Read aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) Online

Authors: Cynthia Clement

aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire) (23 page)

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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do not understand.” Niail’s tone was sharp. “I have bonded with Kimi. I will
not leave her when she is in danger.”


Chapter 18


followed Niail’s words. Kimi held her breath and waited for their reaction.
Partlan’s hand dropped to his side and the others came to a full stop. It was
obvious Niail’s announcement had shocked them.

is true?” Malac’s tone sounded awed. “We were beginning to believe that only
Ardal would find a mate.”

is my pair bond. I have no doubts.” Niail cleared his throat and walked toward
her. “We are not mated.”

you are bonded.” Partlan straightened his shoulders. “That makes it imperative
that she is protected.”

is more.” Niail rubbed at his temple. “Kimi has two children, Peta, and Wil. I
have vowed to protect them also.”

are safe now?” Partlan’s voice was clipped.

Kimi just checked on them.”

is only one course of action.” Partlan crossed his arms over his chest. “You
need to stay with your pair bond. We have all vowed to protect the mates of our
brothers, but I understand the need is greater when it is your own pair bond.”

is only way to do that. Kowal must be defeated.” Niail took her hand in his.
“Death is the only certainty that she and her children will be safe.”

has lied to us, tried to kill us, and now he threatens women and children. He
is a man without honor. He cannot continue to live.”

shuddered as a shiver of ice raced up her spine. She didn’t believe in killing.
It went against everything she held sacred. There was no denying what Partlan
had said though. Kowal wouldn’t stop until Niail was dead.

heart skipped a beat. The threat to Niail was personal. To think of him not
being with her, forced the air from her lungs. She couldn’t bear to lose him.
Not now. Not after just finding him.

hit her with blinding clarity.

was in love with Niail.

as it was, she loved him whole heartedly, and irrevocably. What had started out
as an electrifying attraction had developed until she couldn’t bear the thought
of life without
She could no longer hide or deny
how she felt.

was crazy. He wasn’t Blackfeet. He wasn’t even Native American. He didn’t
understand their traditions, or how important it was for her children to learn
the ways of her people. She had struggled and sacrificed to ensure that they
wouldn’t be caught between two worlds like Jake. She wanted them to be proud of
their heritage.

Niail sensed her confusion because he squeezed her hand. “I know this is
difficult, but I must protect you.”

there no other way?” Kimi’s chest tightened at the thought of more people
dying. “Perhaps Jake will be successful in getting him arrested?”

shook his head. “The man has broken our code. I think he has broken many of
your traditions also.”

Kimi inhaled a shaky breath. “He is also endangering our youth. I just believe
that people should be given a chance to change.”

has shown himself to be evil.” Partlan’s tone brooked no argument. “This is
what we have been bred and trained for.”

would be no real safety for you or the children if he lived.” Niail leaned
close. “I could never rest knowing he might do you harm.”

you let Jake go with you?” Kimi looked at Partlan. “He should be able to get
some police to help you.”

law enforcement on this planet does not approve of our methods.”

might use us, but they consider us beneath humans.” Gur spoke in a sharp tone.
“They send us in to do what they don’t have the stomach for.”

eyes widened. She looked over at Niail and then back to Partlan. “The police
know about you?”

the police, but the government.”

closed her eyes for a second. It shouldn’t surprise her. Monitoring technology
was so advanced that some hidden government agency probably knew where everyone
was at any given time. It was inconceivable that alien warriors could be on the
planet without some secret agency knowing of their existence.

the government knows about you, then they must support your actions.”

cannot find us.” Partlan took a step closer to her. “We stay hidden from them.
Since our crash landing on your planet eight months ago, no Hunter will work
for the government. They have not been generous to us in the past.”

you live a life on the run?”

Niail answered her. “It is safer. It is also the best way for us to protect

nodded. It made sense in a strange way. If the traditions of her people were
correct, then these men were from the stars. They would never be safe on this
planet. With a shiver she realized what it would mean to love a Hunter. She
would have to choose between Niail and her traditions.

does not need to be so.” Niail leaned close to her. “There are ways to deal
with this.”

will always be moving around.”

shook his head. “I will always be where you are.”

cleared his throat. “We must leave. Niail, you will stay with your pair bond.
We will deal with Kowal. When Jake returns you can let him know where to find
us. We should be finished by the time he reaches us.”

is best.” Niail stood. “I need to be near Kimi to sense if she is in danger.”

you are healed, there is no other solution.” Partlan opened the door and the
others left the house. “Your new orders are to make certain she is safe.”

Niail moved to the door. “I will stay here until you have finished the

will come for you.” Partlan stood in the doorway. “If you are still unable to
mind connect we will work out a solution. We will leave you here until you are
ready to join us.”

nodded. “As you command.”

will let the others know what has happened.”

Cygnus and Warrior, we will win.”

sighed when the door closed behind Partlan. Niail turned and looked at her for
a second and then went to the stove to turn the kettle on. He opened and shut a
couple of cupboards before he found the one with the mugs. He pulled out two.
He put scoops of hot chocolate in each cup and left them near the stove, before
turning back to her.

pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with shaky fingers. “I can’t believe
we’re safe?”

are overwhelmed.”

