After Hours (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: After Hours
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Looking back at him, Jametria stared at him for a few seconds. “Mr. Huntington, if you weren’t so perfect for my cover. I wouldn’t be giving you all of these chances. I’m not very fond of unorganized people.”

“I can promise you it won’t happen again,” he swore, hoping to stay on Jametria’s good side.

Reaching for a yellow legal pad on the table, Jametria handed it to him along with an ink pen. “Here you go. Write all of your information on this and I’ll pass it along to my agent.”

Taking the pad from her, Forbes quickly wrote down his information and gave it back. “You can reach me at that number. It’s my cell phone and I usually have it on during the day.”

She eyed him for a few minutes then shrugged. “I’ll let everyone know about you and how impressed I was by you, Mr. Huntington,” Jametria stated, “and then I’ll give you a call. It shouldn’t be longer than a couple of days at the most.”

“I’ll be waiting for your call.” He gave Jametria a quick wink and then turned on his heel going back towards the door.

Outside, Forbes walked away from the building and flipped open his cell phone. He punched number one on his speed dial; it rang a several times before Zane’s gruff voice finally answered.

“How did it go? Did you get the job?”

“I met her and she’s absolutely stunning. I mean, those pictures you gave me don’t do her justice at all. You know how I love short hair on a woman and hers looked amazing. I wanted to touch it so badly that my fingers shook.”

“Forbes, you aren’t there to pick up a girlfriend,” Zane snapped. “The Bureau sent you there to catch Wayne Collins. That is your only job, nothing else. Now, are you ready to tell me how it went?”

Shit! Zane really needed to calm his ass down.

“She has to set up another meeting with her publisher and her agent, but I’m not worried.”

“Are you sure?” Zane questioned. “We can’t afford to get overly confident.”

“I’m positive that I landed the job. She’s attracted to me, so getting on Jametria’s good side won’t be a problem for me.”

“It better not be. We can’t lose any more money chasing Wayne Collins across the country. Dallas will be his last stop. Don’t call me. I’ll call you,” Zane said, then hung up.

Forbes snapped his phone shut and then made his way to his rental car that was parked in the very back of the alley. Once he got inside, he waited until Jametria finally made her way out of the building. He watched as she made two phone calls.

He couldn’t help but wonder who she was talking to on the other end. He would make sure to get a trace put on that line. Her uncle could call her at any time and tell her he was coming into town. They needed all the information they could get on him because he was excellent at easing away before the handcuffs were slapped on his wrists. He continued watching Jametria until she hurried over to her black BMW parked across the street, got inside and drove off.



Chapter Five



Paul couldn’t get over how just seeing Tyra walking into his office made his cock rock hard. How was he supposed to focus on anything today with her looking so good? The black dress she decided to torture him with today showed off her gorgeous, coco legs. All he could think about was stripping her out of that fabric and making love to her on top of his oak wood desk.

Dropping his hand underneath the desk he unzipped his pants and stroked his cock, imagining it was Tyra’s hand. The images of her soft darker skin against the whiteness of his, was turning him on even more. She was across the room organizing his files without a clue he was about to erupt in the palm of his hand.

He closed his eyes getting lost in his fantasy. It had never gotten this bad at work that he had to literally take matters into his own hands. A few more strokes were all he needed and he would finally be rid of the pressure building up in his body. Paul bit down on his lip to keep from screaming out loud. He felt it was about to happen.

“Mr. Westborn, do you need a hand with anything else?” Tyra’s smoky voice asked.

His eyes flew open and landed on his assistant as she was suddenly coming across the room towards him, Paul’s heart pounded away in his chest as he tried thinking of a way to keep Tyra away. He couldn’t let her find him like this.

Tyra…wait,” he hollered.




Jametria hit the save button on her laptop then fell back into the chair pleased with the scene she had typed. She hadn’t been this happy in a very long time. Today turned out to be pretty good for her. The story was finally coming together like she had wanted it to for the past several days. She hadn’t been this motivated in weeks.

