Addicted (41 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

BOOK: Addicted
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"Ah, now we're
getting somewhere! Who's Suzie?"

"A client. In
fact, it was Suzie who put Chris onto me. She said that they were
old friends and that he'd like a portrait."

confirmed Suzie's existence, describing her perfectly. He also
mentioned that he'd been meeting her on the common and discovering
things about me. Obviously, he couldn't understand why Suzie would
have told me that he was a detective, but he couldn't prove

"According to
Suzie, Mrs Hunter said that she used to be on the game," Chris

"As if I'd
tell a client that I was on the game!" I laughed. "Good God, even
if I had been, I'd hardly tell anyone!"

"This Suzie
woman was lying, then?" Tony murmured.

"Why would
Suzie lie?" Chris asked. "I mean, she had no axe to grind. I was
going to pay her for information, so why would she lie?"

"You tell me!"
I returned. "As far as I was concerned, she was just another
client. We chatted about art, the weather, anything and everything
- but not prostitution!"

"Suzie also
told me that you, Mrs Hunter, are having an affair with your best
friend - a girlfriend."

"As if I'd
tell a client that I was having a lesbian relationship!" I giggled.
"It's a lie, and if it was true, I'd tell no one!"

"Mrs Hunter,
you told me that you had a sister called Jackie, that she used to
paint and that she first recognized your talent."

"Chris, you've
just said yourself that there's no trace of a sister!"

"So why did
you mention your sister to me? You also told me that your husband
was working for an oil company in Saudi Arabia."

"What on earth
would I have to gain by telling you such a ridiculous lie!"

"She's right,"
Tony broke in. "She'd have nothing to gain at all."

Chris hadn't
got a clue what I was up to, or why! He didn't have one scrap of
evidence against me, and he could hardly call on Suzie as a
witness! I sensed my clitoris swell, my vaginal juices oozing
between my pouting sex lips as I recalled sucking on Chris's knob,
swallowing his sperm. Just to stir things up a bit, I could say
that Suzie had told me of Chris's sordid affair in the wood!
Perhaps not.

"I'm sorry,
Mrs Hunter, but you're lying," Chris sighed, flashing me an
accusing look. "You talked at length about your sister when I was
here, why are you denying it?"

"Because it's
not true!"

"You also told
Suzie that you'd been having an affair with your neighbour,

"What? This is
ludicrous! I think you'd better contact this Suzie character and
get her round here. For some reason, she's been making up
ridiculous stories about me."

"I don't have
her phone number," Chris breathed.

"You must know
where she lives?"

"No, no I

"Some private detective

"Don't you
have her number, Mrs Hunter?"

"No, she rings
me for appointments."

Tony paced the
floor, rubbing his chin, obviously trying to piece the jigsaw
puzzle together. But the pieces would never fit; there was no
picture to complete - only diverse fragments. So far so good, I
mused, smiling sweetly at Chris. Round one to me! Turning to Tony,
I told him to ring Gary and have him come over - have him in for
questioning. Tony readily agreed, as I knew he would.

While we were
waiting, I slipped into my studio and returned with the portrait of
Suzie, placing it on a chair for all to see. Seizing the
opportunity, Gary didn't hesitate to try to expose me, arriving at
our house within minutes - a triumphant grin across his face.

Jackie, Helen's sister!" Gary beamed, pointing at the painting as
Tony showed him into the lounge.

Suzie," Chris corrected him.

"Yes, that's
Suzie," I rejoined. How I love confusion!

"What the
hell's going on?" Tony sighed, his dark eyes frowning as he became
more bewildered than ever. "Helen, is that Suzie or not?"

"Yes, of
course it is! I should know, I painted the bloody portrait!"

The game was
becoming more exciting by the minute, my lies and denials plunging
everyone deeper into a pool of confusion! When Gary told Tony that
he'd followed me to the common and had seen me with a young man, I
burst out laughing. Even Tony couldn't conceal a grin when Gary
added that I'd called myself Suzie and had sex with the man!

