A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds (5 page)

BOOK: A second chance: Sequel of Against all odds
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wrong honey?“ I asked hoping that this time she would speak to

she said trying to avoid my gaze.

not true. What is it? Something is bothering you. You've been so
quiet.” She looked at me...

you're hurting Daddy and I hate you for this.” She seethed.

I looked at her stunned.
“What? Why are you saying this?”

he is always sad because of you.”

My heart missed a beat. “Did
he tell you something?” I asked her.

"No. He never talks
about you. And when I say something he always says that you're a good
mum and things like that. Mum he loves you. Why can't you love him
back? Why can't I have a mum and dad who live together like my friend
Sara?” She asked sadly. I felt my heart squeeze. I felt so
sorry for her. I knew that sooner or later we had to return on this
argument. The more she grew up, the more she asked questions and the
more she hated me.

we have already spoken about this. I can't be with your Daddy. I'm
married to Tyler. He is my husband.” I tried to explain hoping
she'll understand.

he's not my Dad, I don't understand. Usually dads marry mummies. I
mean how come you had me if you didn't get married?”

My God, this was getting
worse. How could I explain that it wasn't that simple. And that,
children could be made without being married and sometimes with the
wrong person.

sometimes it happens that children can be born even though their
parents are not married. If they love each other, it can happen.”
I said hoping this was enough for her.

you loved Daddy,” she said happily.

I did love him. But we couldn't stay together for a lot of reasons
that you'll understand when you get older.”

can you be friends with Daddy again at least? That would make him
very very happy. Please,” she begged.

honey.” I replied.


I felt bad. I had made a promise to my daughter which I couldn't
keep. I arranged her hair and helped her to dress up. She looked so
sweet with the new dress on. “You're ready. I'll go and get
dressed and then we will leave OK?” I told her.

mum, I'll read a book in the meantime.” She sat down on her bed
and took a book in her hand. I went near her and kissed her forehead.

love you sweetheart, don't you ever forget that.” She smiled at

know mum.” I left her room, holding back my tears. I had
thought that with her it would have been different that she wasn't
going to suffer what I had suffered because I didn't have a father in
my life. I had tried to do everything differently from what my mother
had done, but I was failing. She wasn't happy just the same because
her father wasn't happy. I felt guilty, but I couldn't do anything
about it. I took a shower hurriedly and dressed up. I applied a
little makeup and brushed my hair. Just then I saw Tyler through the
mirror. He was leaning against the wall.

How come you're here? I thought you were working till late today,”
I said astonishingly. He smiled at me.

coming with you,” he said.

Are you sure it's OK for you?” I asked him surprised.

hope it's OK for you as well.”

course.”I said although I wasn't sure if it was a good idea for
him to come. I knew that he wasn't going to feel comfortable.

I'm ready; I took a shower at the hotel.”

OK, just let me arrange my hair, and we can leave. Can you go and
call Kylie, please?”

After a while I saw Kylie coming in my room, she seemed a little
pissed off.

Tyler?” I asked her.

Mum I thought he wasn't coming.” She said with a sulky

he changed his mind. Is that a problem?”

I thought that we could go and eat something out after the
competition with Dad,”she grumbled.

No honey, even if Tyler weren't coming, I would have never done that.
It would hurt him,” I said gently.

it's not fair,” she groaned as she crossed her arms on her
chest angrily.

you can go out with your dad after the competition, it's fine for me
but I can't come.”

not OK and it will never be!” She shouted and ran downstairs.
In the car, she remained silent. Tyler looked at me quizzically.

she all right?” He whispered.

worry it's nothing.” I said smiling at him. When we arrived,
she jumped out of the car and ran in without even bothering to wait
for us. We went in a very big hall. My daughter stood there looking
around searching for him.

I called her.

I can't see him,”she said panicky.

probably he's in the green room right now.”

want to see him, I want to wish him good luck.”

Tyler looked at me. “Honey
we can't go there; we have to wait here and find a seat, the
competition will soon begin,” I said trying to persuade her.

mum, please!”

Just then I felt a hand on
my shoulder. I turned around to see Tyler looking at me.

her Cassidy, I'll see If I can find a seat.”

you sure it's OK for you Ty?” I asked. I knew that he wasn't
even happy to be there let alone see David.

