Accept This Dandelion (10 page)

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Authors: Brooke Williams

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Reality TV

BOOK: Accept This Dandelion
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Renee spent the rest of the day pretending she wasn’t waiting for the phone to ring. She puttered around her place, cleaning, watering half dead plants, making piles of things to get rid of and other odds and ends. She avoided going into public for fear people might recognize her and ask about the show. And, if she was being honest, she hated to think about missing Ben’s call. Plus, she wanted to be alone to process all that had happened.

It had been a whirlwind of emotions. Racing faster than allowed might give an edgy quality to her personality. Those who listened to her station would not only believe her to be a sweet, bumbling personality, but also someone with a daring streak…someone who did what it took to make things happen. She thought a layered character would be better than being one-dimensional.

The idea she might be falling for Ben scared and excited her at once. Renee showed dedication to her job…and she didn’t allow time to date very often. She wanted to find someone to love, but she had trouble figuring out where to meet men or how to go about finding “the one.” Appearing on the show was supposed to be harmless fun and lead to career advancement. The idea that it might end up being more than that for her personal life as well as her career was unfathomable.

When Renee let herself think about the kiss she and Ben shared, goose bumps appeared on her arms. The way he held her close like she was the only one in the world made her feel more special than she ever had before. If Renee could have forced her thoughts to stay there, she would have done pretty well. But Renee never stopped there. She went on to think about how Ben might have made the other women feel when he kissed them. Eva sure seemed to enjoy her time with him. Renee wasn’t sure if her emotions were real or if Ben practiced his effects on women often enough that every one of them experienced lightning bolts from his kiss.

As Renee mulled the situation over, her head spun with doubts…fears…uncertainty and everything in between. She began to clean, sort, and toss faster than before. Her frenzy almost didn’t allow her to hear the phone when it finally rang.

“Hello?” she answered breathlessly on the fourth ring before the answering machine picked up.

“Renee.” The voice on the other end sounded deep.

“Yes?” Renee didn’t want him to think she sat around waiting for his call.

“I’d like to see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Renee paused, hoping he would assume she had to check her calendar.

“I know you don’t have to go back to work until after the show airs later this week,” Ben replied wisely. “And I really want to talk to you before you have to go on the radio. Maybe you’ll have nicer things to say about me this time.”

Renee took a deep breath. “Sure, tomorrow should be fine.” She ignored the jab referring to her prior comments concerning him.

“I’ll have my car pick you up at four. I want as much quiet time as possible, and it would be nice to keep things private. We don’t need any pictures surfacing in the city. The TV station probably wouldn’t appreciate it if they heard I took you out without the cameras, but this process is too fast, and we’re all under the microscope. I need the time to get to know you.”

Renee agreed. “Four will be fine,” she said robotically. “Should I bring anything?”

“Nothing at all. I just want you to come over to my place. We can spend some time together. I’ll cook dinner and show you what I do all day.”

Renee bit her lip. He wanted her to visit his home? Completely alone? She wasn’t sure she was comfortable with the idea. There were definite sparks between them, and Renee didn’t want any temptations that might lead beyond a kiss. Plus, what good would the date do? She wasn’t going to be able to do anything cute for the cameras to help heighten her popularity in the city. Knowing more about Ben interested her, but really, where would it lead? To a broken heart?

“Okay,” she agreed quickly before she could talk herself out of it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Renee.”

“Tomorrow,” she repeated and hung up the phone.

Renee collapsed in her clutter pile. She should have told him no, but how? If she wanted to stay on the show, she had to go along with his date idea. She would simply keep him at arm’s length, enjoy his company, and get out as early as she could. She knew he was dangerous. The kiss they shared told her as much. She only had to survive another week or two. He would surely eliminate her. She just had to keep herself from falling for him too hard in the meantime, so she would be able to let him go as well.

* * *


Ben’s car arrived precisely at four, and Renee was waiting. She’d been prepared for most of the afternoon, nervously pacing and trying to pretend like nerves weren’t bothering her. She didn’t know what to do with her hands, and she feared she might burst if she didn’t tell someone. She managed to resist the urge to call to Janice, and she nearly exploded in nervous tension when the telltale long black car with tinted windows arrived.

The driver quickly exited the vehicle and opened the back door for her.

“Miss Lockhart?” he asked with a nod.

“That’s me.” She slipped into the car without another word.

The door closed soundly behind her as the scent of fresh leather reached her nose. The soft black seats surrounded her, and the temperature inside the car was just right. The vehicle wasn’t exactly a limo, but it was definitely a luxury vehicle with all the bells and whistles. Renee saw glass separating her from the driver. She could have privacy or ask questions. She decided to leave everything untouched and try to enjoy the ride.

Renee watched the familiar scenery go by. This was her town. She knew most of the streets and neighborhoods as well as her own. She knew what building Ben lived in…everyone in the city did. It featured the biggest apartments the area had to offer. When the car arrived in front of the high rise, Renee expected it to stop, but instead, her chauffer steered toward the back and pulled into an underground parking area.

When the driver stopped the car near a bank of elevators, he hopped out and scurried to open the door for Renee.

“Sorry about this, Miss Lockhart,” he said formally. “Mr. McConnell asked for discretion and wanted you to enter unnoticed.”

Renee nodded. She understood. Ben didn’t want anyone to know about her visit…especially those at the TV station. It was better for her to come and go unnoticed. The vehicle’s tinted windows ensured no one recognized her as they drove underneath the building. And the private elevator nearby did the rest. The driver pushed the right button and released the elevator with his key. He tilted his hat as the doors closed, leaving Renee alone.

