Addicted (38 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

BOOK: Addicted
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Doctor Hippy
Harvey had sent me a parcel containing three small bottles of clear
liquid. His letter instructed me to place a drop of liquid from
bottle A on my tongue when I felt panicky. If I didn't feel better
after half an hour, I was to try bottle B, and half an hour later,
if panic still gripped me, bottle C.

Instead of
disrupting David's work in the garden earlier that morning when I'd
felt panicky and nervy, I determined that bottle B did the trick,
my panic disappearing within ten minutes of taking a drop of the
magical liquid. I rang Doctor Harvey and told him that bottle B was
the one for me. He'd make up a course of tablets that would cure me
for life, he'd announced proudly. They'd be in the post within a
day or two.

With my
craving gone, I'd be free to enjoy my new and varied sex life as
and when I wanted to, rather than have my addiction force me to
suck men's knobs and drink their spunk. I'd be able to enjoy
Laura's body, her juiced cunt, without having to worry where my
next fix was coming from. Why Laura hadn't been in touch with me, I
wasn't sure. She was probably still heavy with confusion after our
lesbian sex session, questioning her sexuality - and her husband's

Things seemed
to be looking good, apart from the fact that David had decided not
to break into Gary's house and steal the photographs. But I'd work
on him, offer him deeply perverted sex in return for his help.
Getting my hands on the incriminating pictures was a priority, and
one that I'd have to deal with before Tony arrived.

Gary rang at
midday threatening to show Tony the photographs of my disgusting
behaviour unless I visited his prison cell that evening and
entertain his perverted guests. Gary was becoming boring, but what
could I do? I had no choice other than to go to his house and play
the part of the common strumpet. I was a common strumpet, wasn't I?
I still had nothing on the evil bastard, which was annoying, to say
the least!

Things were
coming to a head, I could sense it. I had to start preparing for
Tony's homecoming, rehearse my lies, make sure I'd left no loose
ends. Loose ends? God, there were so many people involved, so many
loose ends, that I was sure I'd never tie them up! But I had
several devious tricks up my sleeve, tricks that would leave me
completely and utterly innocent. And hopefully, those involved -

There'd been
no word from Stephen Giles, which I found odd, particularly as
Tony, idiot that he was, went and told Stephen that he had to come
home to deal with a marital problem. Of all the daft things to say!
Still, that was Tony - daft. I didn't know Tony at all.

The garden was
coming on well; David had worked like a Trojan and done me proud.
He was still nagging me about a threesome. He'd kept his side of
the bargain, but the last thing on my mind at that time was
entertaining him and his bisexual girlfriend. Besides, he'd been
cruel to me, treated me like an animal, revealed my addiction to
the postman, and I hadn't forgiven him. I hadn't yet decided how to
punish him for treating me the way he had, splattering his sperm on
the carpet and pushing me aside with his foot when he knew how
desperate I was for a fix. As would the others, David would pay

Ringing Laura
to put the finishing touches to the little game I'd started with
her, I recalled telling her about my addiction. She'd treated me
badly, suggesting that I see a shrink and talk about my problems.
And then she'd not contacted me, leaving me to cope alone - not the
sort of reaction I'd have expected from my best friend. There
again, I don't suppose she'd expected her so-called best friend to
seduce her!

"I was in the
coffee shop in town, at a table behind one of those big pot
plants," I enlightened her. "John didn't see me, but he was sitting
with a girl, Tina, telling that he was going to leave you and move
in with her," I said, my lips furling into a wicked grin as my lies
flowed with an uncanny ease.

"When... when
was this?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"The other
day. I've been trying to get hold of you to tell you."

"Tina, that's
the girl who rang here asking for him. I confronted him, but he
denied it, of course."

"If I were
you, I'd kick him out. Don't say that I told you about it, though.
The last thing I need is to be involved in your marital

"No, no I
won't mention you. Actually, I've been thinking about John, our
marriage. I don't know what I want after... Helen, about the things
we did..."

