After Hours (15 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: After Hours
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“Some tension is good, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes, it is. However, the tension we have is bad and we need to work through it, so we can have a good working relationship. I love my job and I don’t want to give a two weeks’ notice.”

She couldn’t leave him, Paul thought in a panic. He would be lost without her in his life. “Why don’t we go inside and see what we can work out?”

Paul unlocked the front door and waved Tyra inside. Once they were inside, he closed and locked the door behind them. He wasn’t about to let her leave to meet another man until they settled a few things between them.

“Can I get you something?” he asked, standing beside Tyra.

“No. I’m fine. I just think we need to get this conversation over so I can leave,” she replied, moving away from him. “I still don’t see why we couldn’t have this conversation at the park instead of your house.”

Resuming his spot behind Tyra, he placed his hands on her shoulders, massaging her tense muscles. “I like to have privacy when I’m with my woman. I don’t want anyone hearing what I have to say.”

“I’m not your woman,” Tyra corrected him, brushing off his touch. “I’m your employee and that’s it. It will never go any further.” She walked away from him, putting even more distance between them.

Paul realized that he wasn’t getting anywhere this way with her so he tried a different approach. “Tell me why this won’t go any further with us?”

Tyra took a seat on his couch and studied him. “I’m just thinking I shouldn’t have allowed myself to fall for you. It was my mistake and I apologize.”

“You truly don’t believe me, do you?” Paul questioned, sitting down with her.

“Believe what?”

“That I’m madly in love with you. I have been since I first laid eyes on you in the interview,” he responded with obvious love in voice.

“You don’t love me. I wish you would stop telling me that. Why do you feel the need to torment me like this?”

“I love you. Hell, why do you think I made excuses for us to work late almost every night since you started working for me? I wanted to spend every second of the day around you.”

“That’s called lust…not love.”

“Who hurt you so damn bad that you won’t give me a chance to prove my love? Was it that Neil guy you’re in such a hurry to get to? How long has this relationship been going on? Where did you meet him?”

“You have no right to ask me any of those questions,” Tyra fired back. “How many business lunches have you engaged in that involved gorgeous women? I never asked you about them, so stay out of my business.”

“I wanted you to ask me,” Paul confessed, easing closer. “I would stand outside the office door dreaming about the jealousy that would pop in those chocolate eyes of yours, but it never came.”

“You actually wanted me to get upset about the women you spent time with? What good would that have done for me?”

“Tyra, it would have shown me everything I’ve ever wanted from you. Do you realize how standoffish you come off sometimes? I fell in love with you despite it. My heartstrings get more entangled with you more and more each day.”

“Stop, I can’t listen to this.” She tried to leave but Paul yanked her against his solid frame.

“When are you going to stop running and let me cherish you the way I desire? Do you know that I think about the way you talk and how your beautiful lips move when you form certain words? Do you realize you have me hypnotized?”


“Good, because I wouldn’t want anything to hinder me from doing this,” he answered.

“Doing what?”

Paul captured her mouth in a kiss so fast that all she could do was lean into his body and let him take control. Tyra thought about fighting as she usually did; however, the way Paul’s tongue was licking at the corner of her mouth made that thought evaporate from her mind.

Parting her lips, she raised herself to meet his hot kiss. She kissed him back with the hunger that she had been hiding for weeks, scared Paul wouldn’t return her affections.

“Mine,” he breathed against her lips.

“What?” She moaned, still lost in the magic of the kiss.

“You taste like you belong to me and only me. I’m not going to share you with another man after a kiss like that…so Neil can go to hell.”

Leaning back in Paul’s arms, Tyra slowly allowed his words to sink in; the harder she tried to ignore the truth, the more it persisted. Paul was the man for her, but how were they going to make things work between them? She loved her private time, but he didn’t see it like that.

She pushed herself away from Paul, placing some much needed distance between them. “I can’t get into this with you now. I can’t be late. I need to meet with Neil. I’ll call you later.” Tyra rushed out, hurrying from Paul’s house before he could stop her.




Jametria remembered the ecstasy of being held against Forbes’ strong body and the warmth of his breath on her neck. How good his skin smelled right after he got out of the shower.

Forbes knew that he had left a burning imprint on her body and mind. It wasn’t fair that he had her trapped like this. Was this how her life would be without him in it? Could she really love another man the way she still loved him? For God’s sake, she was losing sleep over Forbes, wondering if he was dead or alive.

His face popped up in her mind when she least expected it, smiling, serious, or in deep thought about something he couldn’t share with her. All of those times they spent in bed together just talking about anything off the wall brought out another round of painful memories of how he used her.

But what about the stolen moments they had together outside the photo shoot or on her couch just watching television? He was gentle and loving then, like a man who was truly in love and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

“I’m so confused about what I should do. Please God; give me a sign about what I need to do,” she whispered.




Standing in the back of the back of the warehouse, Forbes listened in silence as Hudson went over the plans for the upcoming drug buy of over five millions dollars. The first chance he had, he had to call Zane and fill him in on this new development.

The crisp whiteness of Hudson’s pressed shirt stood out perfectly against his tan, setting off the pale blond of his hair. How many people had he killed over the years with his poison?

Zane had been right about him. Hudson was more deadly than any other undercover assignment he had been involved with. He took his money and drugs very seriously and one wrong mistake got a bullet to the head. Yesterday, he had killed two of his workers for sampling too much of the product. Sanding there and not being able to do a thing killed him, but he couldn’t risk blowing his cover not when he was so close.

