmed, maybe not by you.  But, we can go in the back room and you can get out your yardstick if you'd like.  I think it's even grown some since I met you.”

I'll have to take your word on it.”  Queen laughed. “Besides, I thought you wanted to roll slow.  Why the hard pressure sale all of a sudden?”

Hey, you're the one who questioned the integrity of the dong.  Matter fact, if memory serves me correctly you are the one who paid a hundred dollars, so you could get a better look.”  Derrick laughed.

Two hundred and it was worth every dollar.”  Queen laughed too. I would have paid three hundred if you had just stayed another second beneath my skirt.”

I would have went down there for free.  You don't have a clue how hard it was to...”

Oh believe me, I saw exactly how hard it was.”

Yeah, I guess you did.  So, Mye Queen, do you want to hang out with me for a while.  I promise I'll bring you back with your virtue and panties still in tack.”

I wish I could say the same for you.  But the fact is that I'm not sure what I want right now.  Tonight my plan was to find someone, get on and get off and then move on.  But the truth is I don't think I can do that with you.  I like you.”  Queen takes Derrick's hand. “You are an incredible specimen of a man and every woman in that room would claw someone eyes out for this invitation.  Unfortunately, tonight I'm going to have to take a rain check.  You deserve more than what I'm offering right now.”

Let me be the judge of that.  I understand what you're up against.  I can handle it.  And trust me you won't want to just get on and get off.”

Yeah, you see that's the problem.  I know that I won't be able to, or want to. So it's best to just leave it alone.  Besides I have to be here.  I'm the Maid of Honor and I have so been neglecting my duties.  In fact Jade is probably already pissed.”

Hey, that's cool.  I just don't want this to be the last time I see you.”

It might be, because Jade is going to kill me.”

Yeah, I got work to do myself.  I'd better get these guys together and get them out of here.”

So, this is your business?”

Yeah.  This is me, with my first attempt at a slice of the American pie.”

Well, it looks like a sweet piece.”

We do pretty good.  So, I'm excited.”

You should be.” Queen smiled as she hesitated and then kissed him on his cheek. “You’re a good catch.

leaned down and sampled Queen’s sweet lips. She didn’t resist as his tongue parted her lips and eagerly sought her tongue. “Then catch me?” he responded at he looked longingly into her eyes.

smiles, “Maybe I will. Let me think about it.”

smiled, licked his lips and said, “Take all the time you need.  I'll be right here Mye Queen.”


and Derrick returned to the Penthouse to discover that they had really not been missed. Everyone was partying and having a wonderful time. Drinks were flowing the music was pumping, the atmosphere was hypnotic and everyone there appeared to be loving life.

So, what time are your men folk supposed to arrive?  Because these ladies are having a party and I'd hate to pull my guys out before they get here.”

You're right.  I'm not sure where they are, but let the guys stay.  I'll pay for the extra time.  How do you want to handle it?  I mean I can write you a check, charge it, or pay online if you like.”

What? Don’t worry about it. You can take care of it later.  I trust you.  On second thought, have lunch with me next week and we'll call it even.”

You're not going give up are you?”

Hell no!  I want to see you again.  I recognize a good woman when I see one.”

Okay let me think about it.  My number's on the contract.  Give me a call next week.”  Queen agreed as she begins to walk away.

Hold up.  Where are you going?”

I'm hosting the party.  I've got to find the Groom and the Groomsmen and check in with the Bride.  And do a ton of other shit I should have handled an hour ago.”

Yeah, do all of that after you dance with me.”

Derrick, I really can't.  Where the hell is Jade?”

Yes you can.  The Groom and the Groomsmen will be here.  And I'm sure the Bride is around here somewhere having a good time.  So, stop worrying about everybody and everything and enjoy yourself.  Just one dance, that's all I want.”

