A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (7 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

BOOK: A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series
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It had been so long since she let
herself go, let herself have a moment of pleasure. But after a
couple of minutes she pushed herself away from him, stopping this
before it went further than she would allow herself to go. “I’m
sorry, I really need to go. I need a good eight hours of sleep for
once,” she told him, slipping on her scrub and shoes. She opened
the door and hopped out of the truck, turned around and gave him a
small smile. “Thanks for the ride.”

Any time, angel,” he
answered to her receding back.

When she was sure she was out of his
sight, she ran up the stairs to the apartment. Once in their place
she shut the door quickly, leaning against the wood, trying to
catch her breath. When her eyes opened she saw Margie sitting on
the couch with Rex, both of them watching her.

Hey.” She waved. “Uh,
yeah. Good night…” she told them before heading down the

Hold up, Ad.” Margie came
running after her. “What happened? You look kinda

I just kissed Win,

What? Really… Was it that
bad?” she asked, looking puzzled.

No, it was really that
good. If I didn’t stop it, it could’ve gone a lot

So why stop

Marge, he doesn’t know who
I am. He thinks I’m some normal person. What’s he going to think of
me when he knows the truth of who I am?”

Well, I’m thinking he’ll
be ‘hot darn, I got myself a famous one.’”

And that’s another thing.
They all want to be rock stars. You heard South, that’s what
they’re looking for. What happens when they find out about everyone
we know, everyone we have associated with, the connections we have…
Have you thought what Rex would think?” she asked, in full panic
mode now.

Margie looked down at the floor, and
then at Rex sitting on the couch watching TV. “No, I guess I really
haven’t gotten that far yet. I’m hoping he wouldn’t use me like
that…I guess.”

I think Lynn’s right. We
need to keep clear of everyone for the year, get our lives in order
and decide what we want to do next.”

Why the heck would you
listen to Lynn, when she’s the one in love with you?” Margie

Addison’s eyes went wide on that
statement. “What?”

Nothing, never mind what I
said.” She shook her head, placing her hands on her hips. “Just
don’t let Lynn dictate everything to you. You’re going to need
affection, Addison. With all that you’ve been through, you deserve
it! Don’t let anybody take that away from you if you really like

I don’t know if I can go
through being hurt again… I still love Jimmy. I love
Jimmy, the one we
grew up with, the one that was so fun, and funny. Not the person he
is now.”

Margie took her in her arms. “I know
you do, sweetie. We all miss that Jimmy, but he’s gone. And you are
so brave, Ad, to leave him. We know you stayed in L.A. for all of

Addison wiped the tears off with her
hands when Margie pulled away from her. “Now go get a bottle of
water from the fridge and get to bed.”

She smiled, following Margie’s
instructions. “Yeah, all right. Goodnight, Rex,” she called out as
Margie went back to sitting next to Rex on the couch.

He put his arm around Margie and she
smiled and winked at Addison. “Yeah, ‘night, Ad.”


Chapter 5


Win was sitting on the couch drinking a
beer after the freezing-ass shower he’d just taken, when South
walked in. He could tell by the look on his face that he was pissed
that he missed the opportunity to take Addison home. But after he
saw Win sitting on the couch, he smiled. “So I take it she’s not
interested?” South chuckled, going to the fridge.

Win wasn’t going to have a pissing
contest with South. Addison opened up to him tonight; hell, she
even was into the kiss. She only stopped it when it was getting
pretty damn heated. That tough-chick attitude said one thing. But
Win was willing to bet there was a completely different person
underneath once you got to know her…

South came back in with a big grin, but
Win didn’t say anything, just took another sip of his beer. “So I
guess I’m still in the running then...” he smiled at

A quick knock at the door made them
both look up as Andy came storming in. “Rex’s brought Margie over.
Oh no wait, I take that back. They were already over when I walked
in and too busy sucking face to even notice me in the fucking front
room when he’s undressing her. So I’m staying here tonight,” he
told them, stomping off to grab a blanket and pillow from the hall

Hey, I thought you and Tia
were getting awful close. Are you telling me you haven’t tapped
that cute piece of ass yet?” South hollered down the hall with a

Win glared at him. “Hey, don’t talk
like that.”

What the hell is up with

Andy came down the hall holding the
blanket and pillow. “Dude, don’t fucking talk that way about her!
She’s soft, she needs someone who can look out for her.” He plopped
down next to Win.

What the fuck? You sound
like you’re hooked on this girl,” South scoffed, but Andy didn’t
answer, he just kicked up his feet on the coffee table, watching
the game with Win.

South ran his hand through his hair.
“Remember, we have that guy coming out next month to take a look at
us. If everything goes right, we’re all getting the fuck out of

Andy’s hands went to the back of his
neck but South could see the veins in his arms straining, and could
tell he was stressing. “I know, South, okay! Don’t worry about me,
I’m on board!” But he got off the couch and walked out the front
door, slamming it.

You need to relax about
that. Who says this guy’s going to do anything?” Win told

Are you saying that you
don’t want this anymore? This was all we were thinking about and
now because of these girls, we’re going to change our plans?” he
asked, perplexed.

No, what I’m saying is I’m
happy where I am. If we have the chance to do more, great. But if
he doesn’t like us, it’s not going to bother me.”

Is this about

He looked over at South now. “Are you
telling me you don’t think she’s worth it?”

Hell, no, I think she’s
worth it! But just think if I had some money, and touring with a
woman like that on my arm. I think she’d fucking love

You don’t listen, do you?”
he mumbled.

