Afflicted (10 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Afflicted
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“I’ll be the pebbles to your bam-bam.” I cooed
, grinding against him looking for release. “Shit, I didn’t grab any condoms.” I told him in between kisses.

He reached next to
the bed and grabbed his wallet shaking it, but only money fell out.

“Shit, it must’ve fallen out.” He sighed.

“I’m okay with going without if you are.”

he was always extremely cautious and that I was on the pill I was hoping we were good to go because I was so wound up that I might explode. Death by no-orgasm didn’t seem like a fun way to go.

“Are you sure?” He
asked, looking torn.

my hand to drag his thick head across my slick heat he let out a low growl. I gingerly slid him in, slightly circling my hips and taking the rest of him in one swift motion. I loved feeling all of him, and it was even better with no barriers. He starting pounding upwards and I figured since I had his full attention now was as opportune a time as any to tell him what I was planning.

“I’m leaving.” 

“I know
, baby. We’ll go in the morning, it’s too late to go now.” He said picking up the pace.

“No, I mean I’m planning on leaving Smithville
, for good.” He stopped moving and pulled away to look at my face. My impending orgasm was so close that it was bubbling at the surface, just waiting.

“What? Why would you want to do that?”

I felt his angry cock throbbing inside me as he looked at me intently holding my hips so I couldn’t move.

“There’s nothing left for me here. Aubrey’s the main reason I stayed
, and she has Jake now. After everything that happened with Cole earlier, there’s honestly nothing holding me here anymore.”

He moved so that he could
turn me over on my stomach. He raised his hand and hit my ass with a loud crack. A rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins with each strike. He started pumping in and out at a fervent pace, filling me, owning me. He leaned down biting down gently on my shoulder blade. Grabbing my hair and wrapping it around his hand, he pulled me back to him making each thrust harder and deeper. My orgasm was back at the surface ready to detonate at any second.

Fuuuccckkk!” I moaned loudly.

I liked control in the bedroom, but something about Blake left me wanting to hand over the reins and let him do his thing. I completely forgot everything that I was thinking about.

“Can I come in
you?” He rasped.

“Yes!” I screamed

I felt him thicken and spill himself deep inside me.
Leaning down he kissed my neck and bit my earlobe.

“Now what were you saying?”

“I don’t remember.” My brain had turned to mush, and I think that was officially the best sex that I’ve ever had, but I was keeping that little tidbit to myself.

“Good. Now let’s go get cleaned up
, so I can get you dirty again.”

We had sex until he passed out
. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note leaving it on the pillow where my head just was. Once I was sure he wasn’t going to wake up I snuck out of the room. I tried to sneak pass Derek on the way out the door.

“Do you need a ride somewhere?” He called after me in a concerned voice.

I hesitated for a moment while realizing that I didn’t exactly think my leaving through. I nodded slightly as he stood and grabbed Blake’s keys off the counter.

“If you tell him where I’m going I’ll come back and zip-tie your balls in your sleep.”

He gulped knowing that I was serious and held the door. I felt horrible knowing that I’d just pulled a Blake on Blake and that he was going to be seriously pissed off when he woke up. But, I needed to get away without leaving a trail of blood in the process.





Looking in the mirror into bloodshot eyes I was reminded that i
t had been a week and a half since the dinner incident. I’ve yet to hear a peep from Piper after she left me high and dry while I was sleeping after having the best sex of my life, which was saying something because I’ve had a lot. At first I was pissed, then hurt. I unfolded the note she left on her pillow and read it again trying to find a double meaning, but repeatedly came up empty.


Sorry for dragging you into my mess and thanks for trying to help me clean it up, but I need to get out of here before I get cold feet. I couldn’t be here to see the look in your eyes when you find this, knowing you’d find a way to convince me to stay. You’re special to me, and I honestly hope you know that. I’m sure I’ll see you around sometime. Take care of yourself.




Aubrey said she talked to her yesterday and that she was fine. At the end of the day, I guess that’s what mattered most to me. Today I was going solo to the cabin since things had been going fairly well in the studio and the label seemed pleased with what little we had sent them so far. I really needed to start working on my guitar riffs, so we could wrap up the album and go on tour.

Unfortunately, i
t seemed no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get in the game, which was one of the reasons I swore off relationships after Rowan. Being a musician didn’t allow me to get distracted. I needed my head to be in the game because there was a lot riding on our new album. I was packing up my suitcase when my phone started ringing. Grabbing it from the charger and looking at the screen, I smiled when I saw it was my mom.

“Hey, Ma.”

“How’s my baby boy?”

“I’ve been better, but I’m hanging in there. I’m actually getting ready to go to a cabin for a while. How about you? How’s dad and Joss?”

Joss was my nineteen, almost twenty-year old sister. We were thick as thieves growing up and still stayed in close contact. She had a new boyfriend, so she was off the radar for the time being and too cool to call her big brother for inquisition.

is doing just dandy. We miss you. I was kind of hoping that maybe you would consider taking a trip home soon so that we could visit? I know it’s hectic with recording and all, but I miss ya.”

“I miss you guys too, Ma. I’ll let you know after I get back what the schedule looks like and see if I can’t come out for a long weekend or something.”

“Is everything else okay, Blake?”

