A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (7 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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home? No. I'm running to her, how can I stay home?”

but there's Kylie with you, you'll have to tell her.”

she has to know sooner or later. I'll wake her up and go to hospital.
I don't care what Tyler says.” I said determined.

then, see you there.”

I hung up and remained
staring in the darkness for a while. I ran my hands through my hair
and cried. I couldn't believe this was happening, it couldn’t
end this way. Tears streamed down my cheeks, as I prayed to God.
Please, give her another chance please, I love her so much. I was
feeling desperate but I knew I had to stand up and be brave for the
sake of our precious daughter. I stood up and brushed my tears away.
I had to tell her that her beloved mother was dying. How could I ever
do that? My heart felt heavy in my chest, my legs barely held me
while I walked to her room. I opened the door and walked to her bed.
She was sleeping blissfully. I sat down on the edge of the bed next
to her and caressed her face. Why was she so unlucky? She had
suffered enough already. I knew that the fact that Cassidy and I were
separated had broken her heart and now things were going to take an
even worse turn.

sweetheart,” I shook her a little. “Wake up.”

She opened her eyes and
looked at me sleepily.

What is it Dad? Is it morning already?” She asked stroking her

sweetheart. It’s 4 in the morning,” I said quietly. My
heart was aching. I looked at her sweet face as I tried to find the
right words to say.

Then why have you waked me up?”

we have to go to hospital.” She looked at me confused.

not feeling well?”

Kylie it's not that.” I drew a breath as I felt misery choking
me. “Your mum had an accident.”

Her eyes widened as she
looked at me in terror.


in hospital, we have to go there.”

is she all right Dad?” She asked. Her eyes welled with tears. I
took her in my arms and hugged her tight.

don't know honey, that's why I want to go there.”

won't leave us dad will she? She won't go to heaven like my friend's
mother right?” I swallowed. My heart felt like bursting. I
wished I could promise her that she wasn't going to die, that
everything was going to be fine and that her mother will never leave
her but I couldn't...

your mum is strong and she will make it OK. Now be a good girl and
get up. You have to get dressed. We're going to see her okay?”

Daddy.” She got out of her bed and grabbed her clothes. In the
meantime I got dressed as well. I took my car out and wondered if I
could drive. I was so tense and anxious that my hands were trembling.
I didn't know what I was doing. I needed to calm down, I had to be
strong for my little girl. Kylie climbed in the car and I began to
drive. She remained quiet during the whole drive. I tried not to cry
but tears were flowing down my cheeks, blurring my sight. I don't
know how I managed to arrive, my mind was elsewhere, I didn't even
remember passing from the streets. I parked my car and we got out. I
grabbed Kylie's hand and we hurried towards the entrance. We stopped
at the reception.

me. I'm here for Cassidy Spencer. Can you tell me where she is and if
she's okay? She had a car accident and-”

try to calm down. I'll check for you OK?” The woman said.

I nodded although I couldn't
calm down. She slowly typed Cassidy's name on her key board. Then she
grabbed the phone and called someone. I couldn't stay still, her
calmness was getting on my nerves. I felt awful, I just wanted to
cry, to punch the wall. All this frustration was killing me. Every
muscle in my body was rigid with tension. I had a lump in my throat
which was suffocating me. Kylie held my hand, I could feel she was
frightened. Her tiny hand trembled in mine but she was strong and was
trying not to show how worried she was. Finally the receptionist put
the phone down and looked at me.

called the doctor, he will come and talk to you. Are you the
husband?” She asked.

no, I'm her ex, the father of her daughter,” I replied.

Just take a seat there sir, he will soon be here,” she said
pointing behind me. I turned around and saw that there was a waiting
area. Suddenly my heart lurched wildly and my stomach constricted as
at the corner I saw Tyler sitting down. He seemed shocked, his hand
was bandaged and his face was all bruised. I walked near him.


He looked up at me and the
worried and sad expression he had on his face turned into one of
anger and resentment.

the hell are you doing here?” He raged. I was stunned. How
could he ask me this question? I knew that he hated me but I thought
that in a situation like this, my presence was more than

am I doing here? How can you ask me such a stupid question! Why
didn't you tell me? Why did it have to be Angela the one to call me
several hours after the accident?” I fumed.

have nothing to do with us,” he said again, his voice full of

this is her daughter. We had the right to know what was going on.”
Pain etched lines around his eyes and mouth.

don't have any right. Not after what you did!”

I blinked, not understanding
what he meant.

