After Hours (2 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: After Hours
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“Tell me again why this is a good idea?”

Leaning forward in the black leather chair, Zane pinned him with a hard glare. “We have been trying to catch Wayne Collins for the past ten years, but he never stays in one place to put down any roots.

“We got word that he’s going to Dallas and the Bureau wants someone in place before he gets there. Wayne is highly intelligent and will smell a setup a mile away. He hasn’t lasted this long without a damn good reason. If you do this, then we’ll already have you there and he won’t think twice about it. The only thing he loves more than robbing banks is his niece, Ms. Collins.”

Forbes was irked by Zane’s cool, aloof manner. He was going to be the one stripping down showing off his body to a room full of strangers. There had to be a better way to go about this.

“Is there a Plan B?” he asked, crossing his fingers.

“We all like Plan A and we’re going to stick with it. You’re making
much of it. Jametria Collins is a beautiful woman. You shouldn’t have any problem gaining her attention. I bet she’ll drool over you the same way other women constantly do.”

He hated when Zane tossed his success with women in his face. He couldn’t help it that he got good genes. He wanted to be judged on more than his looks and now he was going to use them to set up this woman.

“I’m not going to be able to get out of this, am I?” Forbes asked despite the fact he already knew the answer.

Zane shook his head. “Sorry Buddy, your seat is already booked on the plane so you better get ready. So, if you need to get your place cleared away you better get on it. Because you’re leaving in the next couple of days for Dallas and your new name is Adrian Steele,” Zane told him. “I had some business cards printed up with your alias on them. Don’t forget to pick them up from Andy before you leave.”

“How long will this assignment be?” Forbes’ voice was calm, his gaze steady as he returned his boss’ unblinking gaze.

“Stay until you get the handcuffs on her uncle’s wrists. I want Jametria Collins to become your main focus. Do anything and everything in your power to land the cover of her book. Ms. Collins is the only way we’re going to get close to the fugitive. I’m counting on you to do this right. Don’t mess it up.” Zane got up and left the room without giving him a chance to say another word.

Forbes cursed underneath his breath as reality set in. It didn’t matter how much he hated it. He was going to Dallas, Texas. He only hoped that he was the kind of model that Ms. Collins was looking for.



Chapter Three



Sitting behind the table, Jametria allowed her eyes to travel over the eleven men standing in front of her. She tried to disguise her disappointment so they wouldn’t see how upset she was. She found herself dissatisfied that not one of them fit the image of her hero, Paul Westborn.

Her pulse wasn’t leaping in her throat, she wasn’t dreaming of being crushed against their hard chests. She was by no means impressed by the models that her publishers finally decided on before bringing her into thepicture.

Her publishing company said because of a deadline that she had to pick two guys; however, she was beginning to think it was an enormous mistake to decide on any of them.

“How many of you know who I am? Have any of you ever read any of my books or even held one in your hands, and please be honest with me.”

She waited for what seemed like hours while the guys exchanged surprised glances with each other. Well, that answered her question. How could she put any of them on her upcoming cover? It would be an insult to her hero.

 For the old school readers, she needed a man who was the total package. His looks would grab her attention from across a crowded bookstore. She wouldn’t think twice about buying ‘
Lost Love
’ and holding it in her hands, making her count the long hours she was at work until she came home and could cuddle up with him on the couch.

In addition, this model had to draw the current market, making female readers want to download his book on their Kindles. However, these men wouldn’t make a thirsty woman drink from the pages if they were filled with ice-cold water. She couldn’t go down like this!

When Africa suggested this to her, she had been on cloud nine. Now she felt like she had wasted a week of her life. “Guys, I’m sorry but I’m not going to be able to use any of you after all,” she apologized. “I want to thank you for your time.”

“What’s the problem?” one of models chimed in. “I’ve been on covers of romance novels before and readers love me.”

