Accept This Dandelion (14 page)

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Authors: Brooke Williams

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Reality TV

BOOK: Accept This Dandelion
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Renee was bored stiff in the hospital. Janice often stopped after work, and her visits helped stave off the long hours alone. The nurses popped in every hour or two as well, usually when Renee tried to sleep. She couldn’t wait to get back to her regular life…as if anything about her life was normal.

On one side, she had her radio job, which she loved. She still somewhat hoped for a promotion to be on the morning show. But she also had Ben to consider. He might be the one she’d been dreamed of finding all her life.

Renee doubted the two could coincide once Ben found out why she came on the show in the first place. She still needed to tell him, but the world worked against her. Every time she tried to explain, something happened to stop her. The last time she almost died. She wondered if a force greater than her was conspiring against her to keep her secret. Maybe Ben didn’t need to know.

Ben called a few times, and the nurses commented on the glow Renee had on her face afterward. He never said much, just that he anxious to see her again. He often apologized profusely for serving her lobster as well.

Renee was tempted to ask him how the rest of the taping went, but she didn’t want to bring up anything show-related. She enjoyed the sound of his voice and pictured the way he looked into her eyes. She knew the producer insisted Ben return to the restaurant and finish recording. The elimination ceremony continued without her, though she already received a dandelion. She didn’t know who he eliminated, and it drove her crazy. Unless she worked up the nerve to ask him directly, she had to wait until the show aired to find out.

Renee asked the nurses not to disturb her during the episode if possible. When the theme song began, and the announcer started spouting off his usual cheesy lines, Renee groaned when her door opened. Either there had been a shift change and someone hadn’t gotten the message or the nurses were disregarding her request. She hit the mute button on the TV to take care of whomever it was fast and get back to watching.

An instant smile widened her mouth as her eyes met Ben’s piercing brown stare.

“Ben.” She tried to cover her legs with the sheet and hide the thin hospital gown she wore.

“I hope I’m not imposing. I didn’t want you to see the show alone.”

Renee beamed. She looked like hell after three days in bed, but she couldn’t have been happier to welcome him. “My friend Janice would have come, but she had to work a concert tonight.”

“I’m glad I was free,” Ben said in his familiar teasing tone.

“Is this okay?” Renee asked. The producers didn’t want any of the participants seeing one another outside of the tapings. That way, they would capture anything and everything they needed on camera.

“It’s okay with me if you agree. I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks.”

“It’s definitely fine with me.” Renee glanced over at the TV. The date started, but seeing Ben was more important.

“May I?” He waved his hand toward the side of her bed.

Renee scooted over, and Ben sat
her, leaning onto the pillow she had shoved behind her back. Renee’s temperature rose with his body pressed against her side. She reached for the control on the side of the bed and un-muted the TV. Ben grabbed for her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. It would be hard to concentrate on the show with his presence, but she had to try.

Renee leaned against Ben’s arm and enjoyed his fingers between hers as he greeted the women on camera and asked Eva to have appetizers with him. Their conversation flowed well, and Renee marveled at Eva’s calm, cool, collected manners. She was a wonderful woman, and any man would be lucky to have her. Eva reached for Ben’s hand across the table, and Ben didn’t pull away. He also allowed her to kiss him on the cheek before they returned to the others, but that was as far as they got. Their time together appeared to be between two good friends.

Watching Eva with Ben made Renee sad. She saw Ben wasn’t as into Eva as Eva was Ben. But based on how Eva acted when she got back to the table, she must not grasp that idea.

Before the commercial, they showed Eva’s interview, and she gushed about what a wonderful man Ben was. She even said she would be over the moon if he picked her in the end. Renee flinched when Eva admitted she was falling head over heels for him and planned to commit herself to him if he chose her.

Renee glanced over at Ben, who worked his jaw back and forth. He was seeing the interviews for the first time, and she wondered what he thought. It was enough to have him there experiencing it with her. She didn’t want to overanalyze anything.

After the commercials ran, the show came back on, and Ben extended his hand to Renee and invited her to the main course of the evening. Renee watched as she scratched her palms on camera. Luckily, they hadn’t caught her rubbing her feet against the table and chair legs. She noticed the swelling running up her neck and into her face. It happened so quickly she only imagined what Ben thought.

“I thought you were nervous,” Ben supplied. “You said you had something to talk to me about, and your face got all red. Seeing it on camera, I can definitely tell you were swelling up…fast.”

“The camera adds 10 pounds, you know.” Renee squeezed his hand as he chuckled.