My mom always had a sixth-sense for telling when something was bugging me and today was no exception. I wanted to tell her everything that was going on with Piper because she
would understand, but on the same token it just felt like rubbing salt in an already open wound. I genuinely tried to make an effort at first after the wedding to forget her, but she was already under my skin and tattooed in my brain.

At first
I started sending her things that I thought she would like in hopes that she would reach out, but she was less than receptive. It came to a screeching halt after Aubrey told Jake to tell me that Piper and Cole had gotten back together, again. It seemed like one minute they were an item, and the next they weren’t. I couldn’t help that the more I found out about her and the more time I spent with her made me want to be that much closer to her. It put me in a heart-crushing predicament.

“It will be. I gotta run. Love you.”

“Love you too, baby boy.”

I said goodbye to the guys and loaded my guitar and suitcases i
nto the trunk of my car. Tim dropped off a second set of keys for Aubrey earlier, which Jake already dropped off before. One final check and I was on the road.

I turned up my radio blaring some
Avenged Sevenfold and started the long journey to the cabin. Two stops and four hours later I pulled onto the secluded driveway. It was lined on either side by trees and would be the perfect place for me to get inspired. After another half mile, the tiny cabin came into view. It was a typical log cabin with a peaked roof and a small covered front porch. I grabbed the keys out the console and headed to check out the inside.

entire place was just one room with a plaid couch and small TV set up by a fireplace on one side, a dresser and queen size bed with a white quilt pressed up against the back wall and a small, two-chair dinette in front of the kitchen. It was quaint and felt homey. Grabbing my suitcases from the trunk I started unpacking things into the dresser. Once I was done I headed to town to get some groceries and beer, lots of beer.

A week had gone by since I arrived at the cabin. I managed to get a lot of writing done
, but they weren’t nearly as good as they would be if I were running on all cylinders. It was almost depressing. A storm started rolling in, so I made sure to grab some extra firewood from outside since it got especially chilly here at night. The rain was already starting to fall heavily, occasionally shifting and hitting the window glass loudly. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out the one picture that I had of Piper and I from Jake and Aubrey’s wedding. I had my arm around her and she was smiling endearingly at me looking like a fucking temptress.

I started strumming on my guitar and writing a riff
while looking at her smiling face. I was getting really into it when I saw headlights in the distance. Since the place was off the beaten path, I was automatically on high alert. I placed my guitar on the bed and grabbed the baseball bat that I had sitting next to the door just in case something like this was ever to arise. I kept a close eye out the window as the car crept slowly before coming to a stop.

The rain was coming down so heavily that it made it hard to make out anything
other than lights. My heart rate was accelerating rapidly as I heard fumbling coming from the other side of the door. It sounded like someone was trying to pick the lock.
Just my luck…

Seconds later the door swung open. I held the bat over my shoulder ready to take a swing. As soon as the door closed I saw a drenched Piper standing there. I tossed the bat off to the side and pulled her to me on
pure instinct.

“Why haven’t you answered your phone?” She started chewing me out.

“The reception sucks out here
, and it only really works on the front porch.”

“Jeez, I thought something happened to you
, jerk. Now that I know you’re alive and well, I guess I’ll be on my way.” She teased, making me pull her closer. There was no way I was letting her go now.

I couldn’t believe s
he was actually here. Skimming my nose along her hair I breathed in the scent that was undeniably Piper. It was sweet, with a touch of floral. Realizing that she was soaked, and it was cold out I led her over to the fireplace to warm up and get dry. I went to the dresser and grabbed her a pair of my sweats and a long sleeve thermal to change into.

A loud crash of thunder rolled through making the windows shake.
Piper jumped as the lights flickered before going out. I reached into my pocket and produced a lighter. Luckily, the house was chock-full of candles. I ransacked the drawer and lit enough so that the room had a glow.

“Why’d you really come all the way out here?” I asked her. “I know
it wasn’t just to check on me.”

“I don’t know. I guess I just missed you and we were planning on coming out here together.” She shrugged.

“Does anyone else know you’re here?”

“Just my parents and Aubrey. I’ve been st
aying with my parents since I left, they just got back from going on a safari in Africa.” She said rolling her eyes. “They’re about two hours from here. I haven’t talked to Cole since I left, but that hasn’t stopped him from trying to track me down. Last I heard he left Smithville to go on a bender with a couple of his friends.” I saw a tear glisten as it slid down her cheek.

I knew even though they weren’t together she couldn’t turn her feelings
off. I knew that feeling well myself with Rowan.

Walking back over to her
, I wrapped my arms around her feeling the beating of her heart against my chest. Looking up at me she pulled my face down until our lips met. As much as I wanted her more than my next breath she was vulnerable, and I refused to take advantage of that knowing that she might regret it in the morning. If she still wanted it tomorrow, I’d happily oblige. It was killing me, but I pulled out of the kiss.

“It’s a long ride
, and I’m sure you’re exhausted. How about we get some rest and we’ll talk tomorrow?”

She nodded sleepily as
we climbed into bed, pulling her close to my side.

“I want it tomorrow.” She mumbled.

“If you still want it tomorrow, we’ll see.”

I had to re
mind myself that she wasn’t mine, not yet, maybe not ever.

shut my mind down and drifted off.



You’re Giving Me a Heatstroke




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