
Read Afflicted Online

Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Afflicted
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Copyright © 2013 by Sophie Monroe

All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form

or by any means electronic or mechanical, including

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prior written permission from the author

where permitted by law.


The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

Any similarity to real persons living or dead is coincidental and

not intended by the author.



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Cover photo: CJC Photography- Chris Correia ©2013 All Rights Reserved.

The photo may not be redistributed without prior permission from the author and photographer.


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Cover Model:

Joe Troisi –


The author acknowledges the use of the following:

Nirvana, Gatorade, Jack Daniels, Pringles, MTV, Judge Judy, Chevy, Cracker Jack, Theory of a
Deadman, Avril Lavigne, Acura, 4Runner, Audi, Volkswagen, Vitamin Water, Abercrombie, Adderall, Hennessey, Patron, Mack, Alka-Seltzer, Chanel, Ben & Jerry’s, Playboy, Jeep, Nutella, Foo Fighters, Saving Abel, Skillet









Sophie Monroe





To all my friends! Big shout out’s to my Pirate Hooker, Tara, Misty, Kelly, and butterfly Kelly, Stef, Amber, Lesley, Whitney, the Nicole’s and all my blogger buddies!

I love you guys long time, thanks for reading and re-reading!!!


The list goes on and on so if I forgot anyone, sorry, I love you too!




Blake Five Years Earlier…


Tossing the last of my stuff into my duffle bag and zipping it closed, I let out an audible sigh. Tomorrow Derek, Kevin, Jake and I would be heading off to LA to chase our dream. I was scared shitless, but in my gut I knew that it was the right decision, our chance to make a name for ourselves. I was also well aware of what I was leaving behind, especially my family and my girlfriend of just over a year, Rowan.

was spending our last night here at the apartment that Jake and I shared. I fucking loved this girl more than I ever thought was possible. I even went as far as getting her name tattooed on my arm a couple months ago. I wanted to hit it big so I could afford to give her the life that I thought she deserved. If I had it my way I would put a ring on her finger right now, but I’m broke, and she deserves better than something from a Cracker Jack box.

over by my dresser where she was standing in one of my white t-shirts my heart swelled, right along with another part of my anatomy. I love her tanned body and jaw-dropping long legs. She’s absolutely gorgeous with the most beautiful face, like an angel, stunning blue eyes and a perfect bright smile that could light up a room. Her long, curly, chocolate brown hair flows down to the middle of her back and always smells like paradise.

seriously the luckiest guy to have landed a girl like her.

my finger, I motioned her over. Sashaying her hips seductively, she took the short walk across the room. When she was a couple feet away, she jumped and pounced on me, pinning my arms above my head. She was a fucking tigress in bed, and I loved it. Biting gently down on my earlobe while breathing heavily she moved her way down, running her teeth along my jawbone sending shivers down my spine. I was already hard as steel. In fact, all I had to do was look at her, and I was sporting wood.

Turning my head I
claimed her mouth, lightly biting her bottom lip and grabbing the collar of her shirt, lifting it over her head so that I was eye level with her perfect 36C tits. Teasing her nipple with my teeth I moved her panties to the side. She was ready, but I liked to get her off at least once before we started, so I knew bam-bam wouldn’t hurt her. Within minutes, she was crying out in pleasure with the sexiest sound known to man. I thrust into her, filling her with one swift motion, feeling her muscles still convulsing around my cock. She leaned forward as I started fucking her with a fierce passion. I never wanted it to end.

” She moaned. “Right there… don’t stop! BLAKE!”

y impending orgasm was coming like a freight train. Taking a nipple in each hand, I rolled them into stiff peaks until could feel her getting ready to come again. Dropping a hand I massaged her clit until she completely shattered around me. I let go yelling her name, pounding into her hard enough that she would probably walk funny tomorrow. When we were done, I pulled her down onto my chest and held her until my limp cock slipped out of her heat feeling the immediate loss.

If this is what the upcoming months held
, I was going to miserable.

Rolling us onto our sides I
held her close. There was no welcome space between us, especially tonight. I watched as she closed her beautiful eyes and drifted to sleep. I stayed up for a while longer so I could watch her. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wasn’t worried about how our relationship was going to change after I left, knowing that planning on trying to come back when I could and making sure that she was able to come to LA sometimes might not be enough. Unable to fight it anymore, exhaustion won and I fell asleep too.

I woke up the next morning
dreading what I was going to have to do, say goodbye to everything that I’ve known for the past 21 years. Looking at the alarm clock that flashed 5:57, I shook Rowan awake and told her that we needed to get up. She climbed out of bed and went straight into the bathroom coming out a couple minutes later dressed in jeans and a tight, white t-shirt looking glum, breaking my heart.