On screen, Ben rushed Renee out of the restaurant. The announcer took over and explained Renee’s allergic reaction and included that she was hospitalized, but recovering nicely. Then, they showed Renee’s interview in which she admitted to her attraction to Ben. Renee felt Ben press his shoulder harder against hers. She wished they were alone and not stuck in a hospital room where a nurse could barge in any second.

After her comments, they cut to a confession from Ben. “I was so worried about Renee,” he said. “I didn’t want to leave her side at the hospital, but you know what they say…the show must go on. I convinced the nurses to allow me to take a couple of cameras in with me when I visited Renee, because I needed to do something before I left her to recover.”

Renee smiled as Ben gave her a dandelion on screen. Tears welled up in her eyes at his words. She wasn’t sure if she should cover the screen out of horrification due to her swollen face or be amazed that he still gazed at her with such gentle appreciation. Overall, she was glad he came back in to give her the dandelion. She had it pressed in the hospital information guidebook next to her bed.

When the show paused for another commercial break, Ben turned toward Renee and put his hand on the side of her face. “I can’t wait until this is over.” He placed his forehead against hers. “There’s only one more taping session.”

Though he didn’t say anything specific, his eyes promised her a future.

“Me too,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

Ben leaned forward slightly and brushed his lips against hers. When he pulled back, Renee wanted nothing more than to lean in and capture his kiss again, but the program returned, and she wanted to see his time with Tracy and the elimination ceremony.

On screen, Ben returned to the restaurant and informed a worried Eva and a bored Tracy what happened with Renee. He invited Tracy to the private room for dessert. This portion of the date was even harder to view than the appetizer section when Ben ate with Eva. Renee didn’t want to be jealous of Tracy, but she was more bold and flirtatious than Eva. She made enough comments to allow anyone to know what Ben would get from her if he chose her. Renee shifted on the bed. Ben was her boyfriend, or so she wished, and she didn’t enjoy hearing another woman speak to him that way. Even worse…he seemed to be going along with it. She suspected he only feigned interest for the cameras, but how could she know for sure?

Renee wanted to take her hand out of Ben’s. She didn’t like being close to him while Tracy fawned over him. But as she tried to pull away, he held her fingers tighter. They remained silent as the elimination portion of the evening came on and the dramatic announcer told viewers Ben only had one more dandelion to give since he gave one away to Renee already.

Ben stood before the two ladies and held up the one remaining dandelion. “I want to thank both of you for going through this journey with me. I’ve enjoyed learning more about you, and I know there’s a wonderful man out there for the woman I’m not asking to stay. With that being said, Tracy?” Ben paused and waited for her to approach and stand in front of him. “Tracy, will you accept this dandelion?”

Tracy threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him, including her lips on his. “Of course,” she said breathily as she pulled away.

Ben shook his head and extended his hand to Eva. “Can I walk you out?”

Eva nodded, and he escorted her to the shuttle outside the restaurant. “I’m sorry, Eva. You didn’t do or say anything wrong. You’re a wonderful woman, and you deserve love more than anyone.”

“Thanks.” Eva’s lip quivered. Renee wondered what she would say in Eva’s position.

Based on the tears in her eyes, Eva was hurt, and she didn’t want to let Ben go, but there wasn’t an option. He made the decisions.

The show hit another commercial break, and Ben turned to Renee. “I wanted to be with you when you saw that.”

Renee squinted at him, unsure as to why.

“Eva is a wonderful lady,” he continued. “You two hit it off and formed a friendship during the tapings.”

“We did,” Renee affirmed.

“I let her go because I saw she invested her emotions in the process. She was…interested in me…and I didn’t want to hurt her any more than I already did. Leading her on just wasn’t right. As soon as I made my decision, I wanted to send her home. She deserved better.”

Renee nodded, speechless. Did Ben say he made up his mind? The fact that he watched the show with her caused her hopes to soar. “She’s a fantastic person.”

“She is, and I hope she finds someone to love. I would have been lucky to have her, but she wasn’t the one for me, you know?”

Renee understood. She still felt sorry for Eva, her friend. She was beautiful, full of personality, and down to earth to boot. She deserved a partner in life, and Renee sincerely hoped she found him soon.

The TV drew their attention as the announcer profiled the two remaining contestants. “Who will Ben choose?” he said. “Renee…or Tracy?” As the announcer talked about qualities each woman held, the screen flipped through photos and videos of them from the show tapings. Tracy’s shots included her in a bikini, her tight dresses and high-heels, and her flaming hair shining perfectly. Renee’s were more unique. They showed her in flames, her dancing like a mouse was attacking, her pushing Ben into the pool and so on.

