Fight for Love

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age

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Fight for Love



This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All right
s reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

















Copyright © 2013 by E. L. Todd

All Rights Reserved




Fight for Love


Book Five of the Forever and Always Series






E. L. Todd




My heart wouldn’t stop slamming against my ribs. Every beat was painful, constantly reminding me this wasn’t a nightmare. This was real. Sean was really gone. I couldn’t even stand on my own two feet because I was so scared. I fell to the floor and held my knees to my chest, sitting in front of the door. The tears fell, streaming down my face. My fiancé was gone and I didn’t know what would happen to him. He had injured Carl badly. He could go to jail if he was convicted and I wouldn’t see him again—not for a long time.

And th
en there was the more frightening revelation. Carl may be after me and Janice. Even though it was just an idea, something I couldn’t prove, it still haunted me. Why else would Carl wait so long to make his move? Janice and I are responsible for his downfall. We successfully ruined his reputation, his job, his freedom—everything. That would send anyone to the dark side. Or in Carl’s case, the darker side.

When Ryan opened the door, a look of panic on his face, he saw me sitting in the entryway. He slammed it closed then kneeled.
“Scar, what’s going on?”

Seeing him just made me cry harder
. My words were incoherent and impossible to decipher. I sounded like a child learning to speak.

He grabbed my
shoulders and shook me. “Talk to me.”

“Sean.” That was all I managed to get out.

Ryan grabbed my cheeks and looked me in the face. “Stop crying and tell me.”

I took a deep breath so I could control my shuddering sobs. I didn’t stop crying, but I was able to speak. “The police took Sean back to New York. He thinks Carl
is trying to get to Janice and me.”

He ran his fingers through his hair wh
ile he stared at the floor. “Why does Sean think this?”

“Why else would Carl wait to make his move? It’s been almost a year.”

“Perhaps it took his lawyer some time to get enough evidence to bring it to trial.”

“Sean doesn’t think so.”

Ryan placed his hands together then pressed them to his lips. “I think it’s unlikely, Scar.”

I was so frustrated I exploded. “Do you not
remember him, Ryan? How he tried to molest Janice in the office? How he threatened to fire me if I didn’t sock his cock? How he’s psychotic and tries to manipulate and control everyone around him? He’s crazy. Janice and I brought him down. Of course he wants revenge.”

“By getting Sean arrested?”

“No,” I said with a shaky voice. “By leaving me unprotected.”

“But he’s in jail. What’s he going to do?”

“He can hire people. I know his family has money.”

“Like a hitman?”

The word made my heart beat even faster. “Yeah.”

“This is all speculation.”

“Are you willing to risk that I’m wrong? It’s not just me on the line, but Janice too. Is that a gamble you can afford to lose?”

“Scarlet, I would never let anything happen to my family. That’s not the issue. That will never be the issue. I just don’t want you to jump to a crazy conclusion and freak out over it. Plus, I don’t want to scare Janice unless I have to. She still has n
ightmares about Carl. Why make something of nothing?”

I grabbed his hand. “Ryan, I know Carl. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that he has something planned for us.”

He looked into my eyes and saw the determination and sincerity within them. Carl was psychotic and insane. He came from a rich family who were also somewhat famous. His father invented one of the first tablets then created an app that skyrocketed in sales. Money wasn’t an issue for him. He could hire someone to take out Janice and I, making it look like an accident, and he would never be considered a suspect because he was sitting in jail. Sean wouldn’t be able to protect me while in custody and during the trail. It was a methodical plan that didn’t just happen overnight. Carl was crazy, but he was also very intelligent and bright. His reign of supremacy lasted for years at R and R. He was a master at controlling people in his environment, making them do whatever he wished.

Ryan squeezed my hand. “I believe you,” he whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, crying into his shoulder. “I’m so scared.”

He ran his hand down my back while I was pressed against his chest.
“Don’t be. I would never let anything happen to you or Janice.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know,” he whispered.

“I promised Sean I wouldn’t leave your side for any reason.”

“I wouldn’t let you anyway.”

I pul
led away and wiped my tears. “I hope Sean is okay.”

“He’ll be fine. Don’t worry about him. His life isn’t in danger.”

“But he must be so worried about me.”

“He knows Cortland and I will protect you.”

I stood up then stumbled to my room. After I stuffed my bags with all my essentials, I returned to the living room and looked at my apartment one last time. Now that Sean wasn’t here I didn’t want to stay here anymore. It wasn’t my apartment or his apartment, but our apartment. Without him, I didn’t belong here. I twisted my engagement ring around my finger while I stared at the room, missing him already. We were so perfect just a moment ago, making love all over the apartment and being together again. I wished he was never taken away from me.

Ryan grabbed my bags. “Come on. Let’s go.”

