Accept This Dandelion (3 page)

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Authors: Brooke Williams

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Reality TV

BOOK: Accept This Dandelion
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Ben ran his hand through his dark hair, feeling the gel the production crew had placed before the taping began. It was crunchy and not the way he liked it. He was halfway through meeting the twelve women who would participate in the dating game show, and he was perplexed.

He remembered Renee Lockhart from her audition, and the several times he studied her picture since. She was a fresh-faced woman who puzzled him, though he didn’t know much about her yet. When he heard her voice from across the studio stage, he was excited to see her again. He was intrigued by what she might do or say when she wanted him to close his eyes. However, when she came out onto the studio floor and stood before him, she wiped off all her makeup right in front of him. What kind of woman did that? On TV, no less.

Ben didn’t know what to think, but knew he would have a hard time concentrating on the next six bachelorettes when all he wanted to do was move on to the next stage where he could talk to the few women he already met…specifically Renee. He had a burning desire to find out what made her tick. If nothing else resulted from this little program, he would figure her out.

* * *


Renee crossed and uncrossed her legs. The dress she picked was certainly more comfortable than the one Janice recommended she wear, but it wasn’t something she enjoyed lounging around in. She waited on the second set with half a dozen others as additional contestants began trickling in after the short taping break ended. Renee felt a little silly and definitely out of her league. Being the only one without makeup made her feel naked. In radio, she often spoke her mind. But no one recorded radio broadcasts. On TV, anything she spoke could be played over and over again. She needed to be careful.

And though she wondered what kind of impression she made on Ben and how the viewers would see her, Renee also did not regret her actions. She had a moment of clarity before walking out to meet Ben. She wanted to raise her public profile, yes, but she started to regret the goal. She didn’t know Ben McConnell, and it wasn’t right for her to judge him before they got acquainted. Perhaps he really wanted to find love. Renee was single…there was nothing wrong with giving him a chance. Who knew? Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone.

Renee would never apologize for being herself. Wearing makeup and fussy clothing and heels wasn’t her. If Ben wanted her to stick around, he needed to understand that upfront. The more Renee thought about how she presented herself, the more pride she felt. She probably came off as an oddball, but maybe she would stand out. The rest of the women seemed similar with their bright white smiles, long legs, and dazzling hairstyles.

If Renee wanted to survive the first night, she needed to set herself apart from the rest and intrigue the bachelor. In order to be seen as endearing to anyone, including the listening public, she needed time. One evening would not be enough to put her name out into the public or find out if she and Ben were a match.

The muted chatter turned to high-pitched squeals. Renee quickly stood from her stiff, seated position on the couch. Had someone had seen a mouse? While she danced around on the floor, she searched near her feet and held up her skirt. The rest of the women moved to the other side of the set and surrounded bachelor Ben.

Renee stopped her dance as she realized she was alone. So much for not being the show’s fool. She slowly lowered her dress, raised her chin, and planted her eyes directly on Ben. He gave her a slow, amused smile over the heads of surrounding contestants. Renee joined them and hid in the back in order to allow time for her face to return to its normal shade. She wondered if the cameras caught her little dance or if they had been too busy filming the bachelor’s entrance and contestant’s enthusiastic welcome.

“Ladies!” Ben waved his hand in the air. “Thank you so much for coming. I can’t wait to talk to you more. Throughout this evening, I promise to give each of you a few minutes of undivided attention. The goal here is to find someone with whom I can spend the rest of my life. I hope it’s one of you. Before I dispense any dandelions, I’d like to learn more about you. Be patient with me and everyone will get a turn. In the meantime, have fun and chat amongst yourselves.” Ben gave them a winning smile and offered his elbow to the nearest girl. He led her off into a corner of the room where a few cameras gathered to capture the one-on-one conversation.

Renee resumed her station on the scratchy prop couch. It appeared much nicer than it felt. A couple of women sat near Renee, their conversation revolving around Ben.

“Isn’t he gorgeous?” The closest woman glanced over her shoulder at the bachelor.

“And rich.” The other raised her eyebrows.

“I hear he bought one of his dates a car.”

“Should we put in our requests now?” The two ladies threw back their heads and laughed.

“He seems really nice,” Renee chimed in. She wasn’t part of the conversation yet, but she needed to do something to fill the time.

The women stopped laughing abruptly and looked at Renee. “I mean…I bet he’s sweet.”

The first woman blinked, and the second raised one eyebrow.

“Don’t you think he’s kind?” She wanted them to talk about some of his features besides his looks and wealth. She hoped the participants were searching for something deeper than material things. If not, she would really stick out.

“Nice…” The closer woman leaned back. “Yeah, I’m sure he’s nice.” She turned away and rolled her eyes.

Renee shifted on the itchy couch. She would learn their names in time, but she didn’t need to right away. With any luck, several of them would be gone later, and Renee would still be there. She hoped the bachelor had discernment. He needed to get rid of those who might only be after his money and attractive features if he was going to find someone genuine.

Renee realized she was way ahead of herself. She was also a pot calling the kettle black. Sure, she wasn’t there for his fame or fortune, but she intended to use him. Just in a different way than the others. Shame washed over her. The little she knew about Ben wasn’t favorable. At least in terms of his dating history. But he still deserved to find real love. And no matter what he did to other people, he didn’t deserve to be used.

“Hi,” a voice broke through Renee’s thoughts. “I’m Eva.”

Renee slid over to make room on the couch as a stunning lady sat next to her. Renee took in the woman. She was petite in every way, and her dark hair glistened under the lights. Most captivating, though, were Eva’s eyes. They sparkled with depth. Renee realized right away that Eva was not only beautiful on the outside, but she had real character.

“Renee.” Renee stuck out her hand.

“Is this crazy or what?” Eva straightened her short skirt and crossed her legs.