 At the sound of his false name coming from Hudson’s lips, Forbes glanced over to his left.
What was that scum up to now?
He tried to maintain a blank expression on his face. It wouldn’t do him any good if Hudson saw his true feelings reflected in his eyes. Standing next to his boss, he waited to hear what was coming next.

 “Everyone, since our last meeting Jacob has proven to me that I can trust him. He’s going to be involved in all aspects of my business. Let’s welcome Jacob to the business. I have very high hopes for him,” Hudson said.

“Welcome Jacob,” one of the other men yelled. “We’re happy to have you here with us. You’re going to make a shit load of money. Just wait and see.”

As the roar of applause thundered around him Forbes thought, I’ll never get pleasure from someone’s addiction like any of you.”

As the noise grew quiet Hudson whispered in his ear, “Don’t be shy. This is your night, say something to your new employees. Lead by example. Don’t ever show them a weakness or they will take advantage of you. They are smiling at you, but any of them are willingly to kill you to be my new right hand.”

You don’t want to know what I would really like to say,
Forbes silently thought before uttering, “Thank you. I’m pleased to be here with everyone tonight, but if any of you cross Hudson or myself, I won’t even give you a warning before I put a bullet in your head.”

“Nice,” Hudson whispered, patting him on the back. “I think you’re going to do quite well here. I know I can count on you passing your test when the time comes. It will only seal the deal between us.” Hudson grinned slapping him on the back.

The Bureau had been following Hudson for as far back as he could remember and it was going to give him such satisfaction to bring down the arrogant bastard as his last assignment.




Later that night, the black clad figure kept moving until it was far away from the house, concealed in the darkness. He knew that he didn’t have a lot of time, but this information had to get out and soon. Pulling the blocked cell phone from his back pocket he dialed the number quickly. The phone rang only once before it was answered.

“I’m in,” Forbes whispered. “Hudson introduced me as new right hand tonight. There is a huge drug deal coming up, but I don’t have all of the details yet.”

“Good. Do you know any more about this test you have to pass?” Zane asked.

“No, but it has to be coming up soon because he’s very excited about me proving my loyalty to him.”

“I don’t like the sound of this. I hope he gives you enough time to contact me so we can get something set up. With the way his mind works, Hudson could have anything in mind for you to do.”

“I know…but I’ll try to see if he’ll tell me what it is,” Forbes said. “Is there anything else that I need to know about before I go?”

“There is something, but I don’t know if I should tell you.”

“Is it about Jametria?” Forbes rattled off, not giving Zane a chance to answer him.

“Yes, it’s about her,” Zane cut in. “Africa left me a voice message saying that Jametria was worried about you.”

Jametria was concerned about him. Forbes barely swallowed down the shout of pleasure in time. He didn’t need to let anyone know that he was outside instead of in his room. The guards wouldn’t be on this side of the field for at least another hour. That might give him enough time to call Jametria and let her know that he was okay.

“Forbes, you can’t call her tonight,” Zane informed him. “We have to make sure none of the phone calls are getting tracked by Hudson. Give us two days and then you can make contact with her. This is so against policy, but I know that you’ll do it with or without my help.”

“You know me so well, my friend. I better go and make sure no one is looking for me. I’ll call Jametria on Friday from this phone. Make sure I have a secure line.” He disconnected the phone and shoved it back into his back pocket. Hurrying around the corner, he stopped in his tracks as Hudson came out the back door.

“Jacob, I thought you were in your room. What are you doing out here?”

“I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go from a walk. I’ve always been a night person. I feel this is the best time to clear my head and think.”

“Don’t lie to me,” Hudson said, moving closer.

Hold your cool
, he thought. “I’m not lying to you.”

“I know you are. Now, tell me the damn truth.”

“Sorry,” Forbes apologized. “I just couldn’t get over the excitement from tonight. It felt good knowing all of those men were working for me. I dreamt about having that kind of power for years. It all just hit me so fast and I came out here to blow off some steam.”

Hudson smiled at him. “I remember when my father gave me control of my own group at sixteen. I couldn’t sleep either. I climbed out of my bedroom window and had sex with the hottest girl in my school. So, I understand what you’re going through. However, next time let one of the guards know you’re leaving the house. I would hate for one of them to shoot my best bodyguard in years.”

“Will do,” Forbes replied.

“How about you keep my company while I relax with a drink?” Hudson asked, heading back towards the door.

“Sounds good to me.” He followed Hudson back into the house and sent up a silent prayer of thanks his new boss hadn’t come out looking for him five minutes earlier.



Chapter Twenty Four



Pushing the covers off her head, Jametria reached for the evil beast that wouldn’t stop bothering her. She thought if she ignored the damn thing it would stop and go away, but that wasn’t happening. Why couldn’t she get what she wanted?

“What!” she snapped, shoving the object of turmoil against her ear.

“I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the past two days. Where have you been? Zane told me that you were worried about me. Is that true? Are you concerned about my well-being?” Forbes deep voice penetrated the sleep of her mind.

Rolling over in the bed, Jametria noticed it was two thirty in the morning. “Forbes, where are you? Why are you whispering?” Mixed feelings surged through her at the sound of his voice, but happiness won over all of them.

 “I can’t talk long, but I had to hear your voice. Do you know how much I love and miss you? I’m counting the days until this case is over and I can be back in your arms. Jametria, have you forgiven me yet? I need to know so I can clear my mind and focus on this creep I’m working for.” His voice was unsteady, like her words were going to make or break him.

Had she gotten over the rough start she experienced with Forbes to see who he was beneath the surface? Was she finally able to separate the F.B.I. agent from the man he was desperate for her to see?

“Forbes, I love you. I want you to be safe. I would die if something happened to you. Are you sure that it’s safe for you to call me?”

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