He said, but I knew it wasn't. I grabbed Kylie's hand and went out of
the hall and asked where the green room was. A young lady told me
that it wasn't possible to go there, but Kylie kept insisting and
finally the lady led us there. She opened the door and as soon as
David saw Kylie he came out immediately. His face brightened when he
saw me and smiled. I stared at him; he looked so handsome in his dark
suit. He had cut his hair shorter, and it really suited him. I
couldn't stop staring at his blue eyes.

sweetheart you look so pretty with that dress,” he told Kylie
as he caressed her face. Then he looked up at me, and my stomach
twisted. “Thank you for coming.”

welcome. Kylie wanted to see you before your performance,” I
replied nervously as I averted his gaze.

Daddy, I wanted to say good luck. I'm sure you'll win,” she
said happily. He knelt down so she could hug him.

I don't know if I'll win but I'll try my best.” He stood up and
looked in my eyes. “Cassidy, can I speak to you for a moment?”


please. Kylie I have to speak to your mum, can you just wait there?”
He told her pointing to the stairs.

Dad.” Kylie walked away, a little far from where we were and
sat down on the steps.

is it David?”I asked.

know that you're trying to avoid me, I understand that you want to
save your marriage. Cassidy I'm sorry if my behavior caused you
problems,” he said softly.

worry. It's OK,” I said feeling uneasy.

love you,” he whispered then. I looked up at him shocked. My
eyes widened in astonishment.

I stammered.

I know that we'll never be together but I still love you and I needed
to tell you. I will never marry; I have had four relationships in
these past seven years, but I have never loved any of the women I've
been with. I can't forget you; I have tried, but it isn't working. I
love you so much,” he said again. I stood there shuddering. I
knew he still had feelings for me but hearing his words like that
made me feel so sad... so confused.

I'm sorry, but I can't,” I said in a whisper. I felt a lump in
my throat, and I found it hard to speak.

know, but I'm happy that you still love me,” he said with a
smile. I felt my stomach twisting as I stared in his face.


didn't say 'I don't, you said 'I can't. That's enough for me,”
He continued. I drew a breath and smiled weakly at him.

have to go now,” I told him then. I couldn't wait to go and sit
down. I felt so weak all of a sudden.

wish me luck,” he said. I smiled at him and leaned forward to
give him a kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head and the kiss
ended on his lips. I pulled back...


Cassidy.” Saying that he went inside leaving me there standing
looking blankly at the door. I felt bad. My heart pounded in my
chest; my knees were shaking. I touched my lips with my fingers. Oh
my God. I turned around to call Kylie, and I almost fainted when I
saw Tyler looking at me with angry eyes. He seemed devastated. Had he
seen me?

I quaked.

let's go and sit down, the show is about to begin,” he told my
daughter. He grabbed her hand and began to walk away. I went after
them. We arrived at the hall, and we sat down on our seats.

I said again attempting to talk to him. I needed to explain. I knew
what he was thinking.

now,” he said sharply.


said not now.” he repeated angrily without even looking at me.
I stayed silent. The show began. The pianists were very talented and
the first four we saw all deserved to win. I was curious to know what
type of song David had composed.

Daddy's turn mum,” Kylie whispered all excited. I nodded.

Just then the presenter
called out David.

ladies and gentleman, this is Mr David Bayne, he's a professor at
college but he's also a very good pianist. So David how long have you
been playing the piano?”

about 22 yeas now,” David replied.

that's a long time. Tell us about the song you've composed, what is
it about?”

unconditional love,” he said in a sad tone. My heart fluttered;
I felt Tyler tensing near me.

you explain that a little bit better, I saw that the song is called
Give me a second chance to love you, is this autobiographical?”
The presenter asked.

Music is like love. It's deep, and it can touch a person's soul. I
hope that this song will manage to reach that person's soul.”

that's nice, we hope you will succeed. Well, good luck for the
competition! Ladies and gentleman Mr David Bayne.” The
presenter walked away, and David walked towards the piano.

had enough!” I heard Tyler saying while he stood up. My stomach

what are you doing? Please sit down.”I said as I looked
apologetically at the persons seated behind us.

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