Renee fidgeted. She didn’t know what to expect from the date. When she and Ben saw one another around the cameras, she used them as a shield. People were often different in public than behind closed doors. While she was anxious to see what Ben was like when they were alone, it also made her nervous. There would be no hiding…for either of them.

The elevator door opened all too soon, revealing a short hallway with lavish tiled flooring. Renee took a step that echoed up to the ceiling. She didn’t wear heels, but her comfortable sandals still made a sound. Since Ben invited her to his place, Renee grabbed the opportunity to show him her true self…not that she hadn’t been true to who she was before by the way she dressed. She wore nice, but comfortable Capri pants. Their soft black fabric blended in with the pattern on her light blue shirt and her sandals kept her feet happy. Renee took the casual approach to dressing and life in general. She wanted Ben to understand he wasn’t getting anything fancy with her.

Renee glanced left and right. There were doors at either end of the hall. One had an exit sign above it so she assumed the other was Ben’s. Ben’s place must take up the entire floor of the building. Renee was impressed by the grandeur, but she hoped Ben had more to offer than a flashy apartment.

Renee knocked softly on the door. She almost hoped Ben wouldn’t come immediately, allowing a few extra moments to gather her wits. She ran her hand over her straight hair, half of which she had fashioned back with a barrette. She liked wearing her hair down, but it was long and often got in the way. She wanted it out of her face on most occasions.

Renee stared at her feet. She hoped she made the right choice for attire and reminded herself the date was mandatory if she wanted to continue on the show. The rush of air hit her from the apartment as the door opened swiftly before her.

“Welcome.” Ben smiled as Renee examined his bare feet. She moved her eyes up his jean-clad legs and got stuck on his chest, which strained beneath the plain black t-shirt he wore. Shouldn’t he buy a larger size?

“Hi.” Renee breathed a sigh of relief. Her outfit wasn’t too casual. It was far from what any of the other women would have chosen, but it suited her.

“Come on in.” Ben swept his hand through the entrance. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

Renee snorted as she moved into the apartment and took in the finery. The dark entry had maple wood accents and heavy marble flooring. Everywhere she looked there was an expensive item. A lavish fountain…an ornate coat rack. Renee raised her eyebrows. Ben’s booming business had been good to him.

“Let’s go back this way.” Ben gently took her hand and tugged her away from the entrance.

Renee tried to take it all in as she flew past. The next room was a living area with pristine large white couches. They looked unused. She noticed a dining area, which might double as a conference room because of the table and chairs it featured. She wondered where the kitchen was, but didn’t have time to ask. Ben led her to the back of the apartment and into a quaint space filled with computers and camera equipment.

“I really wanted to show you what I do so you could understand it…and me, a little better.”

Renee bobbed her head. She desired to learn more about him and seeing his work would help. She heard some things in the news, of course. He was the mastermind behind ConArt, a photography software program that hit it big several years back. From what she knew, ConArt allowed photographers and artists to blend photos with artwork, creating a completely new piece of work. The concept became a fresh element in the art world, but average people enjoyed using the program as well.

Renee inspected the wall of work hanging behind the computers. The first picture was of a white tiger she recognized from the zoo. Ben changed the white colors to a rainbow of other colors, making the tiger appear like a fictional creature from a fantasy novel. At the same time, its real eyes stared out of the photo, grabbing her attention and reminding her the animal was not make believe.

She moved down the wall, taking in one beautiful piece of work after another. By the angles he used and the clarity the pictures held, the pieces were intriguing photos to begin with. But what Ben did with them using ConArt made them unique and unlike anything she had seen before.

“They’re…beautiful.” Renee struggled to find a better word to describe the work she saw. She stopped at a photo of a little girl laughing. The photo was larger than Renee’s torso and the girls’ pupils reflected the outline of a family.

“She’s seeing her future,” Ben said, close behind Renee. “Or at least her dreams for what is yet to come.”

“How did you do that?” Renee was curious, but she was also trying to keep her mind off the fact that Ben stood inches away.

“I took the picture at the park. The way she looked at the ducks on the pond with such wonder fascinated me. I later drew the family outline and completed the piece using the software.”

Renee nodded. Ben was an artist. He captured moments with a photograph, and he drew and blended colors to perfection. She was impressed.

“Well, everything is beautiful.” She turned and bumped into his chest.

Ben grabbed her elbows and steadied her. “You’re beautiful.” He was inches from her face.

Renee’s cheeks grew warm, and she took a step back. She couldn’t let herself get caught up in the moment again. Last time she did, they shared quite a kiss and it was wonderful. But then she heard about another kiss and witnessed a third. She didn’t want to be one of many. She wouldn’t allow him to toy with her emotions.

Ben cleared his throat. “I’d like to create an image for you,” he said. “Something unique to who you are. We can chat while I work. What do you think?”

“You mean you’re going to make a custom piece I can keep?”

“A ConArt original.” Ben teased. “One of a kind. I won’t reproduce it, use it for any promotions or distribute it anywhere. The piece will be yours and yours alone.”

“I’d really love that.” Renee was touched that Ben wanted to give her a gift of that magnitude. She didn’t know what he had in mind for his image, but a one of a kind ConArt creation designed by Ben McConnell would be worth a lot of money. Not that she planned to sell it.

“I’ll need to take a few photos of you before I get started on the rest.”

“Wait, what? Me?” She wanted a ConArt original but she had no idea he expected her to be the subject.

“Don’t worry.” Ben grabbed a large camera with a long zoom lens. “It’ll be painless.”

Renee nodded. If he wanted to take pictures of her, she needed to relax. She didn’t want to come across stiff and posed in everything he did.

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