Addicted (42 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

BOOK: Addicted
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I couldn't get
enough sex. Cocks, cunts, tits, arseholes... I craved perverted sex
now. Poor Tony, he was at home, probably still arguing with Gary,
and I was naked, enjoying sex with the private detective! I loved
my cunt, I loved my life!

"Don't stop!"
Chris cried as his shaft swelled and twitched. "Ah! Ah, I'm
coming!" Spunk shot from his slit, splattering my breasts, my erect
nipples as my clitoris erupted in orgasm beneath his sweeping
tongue. Writhing, coming, spunking, licking, our bodies locked in
lust; we brought out each other's pleasure until we crumpled into a
quivering heap.

His drained
balls slipping out of my mouth, we lay side by side, exhausted in
our coming, satisfied in our debauchery - for now. I'd have Chris
again and again, I promised myself as I lifted my head and lapped
up his spunk from my tits, my sensitive nipples. We'd fuck and lick
and suck out each other's orgasms again and again.

something I didn't tell you," Chris smiled, rising to his feet and
pulling his jeans on.

I looked up at
him, his body towering over me as he dressed. "Oh, what's that?" I
asked, massaging my saliva-wet clitoris.

"It's about
your neighbour, Gary. During my investigations, I discovered that
he's married."

"Married?" I
echoed, leaping up and covering my glowing body with my smock.

"Yes, her
name's Jill. I was looking into... well, it doesn't matter how I
found out, the point is that his wife's after him for money."

"Do you know
where she lives?"

"Yes, I have
the address here, on the back of one of my cards."

Chris!" I beamed, taking the card. "Now I've really got something
on the bastard!"

"Whatever has
he done to you, Helen? It must have been something pretty bad for
you to..."

"As I said,
you'll never know. I must go, I'll be in touch."

"Don't go

"I have to,

"Helen, I
admire you. I've never met anyone like you before."

"Thanks. Look,
I really must get home."

"London's not
far, I'll come and see you."

"Yes, I'd like
that. I'd like that very much. Bye, Chris - and thanks."

"Bye, Helen,
Suzie, Jackie."

Walking across
the common, I sensed elation grip me. I was free of Tony, free to
do as I pleased when I pleased with whom I pleased. My addiction?
My addiction would drive me to suck sperm from men's throbbing
knobs, bring me incredibly debased pleasure - perverted pleasure.
Lydia was returning to university, but I had David to sexually
satisfy me. Chris would visit me for rampant sex sessions, I had
Stephen Giles to suck to orgasm, I had Laura to sexually abuse... I
loved my cunt!

home, I found Tony looking round the garden. His crisp white shirt
and blue tie annoyingly immaculate, his hair well-groomed, he
turned and smiled at me. Did I feel love for him? No, I don't
believe I did. Did he love me? After shagging my arsehole,
believing that he was committing adultery, I thought not.

garden..." he began.

My cunt ached
for a penis, for spunk. "Yes, David did it, what do you think?"

"It's amazing!
It must have cost a fortune!"

"I've been working hard while you've been away, my paintings
paid for it."
My cunt paid for

Helen, I'm sorry that I ever suspected you of..."

"It's all
right, Tony. I don't blame you, not after all the lies Gary's been
feeding you."

incredible! Dreaming up a sister, sending that Suzie round for a
portrait, knowing that Chris would question her - a child from a
previous relationship, a tattoo, pierced nipples, you working as a

"He has a
vivid imagination!" I laughed, my vaginal juices flowing, streaming
down my inner thighs. "That business about you screwing a girl at
his house - it was obviously Gary who rang and told me, trying to
cause trouble, to break us up."

"Yes, yes
obviously. And as for you being addicted to sperm!"

"I've never
heard anything so ridiculous in all my life!"

"And you
having sex with Stephen Giles... By the way, I've got my promotion,
and the biggest salary increase ever!"

"That's good
news, Tony. Stephen obviously regards you highly." He regards my
cunt highly! I decided to have Stephen fuck me as soon as Tony had

"Look, I'd
better get going. I don't want to go back to Tokyo but... I'm
afraid I'll be away for six months."

! "Six months?" I sighed,
hanging my head, feigning disappointment, sadness.
Six months of freedom, of cocks, cunts, tits,
arseholes, whipping

"From what
Stephen was saying when I last spoke to him, I might be posted
there permanently."

Oh well, I suppose the money will be good. We can pay the mortgage
off and... and look forward to the day when you're based in London
again, which I'm sure you will be."

eventually. Oh, that'll be my taxi," he sighed, turning towards the
house as a car horn tooted. He paused, gazing at the border edging
the patio. "The foxglove... it's fallen over, the cane's gone."

"The cane? Oh, yes, I needed the cane for something else," I
For thrashing girls' naked
! "I'll get David to buy some more
canes for... for the plants."

Following Tony
through the house, I kissed him goodbye - the taste of Chris's
sperm lingering on my lips. Grabbing his briefcase from the hall
table, he walked down the drive and climbed into the taxi. I waved
as the car disappeared from view, waved goodbye to my husband, my
old way of life. I found myself waving until the sound of the
diesel engine had faded. I'd been here before, I reflected,
recalling his first business trip abroad. But this time, I felt
elation rather than loneliness, excitement rather than sadness.
Wandering back into the house, I dashed into the kitchen and
answered the phone.

"Mrs Hunter,
it's Doctor Harvey."

"Oh, hallo.
Thanks for sending me the pills."

"I omitted to
tell you something. Have you started taking them yet?"

"No, not yet.
Why, is there a problem?"

