Afflicted (13 page)

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Authors: Sophie Monroe

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Afflicted
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“Blake, that’s
wonderful baby. I’m so happy for you. Any idea when you’ll be here?”

“I’ll have to check with the rest of the guys and have Piper clear it with work
. I’ll get back to you, but I’m hoping maybe as soon as next week.”

“Lovely. Hold on your dad wants to
speak with you. I love you.”

“Love you, too.” I heard her hand the phone over to my dad
as he cleared his throat. “Hey, Dad. How’s it going?”

“Good s
on, real good actually. Business has been picking up a bit the last few weeks for the first time in a year. I hear you’re thinking about coming home soon, I think it will be beneficial because we’re going to have to get rid of Joss’ boyfriend. He’s an asshole.” He grumbled.

This was the first that I heard anything of the sort
, and I automatically fell into protective, older brother mode. No one fucked with Joss. I didn’t care who they were. Joss was beautiful and naïve. She wore her heart on her sleeve and had a shitty track record when it came to dating. I knew the new guy’s name was Tom and that he was in sales of some sort, but with her in school and me on tour it was hard to keep in touch. It just made getting back home an even higher priority.

“I’ll clear it with the guys when I get home later today and schedule a flight out as soon as I can. Make sure she knows I’m coming. Love ya, Dad.”

“You too, son. I’ll see you soon.”

I hung up with my dad and pulled into the next rest stop so I could run it by Piper and see if she would be able to come with me.
She pulled into the spot next to me, hopping out of the car before I could get over there to open her door. Leaning down I seized the opportunity to kiss her. Funny how even with her being behind me I missed her. I filled her in on what my plans were, and she said she was sure that she could probably manage to get another week off since she hadn’t really taken any time off since she started working there five years ago.

I felt almost giddy that she was going to come home with me. The ride home seemed to take forever, especially since we were going to separate houses. I quite enjoyed having her in my bed the last week.
But, I didn’t want to come off as being too needy, so I chose not to bring it up, hopefully I’d find a way to sleep there tomorrow. Plus, I had a shit ton of laundry to do since I didn’t go to the Laundromat all week. 

as, we got off the exit I pulled into the gas station. I ran over to her car and kissed her like a madman. She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me as close as she could. When we broke apart, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture of the two of us, realizing that I didn’t take any the whole week.

“What’s that for?” She laughed.

“I have to update my status to
in a relationship
so the ladies will leave me alone.” I teased, making her groan.

“Great, I’ll make sure I lock my deadbolt
, so I don’t get attacked by one of your stalkers in my sleep.”

“I was hoping you’d be doing that anyway since I’m sure Cole isn’t going to be too happy
when he finds out either. He kinda fucking hates me.” Suddenly I got genuinely worried about her going back to her house alone.

“Will you relax? He’s a pill head, not a serial killer. I’ve been dealing with his mood swings for a year now
. I think I can handle him if he tries to come by. He’s probably not even around.”

“Can I at least come and check the house first?” I pleaded, pouting my bottom lip and giving her my puppy dog eyes that could get me pretty much anything.

“No.” She said, finding the sign behind me suddenly particularly interesting.

Damn her for being so pig-headed.
I didn’t want to come across as being a jealous asshole and scare her off, so I decided not to press it any further.

Fine, but call me as soon as you get settled, so I know you’re okay. If you get scared or don’t feel comfortable just call me. You can come to the house, or I’ll sleep there if you want.”

“Blake.” She warned.

“I know, I know.” I teased, stealing one last kiss before heading home to take a cold shower.

After unpacking, showering
, and starting my laundry, I waited with my phone in hand for Piper’s call. Jake stopped by, and I showed him what I worked on while I was away, he was impressed and pleased. I told him about my plans to go back home for a few days, which he was fine with.

fter we cleared it with the rest of the guys, I went to my room and booked two round trip, first class tickets leaving in three days. Hopefully that would give us enough time to get our shit in order. I was pacing a hole in the floor when my phone finally rang. It didn’t even ring a whole time before I picked up.

“Hey babe, I was starting to get worried.” There wasn’t an immediate response. “Pipe? You there?”

“Yeah, sorry, the cops just left. I was going to call you sooner, but they asked me a million questions.” I heard her blow out a deep breath and knew she was probably chewing on her lip trying not to cry. I already had my keys in hand as I took the stairs two at a time running to my car. “My place has been completely ransacked.” She sniveled.

“I’m on my way.”

I threw my car in reverse and spun the tires as I peeled out of the driveway. Speeding across town I couldn’t get to her house fast enough. I knew it had to be Cole because there was no one else that would want to go there and damage the place like that. By the time, I pulled up by her house I was going so fast that I had to use the e-brake to slide in sideways. I put the car in neutral and jumped out. It was then that I noticed an officer sitting across from her house. He just looked at me and shook his head.

I continued up the stairs and opened the door, which was practically busted off its hinges.
Shit, he really did a number.
Her flat screen TV was smashed on the living room floor, and all the stuffing from the couch had been ripped out. Dishes were scattered and broken all over the place.

That guy
really liked breaking fucking dishes.

Clothes were shredded, pictures cut. My heart sank. She was
on the floor holding a hand broom and a dustpan with tears streaming down her face. I slowly approached her and dropped to eye level, taking the dustpan from her hands.

