Accept This Dandelion (9 page)

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Authors: Brooke Williams

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Reality TV

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Renee wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of the date, but the other women waited, and she didn’t want to be unfair. Plus, she was a little uncomfortable with the way she felt. She enjoyed the kiss. That much was certain. And Ben accepted her apology, which was also important to her. But why were her knees weak, and why couldn’t she form any words? No man had ever had that effect on her, and she wasn’t sure she liked it. She still needed to learn more about Ben McConnell before she made any final decisions. But she was sure of one thing.

He was right about the fire.


Renee had a hard time meeting Eva’s eyes when she and Ben returned to the rest of the group. She wasn’t ashamed of kissing Ben, but she didn’t really want others to know. She was afraid her face revealed the truth. She needed space to sort through her emotions before the whole world saw what happened between them. Renee knew she didn’t have much time since the show aired in a few days, but she would take any privacy she could get.

“Thanks for your patience, ladies.” Ben took his place back in front of the expectant women as Renee sidled up by Eva on the end. “Unless anyone else has anything to say, let’s get this show on the road. And let me assure you, I’ll chat with everyone individually later.”

Renee watched Ben place his beautiful brown eyes on each woman. When he got to her, she shuddered. Their moment together had been short, but she wasn’t sure what she would do with more time. For now, she had to put the kiss out of her mind completely and concentrate on showing Ben…and the TV audience…more of her personality. Whatever might happen with Ben was great, but she needed to make sure she kept her eye on the other prize—her job on the morning show. If she accomplished both, life would be grand. If only one of the two came to fruition, at least she still had something.

Ben nodded when none of the contestants stepped forward. “And now, ladies…start your engines,” Ben teased. “Today we’re going to take these small race cars around the track. The stadium manager has warned me that we are not to go over fifty miles per hour. I understand that sounds slow for a racetrack, but with the curves, it’ll seem really fast. The winner of the laps will get to ride in a real race car at top speed with none other than NASCAR legend Robby Labrian.” Ben put his helmet on his head and opened the flap in front of his face. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Renee shuffled the dirt on the track beneath her feet and surveyed the shoes the other women wore. None were comfortable walking foot ware, much less racing shoes.

“Ready!” Eva shouted beside her as she kicked off her shoes and left them by the side of the track.

Renee smiled and glanced at Ben in time to catch his smile too. She and Ben were getting closer, but Eva was definitely going to be competition. Not only was she a nice girl, but she was beautiful, down to earth and enjoyed life with the best of them.

Clara and Tracy likely didn’t want to get their perfectly polished toes dirty, so they left their high heels on and gingerly walked to their chosen cars.

“Remember, ladies, fifty miles per hour.” Ben ducked into his car.

Renee removed the helmet from the seat of the yellow race car and placed it on her head. As she climbed through the window, she wondered how the other women enjoyed messing up their perfectly coifed hair. The color of the car made it almost resemble a dandelion to her as she adjusted the seat and fastened the belt around her chest and waist. She wondered why race cars didn’t have doors. Perhaps to make the driver look cool when he jumped in and out of the window.

Renee played with the small key in the ignition as Tracy attempted to climb into her car. Her attire was so tight Renee worried she might be the next victim of a wardrobe malfunction. Once Tracy was in, Renee watched Clara fold herself into her vehicle. Clara wore snug clothes as well, but Renee knew her long legs hampered her attempt more than anything.

Renee started the car and revved the engine a few times. The cars were probably old pace cars put out to pasture, but she didn’t care. It felt good to be in control behind the wheel. A lot of things were spiraling out of orbit right now…her job, her emotions, the result of the show… Steering this car around the racetrack with success, even if she came in last, might heighten her sense of control about her life right now.

Renee gripped the steering wheel and kept her eyes on the road. When Mike, the producer, popped up from nowhere and waved a start flag, Renee gasped. She hadn’t expected to see him. If anything, she thought they would have a bikini-clad woman for the job. Perhaps Ben sent too many of those home already for them to risk hiring another.

Before Renee got left in the dust by the rest of the cars, she floored her gas pedal and took off around the track. Her car climbed to fifty miles an hour quickly and the wheel shook as she made the first turn. Ben was right—fifty felt really fast. She wasn’t sure how real drivers handled faster speeds.

After the first curve, Renee was close to two other vehicles. She turned her head back for a split second and recognized the red and green cars way behind her. Those held Clara and Tracy so the two cars near her must be Eva and Ben. She drove just ahead of Eva and Ben was slightly in front of her.

