A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (8 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

BOOK: A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series
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Oh hell, yeah! This is
going to be fun tonight! Old Ad’s back,” Lynn shouted.

Addison and the girls came up to the
guys’ table and Margie went and sat on Rex’s lap. “Was that too
fluffy, you think?” she teased Rex.

He smiled at her. “Hell, babe, how you
look and how you girls rock are two totally different things
altogether.” At that Margie laughed and started kissing

Lynn went over to the bar and brought
eight shot glasses back on a tray. She placed four in front of
herself and four in front of Ad. ”Time to get out from under the
past. But I thought us starting the night with our drinking game
would be fun.”

Addison smiled, setting up the drinks
the way she wanted them. “You know I can handle more than four. I
say six sounds about right.”

Lynn chuckled. “Six it is then, bitch.
Tia, go get us four more shots, sweetheart.”

Tia smiled, running over to get the
drinks. When she came back she placed them on the table, and Lynn
grabbed hers and pushed the other two over to Addison.

Ad laughed. “Damn, it’s been a

Lynn shrugged. “For you yes, for me…
Well, let’s just say I’m going to kick your ass.”

South took a minute away from his slut,
looking over at Ad. “Hey, you’re not going to drink all of those,
are you?”

She glanced over at him, and shrugged
“Yup. Tia, say when.”

She and Lynn stared at each other like
it was a Mexican standoff. Tia watched both of them and then
dropped her hand, hitting the table. “Now!” And Lynn and Addison
threw back each drink to see who could do it faster.

Their last glasses hit the table about
the same time, but Ad’s was a second slower. All the girls cheered
when Lynn’s glass touched before hers. “You still can’t beat me,

Oh shut the hell up, Lynn.
I’m just getting warmed up. Besides, I’m thinking it’s game time,
ladies. Start scoping them out because tonight I’m fucking in.” She
grabbed Tia’s drink, and slammed that back as well.

Heck yeah! I want serious
coin on the table tonight if Ad’s playing,” Marge

Fuck off, Marge,” Mindy
teased. “I can get ass just as well as Addison.”

Yeah, but you’ve never had
to challenge her before, Mindy,” Marge giggled back.

I get to pick him this
time! You promised, Lynn, you said I could!” Tia hollered at them.
Margie and Mindy groaned.

She’s not going to pick a
good one. She picks the clingy ones, damn it! Ad…tell her!” Mindy

Ad looked at South with a girl sitting
on his lap, kissing his neck and feeling him up, rubbing herself
all over him. But his eyes stayed on her.

She then looked over at Win, who
wouldn’t even be able to notice if she was checking him out, with
one girl on his lap snuggling into him and the other one shoving
her tongue down his throat. He looked like he was pretty happy with
his pickings for tonight.

So they were that type of guy, what a
shame. She was done with men like them, but Lynn was right.
Everyone one around her was getting a piece of ass, why shouldn’t
she be able to get some hot fuck? Normally she never participated
in the girls’ game because of Jimmy… But now?

Now she smiled a wicked smile at South
and the other two. “I say it makes it more of a challenge,” Ad
laughed, her eyes already looking over the room.

Lynn looked over at Addison. “So you
really playin’ tonight? You’re not getting cold feet? Holy shit,
girls, we have been challenged! So if I pick a duo, you going to
still play?” she asked, smirking.

Margie leaned against the table, right
in front of Rex. “This is going to be a good one tonight,” she
whispered to him. He smiled and she knew he had no clue what was
going on.

Addison threw back another shot when
she saw Win take a breather from the girls sucking his face. “I can
have pussy just as easily as Lynn. But she better be smokin’ hot,”
she said, now taking Tia’s beer.

That made South push away his slut, and
Win frowned at her. She was so done with men and their two-way
street! But to do this, well she was going to need to get good and
drunk. The bottle of Jack was on the table and she started pouring
herself another shot, but South took her hand before she could
drink it. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough to drink,

Addison smirked. “Don’t pay too much
attention to me. Your screw might not think you’re that interested
in her and leave you high and dry for the night.” She

He looked over to the girl and then
back at her. “Ad…” he began, but she just ignored him. “Okay, Tia,
you’re the rule-setter tonight. How much are we laying down in the
kitty?” she asked her sister.

Tia smiled. “I think last time Mindy
only said twenty, and it was kind of boring.”

Margie sat on the stool and looked over
at Tia with a growl. “Hey, I got it done in twenty, just like I

Lynn took a swig of beer. “Well, I have
to agree with Tia, twenty really isn’t that hard. Anyway Ad’s
playin’ tonight, so let’s kick it up a notch.”

Okay, so the bet tonight
is a Benjamin,” Tia laughed excitedly.
“Shit!” Lynn scowled. “Tia, that’s a lot!”

Tia shrugged. “You said make it
interesting. So the beginning time is fifteen.”

Addison looked around the room, to see
what was out there for her tonight. There were some real hotties at
this club, but most of them were the rocker sort. She’d had more
than her fair share of the whoring rocker men. But she needed to
move on, and this was the way to jump in feet first.

Okay, what’s out there,
Tia?” she asked.

Tai scanned the room, then pointed to a
hot-looking blond. “He’s cute. I like him.”

Hell, no. I can see from
here he’s the clingy type!” Lynn proclaimed.

Andy got closer to Tia, putting his
hand on her back. “What are you girls up to? And why do you like
him, Tia?” he whispered, not liking that she was checking out other
men. She giggled. “You’ll see. Just hold on.”

Addison looked around her sister at
Andy, and had a devilish look in her eye. “We’re looking for fun,
Andy,” she said. Win seemed to not need his two groupies to stroke
his ego at the moment, as all the guys were trying to figure out
what kind of game the girls were playing.