“I might actually finish this book by the deadline,” she muttered. “I don’t know what happened to me but whatever it is I don’t want to lose it.”

Stop lying. You know what has gotten you into the writing mood…Forbes Huntington.

Yesterday when she informed Africa that she hadn’t picked any of the eleven guys, the sound of her friend’s screams had echoed inside her head most of the day. Africa warned her that if Forbes wasn’t the guy then she was in a lot of trouble with her. She wouldn’t be able to meet her deadline which meant she would have less time to work on her next book. Jametria wasn’t worried because Forbes was exactly the man she was searching for.

There should be a law against the way his muscles stretched out his shirt. It had taken everything in her not to ask him to strip it off. Not only was Forbes blessed with a downright sculptured body and a face that was perfect, a woman could get lost in those double thick black lashes of his.

Stop lusting after a man that might be working with you after today
, she scolded herself.
has to be kept professional
. Jametria knew she couldn’t get involved with Forbes no matter how much her sex-starved body might want a taste of him.

The sound of Amerie’s
chimed from her cell phone and she quickly checked the phone number. She smiled at the number on the screen. She was more than ready for I-told-you-so.

 “Didn’t I tell you that Forbes was one the hottest guy that I have ever seen?”

“Where in the hell did you find him?” Africa gushed.

“I told you he just walked in off the street after I let the other guys go. I almost thought he wasn’t real. Isn’t he perfect for Paul Westborn?” Jametria asked. “I was so excited by his appearance I almost told him that he had the job.”

“You’ve impressed the publishers with Forbes. He had the women and even some of the guys eating out of his hands.”

 “See, I told you. He’s almost too good to be true,” she said. “When do I get to attend Forbes’ first photo shoot?”

“Tomorrow morning. I’m not sure about the location, but when I have all the details, I’ll call you back,” Africa told her.

“Sounds good to me,” Jametria answered.

“Sweetie, you really did a good job with Forbes. I think he’ll make your book another best seller. Call you later.”

“Okay.” Jametria ended the call and tossed the phone back on her desk. She had never wanted twenty four hours to pass as quickly as she did today. She was more than excited about seeing Forbes again. She might not be able to touch his fine ass, but she could look at him all she wanted.




“Any sign of her uncle yet?”

“No, I just came back from meeting with Jametria’s publishers and they loved me. I start taking pictures tomorrow and she’ll be there, so I’ll start off slow with her,” Forbes said. “I don’t want to come off as too interested. It might scare her away.”

“Do you think she’s involved?” Zane asked, his interest suddenly piqued. “As far as I know, he has always worked alone.”

“I can’t say for sure, but I’ll be able to tell you more about that after I spend time with her tomorrow,” he answered. The anticipation of seeing Jametria again made his palms sweaty and his cock ache.

“You have to get him. If we don’t this time, I know he’ll disappear and be gone. This is truly our last chance. If he didn’t love his niece so much we wouldn’t even be getting this chance at him.”

“I’ll do my best,” Forbes assured Zane. “I’ll go by the book until the end. We will get him.”

“You better,” Zane threatened then hung up leaving a buzzing dial tone in his ear.

Tossing his phone on the table, Forbes strolled around his hotel room as his mind wandered back to Jametria. After asking her agent Africa some well-placed questions today, he found out that Jametria was single and had been for almost three years. Her agent told him that she focused on her writing so much that she seldom made time for dating. He didn’t think that Africa even realized how much information she had given him.

The thought had entered his mind to bring Jametria’s uncle up, but he decided against it at the last minute. He had to lay low, and asking questions about her family would have made her very suspicious. Besides, would Jametria really confess to anyone that her uncle was a bank robber?

Tomorrow was the first day of his photo shoot for the cover of Jametria’s new book. He couldn’t wait until he saw her again. Usually, the women he wanted had to pass all sorts of different qualifications before he thought about taking her to bed.

