aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) (28 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Clement

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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brother was determined to arrest Kowal.” Grandfather sat beside her and took
her hand in his. “The other Hunter went with him.”

nodded. “Ranon. They must have gone into town. Kowal contacted us about a
meeting place after you had left.”

will Niail come back?” Wil asked.

Ann hugged Wil. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night. It’s

came out of her reverie. She still had the children to consider, no matter what
happened to Niail. She pushed back from the table and together she and Ann got
the children to bed. When she was tucking Wil in a sensation of love surrounded
her. She almost fell over with the surge of adoration that hit her. She inhaled
and then she knew.

was alive.

pricked her eyes. She didn’t understand how it was possible, but just as
Partlan had said, Niail had contacted her.

Niail be here in the morning?” Wil’s voice was hopeful. “I know he’s a
superhero, but even superheroes have to say goodbye.”

kissed him on the forehead. “He’ll be here when you wake up.”

want to see him.”

he gets here, I’ll have him come and talk to you.” Kimi placed Wil’s teddy bear
close to his cheek. “How would you like Grandfather to tell you a story?”

nodded. “He will send any bad spirits away so I can sleep.”

smiled. Wil trusted in her grandfather’s medicine completely. The night’s
ordeal would fade for him once Wil had made certain that Niail was safe. Peta
was another story.

was huddled up at the top of her bed. Kimi almost cried at the look of fear in
her daughter’s eyes. She was only a year older than Wil, but it would take a
long time before she healed from the night’s terrors.

went up and sat beside her. She brushed her dark brown hair from her forehead.
“Are you still frightened?”

Niail dead?” Peta’s voice trembled.

shook her head. “He is alive.”

certain?” Peta started to unfold her arms. “Those men were scary. They said
that they wanted to kill Niail.”

promised to protect us, and he did.” Kimi folded Peta into her arms. “You don’t
have to be afraid anymore.”

relaxed into Kimi’s embrace. Kimi rocked and soothed her with a soft lullaby
until she heard Peta’s soft even breathing. She had fallen asleep.

eased Peta back onto her pillows and pulled the covers up. Her daughter was
exhausted. Later, they would deal with the trauma of the kidnapping. They would
all need healing and that would take time. Her grandfather would know what to

had felt Ann’s eyes on her as she had settled the children for bed. She knew
her friend disagreed with how she was dealing with the situation, but thankfully
Ann waited until they had left the room before saying anything.

could you promise that?” Ann’s voice was a harsh whisper. “There is no way
Niail survived.”

know he’s alive.” Kimi smiled. “Somehow, he is in my head and heart. He has
sent me love and comfort.”

shook her head. “I hope so, or you’re going to have hell to pay in the

will be here.” Kimi went into the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove.

the next half hour Kimi felt Niail’s presence strengthen. It was almost as if
his arms surrounded her. She hugged herself with the joy of knowing that he had
been right. They had a bond that would only grow stronger.

were just finishing their drinks when they heard vehicles pull up at the house.
Every muscle in Kimi tensed. Then a wave of love and anticipation embraced her.
It was Niail. She ran for the door.

swung open before she could reach it. Partlan and the other Hunters walked in
first. Then Niail stepped into the house. She threw herself into his arms. It
took a second to realize he was covered in dried blood.

pulled back and started to feel along his chest. “Are you hurt?”

is the blood of my enemy.” His voice was gentle. “I did what was necessary to
keep my promise to return to you.”

pulled her close and kissed her.

world spun away.

that existed was Niail. She gave herself to him heart and soul. She let him
know by her kiss that she was his. She had always been his; she just hadn’t
known it until tonight. When the kiss ended she stared up at him. Her eyes
devoured every precious inch of his face.

was so worried.” Kimi’s hands framed his face. “There were so many of them.”

told you it was not easy to kill me.”

cleared his throat. “I would also say that we arrived at the right time.”

kissed Kimi’s forehead and then pulled her close. “That is why we work
together. I am grateful you were able to save Kimi and the children.”

thank you Partlan.” Kimi leaned closer to Niail. “Kowal’s goon was too strong
for me.”

came in from Wil’s bedroom. He pulled out a chair beside him. “The children are
safe and asleep. Sit and tell us the whole story.”

took a seat, but the rest stood with their legs spread and arms crossed. Kimi
leaned closer to Niail. He was alive, that was all she cared about. The details
were inconsequential.

was out of ammunition when we reached him.” Partlan grinned. “He was lucky his
brothers had a weapon to give him.”

rubbed his chin against Kimi’s head. “You were lucky I did not shoot you

You gave us no choice but to tackle you.” Malac shrugged. “You are weak.”

have injuries.” Niail’s voice held amusement.

poor excuse.” Malac’s eyebrows rose. “Your head is not your only problem.
Otherwise you would have heard your brothers’ approach.”

heart lightened as she listened to the banter between these men. They might be
warriors, but they had a bond that was indestructible. They didn’t hide the
fact that they watched over each other.

head is healing.” Niail’s fingers tightened on her waist. “I will be whole

is good.” Partlan leaned back in his chair. “We do not need to lose our best

nodded and then looked at Grandfather. “Kowal is dead. Honor has been

sighed. “Jake?”