I stayed in the entryway for another moment before I followed him out the door. Unable to think or doing anything on my own, Ryan took my keys then locked the door before he grabbed my bags again. We got into a cab at the sidewalk but I was still out of it, thinking about Sean and what he must be feeling. Ryan guided me where I needed to go.

When we arrived at the apartment, we stopped before we walked inside. Ryan looked at me.
“Let me do the talking, okay?”

“Okay,” I said quietly.

He stared at me for another second before he walked inside.

Janice was sitting at the table, and she looked up when she heard the door o
pen, a smile on her face. “You’re home early,” she said happily. She stood up to embrace him until she noticed me standing beside him, my face as pale as a ghost. “Scarlet?”

I said nothing because Ryan asked me not to.

She glanced at Ryan then back at me. “You and Sean got into another fight?” she asked incredulously. “This is just ridiculous.”

Ryan put the bags on the floor then kissed Janice, silencing her with his lips. She always responded to him in the same way when he touched her, like her entire body was paralyzed except her lips. He broke their kiss then guided her to the couch. I trailed behind them until I was sitting on the other side of Janice.

Ryan held her hand. “Baby, I need to tell you something.”

“You’re scaring me,” she whispered.

He paused for a while before he said anything, staring into her eyes with a look of strength and confidence. “Carl is pressing charges against Sean, so the feds took Sean away. He’s on his way back to New York.” Her eyes widened in shock. “It’s Sean’s belief that this arrest wasn’t a coincidence. He thinks Carl planned it this way so he could come after you and Scarlet.”

Janice’s face
was stretched in surprise. She didn’t say anything, just staring at him. Finally, she looked away and pulled her hand from him, making her body as small as possible. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her legs were pressed together. I could see the fear in her eyes. She was scared too.

He grabbed her chin and directed her look on him. “Baby, I would never let anything happen to either of you. I don’t want you to be scared.”

“How can I not be scared? This is my worst nightmare.”

“Sean may not even be right.”

“Then why did you tell me this?”

He leaned closer to her. “I would rather not take any chances. When it comes to my family, I don’t risk anything.”

She nodded but said nothing.

I moved closer to her then placed my hand over hers. “I’m scared too.”

She looked at me and nodded her head.

But I know Ryan will protect us,” I added.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t want him to protect us.”

I stared at her, trying to understand her meaning. “What?”

“I don’t want anything to happen to Ryan. This is all my fault. I should have just quit my job and left. None of this would be happening if I hadn’t been so stupid.

Ryan grabbed her so quickly I couldn’t catch the movement. “I never want to hear you talk like that again,” he snapped. She didn’t flinch at the harshness in his voice. I knew she was used to his protective side.

Tears started to bubble in her eyes. “I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. I love you so much.”

He kissed her tears away. “Baby, nothing is going to happen to me—to any of us.”

“Ryan, I’m scared.”

“There’s no reason to be. We’re going to be okay.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly, crying quietly in
to his shoulder. I knew Janice loved my brother more than anyone else in the world. It was obvious in every action she made. I was glad my brother found someone who would do anything for him. My brother rested his chin on her shoulder with his eyes closed. His hand ran up and down her back, calming her silently. Seeing them together made me miss Sean even more



“I need to go back to the shop,” Ryan said.

“What? Why?” I asked.

He looked at me. “Because I can’t run the shop if it
’s closed. I already missed a few appointments.”


He rose from the couch then grabbed his jacket. “I’ll be home a little later.”

I walked with him to the door.

Ryan stared at me. “What?”

“What do you mean what?”

“Did you want to say something to me?”

“No. I’m coming with you.”


“I told you. I promised Sean I would
n’t leave you. I have to keep my word to him.”

Ryan sighed then looked at Janice. “You’re coming too, then.”

She walked slowly as she approached us, fear still sketched into her face. “Okay.”

Ryan ran his fingers through his hair. “There’s nothing to be scared of, okay?”

Janice and I didn’t seem convinced.

opened the door and held it open for us. We walked out and headed to the street. Ryan was just as affectionate with Janice as he always was. He was even more attentive to her in light of her fear. I felt like a walking zombie. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the shop. I wanted to lay in bed and sob to myself, thinking about Sean and how he was doing. But I promised him I wouldn’t leave my brother. I intended to keep my word. Even if he was totally wrong about Carl, Ryan was right. It wasn’t worth the risk.

When we got back to the shop, a few people were standing outside. They glared at Ryan, clearly annoyed that he closed the shop then took off. I was surprised that he kicked everyone out just to come to me. When I thought about it again, I realized it wasn’t that surprising.

“I apologize for the inconvenience,” Ryan said as he unlocked the door.

A man crossed his arms over his chest while he scowled at Ryan. His arms were comp
letely covered in ink. “You’re lucky you’re the best in Seattle. Otherwise I would have gone somewhere else.”