“Definitely.” Renee glanced around the room. “Have you spoken to Ben yet?”

“Just got done.” Eva’s smile brightened her face even further.

“How did it go?”

“Great.” Eva lowered her voice. “I think we hit it off. I hope to be around to get to know him better. He seems really nice.”

Renee smiled. That was what she wanted to hear from the other contestants. She nodded. “Good.”

“Can I ask you something?” Eva bit her lip.

“Sure, go ahead.”

“What happened to your face?” Eva asked bluntly. “I mean…it looks like you smeared your makeup off with the back of your hand.”

Renee laughed softly. “You’re pretty close. I actually used a handkerchief.”

“A handkerchief?” Eva looked at Renee’s empty hands.

Renee glanced over to the corner where Ben held court with another stunning blonde. Eva followed her gaze.

“That handkerchief?” She pointed at Ben.

Renee nodded and chuckled again. Eva’s eyes widened. Eva’s laugh made Renee giggle harder, and Renee had the same effect on Eva. Before long, they laughed so hard, the other contestants began to take notice. Renee didn’t realize someone stood behind the couch right by her.

Eva’s laughter quickly slowed as she looked above Renee’s head.

“Who wants to share that joke with me?” Ben asked.

Renee spun around in mid-cackle, her mouth half open. Eva tilted her head toward Ben as if to tell Renee to go ahead.

“I guess I will.” Renee stood a little too quickly. The room spun, and she swayed on her feet. Ben reached over the couch and grabbed her elbow to steady her.

“Careful. Have they been giving you
drinks I don’t know about?”

Great. He suspected she was drunk. It would certainly explain the makeup incident, the loud laughter, and the swaying.

“I have low blood pressure,” Renee explained.

Ben scratched his chin, then held his long, tapered fingers out to Renee. As his fingers enveloped hers, a jolt of electricity ran up her arm.

“Sorry.” Ben glanced in her direction. “The static in this studio is the worst.”

Renee smiled. For a second, she wondered if the lightning reaction had been chemistry between them.

Renee allowed Ben to lead her over to the corner where the lighting dimmed to induce romance. Though the bright lights from surrounding cameras were present, a few subtle candles flickered nearby to soften the harsh studio background.

Renee sank into the chair, grateful to have something sound beneath her. She was still dizzy from standing up too fast, and she didn’t want to make herself look worse than she already had.

“Renee Lockhart.” Ben recited her name as he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees.

“Ben McConnell,” Renee returned. She didn’t really know what else to say.

“Are you ready to share that joke?”

Renee blinked. They’d been talking about her first encounter with Ben. “Oh, that was nothing.” Renee’s cheeks grew warm, and her neck started to sweat.

Ben nodded, allowing her the grace to get out of that particular conversation track. “Okay, tell me about you.”

“Well, I work in radio.” It was best to get her job in the forefront as soon as possible. Though she was having some issues with guilt, she came on the show to make a name for herself. She would keep an open mind, but she still needed the publicity. “I’m on the midday show over at KGBR.”

“Renee Lockhart.” Ben searched her face. “Yeah, I think I’ve heard you. You do requests and stuff?”

Renee nodded. “I also do a lot of behind the scenes things like make commercials, write promos, help out at concerts, that sort of thing.”

“Make up a commercial about me.” Ben scooted his chair closer.

Renee frowned. “Huh?” She was suddenly very aware of the camera before her, capturing her every motion.

“What would you say in an ad for me as the bachelor?”

Renee froze. He was serious. He wanted her to come up with something on the spot to advertise a date with him. She could write, and she knew it. But she usually did her writing in a small office alone with no one looking over her shoulder, much less into her eyes.

“Um…” Renee clasped her hands in her lap and fidgeted with her thumbnail.

“Come on, I won’t be offended. Give it a try.”

Renee took a deep breath. She always liked to start and end her ads with the company name. “Ben McConnell,” she said with a dramatic pause, “man of mystery, bachelor of the city.” Renee stopped again, and gazed at Ben. For a moment, she wasn’t sure she would be able to go on. The look in his eyes captivated her, and she found herself speechless…very rare for someone like her. It wasn’t so much that his eyes were piercing and such a beautiful color of brown, but more their amusement and depth. Renee suddenly realized how careful she needed to be. This man could easily draw her in and break her heart.

She tore her eyes away from Ben and placed them on the camera behind them. “With dark hair and shimmering skin, gleaming from a touch of sun, and a laugh that would light up a room, Ben McConnell is the date of any girl’s lifetime.”

Now she was on a roll. Renee glanced back at Ben long enough to see he was enjoying her recital. She had his attention, and in order to keep it, the rest of her impromptu commercial needed to be memorable.

Renee leaned way over in her chair, throwing her arm up beside her for dramatic effect. She had the perfect line to close her short ad, but instead of delivering it, she flung one of the flickering candles to the floor with a loud crash. “Fire!” she screamed as she realized the flame had not extinguished, but rather transferred itself to the hem of her dress.

Before Renee could stop, drop, and roll, Ben leapt from his chair and threw himself across the small space separating them. The pressure of his body against her leg put out the fire instantly, but it also toppled her chair over, leaving them in a heap on the concrete.

Renee found herself on her side with Ben’s breath on her cheek. She slowly turned her head, though what she really wanted to do was push him away and run out of the studio as fast as possible.

“That was quite a commercial.” Ben didn’t make a move to rise. “Are you okay?”

Renee wasn’t sure how the dress looked, but there was no burning sensation on her leg. There was a twinge in the pit of her stomach. She nodded. “I’m okay.” She met his eyes and allowed herself a few beats to study him closely. He was handsome. And now, he was even a hero. Though he wouldn’t have had to save her from burning flames had she not set herself on fire.

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