After Hours (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: After Hours
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 A sinful smile hovered at the corner of his firm mouth. “No…now invite me over for dinner.”

“Is dinner all you want?” Jametria asked, skeptical of Forbes’ hidden agenda.

“For now yes, but it might change tonight once I get you in my arms,” he answered then winked.

She laughed at Forbes’ arrogance. “You’re very sure of yourself, Mr. Huntington. How do you know that I’ll even end up in your arms tonight?”

“I’m a smart man and I can tell when a woman really wants me. So, you’ll end up in my arms tonight with my lips against yours.”

“Stop it,” she said, moaning at the thought of what Forbes’ told her coming true. “You can’t keep doing this to me. You are becoming a distraction I can’t afford. I have a book to finish because I’m on a deadline. I have never missed one and I’m not about to start now.”

“Spending one night with me isn’t going to make you miss any deadlines. Come on, sweetheart, take a night away from the laptop,” he encouraged, dropping his hand “Who knows, I might give you some ideas for your next chapter.”

Did Forbes think he was fooling her?

The only thing he wanted was an invitation to her house, so he could try seducing her with that mesmerizing voice of his. Hell…what was she thinking? He already had her wondering about how their bodies would fit together as they made love.

For once in her life she was going to do something that didn’t fit into her perfect little box. A man like Forbes didn’t drop into a woman’s life but once in a lifetime.
Making up her mind, Jametria swallowed down the last of her uncertainty.

“I usually eat around six o’clock,” Jametria said. “Do you think you can be on time?”

“Will this be a real date?” Forbes asked. “You can’t talk about work for the entire night. Are you up for that?”

Easing closer to Forbes’ gorgeous body until he was just inches away, she brought her lips within kissing distance of his. Jametria whispered, “Yes I do that without a problem, but my question for you is can you handle being in my arms and not kiss me?”




Heat flared suddenly in Forbes’ gray eyes the second before his talented mouth captured Jametria’s. Swiping his tongue along the seam of her full lips, Forbes tried to gain access to the sweet treat hiding inside. The small hint of vanilla ice cream lingering on her full mouth made him growl. He never thought kissing a woman after eating ice cream could be so erotic.

He cupped the back of Jametria’s head, tilting it back for a better angle of that plump bottom lip he loved so much. His tongue wasn’t a second away from entering her moist haven when the chiming of his cell phone shocked them apart and broke the spell.

“What’s that?” Jametria whispered, leaning back, her voice raspy with unleashed passion.

“Cell phone,” he growled snatching it from his pocket. “Speak!”

 “Agent Huntington, stop making out with Ms. Collins in the middle of the park,” Zane ordered in his ear. “You weren’t sent here to have your tongue in her mouth.”

“How in the hell do you know what I’m doing?” Forbes whispered, turning his back to Jametria. His eyes roamed over the park until they landed on the black Lexus in the parking lot off in the distance.

“I’m your boss. It’s my job to know your whereabouts. Now, take your hands off of her before I make you remember the real reason you’re here.” The click of the phone completed Zane’s final threat.

“I have to go.” Standing up, he pulled Jametria into his arms and gave her a quick kiss. “But I’ll be at your house tonight for dinner. Do I need to bring anything?” Forbes’ chest swelled at the desire that still lingered in Jametria’s beautiful eyes as she looked up at him.

“How do you know where I live?” she asked.

“I’m a man of many talents, so I won’t have a problem finding your house, Beautiful,” Forbes said, glazing into Jametria’s eyes.

A part of him wanted to come clean right then and there, but he didn’t. He had to stay in character for a little while longer and then he could tell her his secret.

“See you later,” he said then moved away before he kissed her again.




Forbes waited until Jametria was completely out of sight before racing over to Zane’s car and getting inside, slamming the door closed behind him. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing here? I don’t need or want you spying on me.”

Zane snatched off his sunglasses and flung them on the dashboard. “I was saving your ass. You can’t get sexually involved with Jametria Collins. She’s our only link to her uncle and you’re going to ruin this for us if you sleep with her. So, keep your dick in your pants. I wanted you to get closer to her by earning her trust, but I
told you sleeping with her was a part of the agency’s plan. Do I need to set some boundaries for you to follow?”

