Afflicted (27 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Afflicted
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Blake looked at me with wide eyes.

“It’s time!” He said jumping out of his seat.

“Get back here. I need to wrap it before we do anything.” Taking a deep breath I
carefully wrapped the tattoo. After grabbing a couple towels he helped me stand up and put the towels down on the passenger seat of my new Jeep Grand Cherokee. The bags were already in the trunk thanks to Jake’s “balls to the wall” coaching.

As soon as we were on our way he called everyone to let them know that I was in labor. I was breathing in and out concentrating on the fact that soon we would be meeting our daughter for the first time.

Pulling up to the hospital Blake went inside and got a wheelchair, wheeling me in before going to park the car. He came back carrying all the bags and let them know that we were here. The contractions were starting to come more frequently. A nurse came and whisked us up to labor and delivery. After changing into a hospital gown the attending came in to tell me that my doctor was on her way.

She checked my cervix to see how I was progressing

“Shit.” She cursed under her breath. “You’re already seven centimeters dilated.”

“Seven?” Blake asked. “That’s a lot, right?”

“Yes, she only has three more before she can start pushing.”

She left the room to get the nurses when I started feeling like I had to push, bad. I yelled at Blake to tell her to come back. She came back into the room with gloves on and nurses on her heels. She told me that I could start pushing on the next contraction. Using all my strength I pushed as hard as I
could, squeezing Blake’s hand to the point of pain. After a half an hour of pushing she finally arrived. They placed her on my chest while Blake cut the cord. She had a head of dark, curly hair and a perfect little cherub face.

“I’m a dad.” Blake said
, with tears falling down his face.

“Does she have a name?” The doctor asked.

“Harriet Potter.” I said chuckling.

The doctor laughed and asked again.

“Waverly Grace Potter.” We said in unison.

They took her off to get cleaned up when Blake’s phone started going off. It was Jake. He put it on speakerphone so I could listen. “We’re on our way. Aubrey’s in labor.”

I started laughing hysterically. “It must be a full moon.”

The nurse came over and handed
Waverly to Blake who looked at her in complete awe. It was hard to believe what started out as a fling for both of us ended up in a forever. Through ups and downs, good times, bad times and worse times we came out on the other side stronger. We were a family now,
even though there were going to be trials and tribulations down the road together we could weather any storm.

Besides, now he had another girl to be afflicted by.







Be on the lookout for Conflicted, Derek’s story coming 2013.




First, THANK YOU so much for reading! If you enjoyed it please take a moment to leave a review. I love hearing from you guys so feel free to email me @
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or find me on social networking to connect.

To see what I’m up to and what I’m working on next follow me on Facebook @

A special thanks
to Chris @ CJC Photography for the awesome cover photo! You can find him on Facebook as well @


Afflicted Playlist:

Age of Days- Broken

Theory of A Deadman- All or Nothing

Saving Abel- 18 Days

Skillet- Say Goodbye

Avril Lavigne- Girlfriend

Lansdowne- Watch Me Burn

Hinder- Get Me Away From You

Local H- Wolf Like Me

Rhianna- Stay

Bon Iver- Skinny Love

Rooster- Get Some

The Downtown Fiction- I Just Wanna Run

Angels Fall- Drunk Enough


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