“Wow,” Renee said as the credits ran. “I think I know who I’d pick.” She laughed. The show made Renee look like a complete disaster, but based on the material she gave them, they had no choice.

“So do
.” Ben turned to Renee again and placed his thumb beneath her chin to raise her eyes to his. “So do


Renee received her discharge papers and left the hospital with a spring in her step. And it wasn’t because the swelling disappeared. She was well rested and had a clean bill of health.

“Being admitted did you good.” Janice opened her car door for Renee.

“You make it sound like I got forced into the mental ward.”

“I can think of worse places for you to land.” Janice slid behind the driver’s seat.

“Like where?”

“Anywhere…with a broken heart.”

“Well, I feel great.” Renee ignored Janice’s pointed stare.

“After the train wreck of a show, I’m glad.” Janice laughed. Though she worked the concert during airing, she recorded the program and devoured every second when she got home. “I never would have suggested you audition had I know you’d end up in the hospital puffed up like a blow fish.”

“That bad?”

Janice puffed out her cheeks. “That bad. I can’t believe he gave you a dandelion with your face twice its normal size. That boy must really be interested in you to overlook your balloon impression.”

“Come on now,” Renee scolded as they pulled away from the hospital. “Some men like balloons.”

Janice crossed her eyes and clicked her tongue. “What’s planned for this week?” She always dug for more details.

“I’m not sure,” Renee answered. “Something tells me romance will be in the air.” She raised her eyebrows at Janice. “How did Chuck do on the show?” She regretted missing the morning after interview. She wanted to call in and go on the air over the phone, but the nurses insisted she rest, and Chuck was on the air during hospital quiet hours. Since Renee stayed up late in a daze over Ben’s sudden appearance, she slept right through the radio program and didn’t even listen.

Janice shrugged. “He did okay. You know Chuck. He always has something to say.”

“And what did he say about me?” Renee could handle it. She had a thick skin.

“It wasn’t you, really. But more Ben.”


“Chuck thought he had interesting taste in women. A flaming redhead and a flamer.”

“Ah, of course, going back to the fire again. Is anyone ever going to let that go?” Renee asked.

“Not likely, girl. Not in your lifetime.”

Renee didn’t reveal anything about her secret visitor. Hospital personnel saw him, but since he came in the back entrance, and Renee already asked not to be disturbed, not many people knew about their time together. And so far, the word hadn’t leaked to the public. Though Renee and Janice were close, she wanted her friend to see the finale on live TV. She wouldn’t ruin the mystery for her. And while she was fairly certain what the outcome would be, she didn’t want to get over confident. After all, Ben hadn’t directly told her he would choose her.

Renee let Janice drive her home, and her friend caught her up on station gossip that didn’t revolve around her. Once she settled in on her own couch, Janice left and promised to bring lasagna over later. Renee was perfectly capable of handling meals on her own, but Janice was a good friend, and she appreciated her help.

Renee had a couple of days to prepare for the finale. She had one more date with Ben…as would Tracy. After those dates, they would meet once again for the final elimination ceremony. This time, Ben would speak to them separately. One of them would leave empty-handed while the other would receive the last dandelion.

All Renee could do was wait, dream, and hope. Whether or not she got a higher position at the radio station, she felt certain she had wedged herself into Ben’s heart…where she was meant to be.

* * *


Ben slipped on his button down shirt. It was the day of his last date with Renee before the final dandelion ceremony, and he wanted everything to go well. He told the producers he planned to choose the date on his own. He wore casual attire and asked for handheld cameras. It was time to get away from the finery and enjoy the day with Renee. He chose an activity he thought would bring her personality out and allow her to shine. She captured the viewers’ hearts with her mishaps and somewhere along the way, she had grabbed his as well. Now, everyone would see exactly why he loved her.

He would take Tracy on the date the producers planned. It was another fancy dinner and some dancing, complete with a local celebrity band for a final surprise. He didn’t want to bother with the date, but he had to go through the motions. He was glad Tracy was left instead of Eva. Eva didn’t deserve to be led on. Ben had hopes for Tracy in the beginning, but the more he learned about her, the more her true colors showed. She tried too hard for his tastes, and she obviously wanted something from him other than love and affection. She would make some man happy, but not him. He didn’t like leading Tracy on either, but based on his opinion of her, it was better to hurt her than sweet, considerate Eva.

Not much longer, and he could finally tell Renee exactly how he felt about her. She must have an inkling already, but saying the words and seeing the realization spread over her features would be priceless. Her face was so expressive. He couldn’t wait to see it light up when he told her she was the one he wanted to be with. There was no one else.

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