Ryan hid his annoyance well but I could still see it in his movement
s. His shoulders were tense and his hands were clenched tight. “Thank you for the compliment.”

“It wasn’t me
ant to be one, asshole.”

“What did you just call him?” Janice snapped.

Ryan gripped her arm and stared her down. “Shut up now.”

She gave him an apologetic look then averted her gaze.

I was just as mad that the guy called my brother an asshole, but Janice was too quick for me to speak up. Judging by the look of pure anger in his eyes, I was glad I didn’t get my chance. He looked livid—more livid than I had ever seen him.

Ryan got the door opened then we walked inside. The man immediately sat in a chair, waiting for Ryan while two other guys came inside. “I’ll be with you in a moment.”

“This shit better be free,” the man said.

I was growing more annoyed with this guy. I didn’t like it when anyone spoke to Ryan with anything but respect. He had been abused by my mom for too long. Ryan seemed to take the insults with stride, but I knew
it elicited the same anger I felt.

Ryan looked at us. “Follow me.”

Janice and I followed behind him until we were in the back of the store. He shut the door to his office then looked at us. “Stay back here until the day is over.”

“And do what?” I asked.

Ryan nodded to the laptop. “Get to work.”

“Can we have your books to do your finances and pay your bills?” Janice asked.

“Yeah. Scarlet will show you the ropes. He opened his safe and piled everything on the table. “Knock yourself out.” He shut the door then left.

Janice sat down then leaned back, a look of misery on her face. After she sighed she started going through the paperwork
on the counter. I sat beside her and counted the cash in the bag and wrote the monthly checks for his rent, electricity, and insurance. I told Janice how to file everything but she wasn’t listening. I didn’t call her out on it. I was just as stressed as she was.

“This is all my fault,” she whispered.

“Don’t say that,” I snapped. “It’s not true.”

“I’m the reason Sean was arrested.”

“No. You stood up for yourself and brought him down. We did the right thing.”

And now we might be killed.”

“That’s not going to happen.” My voice came out strong even though I only felt weak.

“Just when I thought I would never have to worry about him again, he strikes. My nightmares finally stopped but now they’ll return with a vengeance. Ryan is going to be in jeopardy. And what about Sean? He could go to prison for years if this case goes to shit.”

I tried not to think about. I didn’t want my fiancé behind bars. When I thought about him wearing a jumpsuit, sharing a cell with other felons who could be murderers, it made the tears burn behind my eyes. Prison was a horrible place to be. I didn’t need to see it myself to understand that truth. I hope Sean’s money and influence could make this all disappear.

“Have you talked to him?”


“Have you tried to call him?”

“No. I just assumed he wasn’t allowed to communicate with anyone now that he’s in custody.”

“You can still try.”

I pulled out my phone and called him. Like I expected, it went to voicemail. I decided to leave a message even though I knew he wouldn’t listen to it for a long time. “Hey, baby,” I said with a broken voice. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m with Ryan and I’m safe.” Tears started to fall and I wiped them away. “I love you.” I hung up and placed the phone back into my pocket.

Janice rubbed my back gently, trying to comfort me. “Did you tell his parents?”

“No. I don’t want to talk to them.”


“They’ll hate me even more than they already do.”

“They don’t hate you, Scarlet.”

“Well, they’ll start to, then.”

“They wouldn’t.”

“I’m the reason why he was taken away.”

“No. He attacked Carl by his own choice. He went bat shit crazy on him.”

“Because I left without saying a word to him. If I had just talk
ed to him, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“He still was the one who
decided to throw the punch instead of just leaving. And to be honest, I doubt Sean regrets it.”

“He doesn’t regret hurting him, but I know he hates himself for being taken away from me. He knows Ryan will protect me but that still won’t comfort him. He’ll be panicking the entire time.”

“You’ll get a chance to talk to him eventually and you’ll convince him you’re safe.”

“We need to go to New York.”


“I have to be with Sean while he goes through this.”

“That’s just asking to be a target.”

“No. If Carl hired someone to watch us, he already knows where my apartment is and where Ryan lives. If anything, we would be safer in the city. They couldn’t figure out what hotel we were staying at or where we were. The city is too big.”

“But if you see Sean, they’ll be able to follow you.”

“I still need to be there.”

Janice sighed. “I can understand that. We’ll talk to Ryan and see what he thinks.”

The sound of arguing was heard in the front of the shop. Janice and I both looked at each other, fear plastered on our faces. Was someone coming after us? When we heard the sound of glass breaking, we both jumped. Janice opened the door and bolted out of there before I could process what was happening. I sprinted after her until we reached the front of the store.