“Babe, it’s okay. You’re not
hurt, that’s the only thing that can’t be replaced.” I said taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. Pulling her to my chest I felt her heart hammering against me. It felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. Kissing the top of her head lightly I led her over to an unbroken kitchen chair and sat her down. “Listen, I know you don’t want to come stay with me right now, but you can’t stay here. It’s not safe.” There wasn’t going to be any arguing her way out of this one.

“I know. It’s just
that you need to be in the studio for the next few days, and I have to work so that I can take off again. Josh said it was fine, but he wants me to finish up a couple clients that I was supposed to do last week. I’ll call Granny Jean, I’m sure she won’t mind me crashing there for a couple days. Plus, she packs some serious heat.”

I wanted to tell her to stay with Jake and Aubrey
, but she felt like an intruder, plus they went at it like rabbits just about every night once the babies were asleep. Frankly, I’m surprised she’s not pregnant again already.

Fine, but come Wednesday you’re in my bed and you’re not leaving.”

I wanted so much to tell her that I loved her
, but the timing was off and I didn’t want her to remember the first time I said it to her along with something bad. I bit my tongue and started sweeping while Piper went to call Granny. She told her that it wasn’t a problem, but she wanted to know exactly what happened once she got there. I threw the broom against the wall since it was already smashed. I wanted to punch Cole in the face more than anything right now, and it was going take a lot of self-restraint on my part not to go looking for him. I decided that I would just call a cleaning crew out to clean up and fix everything before we got back. I helped her carry the few things we could salvage to the car and put them in the trunk.

seriously wish you would just come stay with me. We have the gate, not to mention all the security cameras.”

“I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to the babies because of me, or any of
you. I feel horrible enough putting Granny in this position.”

Why did I choose the most stubborn woman
on the planet to fall in love with?

Fine, but I’m following you there because I’m
taking any chances.” I said sternly.

She nodded and climbed in her car.
I stayed close behind her on the way to Granny’s and carried her suitcase inside when we got there looking over my shoulder the entire time. Granny was sitting at the table doing a crossword puzzle and smoking her signature Lucky Strikes. She stood and walked over to Piper pulling her into a hug.

you like a warm beverage?” She asked Piper.

“Tea does sound nice.”

“You know where the kitchen is.”

I stifled a laugh. Fucking Granny had to be one of the most
awesome people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. She just said whatever came to her mind, no matter who she was going to offend. I went into the kitchen and poured some water into the kettle and starting the burner. Piper sat at the table and rubbed her hands over her face.

We explained exactly what happened. Granny said she wasn’t surpri
sed. I didn’t know what a serious pill problem Cole had. I knew he took them as a form of self-medicating, but it turns out it was far worse than what I was assuming. Obviously Granny was already aware of it.

I started pacing the floor waiting for the whistle to go off.
They kept talking while I made Piper her tea. I was feeling downright fucking aggravated. As much as I wanted to stay here I needed to leave before I ended up making an ass out of myself by losing my temper. Placing the mug on the table I chastely kissed Piper goodbye.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, babe. Call me if you need anything and make sure all the doors and windows are locked.”

“I will. Thanks for everything, Blake.”

“Go fuck
yourself, rocker boy. I’ve been taking care of myself for years, and I don’t need some young whippersnapper telling me how to protect myself.”

As if to prove a point, s
he walked over and pulled her pistol out of the hutch and slammed it down on the counter glaring out me. Essentially telling me to go to hell. I laughed and kissed her puff of white hair before heading to the door.




After double-checking that all the windows were locked, I climbed into bed utterly spent from earlier. I wanted to find Cole and cut his balls off for ruining all my stuff, not that I had much to begin with, but now I had nothing. I was going to have to use my entire savings to replace what he ruined. Beyond pissed and hurt I closed my eyes.

I woke to hearing yelling coming from the kitchen. Surveying the room I remembered that I was at Granny
Jean’s, and why.

“She doesn’t want to see you
, so why don’t you run along before I make you!” Granny yelled.

“Please.” The voice pleaded
, and I knew right away that it was Cole. “I just want to apologize, then I’ll leave. I promise.”

Moving my feet off the side of the bed I stepped onto the plush carpet and stretched my arms over my head before standing and heading to hear this dreadful apology.
It seemed like that’s what our relationship consisted of anymore. Fight, apologize, get back together, then fight some more. I was almost relieved that Blake pulled me out of the hem and haw of it. I think my sanity needed it. When I made it to the end of the hallway, Granny was standing there holding up a kitchen knife threatening man parts if he didn’t scoot, making me chuckle.

“It’s okay
, Granny. Let him say what he came to say, and then he’ll leave.” I said, my voice strong.

She nodded reluctantly and took a seat at the table giving Cole a death glare. She knew him his whole life
, and though she too understood what he was going through, she didn’t find it excusable either. Cole took a step toward me, and I stepped back wanting to keep as much space between us as possible because as much as I hated to admit it he still made me weak.

” He said solemnly. “I needed to do this face to face, and I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, but I need to apologize. I lost it when I realized that I lost you. You were the one constant in my life, my sunshine and now that you’re gone it’s dark all the time. I went on a binge and was angry, and hurt, so I guess I wanted to hurt you too and took it out on your, well our stuff. I’m sorry that I couldn’t get my shit together, and you deserve so much better than what I’ve given you since I got out. I’m just so fucking messed up right now that even I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.” I noticed that his hands were starting to shake, and he was visibly upset.

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