A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series (11 page)

Read A Second Chance at love The Rocker Girls Series Online

Authors: Jennifer Byars

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary, #music, #romance fiction, #romance erotic, #rocker

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At least she got there before he was
screwing her, and all her tired brain could manage was… “Thank
goodness I didn’t have to watch that too.”

As soon as she hit the landing, Win
looked up to see her standing there. The girl he was with turned
around and smiled at Addison. “Did you see something you wanted to
join in on?” she giggled at her.

Addison’s eyes went up to meet Win’s,
and he frowned. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. Please continue,
but I’ve had a long-ass day, just let me get by without having to
see you two fucking in the hallway,” she said, starting to walk by.
“I already had to deal with a patient’s stiff dick that wouldn’t go
down, there’s only so much a woman can take in one night,” she
mumbled, making this bleached blonde, fake-boob woman

Addison…” he called out
loudly to her.

She just turned back, looking at the
girl and at him. She was right, she knew she was right. Someone
like him had to find a screw. He would never get it, and this is
what she’d be coming home to. Never knowing what he was doing on
her long night away at work. She looked into his eyes and said the
one word that would say it all: “Kryptonite.”

Heading to her apartment, she was
thankful she was too tired to cry. What did she expect? Did she
think he was going to actually wait for her? She ran her hand over
her face as she was walking by Win and South’s apartment, when she
finally looked up and saw South standing there watching her. “I was
waiting to see if you looked up.”

What are you doing up so
early in the morning?”

Nothing, just watching
some TV. You know, couldn’t sleep. Then I heard the purple
monstrosity pull in,” he laughed.

Addison looked at him. Damn, he was
hot, and sweet to boot, and she was too damn tired to think of a
good enough reason not to just grab his face and kiss him. So
taking him by surprise, she pulled his head down to meet her very
demanding mouth.

She glued herself to his body, taking
all of his mouth, sucking on his tongue, and when he moaned that
spurred her on further. He flipped her around to put her back
against the wall, taking control now of the kiss.

He started to go down her neck, as his
hands found their way to her ass, grabbing hold of her. Her head
went back as he licked her skin and she grabbed fistfuls of his
hair. “Bed, South. Bed right now,” she whispered.

Pulling back, he looked into her eyes.
His hands held her body stuck to the front of his, and she could
feel his erection through his sweatpants. “I want you,” she told
him, looking back down at his luscious lips.

Wrapping her legs around his waist and
picking her up while he opened the door, his mouth never left hers.
When they finally made it to his room, he already had her shirt off
and was working on untying her pants, while she kicked off her

His top came off as Addison slipped her
hands under the waistband of his sweats, starting to pull them
down, but he got them off for her then dropped his

He picked her up and placed her on his
bed, then crawled up her, kissing her stomach, stopping at her
nipple that was still covered by her cotton bra, and sucked it into
his mouth. She sucked in a breath at the sensation, moaning loudly
as he teased the hardened pebble through the thin

He slipped his hands under her back,
undoing her bra, taking it off her. She felt his warm skin on top
of her as he nestled himself between her legs, pushing his erection
into her through the fabric of her panties. “Sweetheart, I’ve been
dreaming of you,” he moaned before he slipped his tongue back into
her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around his head,
as their breathing became heavy. He pushed himself against her, and
she broke free from his kiss for just a moment. “South,” she moaned
into the darkness, and he kissed her once more.

Freeing her mouth, his lips started
kissing their way down her neck; his hand caressed her side, her
bare stomach, grazing over her breast. The comfort of a man’s touch
and the warmth of his body on top of her, she was so comfortable.
The softness of his bed and actually being able to lie down in dim
light was so soothing. She couldn’t fight it anymore and her eyes




A soft snore came from the woman South
was trying to make love to. “Addison?” he whispered, but she didn’t
move. He leaned over, turning on a lamp next to his bed. She was
out cold. “Shit,” he whispered, looking at her beautiful face. He
kissed her lips one last time, seeing if that would wake her up,
but it was obvious that she wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon.
He lay next to her for a couple of minutes, before he decided he’d
just go take a cold shower, and come back to bed. They could finish
what they’d started tomorrow.

Grabbing his boxers from the floor, he
shut the door behind him and headed down the hall to the bathroom.
Win was sitting on the sofa, tapping a bottle of beer to his
forehead, looking ready to lose his shit again. “Win, what the fuck
are you doing home?” he asked, turning on the bathroom

Win glanced over at South, taking in
his appearance, noticing that he was only in his boxers. He took a
long drink of his beer, grabbing the bottle’s neck in a death grip.
“That was Addison moaning, wasn’t it? She was the one in there with

South put his hand to the back of his
neck, wondering if telling Win at this moment would be the smartest
thing. He wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the news. “Yeah,
she is, man.”

Win nodded, then started swearing under
his breath. He swallowed the rest of the beer, got up from the sofa
and threw the bottle in the sink, breaking it into pieces. He
walked past South, making his way to his room. “I’m going to

South watched him walk away, seeing how
angry he was. “Hey, I thought you were out with Donna, getting a
piece of ass tonight?”

Yeah, I was,” was all he
told South, slamming the door behind him.

South shook his head and took a cold
shower, then went back to his room to see Addison snuggled into his
pillow, the sheets wrapped around her body. He chuckled as he
slipped into bed beside her, pulling some sheet free for himself.
She was a cover hog…good to know.

He took her in his arms, looking down
at this amazing woman, smiling as he pushed some hair out of her
face. “Night, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her lips one more time
before he turned out the light.