What the fuck does that
mean?” South asked, starting to get pissed.

Win got up off the couch, heading for
bed. “Nothing. I’m turning in. See you in the morning.”




Addison was running on fumes lately.
She was very short tempered with everybody, and then had to go
apologize when she’d jump down someone’s throat. Tonight she was
going to get all her frustrations out on the stage.

She was getting ready in her room when
Lynn came in. “Hey girl, how are you feelin’ today?”

The hot curler went into her hair and
she was clipping it in place. “Just tired, Lynn. And I guess a
little wound up,” she told her, going into her closet and taking
out her black mini flapper skirt.

You seem to be getting all
dolled up. Is there someone you’re trying to impress?”

Tia came in all happy from work. “Hi,
ladies, don’t mind me. I’m off to the showers.”

Hey Tia, who’s Ad crushing
on?” Lynn hollered, when Addison didn’t answer.

She stepped back into the room, looking
over at her sister. “I don’t think it’s my place to say, Lynn,” she
told her, then shut the door behind her.

Oh shit! You really do
like someone.”

Well, I think two guys are
really cute. And so far I like them both, but I guess I’m going to
make up my mind whether I want to start something with one of them
tonight.” Red nail polish was brought out for the sexy nail

So this is like…to get

Addison glared at her. Lynn laughed at
her face. “Look, I don’t care if you need a piece. I’m just

Yes, I need to get laid,
Lynn, the vibrator just isn’t cutting it anymore. I really like
South, but Win just sets my blood boiling. I don’t know what it is
about him, but I’m really drawn to him…and it’s hard for me still.”
She frowned, painting the last nail.

I know, sweetheart. And
that fucking Mickey was clingy as shit! That sucked for your first

I don’t even want to go
there, Lynn. But…”

What’s buggin’

Well we’ve been here for
over two months, and it was three weeks ago since Win kissed me.
Maybe he’s not interested anymore.”

First, he kissed you?”
Addison shrugged, sitting down at the makeshift vanity. “Second,
any guy who’s not willing to wait for you, Ad, is an absolute
moron! So don’t let it bother you.”

Lynn put her hand on
Addison’s shoulder. “Okay, if South or Win doesn’t make a move on
you tonight, then let’s play
tonight. But really, I can’t believe
either one of those dipshits not wanting to jump you on sight.
Especially with the way you’re dressing tonight, but men can be
idiots… So we’ll play it by ear. Okay?”

Ad nodded as she picked out her silky
black shirt. “Okay, I guess if I get the vibe that neither one is
interested then I’ll jump in tonight.”




Win and South hadn’t seen Addison in
the last couple of weeks. The girls would come see their band
Inferno play on the weekends, but Addison was never with them. Even
after the last couple gigs, she would talk to the girls and then
head off.

Win asked where she was off to, but Tia
would shrug and tell them that she was really tired, or she’d had a
rough day. He was starting to think it was because she just wanted
to blow him off. So tonight he was going to show her that he could
get any fucking woman he wanted. Then her ass would come back to

South could see the tension in Win, but
he was going to just act normal around Addison. And if she managed
to stick around tonight, then he was going to strike. If not, he
was going to have a screw ready and waiting for him.

They found their normal spot in the
back, and Win already had two girls falling all over him, and one
who couldn’t get her tongue down his throat fast enough. Rex and
Andy shooed away the advancing women, waiting for the ones they
wanted to see get on stage. And South had one of his regular
groupies sitting on his knee when the girls finally came

Addison walked out dressed like every
man’s naughty fantasy. When she walked over to Lynn in her tiny
black skirt with all the fringe on it, every time she moved her
hips the fabric swayed with her. The shirt clung to her massive
curves, not even letting a man’s mind wonder what she had going on;
he would definitely know what he would be getting.

Her hair was blonder than Win had ever
seen it and in loose curls, hanging down her back in a loose
ponytail. Her silver aviator shades coved her eyes, but she had
fuck-me red lipstick on tonight. And if that weren’t enough to send
every man in the area with a screaming hard-on, the thigh-high
black boots would just about bring a man to his knees.

The girls all looked smoking hot
tonight. Even Andy’s little Tia was looking hot and on stage.
Addison went over in back of Mindy and opened a guitar box, and
Win’s mouth fell to the floor. In her hands was one of the most
expensive guitars out there.

Hello, boys and girls.
Glad to see you back tonight.” She slipped on the guitar strap. “I
hope you’re feelin’ really naughty tonight, cuz I know I am.” She
smiled as the crowd went wild. All the girls laughed. She strummed
a chord. “All right, let’s get some fuck-me music on!” she
hollered. And they rocked the place!




When Addison came off the stage, she
was really nervous. It had been a long time since she was this
nervous to talk to a guy. She wanted to see if Win would talk to
her tonight. She’d purposely worn her glasses so as to not be able
to see in the back where the guys sat.

Mindy pushed her along when she stopped
before heading out to the club from the back door. “Come on,
sweetie. You are so getting lucky tonight!”

Lynn had stopped talking to
Marge, and she didn’t look too pleased with something, when Margie
looked back at her. When Ad walked up to them, she saw what they
were looking at: South fondling some girl grinding on his leg, Win
with a bleached blonde who had her hand up his shirt
a brunette who was
literally screwing his mouth.

Lynn, don’t worry about
it. I need to have some major fun tonight, and by damn I won’t let
some man stop me from having it,” she smirked, throwing her
shoulders back and making her way towards them, where her sister
had already found Andy.

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