"Yes, they
might lower your libido. But I suppose it's a small price to pay to
be free of your addiction."

"Lower my

considerable, I'm afraid."

"Well, as you
said, it's a small price to pay."

"Do let me
know how you get on."

"Yes, I will.
Thanks for all your help."

"No problem,
Mrs Hunter. You can enjoy your life now."

"Yes, yes I'm
sure I will. Thank you."

Opening the
cupboard, I took the bottle from the shelf and unscrewed the cap.
Considerable lower my libido? I mused, emptying the pills into the
sink and running the tap. No, that was the last thing I wanted!
There was more than enough sperm around to quell my craving, more
than enough men with erect cocks, bulbous knobs, spunk-laden

Taking the
clothes from beneath the hedge, I returned to the house and
changed. Applying thick makeup and purple lipstick, I adjusted my
wig and gazed my reflection in the hall mirror. Perfect! Jackie
lives again! Dialling Gary's number, a wicked grin furling my lips,
my clitoris swelling in my excitement, my stomach somersaulted as
he answered the phone

"Gary, it's
me, Jackie - I'm at me sister's house," I said in my common

"Jackie! Where
the hell did you get to?"

"I was held

"Is Tony still

"Yes, he's in
the garden with Helen. I thought you'd still be here, that's why I
came back."

"I was there
but... Wait there, I'll be with you in two minutes!" he cried

I waited by
the front door, wondering at Gary's reaction when he discovered how
well I'd stitched him up. Using and abusing me, whipping me,
leading me around the room like a dog on a chain, having his
perverted friends fuck my arsehole... The tables always turn!

"Hi!" I smiled
as I opened the door. "I thought we was going to..."

Where's Tony?" he breathed, leaping into the hall.

"Still in the

"Great! Come
on, let's go and find him!"

He ran down
the hall to the kitchen and dashed out into the garden like an
excited child. Following him, I leaned in the doorway, watching him
look around the garden. Turning to look at me, he frowned as I
pulled my wig off and removed my dark glasses. His mouth hanging
open, he said nothing as he looked me up and down.

"Helen ain't
here," I grinned, removing my wig and dark glasses. "The bitch must
have buggered off somewhere. And Tony ain't neither."

"You bitch!"
he finally breathed.

"Thanks for
the two thousand pounds, by the way."

"The two
thousand... you evil fucking bitch!"

"That's me! I
don't need you, Gary. I have David and Lydia, Laura, Stephen Giles,
Chris, virtually any man I want on the common... I also have Tony
to support me financially. Isn't life great?"

"I'll see to
it that Tony..."

"Yes, of
course you will, Gary. And I'll see to it that your wife finds out
where you're living."

"My wife?"

"Jill. I have
her address, I'm sure she'd be only too please to discover where
you're living."



"I'll give you
sperm, I'll..."

"Gary, I have
things to do, people to see, people to fuck. Go home and wait for
your wife to call you."


"Fuck off,

Following him
to the front door, I watched mooch down the drive, forlorn, lost in
defeat. A great sense of satisfaction welling inside me as I closed
the door, I thought about my candle. I needed to masturbate, to
frig my clitoris to orgasm. I needed sex!

Wandering into
the lounge, my clitoris in dire need of attention, I slipped my
smock over my head and grabbed Tony's chair. Easing the large
wooden ball deep into my drenched cunt, my inner flesh stretched to
capacity, I gasped. Rocking my hips back and forth, fucking the
chair in my crudity, I massaged my clitoris to a massive orgasm, my
naked body quivering as the waves of pure sexual ecstasy rolled
through me.

Ignoring the
ringing phone as I collapsed to the floor, the wooden knob filling
my tight cunt, I lay there, gently massaging the last ripples of
sex from my pleasure nodule. I loved my cunt, the power she gave
me, the incredible sensations she awarded me in return for my
caresses. I loved Lydia's cunt, and Laura's sex-juiced vagina.
Cunts, cocks, tits, arseholes... I loved crude sex for the sake of
crude sex.

Slipping the
wooden ball out of my tight vaginal duct, I clambered to my feet,
my nakedness thrilling me as I entered my studio and stretched a
blank canvas over the wooden frame. What to paint? A girl, naked on
all fours, her arsehole exposed, her cuntal entrance vulnerable.
Satan kneeling behind her, his penis entering her tight
bottom-hole, violating her private sanctum.

There's money
in filth! I mused, reaching behind my naked body and slipping a
finger deep into my bottom-hole, massaging my inner rectal flesh.
With my free hand, I fingered my hot cunt, bringing out my sex
milk, stiffening my clitoris. Yes, I'd paint Satan abusing a girl,
fucking her virginal arsehole. In the name of Satan, I offer my
arsehole, I sacrifice my cunt, my body and soul!




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As the man
lifted her arms and bound her wrists to the tops of the X-shaped
frame with leather straps, Wendy tried to stop him. What was this?
Some kind of ritual? She didn't want to be bound to the cross, but
she was powerless to utter her objections, let alone break free.
Kneeling behind her and pulling her feet apart, the man secured her
ankles to the frame too, rendering her naked body completely
defenceless. This was some kind of ritual, she was sure. Why else
would she have been brought to a chamber and bound to a wooden
frame? Why was he still kneeling on the floor behind her? The feel
of the man's fingertips stroking her naked buttocks, Wendy gasped.
Rudely parting them, confirming her suspicions, the man chuckled as
her tethered body jolted and she struggled to break free.

"What's the matter, my dear?" he asked her, focusing on the
tightly-closed ring of her anus

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