Jametria glared at the guy who had enough nerve to brag about his accomplishments. Sure, he probably had sold millions of books with his perfect, well-groomed looks; nevertheless, he wasn’t

“Charles, I’m not doubting you aren’t a very successful cover model,” she said, “but you aren’t quite what I’m looking for to sell my latest novel. Now, I’m not saying I can’t use one of you in the future. But I’m stating that you aren’t the guy I need for my book this time.”

“Okay, but keep my photo and call me if you change your mind,” Charles replied, and then left the room with the other ten guys following behind him.

The sound of Charles’ voice lingered inside her head long after he and the other guys were gone.
Was he right
? Could he be the guy she was looking for? Would he fit every woman’s fantasy?

This was her first time being involved with picking out a male model for her book cover and Charles had been both her publisher’s and Africa’s favorite. Yet, a part of her
there was another guy out there who would fit her hero better. She felt it with everything in her. It was almost like a writer’s intuition.

“Africa is going to be pissed at me because I let all of them go, but I couldn’t see any of them as my hero. If I didn’t feel him, I wouldn’t be able to make anyone else feel him either.”

Gathering up all the head shots, Jametria stacked them into a neat pile on her table. “Great, I just realized I have to be the one who tells Africa about what happened today.” She groaned.

She wasn’t in the mood to get a lecture. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Jametria closed her eyes and zoned everything else out while she massaged her temples, wishing she had never agreed to be involved with picking out the male model.

The sudden sound of a door opening and then closing broke into her meditation. It was probably just Africa coming to find out her decision and check on her. Her best friend did that a lot, as if she didn’t think she had the ability to take care of herself. Sure, she might work a tiny bit too hard. Sometimes, she could miss a few valuable hours of sleep when it came to her writing, but she knew when she had pushed herself too far.

“Africa, you didn’t need to check on me.” Jametria sighed. “I’m fine.”

“I don’t know who Africa is,” a rich deep voice answered, sending a ripple of awareness flying across her body.

Shocked at hearing a man’s voice, Jametria’s hands dropped away from her face at the same time her eyes flew open. Good God in heaven. Where in the hell had he come from? Was this a joke? No man had looks like this!

The rich outline of his muscles strained against the fabric of his raven black t-shirt. He was overly tall, maybe around six feet six inches, with an amazingly handsome face that any photographer would beg to capture in print. And his body…she had no words to describe it. His compelling silver eyes, the perfect features, the confident stance made Jametria wish he was here for the cover model audition, but she wouldn’t get that lucky.

His five o’clock shadow gave him even more of a manly appearance and the way his lips were firm and sensual at the same time made her wonder all sorts of things that she shouldn’t. Even his dark brown hair was streaked with highlights from the sun; it made his naturally tanned complexion smoking hot.

“I’m sorry. Can I help you?” she asked, coming out of her daze.

“Yes, I’m looking for Jametria Collins. I’m here about the cover model call,” the man said. “I was supposed to be at an open call last week but something happened. I couldn’t make it, but I’m here now and I hope I’m not too late”

Damn her luck!

“I’m sorry but you did miss them. The eleven potential cover models were picked last week and the auditions were just held to pick a winner,” she sighed, secretly wishing Africa and her publisher had seen this guy. Instead of the men who just walked out of here less than thirty minutes ago, she would have picked this hunk in a hot second.



Chapter Four



Forbes stood in front of Jametria wondering if he’d be able to keep his cover. She was
stunning. He was almost at a loss for words when she raised her head and her eyes connected with his.

 Zane had instructed that he come to Dallas and make her his entire focus. He wouldn’t have a problem doing it. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want to be around her as much as he could?

Her face was a perfect oval, her smooth mahogany skin glowed and invited his fingers to reach out and touch her. The corners of her full mouth turned upwards more than they turned down. It was almost like she never frowned. Jametria’s dark hair was short and curly, it was striking.