Spinning around in his seat, Forbes’ hand reached for his boss’s shirt before snatching it back. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that again, do you understand me? Furthermore, I’m not ruining a damn thing with this case. She’s invited me over to her house for dinner. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to look around and find out some information.”

“Are you sure Jametria isn’t on to you?”

Forbes thought about how she always exploded in his arms any time he touched her. She might be a bestselling writer, but she couldn’t fake passion like that. “No…she has no clue I’m working for the FBI.”

“Wonderful,” Zane said, pinning him with cool green eyes. “Make sure you keep it that way.”

Zane was always about business and nothing else. “Have you ever been in love? I can’t recall the last time I heard you talk about going on a date. Your life can’t be wrapped around the Bureau twenty-four seven.”

“I don’t discuss my personal life outside the office and you know that Forbes.” Picking up his sunglasses, Zane shoved them back on his face. “Besides I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to make sure you do your job.”

“I always do my job and this case won’t be any different,” Forbes said insulted. He took his job seriously and Zane knew that about him.

“You better be telling me the truth or it’s both of our asses will be on the line.”



Chapter Eleven



“You look stunning. I’m beginning to feel a little undressed,” Forbes said, staring at the white off-the-shoulder dress Jametria was wearing.

“Thank you,” she answered, closing the door behind him. “I think you look very handsome,” Jametria complimented. “What you’re wearing is perfect. I have our meal set up out by the pool.”

The jeans Forbes wore molded his long powerful thighs, making her very envious of them. The gray dress shirt underneath a suit jacket drew her attention to his muscular arms.

“I brought something for you,” he said moving closer.

“I don’t see anything in your hands. Is it in your pocket?”


“Hmmm…is it in your jacket?”

Forbes gave his head a small shake causing the ends of his dark hair to brush against his collar. “Wrong again.” Cupping her chin in the palm of his hand, he leaned her head back and gazed down into her eyes. “I’ll give you one more guess.”

Jametria ran the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip, pleased with the way Forbes’ eyes followed the movement. “I’m not having any luck so how about you just tell me.”

“It would be my pleasure, Ms. Collins.” He breathed against her mouth a second before his lips captured hers for a long, slow wet kiss.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Jametria pressed her body against Forbes’ until not an inch separated them. His hands roamed her back while his moist, firm mouth kept kissing her until she couldn’t think straight. She didn’t want to stop, but she had to before things got out of hand.

“Forbes, we have to stop. Our food is getting cold,” she breathed lightly between parted lips.

“Let it get cold. We can warm it up later,” he answered, picking her up. He carried her over to the couch.

Forbes gently laid her down on the cushions and covered her body with his. “I can’t wait anymore to make love to you. Please let me love you.”

Everything about this was wrong, but her mind wasn’t listening. She had only known him a short while, she never allowed herself to sleep with a man this soon. Yet, she couldn’t control her body’s reaction to him.

“Don’t you think this is a little sudden?” she asked, grasping for straws. “This is our first date. What will you think about me tomorrow morning?”

“Sweetheart, I won’t think anything bad about you tomorrow, because I’m living it with you. I feel this burning attraction between us the same as you,” Forbes said as his lips nibbled at the side of her neck. “It started the second our eyes connected at the opening call you had.”

“Are you always so confident?” she countered.

He stopped trying to seduce her and stared down into her eyes. “Yes. Is it a problem for you?”

Forbes didn’t give her time to answer before he went back to working his magic on her body. The light sensation of his tongue dancing across the swell of her breasts made her nipples harden. Sliding her fingers through his thick hair, Jametria pulled Forbes’ mouth back down to hers. She kissed him with a hunger that she had kept hidden from other men. She wasn’t going to think about tomorrow. This was her romance novel moment and she was going to get lost in it.

Raising his mouth from her, he gazed into her eyes. “Are you telling me yes?”