Kimi’s shoulders sagged. “I’m also tired, frightened, in shock, and totally

is over.” Niail poured hot water into the mugs. “You can relax. Partlan and the
others will deal with Kowal.”

it was all too much. Her body trembled with reaction. She started to rub her
arms as cold shivers racked her body. The past two days had been a nightmare.
If Niail hadn’t been by her side, she never would have survived it. He had been
her anchor.

put the mugs of hot chocolate on the table before sitting next to her. He
pulled his chair close and gathered her into his arms. A sense of calm
enveloped her.

it out of your mind.” Niail pushed the hot drink toward her.

never forget the horror of it.” Tears started fill her eyes. “Every time I
heard a gunshot I thought you were dead.”

fingers brushed the hair from her face. His touch sent quivers of warmth
throughout her body. “I am careful.”

let out a shaky breath. “Look at your injuries. None of these would have happened
if I hadn’t insisted you stay with me.”

I would not have been given the privilege of protecting you.” Niail feathered a
kiss on her forehead.

been nothing but trouble.” Kimi moaned. “I was never more terrified than when
you came back to the truck with your head sliced open.”

was not serious.”

last thing you needed was another head wound.” Kimi looked up at him and
blinked back her tears. “You’ve suffered so much to keep us alive.”

would do even more.”

don’t want you getting hurt again.” Kimi shivered as the vision of him lying on
the ground, bleeding and injured burrowed into her brain. “It would be too much
for me to endure.”

will always return to you.”

gazed up at him and her heart melted. Truth and devotion shone from the depths
of Niail’s dark eyes. He accepted her unconditionally. He protected those who
couldn’t defend themselves. It was an honorable vocation. She knew she loved
him, but could she risk living with the upheaval he would bring to her

was the alternative?

life without Niail? Every cell in her body rebelled against the thought. He
filled her being. She didn’t exist when he was away from her. When he was near,
it was all she could do to keep from touching him. His presence gave her peace.

lowered her head to his chest. “I don’t deserve you.”

are the gift.” Niail’s voice was low. “Never did I dream that I would find my
pair bond. Just being with you, holding you close, gives my life purpose.”

work is dangerous. What if something happens to you?” Kimi’s voice faltered.
“If I let you into my life, I’ll never be the same.”

will be happy with whatever you decide.” Niail’s hand brushed down her back,
soothing in its touch. “I will never leave you. I am content to stand guard and
keep you safe for the rest of my life.”

was crazy, but she believed him. He was not the same as human men. He lived by
a code of honor that was reminiscent of her people when they still roamed the

would never leave her.

if you do not desire me,” Niail whispered. “I will not mate with another

Kimi’s eyes widened and she lifted her head from his chest. “What if I chose

I will accept that, but the pair bond will not be broken unless you desire

means you will know my thoughts and worries.”

will be able to keep you safe.”

looked down at the table. Niail’s words seemed insane. No human man would agree
to such an existence. Still, he had endured worse in his life. Suddenly she
knew that the one thing she wanted more than anything was to give him joy.

loved him.

her heart was trampled on again, then she would deal with that later. She
glanced up at Niail. A flame of desire danced within his eyes. A shiver of
awareness skittered across her body. This man was worth risking her heart on.

leaned closer. His breath skimmed across her cheek. Her mouth went dry. It was
intoxicating to be this close. She inhaled a shaky breath. She was ready to
take the next step.

want to make love with you.

wish to be my mate?” Niail’s voice held hope.

too soon for me to know.” Kimi smoothed her fingers over his chest. “I do know
I love you. The best way I know how to express that is physically. After everything
we’ve been through I need to hold you. I want to know that what we share is

reached for her hand. “You must guide me. Men from my planet exist only to give
satisfaction to the women. I wish to do the same for you.”

only ever been with my ex-husband.” Kimi tried to keep the nervousness out of
her voice. “This will be like the first time for me too.”

pulled her off the chair and into his arms. His lips skimmed over hers sending
a shock through her body. “I am impatient to pleasure you. Since the first
moment I opened my eyes I knew there was something between us.

were too sick to think about anything.” Kimi nipped at his chin.

eyes called to me.” Niail’s tongue slid across the seal of her lips. “Your
voice brought me back to life.”

captured her mouth and a searing rush of need raced through her veins. She
opened for him, savoring the delectable trill of excitement that shot through
her when his tongue curled about hers.

world spun, and she was lost in his touch. His arms held her secure and she let
her hands roam around his neck and shoulders. He was solid and safe. A sense of
belonging and love surrounded her. Nothing in her life had ever felt so right.

scooped her into his arms. He cradled her legs and body close to his chest and
walked to the bedroom. Her fingers reached into his dark hair and teased a
groan from him. He didn’t stop moving. It wasn’t until they had reached the bed
and Niail was lowering her, that he broke the kiss.

BOOK: aHunter4Saken (aHunter4Hire)
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