aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) (22 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Clement

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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am useless without my hearing.”

communicate in many ways.” Partlan’s voice was low. “Eye and hand motions are

not preferred.”

to Ranon. He is clan Leigh. He doctors us better than anyone.”

is new. He has not come across this before.

Partlan’s voice was serious. “It will not be the last time though. On this
planet we are more likely to be banged up and shot than killed outright.”

am alive.” Niail’s voice was wry. “I am a fool to want instant healing.”

you are impatient to finish the job.”

men are dangerous.” Niail sighed and turned away from the window. “Jake has
underestimated their abilities.”

they took you out then they are some of the worse humans we have seen.” Partlan
grinned at Niail. “You are the toughest warrior I know.”

walked to the table and sat. “There is no way that only one person should go

agree.” Partlan motioned for Gur, Turlo, Ranon, and Malac. “Five should be
enough. I need you to stay here Niail in case anyone else shows up.”

about me?” Jake interjected.

cannot be responsible.” Partlan opened the door. “We need to get this body
taken care of. Do you have any suggestions?”

could take him and the gun back to where we left the others.” Eluwilussit stood
up from the chair he had been resting on. “It will look as if he died in the


of Kowal’s men.

found us on the reservation.” Niail rubbed a hand over his face. So much had
happened since he had woken up. Perhaps the best thing would be for him to stay
back and let the others handle Kowal.

blocked the door. “Why should I trust you guys? Apparently you were hired to
kill me because he was too busy to do it himself.”

looked at him. “We would never kill a police officer unless he was deceitful.”

to Mark that is what Niail said and he ended up being left for dead.” Jake’s
voice held a note of respect. “Mark was my partner. Dishonest or not, it won’t
do his family any good to find out about his other activities. If Grandfather
and I take him back to where the other bodies are, then no one need know about
his betrayal.”

held Jake’s gaze for a few seconds. “You wish to protect his loved ones. That
is an honorable intention. It also means you will not know what happened to

hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. The less I know the better.”

the safer we’ll be.” Turlo chuckled. “I love how people on this planet work
within the rules.”

opened his mouth to say something and then shut it. Niail hid his smile. As
much as it had been suggested that Hunters were not from earth, Jake still had
not believed it. It was just as well. The fewer people who knew, the better.

is settled. We will help you load the body onto your truck. Then you can leave
knowing that everything will be solved when you return.”

and his grandfather went outside with the others.

you have any weapons?” Partlan paused at the door.

nodded. “They are in the back of the truck.


sensed Kimi’s uncertainty. He turned to her, sending out a wave of calm. One
day they might be mated. For now it was enough to know that she was his pair

need to understand how I was captured.” Niail took Kimi’s hand in his. “My
brothers may have answers for me.”

that will help you remember.” Kimi smiled and Niail’s world glowed brighter.

should try and phone Ann. Partlan will have a phone.” Niail raised her hand to
his mouth and gave it a quick kiss. “We both need to know the children are

nodded. She ran out after Partlan and returned with his cell phone. She flipped
the phone open and walked into the bedroom. The sooner they knew about Peta and
Wil, the easier both of them would feel. He exhaled and leaned back in the
chair. His head still ached, but some of the fogginess was lifting. Perhaps it
was being with his brothers.

it was, he just wanted his link to them to return. Once he could mind connect,
then he would be able to sense Kimi’s desires. According to their leader,
Ardal, who already had a mate, the connection between a pair bond was intense.

wanted to feel that connection with Kimi.

that moment Kimi came back into the kitchen. She sighed and sat beside him.
“Ann says they’re both sleeping.”

is good.” Niail sat with his elbows on the table. “We know that they are safe.”

door opened and Partlan entered. He was followed by Turlo, Gur, and Malac.

has gone with Jake and his grandfather.” Partlan pulled a chair out and took
the phone that Kimi held out to him. “He will join us when they have finished.”

cleared his throat. “Do you know how I became injured?”

looked at Gur. “Tell him.”

our fault. Turlo and I were on the mission with you.” Gur straightened his
shoulders and looked Niail in the eye. “We’re still learning the ways of
battle. You asked us to be ready if something wasn’t right.”

frowned. “I don’t understand. I thought all of you had been trained since

reached over and squeezed her hand. “Gur and Turlo have been stranded on Earth
since they were children. Their training was never completed.”

awful.” Kimi’s tone was gentle. “How long have you been here?”

have been on your planet for over thirty years. There were many who survived
the crash, but few of our number still exist.” Gur straightened his shoulders.
“We were not welcomed here and have had to do some questionable things to

can imagine. Some people use fear and ignorance to justify horrible
atrocities.” Kimi shuddered.

used to believe all humans were cruel.” Turlo grimaced. “We have since learned

cleared his throat. “The survivors of the crash have agreed to follow the Code
that all Hunters live by. They continue their training with us. Gur and Turlo
have learned much.”

failed you.” Gur’s jaw tightened.

followed procedure.” Niail’s voice was firm. “You did nothing wrong.”

weren’t quick enough when they attacked.”

once said that humans knew nothing about battle.” Niail’s voice was dry. “It
seems you were wrong.”