The v-neck of her yellow t-shirt made her throat looked enticing and it showed off her perky breasts. He wouldn’t be able to tell anything else about her until she stood up from behind the table. He sent up a silent prayer that she wouldn’t stay in the chair for much longer.

“Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to become a part of the group? I mean why can’t you have a lucky twelve? I have traveled a very long way to get here,” he explained. “I always thought of twelve as being my lucky number.”

“What is your name?” Jametria asked, moving from behind the desk.

Forbes lost his train of thought. Her body was walking temptation and he wanted to be led down that road of sin. She had womanly hips and shapely thighs, the kind he loved holding on to while he was making love to a woman. Every single inch of it was in the right place. His cock grew hard at the thought of being with her and he wasn’t embarrassed by his thoughts. He hoped they came true.

“Forbes Huntington,” he uttered before he could come up with his alias. He realized the magnitude of his mistake the moment it happened. They now knew his real name. He had never done that in his entire fifteen year career.

What was wrong with him?

“Step back some, so I can get a better look at you.” Jametria waved her hand in his direction.

Stepping back, he stood still while she came closer and circled his body, the soft smell of her perfume and closeness of her body made his cock swell even more in the confines of his jeans.

“Mr. Huntington, I have to be completely honest with you. I got rid of the other models because I wasn’t happy with them. They weren’t what I was looking for when it came to my hero, Paul.”

Yes…he still might be able to get a foot in the door, because if she sent him away Zane was going to probably fire him on the spot.

“Does this mean I might have a chance?” Forbes inquired.

Jametria stopped by his left arm and ran her fingers over his muscles. “You do fit the hero in my book better than the other guys did,” she confessed, removing her hand.

No, don’t
, his mind screamed. He liked how her cool fingers felt on his skin.

“Do you have a head shot that I can take to my agent?” she asked, standing back in front of him. “I think you’re the perfect guy for my book, but I have to get her approval too along with the publisher’s.”

“No, I don’t have any photos,” Forbes answered.

“May I ask why not? How did you think you would get hired without a head shot?”

Here comes my cover
, Forbes thought. “One of my friends told me about your open call. He wasn’t interested so I decided to take a shot at it.”

“I’m very impressed with you and your looks, Mr. Huntington. You’re everything that I’m looking for in the cover model for my book. However, without a photo I don’t know if I’ll be able to recommend you to Africa. She is a by the book kind of person and not having proper credentials is a black mark in her book.”

Stepping closer until not an inch separated his body from Jametria, Forbes let his eyes slowly travel the contours of her pretty body. “That’s good to hear. When do I get a chance to prove I’m the man you want?”

Licking her lips, Jametria tossed her head back. “You don’t have to prove a thing to me. I’m already satisfied with what I see,” she flirted back.

Yes…No, he had to step back a minute. He couldn’t go down this road. Zane would kick his ass for jumping the gun. No matter what, he always followed the rules and Jametria’s beautiful face wouldn’t stop him from doing it.

He’d better stop before things went too far. Jametria was a distraction that he hadn’t factored in and he had to control his attraction to her or his job would be over
before it started.

Forbes stepped back a safe distance from her. It was better for him to be safe than sorry. “Does that mean I got the job?”

Moving away from him, Jametria went around the desk and gathered up the photos.

 “No, I only get half of the vote. Like I told you a few minutes ago, Africa and my publisher have the final votes. So, if you can leave me your name and number, I’ll set up a meeting and get back to you.”

Damn it!

He had left his business cards back at the hotel; however, they wouldn’t do him any good now since they had his alias on them. He had to think of something fast or he might blow the slim chance he had of getting hired for this job. If Jametria told him to leave, he would have to think of another way to be around her. He couldn’t blow this assignment.

“I’m sorry I don’t have a card,” Forbes admitted. “Like, I told you earlier. I just came here hoping I might be able to slip by and get to be seen by you. If you have pen and paper, I can give you my information.”

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