A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (2 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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I shouldn't have come. I know Tyler is not happy with my frequent
visits,” he said. I looked at him thorn. Tyler didn't have to
know, although doing things behind his back made me feel guilty.

no David. I'm sorry, please come in. There's Lucy inside; she came to

really?” He said surprisingly.

David followed me in the
living room.

Lucy, long time no see,” he said with a smile.

Hello, Mr Bayne. How are you?” She said looking at me

Bayne?” David laughed. “I'm not your teacher anymore

I know I'm sorry, it's just that I find it strange to call you with
your first name.” She said embarrassingly.

David looked at her and then
at her baby. He moved to have a better look at him.

you have a baby! Congratulations Lucy. He's so cute. What's his

she replied while she kept glancing at me.

do you want something to drink?” I asked as I looked away from

no. I just want to talk to you for a moment and then I'll leave you
alone. I'm sorry I interrupted you Cas,” he apologized.

Lucy chewed her lips and
shot me another strange look. I knew what she was thinking.

David what do you want to talk to me about?” I asked trying to
ignore her continual stares.

where's the toilet, please? I need to change Luke's nappy.”
Lucy asked while she stood up. I knew that she was doing this to
leave us alone.

there, first door on the left.”I replied as I returned my gaze
on David. Lucy walked away with baby Luke and left me there alone
with him.

I said hoping he would just tell me what he wanted and leave. He
looked narrowly at me.

are you OK? Your eyes are red, have you been crying?” He asked

fine. Can you please tell me the reason of your visit?” I
snapped. I knew I sounded unpleasant and odious, and I knew that
David didn't deserve this, but I was afraid of losing Tyler. Seeing
him so frequently wasn't helping. I hated the way I felt when his
eyes looked in mine. I hated that my heart raced every time he smiled
at me with his gorgeous smile, and I hated to feel so excited if he
brushed my hand with his. This had to end, the feelings of the past
had to stay in the past.

"I didn't want to
bother you Cas. I'm sorry.” He apologized.

I'm sorry. I'm just nervous; it has nothing to do with you.” I
said quickly.

David smiled weakly at me
and then handed me some papers and an envelope.

are these?”I asked looking at him quizzically.

envelope is an invitation.” He replied.

getting married?” I asked stunned. My stomach ached just at the
thought. I hated myself for feeling bad. David laughed.

"What? Oh no Cas. Who
am I suppose to marry? I'm single. I'm taking part in a piano
competition. I've written a new piece,” he explained.

really? That's fantastic,” I said  feeling strangely
relieved. Why was I feeling this way? He had every right to find
another woman and to get married. I opened the invitation. “Oh,
it's on Saturday.” I exclaimed.

it’s next week. Will you come? Please. It's very important for
me, and I would like Kylie to be present.” He said with
pleading eyes. I thought about it for a second. I already knew that
this invitation was going to break out world war three this evening
when I told Tyler about it, but I couldn't say no. It wasn't fair for
Kylie. Yes, I was doing it only for her.

come David I promise. Kylie will be really happy,” I said
smiling weakly at him.

His face brightened up, and
he hugged me. I froze. I wasn't expecting this, nor was I expecting
the effect it had on me. I shivered in his arms. My God, what was
happening to me? I pulled back probably more abruptly than I wished,
and I saw sadness return in his expression. For a moment, we stayed
silent looking into each other's eyes. I felt bad; my heart was
beating so fast I thought it was going to break out of my rib cage.
Stop it Cassidy, I scolded myself. You're not a young girl anymore;
you're a married woman and he means nothing to you! He's just the
father of your child. It's David, the guy you dumped for Tyler. The
guy you didn't love enough to stay with. I felt dizzy all of a
sudden; I wasn't feeling well. I was going to fall when I felt his
arms around me again. This time I didn't pullback. I needed to feel
his embrace. I leaned into him putting my head against his chest. For
some reason, he made me feel protected. It had always been like that
with him.

are you all right?” He asked with concern. “Maybe you
should lie down a little. Can I get you a glass of water or

I’m fine really, just hold me for a second OK?”

David looked at me
surprised, but he didn't let me go and instead he tightened the grip.
I loved his scent; I loved the feel of his neck against my face, and
I loved the way I was feeling right now. It was a peaceful sensation
which I couldn't explain, a sense of tranquility which only he
managed to transmit. I loved Tyler a lot, but I had never felt this
sensation with him. Our life had been a roller coaster from the
moment we met. What was I doing? I pulled back slowly.

feel better now. Thanks. Em what are these papers you gave me?”
I asked trying to pull myself together.