Gur cleared his throat. “In the past we’ve done the job we were paid for. There
was no need to ask questions or determine if it were a just cause. We were
mercenaries for hire.”

you must act with honor.” Partlan crossed his arms. “That means being prepared when
others have none.”

we weren’t prepared.” Gur looked past Niail’s shoulder. “Because of our
inexperience you were captured.”

leaned back in his chair. He did not remember what had happened with Kowal’s
men, but he was certain that it was not Gur and Turlo’s fault. They were both
good warriors. They had been abandoned on a hostile planet and survived. They
had skills, which might be different from his, but still useful.

are my brothers.” Niail’s voice was low. “There is no blame.”

shoulders relaxed. “The meeting was held in an empty warehouse. You told us to
take a position on the second floor. We had our rifles aimed, but they were
useless once they surrounded you.”

did they capture me?”

shrugged. “We couldn’t hear the conversation from where we were, but at some
point you looked to be arguing.”

was probably when Kowal was telling me he wanted Jake killed.”

refused.” Partlan rubbed his nose. “You communicated that much to me.”

they stabbed you with a syringe. You fought, but you were stumbling and
striking out at the air. Whatever they gave you it weakened and incapacitated
you almost instantly.”

didn’t you shoot the men?”

of them held you from behind.” Gur’s tone was apologetic. “My rifle jammed, so
I threw it down and went to attack, but you told me to stay clear.”

frowned. “I must have thought I could handle it.”

did not want Gur and Turlo captured.” Partlan’s voice rang out clear. “You
relayed that it was an ambush. That was the last word I heard from you.”

I was trying to protect them.”

would appear that way.” Partlan leaned on the table. “You were explicit in your
directions to them. You wanted them to retreat.”

Kowal was threatening something big, like an explosion.” Kimi’s voice was
hesitant. “Mark said that he was prepared for the possibility that you would
find out that he had lied in his request. He must have had a back-up plan.”

searched his brain, but all he got was a blank. It made sense that Kowal would
be prepared if they refused his business. The man had survived as a criminal
for years. That would only have happened with advanced planning capabilities.

believe he told me what he threatened, and I made the others abandon the site?”

nodded. “That sounds like you Niail. If it were a trap you would have wanted
the others to leave.”

training has been different. In the past we would have rushed in and rescued
you.” Gur’s voice held confusion. “Protecting each other from humans was our
first priority.”

would not have expected that.” Partlan shook his head. “The honorable thing
would have been to save his brothers, especially if the odds were not in favor
of a victory.”

is what any of us would do.” Malac’s voice was firm. “When there is no chance
of survival, we retreat. That allows us to come at it from a different

swallowed. “But we didn’t obey.”

grinned. “That does not surprise me. What did you do?”

followed them. When they reached a deserted road they threw you off a truck.
Their guns were aimed at you so Turlo and I created a diversion.”

were the reason they left in a hurry.” Niail’s voice held admiration. “You
saved my life.”

circled around to come back for you, but you were gone.”

Kimi shook her head. “He saw the men drive off and he took Niail away before
they could return.”

both Bobby and you saved my life.” A surge of gratitude went through him. Their
actions had led him to Kimi. “You showed yourself to be warriors of honor.
Thank you.”


pushed back from the table. “You obeyed the order to retreat. Planning a rescue
was the actions of a true warrior. You are learning.”

was still lost.”

was saved.” Niail stood. “In more ways than you could possibly understand.”

we must deal with Kowal.” Partlan walked to the door. “We must destroy him.”

hesitated a second before speaking. “I am the one that was dishonored. I should
finish the job.”

but you are not healed.”

am still a warrior.” Niail kept his voice low. “My help would be of use.”

will not risk your life on such a simple mission.”

death of Kowal should be at his hands. Injured or not, he was capable of
demanding satisfaction. The others had opened the door to leave. Niail had to
warn them. Kowal would be ready for them.”

will not be easy. He has sent several men to kill me.”

is all the more reason for us to defeat him without you.” Partlan crossed his
arms. “He knows you. We will be a surprise.”

but I understand how he thinks.”

looked back at Kimi. Her eyes were filled with fear. He sent her a surge of
reassurance and hoped she would understand. He had to make certain that Kowal
did not live. That was the only way she would be safe.

paused. He frowned and then shook his head. “You cannot remember what happened.
You need to heal.”

am still a Hunter.”

as such, you will follow your orders.” Partlan’s voice was decisive. “You are
to wait at the rendezvous site. Ardal has already been made aware of the
situation. Once we deal with Kowal, we will depart this area.

cannot leave Kimi.”

looked at her and nodded. “She still needs protection. I will have Ranon stay
here once he returns with her brother and Eluwilussit. When the mission is
finished he can join us.”

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