Back in his bedroom, Winston sat on his
bed wondering what the hell happened tonight. He couldn’t believe
his fucking luck. The one night he’d brought home a piece of ass
since that night with Addison, and of course she walks up on him
fingering the girl in the damn hallway.

When he saw her face as she stepped on
that landing, his heart fucking stopped. He couldn’t get his hand
out of Donna’s pussy fast enough. When Donna spoke, and Addison saw
what kind of girl she was… He could see that whatever decision Ad
made about him was right. Whatever she had in her head to stop
anything from happening between them had hit perfect clarity for
her tonight.

She called him kryptonite, the thing
that could destroy her. “Shit!’ he swore as he lay down on the bed.
It was time to get serious about getting that woman. Since when had
he ever stopped when he wanted something badly, and he wanted this

He drove her into South’s bed tonight.
His hands went to his hair, knowing that what he was going to do
would cause a major rift in their friendship. But that didn’t
matter at this moment. He knew Addison was supposed to be

He felt bad for what he was
about to do to his best friend, to drive her out of South’s arms
and into his. Because his mind was made up, and starting now,
little by little, piece by piece, he was going to win over Addison
Reade’s heart, and she was going to be only




Addison’s phone was going off, again.
She got groggily out of bed, and getting her phone from her pocket,
she saw it was Tia. “Yeah?”

Addison, Frank said you
left your pager at work. They’re trying to get ahold of you, there
was some kind of accident.”

Her eyes popped open as she picked her
bra up from the floor. “Shit! Tell Frank I’m on my way. I’ll see if
South is still here to drop me off.”

She pulled on her pants, then her top,
sitting down for only a moment to slip on her shoes and socks.
Shit, she was going back to work in the same damn clothes as
yesterday. Just great!

Bursting out of the bedroom she made
her way into the bathroom, splashed water on her face and put some
toothpaste on her finger, trying to smell decent. She used the
brush that was on the counter and made a fresh ponytail; she even
grabbed some deodorant that was on the counter and put it

She made her way to the kitchen to see
Andy, Rex and Win standing there. “Hey guys, where’s South?” she
asked, only to see Andy frown. Rex sat back kicking up his feet,
but no one answered her. From the looks of them they were ready to
head to work.

Win took a sip of his coffee, looking
her over. “He said you were sleeping in this morning. You seemed to
pass out on him last night,” was his comment, making her shoulders
tense up instantly. He sighed as he looked at her. “He went to go
get you some breakfast before we headed to work,” he explained.
“Why are you up, anyway?”

She felt very self-conscious under
Win’s constant gaze. “I just got a call, I need to head back in.
There was an emergency and they’ve been trying to get hold of me.
It seems I was so tired when I left work last night, I left my damn
pager in the lounge. Can someone give me a ride to the

You’ve only been asleep
for three hours,” Win told her.

Yes, I’m aware of how many
hours I’ve slept. Now can one of you give me a ride…?

Andy and Rex looked over at Win, so she
turned her head that way too. “Yeah, come on. I’ll give you a
lift.” She saw Andy smile and Rex shake his head in disapproval.
What was up with these three?

Thanks.” She started for
the door.

Hey, if I’m taking you to
work, at least grab some food before we head out,” Win

I don’t have

Yes, you do. Or you’re SOL
on your ride, angel.”

She huffed over there and Win gave her
a granola bar and an orange juice. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
he chuckled.

She took the things from his hand.
“Watch it, Winston. I’m a woman who pulled a twenty-four-hour shift
and now is heading back in with only three hours of sleep. I might
hurt you,” she told him, opening up the bar. She heard the guys
laugh as Win shut the door behind them.

As he drove her to the hospital the
ride was very quiet; then she noticed his hands gripping the
steering wheel. He kept looking over at her like he was about to
say something but stopped himself. Which was good, because she just
didn’t want to talk about anything that happened last night. So she
turned her head to look out the window.

Addison, about last
night…” he started.

I really don’t need to
know about your personal life, just let it go, Win.”

You just happened to end
up in South’s bed because…?”

She looked over at him as he drove and
then their eyes met, making her turn away from him. “Really? You
really want to talk to me now about this, Win. Look, I liked both
of you. I thought both of you were nice and really cute. I don’t
know why I did what I did last night… I guess I needed to

From the corner of her eye she saw him
nod. “So if you walked up on South making out with some girl, then
you would’ve come to me last night?”
She stayed quiet. It was too damn early to get into semantics with
him, and she wasn’t quite sure if she was really ready to answer
that question herself. No sense having things rolling in her head,
when her day could be as long as yesterday.

You didn’t answer me,” he
said softly.

What do you want me to
say, Win? It wasn’t him I walked up on, it was you. It was you I
saw finger fucking some girl, so that’s all I have to base my
decision on.”

Her hands ran tiredly over her face.
“Look, South is sweet, and nice. He might be a little bit of a slut
himself but I haven’t had to witness that with him. I know it
sounds naive, but sometimes you just want to think of that one
person being yours and yours alone. You… I’ve gotten two shows of
what you prefer. Believe me when I tell you, I’m not your type,”
she told him, still looking out the window.

They pulled into the emergency room
parking lot. He threw the truck in park, and she looked over at
him. “Thanks for the ride.”

He took her hand before she opened the
door. “I’m really sorry you saw what you saw last night. And I want
to let you know that’s not the person I am,” he told her, but she
sat there frowning at him. “But if you ever need a ride, you just
give me a ring. I don’t want you taking the damn bus anymore.
You’re too beautiful to be waiting out there. I don’t want you to
get hurt, angel.”

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