Pulling her to me,
I hugged her for a couple minutes before going to shower and get dressed. My heart was feeling heavy while hammering with excitement. It was the most bizarre feeling I’ve ever felt. I lugged all my bags into the living room and yelled through Jake’s door making sure he was awake. He came out a couple minutes later ready to go. I was thankful that he started taking the rest of the stuff down to the car so that I could have a couple more minutes with Rowan.

“I love you. You know that, right?” I asked her. She would have to be stupid not to know that I would die for her right now.

She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me passionately. “I know. I love you too, Blake Potter.”

“We’re going to find a way to make this work. It’s going to be hard, but I know we can do it.”
I vowed.

Every thing’s going to be fine. Stop worrying.” She teased, placing her hand to the side of my face in an effort to comfort me.

walked downstairs where we said our goodbyes, for now. Closing the door behind her, I watched as she drove her little, red Toyota Celica down the road and disappeared into the distance. Jake was already waiting in the pickup truck that Ron loaned us. All of our essentials were in the back, and we were on our way. Jake could tell that I was moping and grabbed a CD from the console. It was Nirvana’s
my favorite album of all time.

It was a new beginning for us, a chance at the big leagues. The possibilities were endless, and we
were ready. We spent the last three years tearing up the Phoenix club scene, and Ron’s garage. I put my feet up on the dash and looked out the window.

We arrived in LA just in time for rush hour traffic on the 405.
How the hell does anyone live like this?
It took us over an hour just to get to our exit. After weaving in and out of traffic, we finally pulled up to the small gray apartment that Jake and I would be sharing since it was all we could afford for the time being.

Derek and Kevin found
an apartment to rent two blocks away so at least we would all be within walking distance from one another. Hopping out of the truck we were greeted by Mel, the portly, middle-aged, balding man that owned the building.

He led us up three flights of stairs to whe
re the loft was. Once we reached the top, he put the key into the lock and turned. Neither of us was prepared for what was behind the door. It was an impressive, vast room with exposed ceilings. There was a tiny kitchen with oak cabinets that looked to be in fairly decent shape and a bathroom off to the other side. It had a certain charm, and was certainly better than what I was anticipating for the rock bottom rent we were being charged, especially in LA. Jake handed over the security deposit check that Ron spotted us and signed the lease.

left with a smile on his face and whistled his way down the stairs. We followed after him and started lugging boxes up the stairs. By the last trip, we were dead on our feet. Since we didn’t have any furniture, we were planning a trip to IKEA first thing in the morning tomorrow to grab necessities. We also wanted to scope out some possible venues and clubs that we could play at.

Since we were both starving
and didn’t have any food, we decided to go down to the bar on the corner and grab a bite to eat before calling it a night. We arrived at Roxy’s a little before nine. The place had a decent size crowd, consisting of an eclectic bunch. There were rockers, middle-aged businessmen, college kids, and even a possible homeless person. Jake and I grabbed an empty table by the window and waited for the waitress. She was a bleach blonde girl with silicone volleyballs attached to her chest. Her name tag read, Georgia Peaches. She was more than likely trying to break into the industry, and not the television one. We each ordered a beer and a burger. We ate in comfortable silence while people watching and taking everything in. It was finally real.

We were here, in LA…


Six Months Later…


“Hey guys, awesome news!” We all collectively looked over at Bruce
, our current label manager. “The label has agreed to sign you.”

This was better than
awesome. It was fucking fantastic! We have been struggling as starving artists for the past six months, playing whatever gigs we could scrounge up. We got our lucky break a couple weeks ago when we played a gig at Tirade and Dylan Ryan, the lead singer of Crashing Down, approached us. He liked our sound and said that his band was looking for an opening act on their upcoming tour. Of course, we jumped at the opportunity, and he put us in touch with his label. They asked us come to the studio and lay a couple tracks for the producers to see if they thought we had “something special”. Thankfully, so far it has paid off.

though we were being signed it didn’t mean that we were in with the big dogs just yet, but at least it was a start. Doing a decent job of controlling our excitement, we all nodded. Bruce seemed pleased and said they would get started drawing up the papers. We were each getting a five thousand dollar advance, which at this point looked like a half-mil on paper. I couldn’t wait to eat something other than noodles in a cup and hot dogs. Before leaving, he informed us that we had two weeks straight of rehearsing coming up after this weekend and to get ready.

Taking my phone out I
texted Rowan the good news. I’ve felt a rift between us lately, and the distance was unquestionably adding to the strain. I told her that I was going to send her a plane ticket so we could spend a few days together before the madness started. She happily agreed and would be here in two days.


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