is the lawman still.” Partlan’s voice was gruff. “He wished to arrest Kowal,
but the man raised his weapon to Jake. Niail ended it.”

shivered. She was grateful that Jake was alive. She shuddered at the thought of
what Niail had to done to protect her family. It was horrific. She had always
sought a peaceful resolution in every situation. Perhaps she should have tried
harder, or chosen a different solution than running. But would it have changed
things? Kowal was determined to hurt others.

leaned close to her.

is not your concern. I will always protect you and your family.” His words were
a vow. “You need not worry about the means. That is for me to deal with.”

glanced up at him. Somehow he had known her thoughts. The truth burned bright
in his eyes. Their bond had strengthened, and it was more than she had thought

of Kowal’s men surrendered.” Partlan’s voice held contempt. “Jake has taken
them to jail. He will return when he has finished.”

FD Warriors were also present.” Malac shook his head. “They did not want to be
involved once they knew that Kowal had dishonored us. They promised to leave
the area.”

there will be no more problems?” Ann spoke for the first time since the Hunters
had arrived.

are all safe.” Partlan crossed his arms. “The law may ask questions, but there
should be no others coming for you.”

frowned and looked around the room. “Who are you, and what do I tell other

were not there.”

pursed her lips. “Okay. So it was all a bad dream?”

you wish.”

pushed back from the table and took her mug to the sink. Kimi knew that she
would have to do some serious talking with her friend about what had happened
tonight, but that could wait. She moved away from Niail and touched her
friend’s arm.

will be fine.”

nodded. “I believe you. It will take a while for it to sink in.”

pulled Ann close and hugged her. “Thank you for everything you did for the
children. No one could have protected them more.”

eyes misted up. “I’m just happy they’re safe. I don’t think I would have
forgiven myself if they had been hurt.”

you forgive me for blaming you?”

were crazy with worry. It’s forgotten.” Ann sniffed and moved out of Kimi’s
reach. “It’s time for me to go home.”

stood. “Gur and Ranon will accompany you. They will make certain your house is

two stepped forward. Ann’s eyes widened. She nodded and then handed the keys to
Ranon. “I trust you can drive?”

you wish.” Ranon opened the door and waited for Ann to pass through before
turning to Partlan. “We will be on guard until we hear from you.”

nodded. “It is best.”

room seemed bigger when the three of them had driven away. There were now only
four Hunters in her small kitchen. Their large height and wide shoulders would
stand out in any room. Their presence brought a sense of calm and security.

went to the table and started clearing up the mugs. She stopped beside her
grandfather’s chair. “You must be tired. Stay the night.”

grandfather stood. “Jake has my truck.”

settled.” Kimi put the mugs in the sink. “You can’t wait for Jake to return. It
could be hours.”

went to the room Niail had stayed in and changed the bedding. Her grandfather
sat on the bed with a sigh. Kimi smiled and shut the door behind him. Now she
had to find sleeping space for her other guests.

have the couches in the living room.” Kimi gathered some more blankets.
“Someone will have to sleep on the floor, though.”

is not necessary.” Partlan stood. “I will take first watch. Turlo and Malac
will sleep first. Niail you will have last watch.”

nodded. Kimi didn’t care which watch he was on. Right now he needed a shower
and some clean clothes. The shower she could provide, the clothes might be a
problem. She took his hand and led him to her bedroom.

can clean up in my bathroom.” Kimi opened the adjoining door. “I’ll hunt up
some clothes.”

peeled off his shirt and then undid his jeans. Kimi felt the now familiar spark
of desire twist through her. Delicious and intense; tonight she would sleep in
Niail’s arms and know she belonged there.

have decided to stay with me.” Niail spoke in a husky voice. It was a
statement, not a question.

knew the moment you left us in the car that I couldn’t bear it if you died.” Kimi
reached for Niail’s clothing. “I don’t care what the future holds as long as
you are by my side.”

will never leave you.”

pulled off his briefs. He stood before her in all his glory. Kimi exhaled the
breath she had been holding. A tendril of pleasure settled in her womb. This
was her man; her mate. She gloried in being able to admit it.

grabbed his briefs and went to the bedroom door. “I’ll put these in the washing
machine. There are clean towels near the shower.”

left the room and leaned against the closed door. She waited until her heart
had stopped racing and then went to the laundry room. She put the clothes in
for a soak and then scavenged through her cupboards looking for something that
would fit Niail. She found a pair of jeans that Jake had left for mending and
one shirt that was small, but would stretch. She went through the kitchen on
her way to her room. Partlan stood there with his arms crossed. He was staring
out the window and turned to look at her when she entered the room.

is a good man.” His voice was gruff.

nodded. “I know.”

is blessed to have found you.” Partlan frowned. “With two Hunters having found
mates, there is hope for the rest of us.”

gaze softened. These were such brave warriors. It was sinful that they had been
denied the love and bond of a mate. She went over to him and put her hand on
his arm.

will happen. No man should have to go through life alone.”

have each other.” Partlan cleared his throat. “Our brotherhood is important.”

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