Renee swerved to the left and cut Eva off unintentionally. Eva backed off quickly, and Renee realized her brief mistake became her advantage. Eva wouldn’t want to hit her, and if Renee drove erratically, she could keep Eva at bay. Renee hated to thwart her friend’s attempts to pass, but she wanted the race to come down to her and Ben.

By the third turn, Renee was pushing the gas pedal down farther. She was already going fifty, but if Ben stuck to the rules and remained at fifty…and was already ahead of her…it would be impossible to catch him. The needle on the dashboard rose. Fifty-one…fifty-two…fifty-three…fifty-four…her car edged forward until she was even with Ben’s.

Renee didn’t understand why she couldn’t overtake Ben’s vehicle since she was going faster than fifty, and he wasn’t supposed to. On the fourth turn, when smoke filled her windshield and blocked her vision, it became clear something was wrong with her car.

Renee took her foot off the accelerator, but realized she shouldn’t step on the brake either. She would risk someone slamming into her from behind at a high speed.

She closed her eyes, trying to picture where she saw Eva last. She was certain she had been on the right. Renee jerked the wheel, hoping to steer clear of an accident as her car slowed. Then she braced herself for an impact as she waited for the vehicle to come to a stop.

Renee couldn’t see a thing so she squinted through the smoke and hoped for the best. Before the car came to a complete stop, a hand grabbed her wrist through the window.

“Renee! Renee!” Ben said. “Are you okay?”

Renee’s eyes flew open. How in the world did Ben get to her so fast? “I’m fine.” She took her hands from the wheel as the car slowly came to a stop near the finish line.

“I saw the smoke.” Ben had a panicked expression on his face. “I pulled over and chased you the rest of the way.”

“Where am I?” Renee removed her helmet and allowed Ben to help her climb from the window of the car.

“At the finish line,” Ben answered.

Renee blinked. She drove the car blind for a good fourth of the race. It was a miracle she hadn’t hit the side rails or any of the other cars, though Tracy and Clara were just rolling in.

“Where’s Eva?” Renee asked.

“There.” Ben pointed to grassy area in the middle of the track. Apparently, Renee’s crazy driving had done more than distract Eva from passing…it had derailed her completely. “And she’s fine.”

Renee could tell. Eva was out of her car and heading for them on foot.

“Lockhart!” a voice yelled from the alcove in the stadium where she and Ben spoke earlier. “Lockhart!”

Renee whirled around to the sound of her name, and Mike the producer charged toward them.

“Lockhart, you went more than fifty miles an hour!” Mike yelled, his face as red as one of the race cars. “You were not to go over fifty.”

“You cheated.” Ben looked more amused than angry.

“How else was I supposed to catch you?” Renee asked, her knees becoming weak again. The experience was behind her, and it happened fast, but she still shook. Renee coughed. Perhaps she breathed in too much smoke. She took one small step before her legs buckled beneath her.

Ben moved faster than the fifty miles an hour car and caught Renee before she landed on the dirt track. “Oh, Renee.” Ben shook his head. “Don’t you know I’m the one who is supposed to catch you?”


Ben couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to have Renee in his arms. He needed to protect her, and he was glad he caught her when she fell. Somehow, he managed to keep a cool head. He was worried sick over her and wanted to ensure she was okay, but once he had her in his grasp, he knew she would be all right. Everything was fine. Ben didn’t understand what it was about her, but whenever they were close, it was the two of them against the world. If they remained that way for the foreseeable future, nothing would stand between them.

Of course, three other women remained in the picture, and Ben hadn’t ruled any of them out completely. If anything, he used his rising affections for Renee as reason to pay extra attention to the other contestants. He didn’t want to overlook anyone because of the way he reacted when Renee was in his arms. He was attracted to her, he was certain of that much. But instant chemistry should not overtake what he might be able to build with the other participants.

A relationship possibility with Eva, for example, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She could easily go up on a billboard and stay for all those passing to admire. But Eva had much more than outer beauty. She was also full of personality and had a heart of gold. Ben’s only question regarding Eva was why she hadn’t been snapped up already.

Clara, on the other hand, was a close second to Eva in the looks department. But Clara had an over-the-top beauty that started with her legs and ended with her flaxen hair. She was the type of girl displayed on the cover of a biker magazine to help showcase the two wheel rides. Ben also believed Clara had more to offer than her looks. She was gorgeous and she knew it, but Ben didn’t think she was on the show to pursue his money. He understood his fortune was a bonus in her book, but she didn’t seem shallow enough to go after a man for wealth alone. Ben could be wrong…he had been before. But since he had questions about her, it wouldn’t be fair to count Clara out yet.

And then there was Tracy with all her red, curly hair. She had a fire in her unlike any other woman Ben had ever met. Though she seemed interested in what Ben could do for her, he got the vibe that she would be willing to reciprocate. She wasn’t selfish and a relationship with her would never be one-sided. Ben liked that.