“Yes, I want to make love to you,” Jametria replied, trailing her fingertips over his wide shoulders. “I can’t wait until I see you naked.”

“I hate to keep a beautiful woman waiting,” Forbes said as he slid his body off hers. Standing up, he swung her weight into his arms. “Care to tell me how to get to your bedroom?”

Jametria circled her arms around Forbes’ neck and snuggled closer. “Straight down the hallway, and it’s first door on the left.”

“I’m glad it’s close. I don’t how much longer I could wait to make love to you.” Hurrying down the hallway, Forbes pushed open her bedroom door and strolled inside, kicking it shut behind him. He kept walking to the bed and deposited her in the center.

“You look so damn sizzling in this dress that I hate to take it off,” he said removing his jacket. He tossed it in a chair and quickly undid the buttons of his shirt.

 She leaned back on her elbows raking her eyes over Forbes’ toned bare chest. “You’re looking pretty hot yourself. How about you take the rest of those clothes off? I want to see the rest of your body.”

“Only if you take off yours,” Forbes countered, moving back off the bed.

“Sure, why not.” She grinned, kneeling in the middle of the bed. Jametria placed her hands at the bottom of her dress. “You go first.”

Forbes’ powerful well-muscled body moved with an easy grace as he stripped off his remaining clothing. She had seen him half-naked before tonight, but tonight was different. His tanned shoulders looked a yard wide and inviting as hell. She couldn’t wait to wrap her arms around them again. A light dusting of dark hair covered his legs and arms making her mouth water for the chance to touch him everywhere.

Finally, her eyes trailed over his sculpted abs down to his long, thick nine inch erection. It stood out proudly from his body, waiting for her with a tiny bit of pre-cum on the large mushroom head.

“I’m guessing you like what you see? Would I make it into one of your romance novels?” his aroused voice questioned, making her gaze shoot back up to his steady stare.

“You’re better than any man I have ever written about. I don’t think I could do your body justice in any of my books.”

“That’s nice to know, but I think you aren’t holding your end of the deal,” Forbes said, waving his hand in her direction. “How about you take off that dress, I mean I’m standing here naked while you are still completely covered.”

“Oh, sorry. I can’t have you thinking I’m not a woman of my word,” Jametria said, pulling the dress over her head and then tossing it down on the floor.




Forbes thanked God he didn’t have a heart problem because the sight of Jametria’s perky breasts, smooth stomach and barely there red g-string would have sent him to his maker. Her perfect mocha skin contrasted wonderfully to the underwear.

“I can’t find the words to describe how good you look tonight,” he whispered, tracing her navel with his index finger. “Did you do this to tempt the hell out of me?”

“Yes…is it working?” Her dark eyes held his while she waited for his answer.

“Hell, yes. It’s working,” he confessed, yanking the underwear from her body. “I can’t wait to show you how much I wanted this to happen.” Forbes gently pushed Jametria back on the bed, covered her body with his then started kissing the side of her neck.



Chapter Twelve



“You’re so beautiful,” Forbes whispered, removing his mouth from her neck. He cupped both of her breasts in his hands, running his thumbs over her hard nipples.

Bending his head, he ran his tongue over one swollen nipple. “I could kiss and suckle at them for the rest of the night.”

“Why don’t you?” Jametria suggested, arching her back, giving him better access to do as he pleased with her.

“I don’t mind if I do,” he growled, latching onto her left breast.

 Forbes went back and forth between both breasts loving how her body squirmed underneath his. He had never tasted anything this sweet until now. The need to keep sucking and tasting clawed at him until he felt Jametria’s body tightened and her orgasm took over.

God, he was good!

He would have never guessed she would have responded to his caressed so easily. The pride he was feeling was like nothing he had ever experienced before with a woman.

“You’re amazing,” Forbes praised. He moved his mouth off her breasts and gave her a light kiss on her swollen lips. “I’ve never made a woman come just sucking on her nipples.”

“That was a first for me too,” Jametria confessed, running her hands down his sweaty back. “I’d no clue something like that was even possible.”

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