Okay, just one dance.”  Queen agreed as she did a quick scan of the room trying to locate Jade. 

takes her by the hand and escorts her to the dance floor despite her preoccupation with searching for Jade. “Relax, she's here somewhere.  Look around you, everyone is having fun.  I promise I'll help you find her.”  Derrick bargained as he pulls Queen into his hard body as a soft, sensual song penetrated the room. “I've been trying to get you in my arms all night.  So, just give me five minutes to hold you and I'll help you find your runaway Bride.” 

sighed and relaxed her head on his broad chest. It felt good to be held by a man, even if he was a total stranger an hour ago. She followed Derrick's lead as their bodies swayed purposely to the rhythm of the sensual love song.  He was hard as Advanced Quantum Physics and Queen loved how it felt.

hands gently repositioned themselves on her ass drawing her even closer and causing her panties to become moist. Queen was officially contemplating taking him to her bedroom suite in the back. Then it suddenly occurred to her that not only was Jade missing, but the two strippers that she was dancing with were also missing from the party.

I thought there were fifteen dancers.  Two of your dancers are missing.”

What?  Who?”

The two that were dancing with...  Oh my God!  Come with me.”

and Derrick leave the dance floor and discreetly slip down the corridor to the back of the suite where the bedrooms were located.

I fucking can't look.  Please look in there and tell me what you see.”

Queen, you do know that these people are all grown, consenting adults?”

Just open the damn door, Derrick!” 

Derrick carefully tries the door knob and quietly opens the door to peep in the room. “They're not in there.  There's nobody in there.”

sighs a momentary sigh of relief. “Okay let's go to the next one.”

I got a bad feeling about this Queen.”

Shit!  I knew I shouldn't have left this trick alone.” 

and Queen slip quietly down the hall.  Derrick discreetly opens the bedroom door, peers in and quickly eases the door closed.

Please don't tell me that they are in there.”

Then I won't tell you that they are in there fucking like rabbits.  You'll have to look for yourself.”

Are you serious?  Are they in there?  Stop playing.”  Derrick eased the door open and motioned for Queen to look in.  Queen carefully peeps in the room to face her worst nightmare.

Van Doran, her best friend, the Bride to Be, was ass out, butt crack naked, the meat in the middle of a stripper sandwich.  Queen gasped as she watched Jade deep throat Chocolate Shake as White Chocolate banged her hard doggy style. Before she could compose herself and shut the door the trio switched and Chocolate Shake mounted her while White chocolate humped her face. Queen’s knees weakened as Derrick pulled her away and quietly closed the door.

leaned up against the wall staring at the ceiling, embarrassed for her and not really sure what to say.  Queen looked stunned like she had just been kicked in her gut by a mule.

What the fuck?  I know I didn't see what I think I just saw.  I can't believe this shit.  What the fuck am I suppose to do?” 

gently grabs Queen's arm and pulls her away from the door. “Come on. Walk away.  Let's go.  Let them get off and get it over with. Stopping them now isn’t going to accomplish anything.”

Walk away?  How the fuck am I suppose to do that?  Derrick, she is getting married in less than twenty four hours.  And the fucking Groom will be here any minute now. Oh my God! How did I let this happen?”

And nothing’s going to change that.  Unless, you stay back here pissed off, instead of looking out for the Groom.”

Derrick, you don't understand what I just said. The guys will be here any minute.  What the fuck am I going to do when Dorian gets here?”

Look, just go out front and make sure nobody comes back here.  I'll stay back here and give them a heads up and bring my guys out when they're done.  When you see us come out you can come back and get your girl's head straight.”

I can't believe Jade pulled this trick ass shit on my watch.  FUCK!”  Queen was pissed.

You can bitch about fucking up your watch later.  But for now I suggest you get out there and do damage control and surveillance in case the Groom arrives. I got everything under control back here.”

Do me a favor and get them out of there more sooner than later.” Queen pleaded.

I'll do my best.” 

went back to the great room to find that the party had significantly increased in size, in fact it had doubled.  She quickly surveyed the room for Dorian.  She spotted him and Christian by the bar getting drinks. Queen felt like the air had just left the room.

the fuck am I going to do?” She mumbled to herself. “Mother fucker!  Could this shit get any worse?”  She groaned just as Dorian spotted her from across the crowded room. 

waved as he took a sip of his drink and assessed the action on the dance floor.  Undoubtedly he was looking for his Bride to Be.  Queen decided to launch a preempted strike and go over to him.  As she walked closer she noticed Christian methodically undressing her with his eyes.

Hey, what's up?  Did you just get here?”  Queen asked as she hugs them both.