Since he was an F.B.I. agent, he had to be very careful about who he brought into his life especially his bed. Several of the guys at the Bureau had girlfriend after girlfriend, but he wasn’t interested in bed hopping. Having a lifestyle like that ensured you to have some enemies in your past, but more importantly he believed in being in a committed relationship.

Running his fingers through his thick hair, Forbes couldn’t forget how good Jametria felt next to him yesterday. Her slim fingers as they brushed over his muscles caused an erection faster than he had during his carefree college days. God, back then he walked around with a hard-on every day trying to find a pretty girl to take care of it for him, but he had matured and grown out of it until he saw Jametria yesterday. He lost all of his rational thoughts.

“Zane would kill me if he knew I gave Jametria my real name.”

He still couldn’t understand how he let that happen. All during his fifteen year career as an agent he had run into countless good-looking women before and kept himself in character.

 What was it about Jametria that he hadn’t given her the alias Zane came up with?

“Hopefully, I can get through this assignment without him finding out about my attraction to Jametria and it will fade as quickly as it started,” Forbes uttered.



Chapter Six



Paul held his breath as Tyra kept coming closer and closer to his desk. She only had to move a few more feet and she would get an eye full. Shit! Why didn’t he think twice before pulling out his dick at work?

He quickly removed his hand and shoved his stiff cock back into his pants. Paul didn’t know how Tyra might react at seeing him long and hard in the middle of the day. It could have her running out of the room screaming at the top of her lungs.

“No, I’m fine Tyra,” he replied in a calm voice that shocked him. “Why don’t you take an early lunch? I have a handle on things around here.”

“Are you sure? I can always grab something and come back earlier if you really need help.”

Paul clenched his hand underneath his desk at the thought of Tyra coming after he had his way with her. No, he had to get rid of her and fast.

“Yes, I’m positive,” he groaned as a bead of sweat popped out on his forehead. God, she was killing him, standing there in that black dress. Why couldn’t she just leave and let him finish getting off in peace?

“Oh my God. Mr. Westborn, are you okay?” Tyra asked. Rushing over to his side, she grabbed a few tissues off the box on his desk and wiped the sweat off his forehead “There is something wrong with you. I have never seen you sweat like this before.”

Keep rubbing me like that and you’ll see more than sweat, sweetheart, Paul thought as he tried not to stroke himself again. Tyra was driving him wild with her full breast pressed against his arm and the slow movements of her hand.

“Tyra, stop touching me,” he snapped, grabbing the tissues out of her hand. He flung them down on his desk and tried to ignore the growing erection in his pants.

“Fine, I was only trying to─,” she hissed then stopped in mid-sentence.

He wondered what had gotten her to finally stop touching him. He noticed the look on her face and then followed the direction of her eyes. Damn… His erection wasn’t inside in pants as he had first thought but sticking out begging for attention.

“Tyra, I’m so sorry,” Paul apologized as he hurriedly tried to fix the problem. There was no way she wasn’t going to their supervisor to report him. He would be unemployed by the end of the day.

“No, don’t,” Tyra whispered brushing his hand away. “I want to see you.”




Early the next morning inside her office at home, Jametria re-read the paragraphs again making sure the ‘it’ she was trying to envision with this chapter was there. Paul was confident, along with being a well-known playboy, but he became an entirely different man around Tyra.

He wanted her more than any other woman that he had ever been with, but Tyra constantly ignored all of his advances. She wanted the office scene to show that maybe Tyra wasn’t totally against getting to know Paul better.

“Oh, I can’t wait until I start on the next scene tonight,” she said, saving the new part to her laptop. “Africa isn’t going to be able to handle it.”

Her eyes scanned the screen one more time while her mind raced with ways to make the scene steamier and just as one came to her, the cell phone rang and the thought disappeared from her mind as suddenly as it had appeared.

“This better be good,” she growled into the phone. “You made me lose a terrific scene in my head. I hate when I lose my train of thought.”

 “We have a problem,” Africa’s panicked voice practically screamed at her.

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