"What about

"I don't know,
I'm confused."

"Look, kick
John out and... Well, let's see what happens between us."

"I have to
know that we have something, Helen. Until I know that we have
something, I..."

"Of course we have something!" I giggled slipping my hand
between my thighs, my fingers toying with my protruding pink
We have perverted lesbian
! "What we did together was good, wasn't

"Yes, very,

"There are no
buts, Laura. I haven't stopped thinking about you since... Why
haven't you contacted me?"

"I was going
to, several times, but I didn't know what to say."

"I'll tell you
what; meet me on the common in half an hour - by the trees."

"The common?
Can't I come to your house?"

"No, the
gardener's here and... Things at home are becoming rather
difficult; I'll see you by the trees."

"All right,
half an hour."

I might as
well seduce Laura before dumping her, I mused as I licked my sticky
fingers, wicked though the notion was. I suppose her reaction to my
addiction was understandable but, for some inexplicable reason, I
felt the need to ruin her marriage. Perhaps I wouldn't dump her
after all. I could keep her hanging on, use her for lesbian sex as
and when the notion took my fancy.

But there was
no panic to make long-term plans where Laura was concerned; she'd
always be around with her juiced cunt, her erect clitoris. The only
panic was to retrieve the incriminating evidence from Gary's house!
I wanted to shave Laura's pubic hair, lick her smooth pussy lips,
drink from her honey-pot. Did I love her? I imagined that I

Lydia had been
conspicuous by her absence, and I decided to ask David what she'd
been up to, where she'd been hiding. I wanted her cunt, her
clitoris throbbing in orgasm in my mouth as she lapped between my
vaginal lips. I was craving more and more perverted sex! Perhaps
Lydia would give me her panties to hold to my face as I slept alone
in my bed at night. As a child, I sucked my thumb, I wonder

Wandering out
into the garden, I gazed longingly at David's bulging shorts,
wondering what it would be like to be free of my addiction. Did I
really want to be free? Would I enjoy sucking his knob and drinking
his sperm without my craving? I know why I sucked my thumb at

"What's Lydia
been up to recently?" I asked, sitting on the lawn with my legs
crossed, my thighs wide apart, clearly displaying my delicious sex
lips, my gaping vaginal crack. I loved my cunt, the power she
brought me.

"She's been
studying, she's going back to university tomorrow," David

"Oh, I didn't
realize that she was going back so soon."

"That's why I
wanted this threesome thing before..."

"You'll have
to bring her round, later today, perhaps."

"Great! I'll
call her now!"

"OK, use the
phone in the kitchen. Look, I'm going out for a while. Er... when
will the garden be finished?"

"The pond's
done, apart from filling it with water and plants. All the
landscaping's finished, as you can see. Another few hours or so,
and I'll be through."

"Good. Tony
will be home any day now; the garden will be quite a surprise for
him - among other things."


"Nothing for
you to concern yourself with," I smiled, rising to my feet. "By the
way, I haven't forgotten the way you treated me, David."


"Wanking on
the carpet and kicking me aside when I was desperate for your
sperm, telling Gary and the postman about my addiction and..."

"I told you
before, Helen, I didn't tell the postman!"

"If there's
one thing I've learned in my life, David, it's the art of getting
even with people, retaliating. I have a list of those who have
abused me, and they're all going to have the shock of their lives
before long. I was desperate, and you kicked me aside."

"That was ages
ago!" he returned, his deep-set eyes frowning, reflecting fear. A
woman scorned... "I thought that we were..."

"Ages ago or
not, you'll... Anyway, I'll talk to you later."

"OK, I'll go
and ring Lydia."

David into the house, I walked through the hall to the front door
as he called Lydia to arrange the threesome, the perverted sex
session. One penis, two cunts, two clitorises... But I couldn't
think about Lydia, I had someone else on my mind. Laura would be on
the common, waiting for me, pondering on her love for me, her cunt
wet in love. But time was fast running out, I mused, walking down
the drive to the lane and checking that the coast was clear - I had
to grab Gary's photographs.