Yeah, we just walked in the door.  I see y'all got the shit hot in here?”  Dorian responded. “Looks like everybody's having a good time.”

could feel Christian's eyes all over her ass.  She turns to find him fixated on her booty. “Dr. Love, you look exceptionally handsome tonight.”

Mye Queen, I must say that I've never seen you look so exquisite.  How's your evening unfolding?”

Unbelievable.  In fact I've never had such a crazy night in my life.”

Oh yeah?  Dance with me.  It'll help you relax and unwind.” He offered as he took her hand.

Sure, but later.  I got to take care of a few more details.”

So, where's my Bride?” Dorian asked as he continued to scan the party for Jade.

Is it hot in here or is it me?”  Queen nervously fans herself as she watches the entrance to the corridor that leads to the bedrooms. She said a silent prayer for Derrick to miraculously appear with his Chocolate Drops. “I guess I've been running around so much that I didn't even notice how stuffy it had got in here.”

Do you want something to drink? Christian asked concerned.

No, but thanks.  I'm good. You know what on second thought give me a sip of yours.” 

Derrick and the two strippers come from the back and rejoin the party. Not a second too soon. Queen was quickly running out of small talk, excuses and bullshit.

I'll be right back.  I have to settle up with our entertainers, before they leave.”

Queen, where's Jade?” Dorian asked again.

Oh! I'm sorry Dorian.  I got side tracked for a second.  Jade's in the back, she wanted to freshen up before you got here.  Let me take care of the guys and I'll check on her.  Give me a minute.  I'll be right back.”

quickly rushes away before Dorian could pin her down any further.  She spots Derrick talking with Jade's private dancers near the door. 

sees her heading towards him and comes to meet her. “Is everything okay?  He doesn't suspect anything does he?”

What an unbelievable fucking mess.  No, he doesn't have a clue.”

So that's the lucky Groom?”

Yeah, that’s Dorian. The shorter one, that has the black sweater on.”

Oh, I know which one he is.  So, who's the other guy?  He hasn't taken his eyes off that round ass of yours since you walked over here.”

Dr. Love, he's a good friend and a colleague from the hospital.  Where's Jade?”

You're a doctor?”

Yeah, I'm a third year Internal Medicine Resident.  So, where's Jade?”

She's in the first bedroom taking a shower.  I told her you went to stall the Groom.  So, is that why you're in Baltimore and not LA?”

Yeah.  What'd Jade say?”

Not much really, she just said okay.  I think you need to go back there and talk to her.  Help her get her head twisted on right.  She seemed pretty shaken.”

I’d like to shake her silly ass alright. Derrick, what am I suppose to say?”

Try not saying anything, just listen.  Believe it or not shit like this happens all the time.  Don't beat her up, just be her friend.”

Oh, you don't have a clue how bad I want to whip her ass.” Queen snarled.

Why?  Shit just got crazy and a little out of hand.”

It's actually my fault.  I should have been there to talk her down. I should have never left her alone.”

Why do you insist upon taking the blame for every damn thing?  Look, it's nobody's fault.  It is what it is.  Help her to put it behind her, so she can jump that broom tomorrow.”

Okay, well I'd better get back there.  Are they still looking at me?”

Hell yeah.  Your boy ain't looked at nothing else.  He's got it bad for you.  Hell, it's not hard to see why.”

Jealous?  That's so cute.  I didn't realize that you cared.”  Queen joked.”

I don't know how you didn't. I thought I made it plainly clear how I feel about you.”

Yeah, actually you did. But anyway… Thanks Derrick, for everything.  Call me Monday and we'll talk about lunch.  You know that they're watching so please keep it professional.”  Queen said as she offered Derrick a generic hand shake and a good job, pat on the back with a hug.

Call me tomorrow when this madness is over. And maybe we can have a nightcap or something.”

I don't think so.  Every thing's going to be crazy tomorrow with the wedding and everything. But, call me and I'll see?”

Oh that's right.  You might have a visit from an Angel.  You know what? Let's just play it by ear.”

Sounds perfect.  Thanks again for helping me fix this mess. I owe you one.”

No problem.  So, do you want me to clear my guys out for you?”

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