I did? What are you talking about?”

happened because of you,” he spat. “It's all your fault!
We were arguing in the car because of you and I didn't see the truck
coming. It's all your fault!” He kept repeating. For a moment I
froze, I couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he really blaming

I wasn't the one who was driving, you were,” I said calmly. His
looked at me in disbelief, his eyes full of tears.

know,” he said and then he hid his face in his hand. He was
under shock. I couldn't possibly argue with him right now and I
wasn't there for this purpose. I was there for Cassidy. Where was
this doctor? I couldn't wait any longer.

in coma,” I heard Tyler saying. “We lost the baby. We
were having a boy,” he said sobbing.

I felt sorry for him, I
really did. I had never really hated him, although he clearly did.
And although I wanted Cassidy, I had never wanted her to lose her
baby, I knew how much she had wished to get pregnant and I knew that
this would kill her if she ever wakes up. How would she cope with the
news? I felt miserable, all I ever wanted was to see her happy.

sorry,” I said.

you're not. Don't lie. All you ever wanted was to take her away from
me.” He retorted accusingly.

love her yes but I never tried to take her away from you,” I
replied. Just at that moment I saw the doctor coming. I walked away
from Tyler and told Kylie to stay seated. “Doctor…”
I said.

you the man who wanted to know about Cassidy Spencer?” he

How is she?”

He sighed and remained
silent for a moment as if he wanted to find the right words. I didn't
like his expression. “Mister...”

I said.

Bayne, I'm not going to lie, she's not well, she bumped her head
badly. She lost a lot of blood, and has fractured her ribs. I don't
know if she will make it. We're doing all that’s possible.”

As the news sank in I felt
my heart breaking. I had stopped breathing for a moment as I stared
shocked at him.

please,” I cried.

in coma and she isn't even capable of breathing by herself, she's
attached to respiratory machines. The next 24 hours will be crucial;
if she shows some signs of improvement then we can begin to hope. We
had to operate her urgently though. We removed the baby and stopped
the hemorrhage.” He continued but I wasn't listening any more.
This felt so unreal. I was breathing heavily. Suddenly I felt as if
my body was on fire, I was sweating from all pores, I felt as if I
was going to pass out. I wasn't feeling well. The doctor held me. “Mr
Bayne, are you OK?” He asked with concern. I wasn't, how could
I be OK?

I'm just… I'm sorry,” I murmured as I tried to pull
myself together. “Doctor can I see her?” He looked at me
for a second and probably was going to say no. “Please... I
have to see her,” I begged. I needed to see my precious
Cassidy, the only woman I had ever loved.

if you want to see her, I'll let you but be prepared for the worst.
She's in a very bad state and no one else can come in with you. I saw
you have a daughter...” He paused.

she's her daughter.”

I'm sorry but she can't go in and see her mother. It won't do her any

I understand.”

if you want to come with me, I'll take you. I'll ask a nurse to stay
with your daughter in the mean time.”

thanks, just give me a second to talk to my daughter.” I said.

I walked towards Kylie. I
knelt down and hugged her tight and then I told her to stay with the
nurse while I went in. She began to cry as she wanted to see her as
well. I tried to explain that it wasn't possible and in the end she
accepted to remain there and to be a good girl while I followed the
doctor. We arrived in front of room 102. The doctor opened the door
so that I could go in.

leave you alone,” he said.

He left and I walked in. I felt my stomach making a flip when I saw
her, lying lifeless on the bed. Her head was bandaged, her face was
pale and bruised and her hands were cut and full of stitches. She had
a lot of pipes and wires surrounding her.

"My God,” I

I needed to sit down. I hid
my face and cried like I never did before in my life. I was shocked.
That wasn't Cassidy, I kept repeating to myself. It couldn't be her.
Then I gathered my courage and walked slowly towards her bed. I
grabbed a chair and sat down next to her. I touched her hand, it was
so cold.

sweetheart. I'm here. Please don't leave us. I love you so much.
Please be strong and fight for Kylie. She would die without you.
Cassidy come back to us, please. I know you can do it.”

I looked at her face.
Although it was all bruised, she still looked beautiful. I would give
my life for her if only I could. I would do anything to bring her
back. I prayed in silence, I prayed for a miracle.

I cried, my voice suffocated with sobs. “I love you.”


David's POV

I stayed there for some more
time, talking to her until the doctor came back.

Bayne,” he said as he came in. He was probably going to ask me
to leave.

do you think she will ever wake up again?” I asked while I got
up from the chair. The doctor looked at me sadly.

don't know. But we shouldn’t lose hope,” he said patting
my shoulder.

it true that persons in coma can hear us? I had read somewhere that
talking to them may help to bring them back.”

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