aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) (24 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Clement

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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stood back and looked down at her. His eyes burned with passion. Her breath
caught in her throat. No man had ever looked at her with such yearning. Her
body surged with heat and need.

have too many clothes on.” She hardly recognized her husky voice.

do you.” Niail leaned down and unbuttoned her blouse. “I have longed to see

feeling is mutual.” Kimi grabbed the bottom of his tee-shirt and lifted it over
his head.

was magnificent.

bruises on his body had healed since the previous day, and except for the
bandage on his side from the bullet wound, he looked unmarked. It was a miracle
that he mended so quickly, but everything about this man was amazing.

fact that he desired her was incredible.

shrugged her blouse off. His hands hovered over her silk bra. Instead of
removing it, he moved down to her jeans and unzipped them. She raised her hips
and let him peal the material off.

reached for his pants and undid the button at the waistband. He grabbed her
hands and held them away from him.

need to enjoy you first.” His voice was hoarse.

can’t wait long.”

grinned. “I will remember.”

knelt on the bed. She scooted over to make room for him. He stretched out
beside her and his fingers feathered across her neck and then down to her

do you remove this?”

guided his fingers to the front clip of her bra. He fumbled at the clasp for a
second and then it opened. Cool air brushed against her heated skin to be
quickly replaced by the touch of Niail’s mouth.

lips caressed and nibbled their way from her neck to her chest. He traced a
path around the one breast, moving in a circular motion closer and closer to
the nipple. Tension built. She moaned as a ripple of exquisite pleasure touched
her inner core.

tongue darted out and flicked the tip of her nipple. A jolt of piercing delight
curled within her. Her back arched off the bed, but his hand soothed her. He
left that breast and began the same journey with the other. Her breathing was
ragged when he had finished.

lips moved to her stomach. She was barely aware when his fingers skimmed her
panties off her hips. His hands glided down her side as his mouth moved to her
inner core. Kimi tried to stop him, but he pushed her protests aside.

tongue licked and suckled until she was on the screaming edge of climax. Only
then did Niail relent and let his lips graze her inner thighs, roaming down her
legs and then back to the juncture at her hips to tease and stimulate again.

tension built until she was on the verge of shattering. Niail held her safe as
she splintered with spasms of ecstasy.

moved up the bed and gathered her in his arms. She floated back to earth to
find him nuzzling her neck. Never had she experienced such a dizzying release.
Her body still shook from the aftermath of it.

I please you?”

better and I would be dead.” Kimi sighed and turned to face Niail. “Now it’s my

frowned. “You are ready again?”

than ready.” She pushed Niail onto his back and got up on her knees. She
reached for the waistband of his jeans. “I get to enjoy you.”

pulled his jeans off with one smooth yank. She disposed of his underwear in the
same fashion. She sat back on her feet and let her eyes devour him.

inch of him was firm and large.

hand slid down his chest. She hesitated before moving lower, letting a finger
glide down the long length of his manhood. A shiver of desire jolted through
and settled within her womb. She took a shaky breath. She would savor every moment
of loving this man.

eased up the bed and nibbled at his lips. He gathered her close in his arms.
She slid her tongue against his, laving and rubbing until her body tingled and
sizzled. She left his mouth and let her lips roam lower. She nipped his chin
and rubbed her cheek against the stubble there. She sighed as the friction sent
a shiver of pleasure through her.

Niail was all that existed.

could become addicted to the feel of him beneath her hands. She sat back and
kneaded his chest, letting her fingers circle his nipples and then pinch them.
A jolt rippled through his body and he groaned.

was enthralled.

was nothing she wouldn’t do to bring this man pleasure. Her lips followed her
fingers. She caressed and nipped his firm chest, feathering her tongue across
his scars and bruises. The world faded, leaving only the taste and feel of

lips moved down his chest and lingered on his firm abdomen. Her tongue swirled
and licked until her body was weeping with moist heat. Loving Niail was
exciting her to a fever pitch.

tongue slid down the long length of Niail’s manhood. He jumped and tried to
push her away, but she held firm. She tasted him before taking him into her
mouth. His body shook and tensed with her ministrations.

wanted more.

needed to feel him inside of her.

him, she sat up and then straddled his hips. With shaking fingers she guided
him. He held her hips, his eyes never leaving hers as she eased herself down
onto him. She shivered with the thrill of him stretching her completely. Then
he thrust up into her and she was lost.

plunged deep.

was exquisite.

withdrew and repeated the movement. Kimi matched his rhythm until the only
thing that existed was the spiral of ecstasy that was building within them.
Their gazes were locked as they strove to reach the pinnacle together,
plummeting over the edge in a rapture that left Kimi’s whole body throbbing
with bliss.

collapsed onto Niail. His arms pulled her close. She shuddered at the enormity
of what had happened between them. She started to shiver and Niail threw a
cover over them. Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her cheek. The truth
was now clear to her.

couldn’t live without Niail.

didn’t matter that he wasn’t Blackfeet, or that he wasn’t human. The only thing
that mattered was that she needed to be with him always.