The girls came up with this particular
game when they were first touring with Jimmy and his band, Death
Ever After, after they first started cheating on them. It used to
be Addison’s job to find the hot screws for them and decide the
money and time limits.

She looked over at Win and South,
holding up a beer to them and giving them a snide little smile. Win
looked at South and back at her, wondering what the hell was going

That’s him,” Lynn said to
the group.

Oh hell no, Lynn! He’s
already drunk!” Margie told her. Rex didn’t seem to like her
looking at other guys, grabbing her around the waist and pulling
her into his lap. But she giggled, kissing his cheek. “Don’t worry,
baby, I’m not playing tonight.”

Hey, no sucking face. Me,
Mindy and Ad are playing this game tonight. So let’s find our
hooker for this and reel him in!” Lynn growled. Tia pointed to a
hot guy over in the corner of the room. “He looks good. What about

Addison sat forward, looking over at a
tall dark-haired guy. Her eyes roamed over his body, appreciating
it. He was built and didn’t have a whole bunch of tattoos either,
just her type. “He’s smoking hot! Good call, Tia. So Mindy, are we

Mindy smiled at her, and Lynn laughed.
They were definitely in. He was talking to some redhead, looking
like to get a piece. When he looked over and noticed the girls
staring at him, Tia waved him over in their direction. He smiled
back at them, pissing off the redhead. But he did start to make his
way over.

I bet Mindy can get him in
fifteen,” Margie shouted to them.

Hell no, I say twelve!”
Mindy said, crossing her arms.

Addison and Lynn watched the way he
moved. “No, this guy’s needy tonight. Nine flat, see if any of you
bitches can beat that!” Lynn said with a laugh.

His eyes fell to Addison and she
smirked at him. “Seven. I can get him off, me off, and having him
look like I just rode him hard and put him away wet in seven
minutes, ladies.”

She didn’t know if this thing with Win
being a whore in front of her was a way of trying to make her
jealous, but it was about time she had some of her own
misadventures with horny men.

Addison, you are so full
of shit! There is no way you can get him to cum in seven minutes,”
Lynn laughed.

Well, I have a hundred
that says I can stroke that dick just right, and have him screaming
out my name in seven minutes, Lynn,” she challenged.

South pushed away the girl sitting on
his lap. She tried to get back on but he leaned across the table,
looking rather pissed at Addison. “You’re just going to take some
random guy to go fuck on a bet?” he asked, baffled.

Mindy laughed. “Well yeah, what else
are any of you any good for?” She giggled.

But girls don’t do that?”
he said, looking to the others for help.

What do you guys do? Don’t
you just pick up random women and bring them home?” Ad asked South,
looking at the girl draped all over him.

Yeah, but I’m a guy!” he
told her, like that was explanation enough.

Lynn rolled her eyes. But Addison
laughed at him. “Well, yeah. And we’re all for equal opportunities,
aren’t we, ladies. You know a woman likes a good old-fashioned fuck
too, South Parker. And that doesn’t mean we need a wedding ring to
get it,” she with a wink.

The guy came up to them, moving around
the table to Addison. “Hey, how you doing, beautiful? Would you
like me to buy you a drink?” he asked her. He was right in front of
her, and my, my, my, he was a fine-looking specimen. Her eyes
roamed over his body, and a sly smile spread across her face. He
wasn’t that tall after all, but she still had to look up to see his
blue eyes.

He looked around the table at the other
guys sitting around her, and frowned. “Are you with someone here

She looked back to see Andy and Rex
just watching how this was going to play out. But South looked like
he didn’t quite believe what was going on, and Win, who had the
girl back on his lap, looked like he was going to beat the shit out
of the guy.

Nope. I’m all by my
lonesome tonight. I was wondering if you might be interested in
some fun?” she asked him in her bedroom voice.

The guy grinned. “I’m always interested
in some fun. Especially if you’re the one offering it,” he said,
trying to sound smooth. Lord, he had no idea what smooth

The girls just sat back, and Lynn shook
her head. Yup, she had this guy. “You don’t have to use any lines,
baby. I’m not looking to fall in love tonight. Just wanting to see
if you can work that thing in your pants,” she told him

Well, I’m definitely up
for the challenge.” His grin turned into a full-blown smile, as he
placed his hand on her hip. She slipped her hand in her pocket,
pulling out some money and putting it on the table. “Ante up,
ladies. I should return momentarily,” she said, never breaking eye

His eyes went to the money, then he
looked back at her with a small chuckle. “What’s that

Nothing, baby, but I only
have a couple minutes. You think you can handle that?” she said,
placing her hand on his chest and moving closer to him.

No fucking problems here,
sweetheart,” he said in a deepened voice. She could feel his
erection through his jeans already as she stood close to him; he
was definitely ready to go. She glanced up at him. “Fantastic,” she
whispered, taking the shot that South had stopped her from drinking
a moment ago and throwing it back. “Shall we?”

His arm went around her shoulders and
she started to walk out the door with him. Then she told him to
hold on one second, running over to Lynn. “Five minutes and you owe
me another fifty!”

Lynn groaned. “Fuck, that sucks. I’m
going to lose a buck fifty!”

I don’t even know why you
bother to bet against her. She has men dropping their pants when
she’s not even asking them for a piece,” Margie said, shaking her

South was losing his shit. “You’re not
going to go out there and stop her?” he said, thinking this was
some kind of joke that the girls were playing on them.

They all sat back drinking, not even
moving a muscle to check on their friend. “She’s been out of the
game for too long. She’s only had a fling, and that stupid fuck was
serious about her.”

No, I think she needs to
get out there again, be crazy like she used to be,” Lynn said to
him. She smiled at one of the girls that was sitting on Win’s lap,
then barked an order. “Tia, tell us when they hit the van, and then
start the clock.”

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