Each woman piqued Ben’s curiosity. Though Renee kept distracting him with her antics, he wanted to give everyone remaining a full chance. If he was going to choose a woman on TV in front of the whole city, he needed to be sure about his choice. He didn’t want to end up single again a short month after the show concluded. He would be a laughing stock. No, Ben should proceed with care. He could just as easily let his automatic attraction to Renee take over as he could Eva’s stunning beauty. As long as he kept all of the women at a distance, he would be able to put perspective into the situation. He had confidence that everything would turn out okay in the end. Given time, he could make the right choice.

* * *


Renee wanted to run away and hide. Her low blood pressure had taken control of the date. When she got out of the car, she shook and telltale floating bubbles appeared before her eyes. Her history told her she needed to stop and grab a hold of something, but she hadn’t. Instead, Ben had to scoop her up to prevent her from meeting the ground up close and personal. Renee was embarrassed about her latest failing, but at the same time, worse happened throughout the taping process.

Once the standby healthcare team checked her over and deemed her near-faint a fluke, the taping resumed. As Renee got checked out, she got an earful from Mike.

“Over fifty…we told you not to go over fifty. These cars have seen their best days. They weren’t meant for high speed.”

“Thanks for your concern for my safety.” Renee tried to sound sincere instead of sarcastic, though it seemed as though Mike was more concerned about possible damage to the car than her.

“The drama will be good for the show,” he stated, almost to himself. “We’re here to make good TV.” He took a deep breath and released it.

The show had to have huge insurance to allow them to take part in a racing date. What would they have done if anyone were injured? The show would be held accountable, and any expenses that arose would have been on them. Though Renee broke the rules she also understood Mike’s concerns. Just when she and Mike started to get along, she seemed to get back on his bad side. He would be bending Ben’s ear later regarding Renee.

“Ladies,” Ben called out to them once they stood in their line formation yet again. “What a close race.” Ben spoke in a kind manner, though everyone recognized his statement wasn’t exactly true. “I declare Renee the winner. Renee?” Ben turned to her and extended his hand. “I want to introduce you to Robby Labrian.” Ben turned away from the group and watched the famous NASCAR driver approach from the stands.

As Robby got closer, a small squeal followed by a gasp of excitement came from Renee’s immediate left. Clara rocked back and forth on her heels, and Renee wondered if she was excited or stuck in the dirt and trying to get out. One glance told her both were true. Clara threw her hands over her mouth as her eyes got wide. Renee saw her shaking with excitement.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Renee took a step forward as Robby approached. “As much of an honor it would be to ride the track with you…” She put her hand out to shake Robby’s. “I think I’ve had enough of the fast-paced lifestyle today.” Renee glanced at Ben. She had referenced driving the racecar, but as soon as she noticed Ben’s gaze, she remembered he had taken her from zero to sixty much faster than any car ever would. “If it’s okay with you, Ben, I’d like to hand my ride over to Clara.”

Clara let out a small scream of delight from behind her. Renee turned as Clara rocked back and forth, attempting to extract her heel from the dirt with as much finesse as possible.

“It’s your prize.” Ben held up his hands. “Clara? That okay with you?”

Clara nodded wordlessly without taking her eyes off Robby.

“Okay. The rest of us will take in the action from the stands. Maybe get a chance to chat a little individually. Clara, I’ll catch up with you later. Robby, go easy on the track. It’s seen a lot already today.”

“I heard,” Robby uttered in his signature southern drawl. “Ma’am?” He held his hand out to Clara, who finally had her shoe free from the dirt.

Ben and the women stood by while Robby escorted Clara over to a car they hadn’t raced earlier. He explained a few things to her about the vehicle, and she giggled at every detail. Renee rolled her eyes. Robby took over Clara’s affections faster than the racecars had driven one lap around the track.

Renee followed Tracy and Eva up into the stands and took a seat on the end. Ben asked Eva to come with him, and they separated themselves. Renee fought the jealous twinge lighting up her stomach, but it was hard. She finally realized Ben was a decent guy who genuinely wanted to find love. And she might even have something with him. What his kiss did to her was unspeakable. She didn’t know where things would progress from there between the two of them, but she had to admit, she wanted to be the last contestant standing in order to find out.

The car sped across the track, throwing dirt up behind every tire. She wondered how Clara’s outfit fared inside. Out of the corner of her eye, she kept an eye on Ben and Eva without being obvious about her intrusion. She and Tracy stayed mostly silent, only commenting on the racetrack before them.