Niail’s voice was a whisper, his breath a soft caress against her cheeks. “I
will be here when you awake.”

looked up. Her eyes scanned his beloved face and then met his gaze. “I love

are the only woman I will ever desire.” Niail kissed her forehead. “There could
never be another.”

need to feel you close.”

bond strengthens.” Niail’s fingers framed her face. “That is how I know you
need to rest.”

yawned and then dropped her head onto his chest. He was right. They had been
traveling non-stop all day and that didn’t include the emotional upheaval of
fighting for their lives. A few minutes in his arms and she knew that the world
would right itself.

didn’t know how long she slept, but she knew what woke her. It was the pounding
on her door and Ann’s voice yelling.

you need to open the door. Wil and Peta have been kidnapped.”

jumped from the bed and pulled on his jeans and tee-shirt. Kimi was slower to
move. Ann’s words echoed through her head. She couldn’t make sense of them. Why
would anyone want to hurt the children?

had just sat up when Niail handed her clothes over. Her hands shook so he laid
them on the bed. She pulled on her pants, but her fingers fumbled over the
buttons of her blouse.

if something happens to them?” Her voice trembled.

will protect them. I will do whatever it takes.”

buttoned the blouse and then helped her stand. He kept his arm around her
shoulders and led her out of the room. When she was safe in a kitchen chair he
went to the door.

struggled for breath. Her brain refused to grasp what Ann had said. She
couldn’t make sense of Ann’s words. Everything seemed to be happening outside
her body as she watched Niail unlocked the door. Ann pushed past him and
stopped beside Kimi.

came to my house and took the kids.” Her voice was breathless. She pulled out a
chair and sat. “We have to call the police.”

Niail closed the door. “Did they say what they wanted?”

shook her head. “It made no sense.”


barged into the house and went straight to where the kids were sleeping.” Ann’s
voice shook.

words swirled in Kimi’s head. Her pulse sped and every muscle in her body
tensed as a surge of anger boiled inside of her. Her children were gone. Her
babies were in the hands of monsters.

Her voice shook as she looked at Ann. “How could you let them take them?”

tried to prevent them, but they were too big for me.”

trusted you with them.” Kimi grabbed Ann’s arm and shook it. “It was the only
thing I asked. Keep the children safe.”

were five of them and they had guns. Two held me back while the others grabbed
the kids from their beds.” Ann started to sob. “I’m sorry Kimi. I wish they had
taken me instead.”

crouched down beside her. “Ann is not to blame. I am.”

shook her head. What was he saying? “You were here.”

failed to protect them.” Niail eased her hand off Ann’s arm. “Your friend has
bruises and cuts to her face and arms. She fought to keep the children safe.”

frowned. For the first time she looked at Ann’s appearance. Her blouse was
ripped at one arm and the collar was torn off. Her right cheek had a large red
mark across it and her lip was bleeding. She inhaled a deep breath and forced
back her anger and pain.

touched Ann’s arm. “I know you did everything you could.”

just didn’t make sense what they wanted.” Ann pulled a tissue from her pant
pocket. “They said I had to bring them the hunter.”

horror of what had happened settled like lead in her stomach. Kowal’s men had
taken the children.


Chapter 19


gasped. She shook her head and turned to look at Niail. A wave of despair hit him
so hard that he almost took a step back. Her feelings were his.

pushed all emotion away. He needed a clear head if he was going to save the
children. And save them he would. There was nothing he would not do for Kimi.
Death would be a small price to pay to keep her and the children safe.

heart pounded hard against his chest. A surge of adrenaline raced through his
body as everything in him prepared for battle. His breeding and training took
over. He was all Hunter.

reached over and squeezed her shoulder. “I will gladly give them what they

voice was choked with tears. “They’ll kill you.”

will try.” Niail took her hands in his. “I promised to keep you safe and I

sacrificing yourself?” Kimi choked back a sob. “That’s not what I want.”

is necessary.” Niail bent and kissed her hands.

don’t understand what’s going on here.” Ann’s voice was full of confusion. “Who
is the hunter?”

am a Hunter.” Niail stood up. “It is me they want.”

do you know?” Ann frowned. “Most men in this area hunt.”

not that kind of hunter.” Kimi sighed. “It was Kowal’s men who took Wil and
Peta. They know that I’ve been taking care of Niail.”

mean the guy who owns the furniture store?” Ann rubbed the side of her head.
“Why would he want a hunter so desperately that he would kidnap two children?”

knows I will exchange myself for them.”

went to one of the sideboard drawers and opened it. He pulled out two handguns
from the stash he had left earlier. He popped out the cartridges in both,
checked the number of bullets. He put one of the guns into back of his jean’s
waistband. He kept the other gun in his hand.

is what a Hunter would do.” He went to the door.

the first I’ve heard that about hunters.” Ann stood and helped Kimi to her
feet. “Usually they only stick around long enough to butcher and divide the

reached for Kimi’s hand. Her silence worried him. Her fingers were cold and he rubbed
them to give her some warmth. Her eyes stayed blank and she did not turn to

am a warrior.”

took a deep breath. “I still think we should call the police.”

would be dangerous.”

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