He was still looking at me
strangely. I couldn't read his eyes. Was it concern, or something


I asked, “For what?” I blinked at him confused.

saw them at school. It's a course of interior design. You could get a
diploma with it and even a degree if you continue to study.”

I was startled. “What
are you talking about? Dave I can't study, I'm pregnant. I work with
Tyler and...”

this course can be done online, from home. You don't have to go
anywhere and then when you'll have the baby you'll stop working, and
you'll find enough time to study. This has always been your dream
Cassidy. Why do you want to give up on it? It's never too late.”
He encouraged me.

I was touched. He knew how
much I had wished to become an interior designer.

David but I don't think I can. I have Kylie to think of and-.”

Kylie you don't have to worry, I'll take care of her. We're sharing
her now; that gives you more free time.”

"No, it's not fair, I
mean she's always with you. You can't even go out on your own. How
will you ever find your soul mate if she's always by your side?”
I asked.

He gazed at me with his
beautiful blue eyes and smiled.

not searching for my soul mate Cassidy. I don't want to get married.
I'm happy as I am, really.”

I felt my heart beating
again. Why?

about it. It's a good chance for you, don't let it go. If you start
now in three years time, you'll graduate.”

I sighed. “Tyler would
never let me do this. He needs me at the hotel.”

I saw a flash of anger cross
his eyes. “Listen this is your life, you have to decide about
it and no one else and I think that having a degree in interior
design would surely help his hotel,” he snapped.

I looked down at the ground
and shuffled uncomfortably. I knew he was right.

I said. “I'll think about it. Thanks a lot, Dave. I really
appreciate the thought.”

His gaze softened as he
looked at me again and smiled.

welcome. I have written some notes as well, such as where to send the
application, deadlines, etc. I have to go now Cassidy; I have some
things to do before going to work. I'll bring Kylie later OK?”

it's better if she stays with you today if it’s OK for you.”
I told him. I didn't want her to be there when I had to tell Tyler
about the invitation. I knew he wasn't going to take it well, and I
didn't want her to see us arguing.

no problem. She'll be happy about it.”

know. She adores her daddy.” I said.

He smiled at me. “I
have to go Cassidy. Say bye to Lucy for me.”

I will.” I replied.

I walked him to the door and
stayed there looking at him while he put on his crash helmet and got
on his new motorcycle. He waved at me, and I waved back, eyeing him
until he drove away. Then I closed the door and leaned against it. I
drew a breath and closed my eyes. I needed to breathe for a second. I
put my hand on my heart; it was pounding heavily. My God, what the
heck was wrong with me? I opened my eyes, and my stomach clenched at
the sight of Lucy staring at me with disapproval.

going on Cas? Are you having an affair with him?”She asked

was stunned. What the hell was she thinking? “No, how can you
think that?”

saw you. I saw you hugging.”

My stomach ached again.“It's
not what you think. I felt dizzy, and he just helped me.”

as if I'll believe that. Listen I know you better than anyone in the
world. Tell me the truth. Are you still in love with him?”


I remained silent and
thought about the answer. The truth was that I didn't know. She
kept looking at me waiting for a reply.

I- I only love Tyler OK? He's my husband, but David is important. I
care for him; he's the father of my child.”

you sure that’s all he is? The way you look at him makes me
think there's something else going on.”

My heart fluttered. Why? How
was I looking at him? Did Lucy see something that I couldn't?

said no OK? I have problems with Tyler, but that does not mean I'm
going to betray him with David. I have always been faithful to Tyler.
Always!” I said a little pissed off.

Lucy looked at me and stayed
silent for a moment then....

sorry Cas. I didn't mean to offend you. I know you love Tyler.”

chose him; I married him. My God, why does everyone think I'm still
in love with David?” I snapped.

Lucy frowned. “Everyone?
Who else does?”

I admitted as I felt the need to sit down. “He thinks that I'll
leave him, that David will take me away. My God, he is becoming
obsessive. If I had wanted to choose David, I would have done so
seven years ago.” I said feeling a lump in my throat. I needed
to cry. Why was I feeling so sad?

I don't want to judge you. But are you sure you're happy with the
choice you made?”

I am. Listen, I'm pregnant with Tyler's child. Probably my hormones
are not working well at the moment. I'm too emotional to reason and
think clearly. Lucy, we're falling apart. Tyler and I. He's jealous
of David, and he has no reason to be,” I cried.

you sure? Cassidy be honest. Are you sure you don't feel anything for

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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