"Wait a
minute, wait a minute!" I cried. "Gary, you're saying that I called
myself Suzie and that I had sex on the common with a man. You
reckon that the portrait is of my nonexistent sister, when Chris
and I have both confirmed that it's Suzie... It seems to me that
you don't know who's who."

"I don't know
what you're playing at, Helen, but..."

"Gary, you're
the one who seems to be playing games!" I returned. "Why are you
doing this? Is it because I wouldn't go to Devon with you for a
week of sex?"

"Devon?" he

"Just because
I turned you down, because I wouldn't commit adultery, you come out
with fantastic stories to try to cause me problems!"

"I have
photographic evidence of your disgusting adultery!" he snapped.
"And I'll prove that you have a sister. I'll be back, with the
photographs - and with Jackie!"

We remained silent as Gary stormed out of the house. Poor
Gary, there were no photographs - and no Jackie! At least, I hoped
there were no other photographs! I made coffee while we waited for
him to return. From the kitchen, I could hear Chris telling Tony
that I'd been lying, that I'd told him all about my sister. Tony
didn't seem able to say anything other than,
I don't understand! I don't understand
! He'd never understand! I mused as I carried the tray into
the lounge.

Gary finally
returned, his face red with anger as he followed Tony into the
lounge. I grinned at him, asking whether he'd like a cup of coffee.
"Perhaps Jackie would like some coffee," I said. "Where is she,

"She was
supposed to come back to my place, but she hasn't turned up,

"And the
photographs of my adultery, where are they?"

"They've been
stolen, by you, no doubt!"

"Stolen? How
convenient!" I giggled. "And my nonexistent sister has mysteriously

Gary knew I
was winning hands down, no Jackie, no photographs... In a way, I
felt sorry for him. But recalling the way he treated me, I knew
that he deserved all that was coming to him. He went for what he
believed to be his trump card and began ranting about my pierced

nipples?" I laughed.

"Helen, you
mentioned that to me," Tony said accusingly.

"I was joking!
Gary obviously overheard me telling Laura about the joke when she
was here having coffee. Gary was in the garden with David

"I didn't
overhear anyone!" Gary snapped. "I've seen your nipples; you have
gold rings through them!"

"There's one
way to prove that!" Tony growled.

"If you think
I'm going to show everyone my tits, you have another think coming!"
I cried.

"Come into the
hall!" Tony returned, leaving the room.

Following Tony
and closing the lounge door, I pulled the front of my smock away
from my body, exposing my firm breasts, my erect nipples. The two
small holes were barely visible, and Tony certainly didn't notice
them! Returning to the lounge, I grinned at Gary as Tony approached

"Why are you
telling these lies?" Tony asked him. "Helen hasn't had her nipples
pierced. What are you trying to do, Gary?"

"She had
gold... You have a small tattoo, Helen, a rose just above your...
above your fanny."

"This is
ridiculous!" I laughed. "Gold rings through my nipples and now a

"Get out of
that one, if you can!" Gary cried triumphantly.

pleasure!" I spat.

Lifting my
smock, I displayed my shaved vaginal lips to my wide-eyed audience
to the accompaniment of gasps of disbelief. Asking where the tattoo
was as I gazed down at my beautifully alluring sex crack, I raised
my head and looked at Gary, the disbelief depicted in his
expression - the obvious defeat.

"I knew she'd
shaved!" he said excitedly, clutching at straws. "I knew she'd
shaved because I saw..."

"You only know
that because you've just seen!" I returned, lowering my smock.
"Where is the tattoo, Gary?"

"Oh, I get it!
It was a stick-on tattoo. You've obviously washed it off."

nipples, a tattoo, a sister, a child, photographs of my adultery...
What will you dream up next? Why not accuse me of enjoying bondage
and whipping? Or how about accusing me of having sex sessions with
two blonde girls? You could always say that I..."

planned this very well," Gary interrupted me.

"Planned what?
I really think you need help, Gary!"

"Look, Tony
broke in. "Look, this is getting us nowhere. Let's calm down

"She had sex
with Stephen Giles, right here, in this very room!" Gary broke

"Oh, God! I've
heard it all now!" I yelled, stomping to the door. "I'm going out
for a walk; I'll be back when this ridiculous farce is over!"