Noticing Gary
backing out of his drive in his BMW and speeding off down the lane,
I realized that my opportunity had at last come. Creeping up his
drive, my heart thumping hard against my chest, I wondered how to
break in to his house. I didn't need David to do my dirty work, or
anyone else, for that matter! I was more than capable of doing
dirty work!

around the side of the house, I slipped into the garden and tried
the back door - it was locked. I didn't know how long Gary would
be. Had he gone to the local shops for a few minutes, or had he
gone into town for an hour or two? Checking my watch, I allowed
myself ten minutes to be in and out of the house with the

Noticing the
dining room window open, I grinned. This was it, I reflected,
clambering through the window and falling onto the floor - I was
in! But where to look? Where had he hidden the photographs? Where
was his camera? The prison cell was the obvious place to begin my

I was in luck, grabbing the camera from the shelf, I fumbled
with the back, finally opening it and ripping the film out. So far
so good, but where were the prints? Obviously not expecting me to
break into his house, Gary had left the photographs in a large
brown envelope on the windowsill.
Please do
not bend
. Lady luck was on my side, or
Lucifer was!

Sure that I'd
gathered all the evidence as I grabbed five rolls of film, I left
the empty envelope where I'd found it and climbed through the
dining room window. Making my escape, dashing down the lane to the
common with my spoils, I sensed elation. The photographs were good,
and I decided that it would be a shame to destroy them. I couldn't
keep them in the house, that was for sure! Hide them somewhere in
the wood? For the time being, yes.

Laura hadn't yet arrived as I ran across the common to the wood.
But she'd soon be there, writhing in her confusion, her love for
me. I'd play games with her, taunt her, tell her how much I was in
love with her - and then use her for lesbian sex. I wanted to
thrash her taut buttocks until she begged for mercy. Would she
allow me to lick her bottom-hole? I sensed lewdness bathe me.

Hiding the
photographs and films beneath a bush and covering them with leaves,
I emerged from the wood, triumphant in my success. I'd return at
some stage and gaze at the pictures of my cunt, my abused cunt.
Perhaps I'd show Laura the obscene photographs. Her cunt would
become wet in lust.

"Helen!" Laura
called, dashing towards me, her long black hair flowing in the
breeze behind her, her short skirt revealing her shapely thighs.
Was she wearing panties? I wanted her open cunt pressed to my
mouth, my tongue delving deep into her juiced honey-pot. "What were
you doing in the woods?"

"Looking for
you," I replied as she stood panting before me, her firm breasts
heaving, billowing her tight blouse.

"Well, here I

"Yes, here you
are." From the corner of my eye, I noticed Chris skulking across
the common. Had he followed me? Had he seen me hiding the
photographic evidence of my debauched life? No, he was probably
looking for Suzie. "Shall we sit over there by the trees?" I asked

"Yes, we need
to talk."

I sensed
nastiness welling. I wanted to hurt her. "Do we?"

"You know we
do!" she returned as we settled on the soft grass.

Gazing at the
triangular patch of red material straining to contain her bulging
sex lips as she sat on the grass, I sensed my clitoris swell. I
imagined the wet, pink flesh surrounding her clitoris stretched
taut, exposing her beautiful sex bud. I wanted to have her round
for a sitting and paint her open cunt, her intricate sex folds
glistening with her juices of arousal, her clitoris swollen in

Her dark eyes
sparkling, mirroring love and confusion, I wondered whether she'd
masturbated, thought of me between her parted thighs, my tongue
between her fleshy cunny lips as she massaged her pleasure nodule
and taken herself to a shuddering orgasm. My imagination runs wild
at times - runs free.

"Helen," she
began pensively, biting her succulent lower lip. Had sperm dribbled
over her lips, run down her chin? "Helen, I..."

"What are you
trying to say?"

"Are you all
right? Only, I feel that you don't want to be here with me."

"I wouldn't be
here if I didn't want to be here, would I?" Sarcasm didn't become

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