Ryan had come to blows with the guy that was giving him a hard time earlier. Blood dripped from his nose but he seemed to be okay. The man looked far worse, bleeding from his head and his mouth. When Ryan saw Janice, he held up his hand to her to stop her. At that moment, the man took advantage of his distraction and charged him.

Janice screamed. “Stop!”

The man pushed Ryan to the ground and hit him in the face, making his head slam into the tile.

Without thinking, we both ran to his rescue. My heart accelerated in my chest as I realized I was about to jump into the fight. But I didn’t care. My brother needed help and I wasn’t afraid to take a hit. If my brother was going down, I was going down too. I jumped on his back then gripped him by the throat. The man started to scream.

“NO!” Ryan screamed. He tried to push me off but I wouldn’t let him.

Janice came to the side and started pushing the guy off Ryan.

Ryan grabbed her shoulder and shoved her back, pushing her so hard she slid across the floor out of harm’s way. The man and I were already toppling over and his back rolled on top of me, making me gasp for air. Ryan was there immediately and pulled him off, freeing me. Ryan didn’t hit him again.

“Stop!” he commanded as he raised his hand. “I don’t want to fight.”

The man rubbed his neck while he glared at Ryan. I was still on the floor, overcoming the pain from my ribs.

“Leave,” Ryan said. “Now.”

“Fuck you.” The man stormed out, practically breaking the door off the hinge.

Ryan came to me and pulled me to a stand. “You okay?” He lifted up my shirt and looked at my stomach. There were no bruises.

“I’m fine, Ryan.”

“Thank god.”

He turned away then grabbed Janice by the arm violently. “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?”

She stepped back. “I can’t stand by and do nothing.”

“Then you call the cops,” he said, yelling into her face. Spit flew from his mouth because he was so angry.

I didn’t think of that. When I saw Ryan losing the upper hand, I had to jump in. It would have taken too long to wait for the feds to show up. By then, Ryan could have been dead and the man would have move
d in on us next.


“Shut the fuck up! Don’t you ever do anything like that again.”

“I was scared.”

“I don’t give a shit. If something happens to me, you run away. Don’t ever jump into a fight with a two-hundred pound guy covered in tattoos. Don’t be fucking stupid.”

“I had to help you.”


She closed her eyes as he yelled at her. “Why isn’t Scarlet getting any repercussions?”

“Oh she will,” Ryan said viciously.

I didn’t like the sound of that. “Thanks for throwing me under the bus.”

Janice said nothing, her eyes glued to Ryan’s. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ll never forgive you.” He released her arm then turned to me, his eyes wide with unspent rage. His arms shook like he would punch me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. That’s how mad he was.
“He could have smashed your head against the tile and killed you. I’m even more disappointed in you.”

“You’re my brother and you needed help. I would do it again.”

That just pissed him off even more. “I could slap you right now.”

“You would have done it for me.”

“You are such a fucking brat, you know that? Those are completely different situations.”

“No they aren’t.”

“I have a dick and you don’t, smartass. Wait until Sean hears about this. I hope he talks some sense into you.”

I stared him straight in the eye, my confidence never shaken. “Ryan, I would die for you. You can tell Sean and Cortland what I did, you can hate me forever, I really don’t care. I’ll always be there for you.”

He slammed his fist against his chest. “I can’t fucking talk to you right now.” He walked past Janice then grabbed a broom before he started sweeping the glass on the floor into a dustpan.

Janice grabbed the broom and handed it to me. “I’m going to clean Ryan’s face.” I took it and held it in my grasp. When she grabbed Ryan’s arm, he jerked it away quickly.

“Don’t touch me,” he snapped.

I never heard him talk to Janice like that before. I knew she crossed a line she could never uncross. When they walked in the back, I started to clean up
. There was glass from a broken painting that crashed to the floor. His equipment and needles was scattered everywhere. I wondered how their argument escalated to a physical fight so quickly. Ryan was quick to throw a punch when he was out and about, but when it came to work he was always really professional. He would never physically attack someone unless it was in self-defense.

I heard them yelling from the bathroom so I stayed in the front of the store. Fortunately, the work day was over so no more customers were coming in. I called Sean but it went straight to voicemail. It was nice just to hear his voice. I cleaned up the place as much as possible until it looked like nothing happened at all. When
Ryan returned, his face was free of blood but the anger was still blazing in his eyes. I felt bad for Janice.

We left the shop then returned to the apartment. Ryan didn’t touch Janice at all in the cab. His hands were crossed over his chest, cutting off his body from her. I saw her place her hand on his thigh, but he pushed it away. I understood why Ryan was so angry at both of us. He just wanted us to be safe. I knew something horrible could have happened to both of us, but I refused to stand by and watch just so I didn’t get any scratches or bruises. The man seemed really intent on causing Ryan as much pain as possible. I would never let that carry on without some intervention.

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