"Helen, wait!"
Tony called.

addicted to sperm!" Gary cried in his frustration.

I turned in
the doorway and glared at Tony. "If you believe that one, you'll
believe anything!"

to..." Tony stammered as I walked to the front door. Round two to

Leaving Tony
shouting at Gary, I wandered down the lane and made my way across
the common to the wood. Sitting on the fallen tree, I took stock of
the situation, contemplating my next move. I'd certainly made Gary
out to be a fool! Or, I should say, he'd made himself out to be a
complete fool! Tony was dripping in confusion and poor Chris didn't
know what the hell was going on.

I'd almost
won! I'd had my revenge on Gary for treating me the way he had, but
I knew that the game wasn't over yet - I could easily trip and fall
before reaching the winning post. I was pretty sure that Gary had
nothing hidden up his sleeve, and I'd bribed David to keep his
mouth shut, offered him perverted sex as and when he wanted it.
Alan Walker wasn't on the scene to cause trouble, besides, no one
knew anything about him. But I felt uneasy, sensing that I'd not
covered my tracks properly.

"Hi, Suzie!"
someone called, emerging from the bushes.

"Oh, Chris!" I
cried. "I'm... I'm Helen."

"Yes, and I'm
the bloody pope!" He sat beside me on the tree. "You made two
mistakes, Helen."

mistakes?" I echoed, my heart thumping hard against my chest.
"I'm... I'm not with you."

"Not many
women shave. I knew that Suzie shaved and, when you showed me
your... when I discovered that you shaved, I put two and two

"That proves
nothing; I have several friends who shave!"

"Do you? I'll
give you the benefit of the doubt on that point. But you made
another mistake."

"Go on."

photographs you hid beneath the bush were very interesting."

"Oh, you know
about them."

"Yes, I do. I
left them there, beneath the leaves. You and Suzie are the same

photographs don't prove..."

"No, but
coupled with the fact that you lied, that you denied telling me
about your sister, and that you're sitting here, in Suzie's
favourite spot..."

"You've got it
all wrong!" I laughed nervously.

"Have I?
There's one last thing that's conclusive proof. While I was waiting
for your husband to arrive, I hid in the bushes across the lane
from your place. Suzie left your house and went to speak to Gary.
She then returned to your house, and didn't come out again. I
didn't know what she was up to, visiting Gary like that when she
doesn't even know him. Initially, I thought..."


"When Gary
said that the portrait was of your sister, Jackie, and he was going
to fetch her to prove her existence, I realized what was going

"You're a
better detective than I'd given you credit for."

"Your husband
believes that Gary made up the story because you wouldn't have sex
with him. He believes that Gary sent Suzie to you to have her
portrait done, sure that I'd follow her and question her."

"So, what will
you do now?"

"I've been
paid in full, the case is closed. Mind you, I could always..."

"Yes, you
could always reopen the case. But you won't will you?" I grinned,
slipping my smock over my head, revealing my firm breasts, my
shaved vaginal lips.

"No, I won't
reopen the case. Tell me, why did you do it, why the incredible
lies, the deceit?"

something you'll never know, Chris - never. Come and join me."

Reclining on
the soft grass, my limbs spread wide, my cunt open, I closed my
eyes as Chris settled between my thighs and began licking the full
length of my moist sex valley. "Sixty-nine, with you on top," I
breathed, my craving for sperm rising. Slipping his boots and jeans
off, he clambered on top of me, his heavy balls brushing my face,
his magnificent cock erect.

Resuming his
vaginal licking, he gasped as I opened my mouth wide and took his
heavy balls inside. Gently sucking, running my tongue over his
wrinkled bag, I grabbed his penis and slowly wanked him, rolling
his foreskin back and forth over his bulbous glans.

"God, you're
better than Suzie!" he chuckled through a mouthful of my cunt
flesh. I didn't answer, my cheeks ballooning with his sperm-laden
balls, I couldn't answer. Parting my vaginal lips, stretching my
delicate pink flesh, he drove his tongue into my hot cunt,
tongue-fucking me as I continued to wank his beautiful organ.

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