After a while, Ben returned and took Tracy to the same area of the stands where he and Eva had enjoyed part of the demonstration from Robby Labrian.

“I bet Clara’s going nuts in there, huh?” Eva exclaimed.

“Either that or Robby is.” Renee laughed. “How’d everything go with Ben?” she asked without thinking. She cared about Eva, and the last thing she wanted was for her to get hurt. She didn’t want Ben to lead anyone on, including herself. If Ben was attracted to more than one woman, then she wasn’t really standing out to him as she hoped.

“Well…” Eva blushed and blinked rapidly.

“That good, huh?”

“Let’s just say he has very soft lips.” Eva smiled.

Renee knew Eva wasn’t trying to make Renee jealous, but her stomach tied in knots. “You kissed him?”

“He kissed me,” Eva corrected. “And it was wonderful.”

Renee sighed, trying to hide her exasperation from Eva. This was a TV show, and of course it was possible Ben would want to kiss many of the women participating. Until he kissed her, however, she hadn’t cared or even really thought about it much. Once his lips met hers, though, she wanted him all to herself. She didn’t want anyone else to have the experience she had.

“I guess I’m not the only one.” Eva gazed past Renee to the spot where Tracy and Ben sat in the distance. Renee squinted in their direction. It was possible to be mistaken, but she was pretty sure Tracy’s head was tilted slightly to the left and Ben’s to the right. They were far away, but from where she sat, it looked like they were kissing.

“I can’t believe him,” Renee muttered.

“At least he has the guts to do it out in the open.” Eva shrugged. “I mean, most men hide their cheating from you. Ben is on a TV show openly dating multiple women. What do we expect? Of course he’s going to want to test the waters.”

Renee stood up. She wasn’t water that wanted to be tested. Like her or not…drink her down in one gulp or let her be. She started racing down the steps of the stands faster than she should have.

“Renee!” Eva called. Robby’s race car began taking its final slow down lap. Renee intentionally ignored her friend, hoping she would assume Renee couldn’t hear her over the race car’s engine noise. Where she was headed and what she would do, she didn’t know.

When she got back to the dirt track, the fast car pulled in for a stop and Robby popped out of one side. Renee froze as he gave her a swift smile before rushing to the other side of the car to gently help Clara out. She unfolded her long legs and climbed out as gracefully as possible, then looped her arm through Robby’s and giggled.

“It’s been nice knowing you,” she said over her shoulder as she walked toward the track entrance with Robby by her side.

Renee frowned as Mike the producer chased after Clara with his clipboard. She wasn’t sure she would believe it if she hadn’t seen it herself. Clara was leaving the show…with Robby Labrian…the racecar driver. Renee shook her head. Love at first lap.

Robby and Clara’s distraction slowed Renee long enough for Eva to catch up.

“Where were you headed?” Eva asked as she appeared at Renee’s side.

“I think the question is where are they going?” Renee pointed at Clara and Robby, in a heated discussion with the producer.

Moments later, the producer slapped his clipboard against his side and stormed back in their direction. By that time, Ben and Tracy joined them. Mike whispered in Ben’s ear, and the two of them took a walk down the dirt track.

Renee saw Ben’s expression fall as he glanced up the path where Clara and Robby had disappeared. He shrugged, put his hands in his pockets, and returned to the other women.

“It seems Clara has left us.” Ben included them all instead of just himself in the statement. “There will be no need for an elimination ceremony. Our producer Mike says we have plenty of footage from the date to get us through the broadcast, but I’d still like to spend time with you. Actually, if it’s okay, I’d enjoy taking you on a real date individually. No cameras. We’ll do something quiet and private. The TV people don’t even have to know,” he said. “They’re going to tape a little more in a few minutes to explain Clara’s departure and then they say we’re free to go. I’ll contact each of you later in the week and let you know what we’ll do. Sound okay?”

Renee found herself nodding along with everyone else. Though all she really wanted to do was storm away in a fury, when Ben was close to her, with his heat permeating her skin and his cologne teasing her senses, she was powerless to do anything but agree. Though she didn’t like that he kissed two other women after her, she had to hold on to what she felt when she was with him. Surely whatever he had with the others wasn’t as powerful.

Renee rubbed her hands against her cheeks. Her hopes were rising too high. She needed to simmer down and step back from the situation. She hadn’t come on the show to find love. She wanted to put her name out there so she could obtain her desired radio time slot, and she was doing a great job with that goal. Whether or not she had anything with Ben took the back burner. She needed to stay focused on her main goal in order to make it through this show…whether she and Ben ended up together or not.

Renee had to admit, she enjoyed the idea of her and Ben together. She didn’t have to tell him…or anyone else what she was thinking. She was in for the long haul.

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